The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Go look up how old Jim Crow laws are and then come back and tell us why the CURRENT GENERATION of Blacks are still held down by these ancient and defunct laws.
Thank you! That has been my point all alone. Minorities alive today have horrible persecution and bigotry in their history, and some within their living memories. My father remembered his entire life the heartache my grandmother went through when Hitler slaughtered her own mother, and her sister, and her four nieces and nephews who hadn’t even reached their teens - and the terror they went through in the last minutes of their lives.

Yet even under this backdrop of the most Jew-hatred one can imagine, my parents and their siblings ALL graduated from college. And then of course the next generation (mine) is replete with doctors, lawyers, accountants, and more.) And this is throughout the Jewish community - all my parents’ friends also grew up poor, lost relatives to the Holocaust, and still went in to become successful. (My dad’s best friend was the grandson of a man who, at age 15, hid from the Nazis and survived for years in the forest.)

The point is that people do and have risen above the worst of bigotry, and in one generation. For blacks to go back to WWII, and further, with story after story of how racist this country USED to be, and using that as an excuse for why some blacks are still poor today, is merely justifying and excusing poor choices that lead to poverty.
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Cry us a river.
I work in 3 Black towns where people are doing quite well because they actually studied instead of hanging out at the bar.
You should see where I live! Blacks are buying McMansions, shopping at expensive designer stores, driving fancy cars, and eating in upscale steakhouses. They are primarily dual-income government employees, but they are also lawyers, VP’s at corporations, etc.

THEY made the right choices.
Let's see, 243 years that the United States has been in existence. 57 years since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

That's 186 years of LAWFUL RACIAL DISCRIMINATION against black people versus 57 years where such RACIAL DISCRIMINATION is UNLAWFUL.

I see your bullshit claim of 58 years of "welfare" (you made a mistake, it's not 58 yet) and raise you 186+ years of reparations.

And you all should give your government welfare checks that you received during COVID back to the government if you're so opposed to "welfare".
So you think we have to have favoritism toward blacks for the same number of years that there was racism? You want anti-white laws for the next 200 years?

Get real. All that is required is to give favoritism to blacks for ONE generation, and they can reverse the situation. They’ve already had two. If after two generations, the majority of blacks are no longer poor - and many are now upper-middle class or downright wealthy - then the ones who still are poor are so due to their own stupid choices.
Maybe the problem is because you're not black you're not aware of the things that happen to black people, sort of the equivalence to living in la la land.

This happens on a regular basis:
Arizona Bank Calls Police on Black Man Trying to Cash Check Received From Boat Sale
This one had guns drawn on him

And urban legends? Really? A public records request can be used to verify police activity and what's reported in the story.

Oh please! You post these pathetic stories and claim racism? Since you only read the headlines and not the story as I did, this is what was reported; your first story:

The Pinal County Federal Credit Union stated that the bank manager called 911 shortly after running the check. After the bank ran the check through the third-party verification system, it came out inconclusive.

The Pinal County Federal Credit Union told 12 News that the check Brewer handed them had “red flags.” They claimed the check bore an old credit union logo and a routing and account number that didn’t match the check writer’s information.

It had nothing to do with his Fn race you liar. Second story:

Movie director Ryan Coogler was briefly handcuffed by Atlanta police after he was mistaken for a robber when he passed a teller a note while trying to withdraw a large amount of cash from his account, police said.

The “Black Panther” director, who is Black, walked into a Bank of America branch Jan. 7 and passed the teller a withdrawal slip with a note written on the back asking her to “be discreet when handing him the cash,” according to a police report.

He was trying to withdraw more than $10,000, and the teller “received an alert notification” on her computer and quickly alerted her manager that Coogler was trying to rob the bank, the report says. The bank employee is a Black woman, the report says.

I don't mind reading links, but if you're going to waste my time posting stories with false claims, I'm just going to ignore them. In BOTH CASES, the employees were alerted to a potential problem by technology. WTF did you want the employees to do, ignore the warnings, cash bad checks and lose their jobs because they didn't follow bank protocols because the customers were black? I mean really......passing a note to a teller saying "be discrete when handing me the cash?" For crying out loud, in the second story the teller was black herself, or was she just being an Aunt Jemima for doing her job as required by her employer?
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Two things:
1. Are you going to apologize to me for calling me a liar when you said I do not have a Florida concealed carry permit?

