The Reality that Racists Who Are White Refuse to Face

And blacks owned slaves here as well. New Orleans witnessed at least 40% of slave owners were BLACK.

Kinda inconvenient for you there.

Not really.... it's not unusual for the abuser to become the abused. Blacks who owned slaves, Jews who helped the Nazis, minorities who vote for Trump and wear MAGA hats.
Gawd, you clueless...many of the whites were brought here against their will as well.

Really, who? Was there a slave trade in Ireland, or did a bunch of Irish people get on votes because they were starving in 1847 and went to America where they could find food.
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That's exactly how it went. The black chiefs made war on their neighboring tribes, enslaved the survivors and sold them. There is no way European sailors (who were out of shape from months at sea) would have been able to move through what was to them trackless, disease infested jungle, surprise and enslave the natives to whom that same jungle was a familiar home.

When white people do something good like inventions ?

They will disbelieve examples of black people doing the same thing and act like it has mainly been them that have been the inventors but not black people too.

When white people do something bad like slavery ?

They will believe examples of black people doing the same thing and act like it has mainly not been them that have been the enslavers but black people too.

OK. Got it.
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When white people do something good like inventions ?

They will disbelieve examples of black people doing the same thing and act like it has mainly been them that have been the inventors but not black people too.

When white people do something bad like slavery ?

They will believe examples of black people doing the same thing and act like it has mainly not been them that have been the enslavers but black people too.

OK. Got it.
Every race has held slaves. Every culture through history has held slaves. It’s not an American institution. When England outlawed the slave trade back in 1808, the infant US Navy sent most of its few ships to help the Royal Navy on anti-slavery patrols.
Every race has held slaves. Every culture through history has held slaves. It’s not an American institution.

I’m sure you know that it’s human nature to attempt to defend oneself when one feels wrongly accused of something that's why white people seem to think they're saying some thing "deep" when they comes with the common "Every one had slaves"

What’s missing here is an understanding of how whites continue to benefit from slavery. Those benefits are the reason it’s still an issue. If those benefits no longer existed, than slavery would truly be in the past.

The reason whites feel wrongly accused is because most whites don’t understand or accept that slavery was just the first stage of white supremacy.

When England outlawed the slave trade back in 1808, the infant US Navy sent most of its few ships to help the Royal Navy on anti-slavery patrols.

And what happened after 1808 is that England and France and the USA refused to recognise the independent black republics despite its abolition of slavery.

Under threat of re-invasion, the French extorted a debt from countries like Haiti in 1825 to the tune of 91 million gold francs for the loss of their ‘property’ - i.e. the Haitians themselves.

It took up until 1947 to pay this ‘debt’, and in fact Haiti had to borrow the money to pay the debt from French banks.

The USA then invaded Haiti in 1915, removing the stipulation in the Haitian constitution that prevented foreign whites from owning land there, killing 15,000 Haitians and backing a brutal
dictatorship for the best part of the twentieth century, and then, when Haiti finally went to the polls, the USA collaborated with the Haitian elite to have their democratically elected leader overthrown, twice.

And upon abolition in Britain’s own colonies, it was the slave owners who were given compensation to the tune of £20 million, roughly £17 billion in today’s money. The formerly enslaved were given

So I don't what history you have been reading
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Every race has held slaves. Every culture through history has held slaves. It’s not an American institution.

I’m sure you know that it’s human nature to attempt to defend oneself when one feels wrongly accused of something that's why white people seem to think they're saying some thing "deep" when they comes with the common "Every one had slaves"

What’s missing here is an understanding of how whites continue to benefit from slavery. Those benefits are the reason it’s still an issue. If those benefits no longer existed, than slavery would truly be in the past.

The reason whites feel wrongly accused is because most whites don’t understand or accept that slavery was just the first stage of white supremacy.

When England outlawed the slave trade back in 1808, the infant US Navy sent most of its few ships to help the Royal Navy on anti-slavery patrols.

And what happened after 1808 is that England and France and the USA refused to recognise the independent black republics despite its abolition of slavery.