2. Your opinion that racism "is very rare these days" is wrong and I don't know where you're getting your information. The EEOC has current stats, you don't believe them? Every state has their own civil rights office and they are in the year 2022, investigating and processing cases with findings of racial and other discrimination. You don't believe them either?

Then there is our criminal justice system. This guy immediately came to mind when I read that you believe racism is rare in our current day and age:

Why would I apologize for something I said that was 100% correct? You posted nothing that anybody couldn't find on the internet, as in the Florida CCW license I posted claiming it was mine. If you have a CCW license, you better contact your state and explain how some instructors are passing out licenses to people that can't pass the test, and anybody that claims carrying a firearm and not being allowed to use it is what they were instructed should get every dime of their money back, and the instructor should lose his license to issue CCW's. You didn't even know the basic laws of using a firearm in public. That's how I know you are lying.

Making a complaint is not the same as being found guilty of wrongdoing; anybody can file a complaint whether genuine or phony. People get pissed off because they didn't get a job and look for ways to get even with the company that didn't hire them. So again, you proved nothing.
Two things:
1. Are you going to apologize to me for calling me a liar when you said I do not have a Florida concealed carry permit?
Why should he apologize to you? He said nothing wrong. You on the other hand have been calling me disgusting names.Are you going to apologize to me? After all, you did call me evil and a racist, neither of which is true.
2. Your opinion that racism "is very rare these days" is wrong and I don't know where you're getting your information. The EEOC has current stats, you don't believe them? Every state has their own civil rights office and they are in the year 2022, investigating and processing cases with findings of racial and other discrimination. You don't believe them either?
Of course it’s rare. Your digging up a couple of stories - which werent even backing up your claim - doesn’t mean racism is common. Millions of people go into a bank every day, and if there are a few isolated cases, that counts as rare.

In fact, antisemitism is more common. A Jew is more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than a black. i myself have been victimized twice - property damaged with the word Jew scratched in in one case, and spray painted in the other.
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I'm in trouble with other white people all the time... it just doesn't bother me that much. This is why my bro and I aren't on speaking terms. The evidence told me his buddy did it. He feels his buddy was railroaded.

You're brother is a white extremist.

Bull Connor. David Duke, Richard Spencer, George Rockwell, Dylan Roof, Matt Heimbach, Aryan Nation, Nazi Low Riders, Aryan Brotherhood, The Proud Boys.

They're extreme advocates of white supremacy.

You seem to use white extremists as a barometer as to your own racism. Of course most white don’t suscribe to KKK or neo-nazi babblings, this is why they are invaluable.

This is why your up here bragging about not talking to your brother. It makes you feel good about yourself since you think your not so extreme. You're brother was like these other cowardly white extremists in police departments



When I think of a white supremacist. I don't think about ppl like your brother. I think of the nicest, sweetest acting white person I could find. I think of Ellen DeGeneres. I think of Tom Hanks. The calm white supremacist who do this.




White supremacists are normal everyday people who hid in plain sight. They're teachers, fireman, your next door neighbor.

I prefer the blatant racist as I don’t have to waste my precious time and energy finding this out down the road. All these "fughn race war maaan" "White power maan" "14 words maaan" not worried about them

I also prefer the white person who acknowledges their biases and racism and works to rid themselves of their views.

So let me get this straight..White people hate you. Asian people hate you. Hispanic people are really white and hate you. Black people immigrating from the Caribbean and Africa hate you. Black people like Thomas Sowell are sellouts... Did I miss anything.

I never said anything about hate.

Racism is not about not “liking” someone of another group. Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia are white people.

A white supremacist can marry and have kids to a black or non white person.

That white supremacist Gregory Bush who went into that church in Kentucky and killed two black people a couple of years bk. He wanted to kill more but the door was locked. He was married to a black woman


Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks (the book that scientifically tries to prove how stupid that blk ppl are)



Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapas attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to.

That's why we have Asian whites supremacists in USMB like Juicin and abu afak

At the end of the day - Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I am going to screw black people”

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.

And so are you... They've justified their racism in their heads, you've justified yours....

OK. Let's say I am racist ..So what ? You still get the job. You still get the car. You still get loan. Your areas don't get gentrified. You still don't get shot in the head for traffice violations. You're still given the benefit of the doubt. You can still go anywhere in the world and set up shop and no one would have problem

So how does this black racism affect you ?

Except black people get away with crimes all the time. Often because other black people won't report it


Generally, I don't know what any store keeper said to you, but given the attitude you express here,


I've known a lot of white chicks who date Asian dudes... but you might have a point, that there is a fetishism towards

Maybe you have but the dismal reality Asian men or should I say Oriental men find themselves in in is that women don’t want them for anything except the occasional help on a computer or numbers-related problem.

Chinese men are the world’s least fuckable men.


Their own females (espcially in the west) don't want them and are happy getting dick downed by white boys ...TO THE MAX

White dudes have destroyed the Asian male image.

But sure whites may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" . They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and Asian women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers

I personally think this is because white women have become kind of a pain due to feminism and they find Asian women more compliant.

Are you listening to that Lisa558 ?

Really? How about when the Japanese Americans were interned during WWII? Or when we passed a Chinese Exclusion act after bringing Chinese men over here to build the railroads, and then excluded their families?

And they got their repariations

Reparations was given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned. So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves


Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. Yet no reparations in the form of CASH PAYMENTS but for everyone else ? No problem


Meanwile North Carolina gave $846 million in taxpayer funds to white owned and run Apple (worth $2.3 trillion) to build a mainly white campus there. White owned and run Amazon (worth $1.7T) got $3.8B in subsidies across the U.S. When blk people get free money, it's "welfare." When white corporations do, it's "incentives."


Or when we engaged in a genocidal war in the Philippines?

And who was it that put a stop to that ?

A black American man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army


He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

In the 1960's; Asians are over here because of us fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war


Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


We are the economic base for Asians. We propped them up but that was not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there. It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

We have helped everybody.

And let's broaden thids out

The USA uses drones all over South Asia.


They send Hellfire missiles not just at military targets but at houses, schools, restaurants, bakeries, during Ramadan, during funerals, after they have prayed, after they protest against drones, sends them if they come to help the dying and wounded from the first missile, even if it is your father, mother, sister, brother, cousin


It's white supremacist who are real killers on this planet


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Uh, yeah... not really. Here's the thing. The Swastika is considered a symbol of good luck in Asia.


Also, the Japanese have a whole bunch of weird subcultures and fads. They don't have the hostility towards Nazis because WWII isn't really taught in Japanese schools.


The Japanese barely acknowledge the awful shit they did, much less what their ally did.


Or more likely, white people know if they pick up some Hispanic men, the work will get done.

So what is it about black people that makes us so lazy ?

Wasn't my place to punish Officer Loehmann.

And that's what white supremacist do. Condemn white supremacists with out punishing

A grand jury- which had black people on it - reviewed the evidence and decided not to charge. Now, I've said I thought that process was wrong. That the DA went into the Grand Jury acting like a defense lawyer... but other blacks decided not to prosecute and when McGinty was replaced with a black DA, he didn't reopen the case, either

The bottom line is that you, IM2, Paul and the rest spend your day pointing your finger at everyone screaming RACIST!! That is a complete waste of time and accomplishes exactly nothing. Individuals who are Racist have no bearing on anyone's life but their own.
And you and the other racists spend your day posting racism. So as long as you do that, you will be called on it. You are a racist individual and you elect racist individuals who create policies that affect millions of lives.
Ah! So you say would have approved if I had opened the thread about the different reasons blacks and whites are poor? Well, DUH. of course you would. That’s YOUR position: that blacks are poor (of the minority who are) because of racism.

Bit that is not why I opened the thread. I opened it to refute the blame that whites are getting because some SOME p blacks are poor. No, poor blacks are so because they are having children out of wedlock (a 75% illegitimacy rate is shameful) and not completing their schooling as a result.

And your sarcastic comment about “the problem with the darkies” shows that you inject racism into everything. MY point was that, generations after racism has been wiped from the books, it’s not fair to blame whitey for blacks’ poor decisions that result in their poverty.