Under threat of re-invasion, the French extorted a debt from countries like Haiti in 1825 to the tune of 91 million gold francs for the loss of their ‘property’ - i.e. the Haitians themselves.

It took up until 1947 to pay this ‘debt’, and in fact Haiti had to borrow the money to pay the debt from French banks.

The USA then invaded Haiti in 1915, removing the stipulation in the Haitian constitution that prevented foreign whites from owning land there, killing 15,000 Haitians and backing a brutal
dictatorship for the best part of the twentieth century, and then, when Haiti finally went to the polls, the USA collaborated with the Haitian elite to have their democratically elected leader overthrown, twice.

And upon abolition in Britain’s own colonies, it was the slave owners who were given compensation to the tune of £20 million, roughly £17 billion in today’s money. The formerly enslaved were given

So I don't what history you have been reading
You benefit as much from slavery as whites do.
Every race has held slaves. Every culture through history has held slaves. It’s not an American institution.

I’m sure you know that it’s human nature to attempt to defend oneself when one feels wrongly accused of something that's why white people seem to think they're saying some thing "deep" when they comes with the common "Every one had slaves"

What’s missing here is an understanding of how whites continue to benefit from slavery. Those benefits are the reason it’s still an issue. If those benefits no longer existed, than slavery would truly be in the past.

The reason whites feel wrongly accused is because most whites don’t understand or accept that slavery was just the first stage of white supremacy.

When England outlawed the slave trade back in 1808, the infant US Navy sent most of its few ships to help the Royal Navy on anti-slavery patrols.

And what happened after 1808 is that England and France and the USA refused to recognise the independent black republics despite its abolition of slavery.

Under threat of re-invasion, the French extorted a debt from countries like Haiti in 1825 to the tune of 91 million gold francs for the loss of their ‘property’ - i.e. the Haitians themselves.

It took up until 1947 to pay this ‘debt’, and in fact Haiti had to borrow the money to pay the debt from French banks.

The USA then invaded Haiti in 1915, removing the stipulation in the Haitian constitution that prevented foreign whites from owning land there, killing 15,000 Haitians and backing a brutal
dictatorship for the best part of the twentieth century, and then, when Haiti finally went to the polls, the USA collaborated with the Haitian elite to have their democratically elected leader overthrown, twice.

And upon abolition in Britain’s own colonies, it was the slave owners who were given compensation to the tune of £20 million, roughly £17 billion in today’s money. The formerly enslaved were given

So I don't what history you have been reading
The slaves were given their freedom. The British government bought them from their owners. What the Brits did was altruistic, nothing said they had to spend a ton of money freeing slaves, or more treasure and even lives suppressing the maritime slave trade. You should be grateful for what you have been given, not resentful that you weren't given as much as you want. As for Haiti, who cares? No nation deserves recognition from another. As for 1915, the US practiced a lot of gunboat diplomacy all owner the Western Hemisphere, so black Haiti had plenty of company. The past is the past, get over it.
The slaves were given their freedom.

Freedom to do what ?

You should be grateful for what you have been given, not resentful that you weren't given as much as you want.

What was given ?

As for Haiti, who cares? No nation deserves recognition from another. As for 1915, the US practiced a lot of gunboat diplomacy all owner the Western Hemisphere, so black Haiti had plenty of company. The past is the past, get over it.

Well the past and present and future of blk ppl concern me the most and in that history. White ppl (or should I say white suprmacists) have been the main evil.
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"You should be grateful for what you have been given, not resentful that you weren't given as much as you want."

Wrong. We should not be grateful for something we were supposed to have naturally and whites like this need to shut up considering everything they have been given by the government.
The slaves were given their freedom. The British government bought them from their owners. What the Brits did was altruistic, nothing said they had to spend a ton of money freeing slaves, or more treasure and even lives suppressing the maritime slave trade. You should be grateful for what you have been given, not resentful that you weren't given as much as you want. As for Haiti, who cares? No nation deserves recognition from another. As for 1915, the US practiced a lot of gunboat diplomacy all owner the Western Hemisphere, so black Haiti had plenty of company. The past is the past, get over it.

  1. The Early Movement
  2. The Significance of the American Revolution
  3. American Abolitionists
  4. The British Movement After 1783
  5. African Abolitionists
  6. An International Movement
  7. Abolitionists, Planters, and Saint Domingue
  8. Decline of the British Abolition Movement
  9. American Abolitionists, Elitism and Education
  10. The Abolition of the Slave Trade
  11. Towards the Abolition of Slavery
The American revolution was in the past. You celebrate it every year. When you get over that, we'll get over this. Your excuses don't count.
"Every race has held slaves. Every culture through history has held slaves. It’s not an American institution."

Another white man excuse. Every culture who has held slaves was destroyed. Just because others had slaves is no excuse for slavery here. Whites like this tell us to take responsibility, but when it's their turn, it's excuses and victimhood. Slavery practiced here was indeed an American institution. But it goes beyond slavery son. Slavery ended in the 1860's since that time whites have modified their racism to fit the defined parameters in society. There are no more whites only signs, you just sit in a restaurant and watch whites who come in after you get served until you either say something or leave. The "No blacks need to apply" sign is illegal, so you get this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
Then you have some white idiot in a forum lecturing you about how laws were made and so because some words were written on paper, that meant generational racist behavior and attitudes magically disappeared and everybody is treated equally .
"Every race has held slaves. Every culture through history has held slaves. It’s not an American institution."

Another white man excuse. Every culture who has held slaves was destroyed. Just because others had slaves is no excuse for slavery here. Whites like this tell us to take responsibility, but when it's their turn, it's excuses and victimhood. Slavery practiced here was indeed an American institution. But it goes beyond slavery son. Slavery ended in the 1860's since that time whites have modified their racism to fit the defined parameters in society. There are no more whites only signs, you just sit in a restaurant and watch whites who come in after you get served until you either say something or leave. The "No blacks need to apply" sign is illegal, so you get this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
Then you have some white idiot in a forum lecturing you about how laws were made and so because some words were written on paper, that meant generational racist behavior and attitudes magically disappeared and everybody is treated equally .
You trot out the same bullshit quotes, articles and photos over and over again. We rebut them as often as you bring them out. How about doing some original thinking for once.
Bryant-Davis and Ocampo (2005) noted similar courses of psychopathology between rape victims and victims of racism. Both events are an assault on the personhood and integrity of the victim. Similar to rape victims, race-related trauma victims may respond with disbelief, shock, or dissociation, which can prevent them from responding to the incident in a healthy manner. The victim may then feel shame and self-blame because they were unable to respond or defend themselves, which may lead to low self-concept and self-destructive behaviors. In the same study, a parallel was drawn between race-related trauma victims and victims of domestic violence. Both survivors are made to feel shame over allowing themselves to be victimized. For instance, someone who may have experienced a racist incident may be told that if they are polite, work hard, and/or dress in a certain way, they will not encounter racism. When these rules are followed yet racism persists, powerlessness, hyper vigilance, and other symptoms associated with PTSD may develop or worsen (Bryant-Davis & Ocampo, 2005).”
You trot out the same bullshit quotes, articles and photos over and over again. We rebut them as often as you bring them out. How about doing some original thinking for once.
I repeat them because you don't rebut them. You can't rebut them, because no facts exist that disprove what I say. Your opinion is not a rebuttal.
You are a racist asshole
Molly, you're a white racist female who can't face the truth. You try playing the white card when it suits yu, then you're the oppessed female when it suits you. You have benefitted more from our fight for civil rights than anyone. You know good and damn well that what I say is true. You sit in all white conversations and hear the racism. You are a participant in the racism.

So if you think the people in those conversations don't practice that same racism in their daily lives, meaning it affects decisions of opportunity for people of color, then you're simply a dishonest lying POS.

I have said numerous times all whites are not racist. You chose not to hear that part and I am not going to repeat that every time I say something about race because your fragile, snowflake, racist white ass can't take it. You and the other white racists post loads of criticism about blacks daily. Most of it is untrue, but in America you have the freedom to be white and lie. We have the same right to criticize whites and I'm going to do so until racist bitches like you either don't exist or are made so irrelevant that your nonsense is placed in the rubber room of American society where it belongs.

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