And IM2, one of the worst racists on this forum, made my point himself. He angrily defended himself as being a successful black man - proudly explaining how he never fathered an out of wedlock child and he went to college. Bam! That’s my point! He made the right choices, and thus he isn’t stuck in poverty.

Until blacks are willing to accept that they are responsible for their own outcomes, and that f’ing when you’re a teen without birth control is almost guaranteed to result in a child you can’t afford, and a life of financial struggle - and that successful blacks TELL them that, rather than make excuses for them - I don’t see how the black poverty rate will go down.
No Lisa, I am not a racist. I did not make your argument because all my life I have faced racism. You cannot make any claims about the lives of people of color and not factor in racism. My mom and dad lived together for 52 years until my father died. Both had the required education necessary and we grew up poor. You have been shown that white single parents make more money than 2 parent black families. You have been shown that regardless of education and work experience blacks are paid less than whites, yet you cling to your racist lie.

So until whites like you are willing to accept that white racism remains a stumbling block for communities of color, the fight will continue.
There are a couple of dogmatic "axioms" demonstrated by several posters in this thread.

1. All the major problems faced by blacks in America is due to racism of whites.
2. Anything people say to explain otherwise is either false or irrelevant.
Yes. Racism is an impediment. So is antisemitism. But one moves beyond poverty, and amidst bigotry, into outright affluence if smart and motivated enough, by making the right choices. The fact that some blacks are still in poverty, while the majority are NOT, speaks to the poor choices the poor blacks have made….NOT racism.

Just as IM2 said, he is a successful black man because he didn’t father an illegitimate baby and he went to college. Instead of blaming whitey for the fact that some blacks are still poor, he - and you - and ALL successful blacks should be emphasizing and teaching young black children that the way out of poverty is by NOT becoming an unwed teen mother and instead graduating from high school, at a minimum, and going on to get some sort of career or vocational training.

Instead, you’re trying to convince them that their failures are not their fault, but whitey’s. THAT type of message is the real impediment.
Look ho, don't try using my words to justify your racism. You are white. You are racist, but you want to use being jewish as plausible deniability.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.

1 in 4 blacks live in poverty. I in 12 whites do. In 2020, the American household median income was $67,521 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic White households was $74.912; for Blacks households, $45,870.50 Black household median income was 61 percent of white households in 2020.

Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class

More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates.

Janelle Jones, John Schmitt, Valerie Wilson, “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” Economic Policy Institute, February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

Payscale did a two-year study from 2017 to 2019, and this is their conclusion: "we find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality." They studied the earnings of white men and men of color using data from 1.8 million employees. They found that no matter how far they advanced, black men made less than white men with the same qualifications. According to the study, “black men were the only racial/ethnic group not achieving pay parity with white men at some level." The study showed that black men had the most significant "uncontrolled pay gap" relative to white men and that on average, black men earned 87 cents for every dollar a white man earned. The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men. Even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked at the same geographic location, the study shows a controlled pay gap whereby black men earned less. Executive-level black men still earn less than white men at that same level.

Stephen Miller, Black Workers Still Earn Less than Their White Counterparts,

The National Women’s Law Center also showed that black women are paid less than other women. Black women are paid 63 cents for every dollar paid to white men based on calculations used in the study. Where this impacts black single mothers is this study shows a pay difference of over 20,000 dollars per year. "Black women have to work more than 19 months—until the very last day of July—to make as much as white, non-Hispanic men did in the previous 12-month calendar year." Black women in high-wage occupations earn 64 cents for every dollar a white man earns. On average, that is 40,000 dollars per year less than white men in those same occupations. This renders the unwed mother, fatherless home opinion meritless relative to income and poverty because a black couple can get married, daddy lives at home, and the family still makes less than whites. This is not about lack of education. Nor is it about the field of study.

Brandie Temple and Jasmine Tucker, Equal Pay for Black Women, Equal Pay for Black Women - National Women's Law Center,

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research37

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors. "Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, Education Alone Can't Close The Racial Wage Gap, Education Alone Can't Close The Racial Wage Gap

"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure." -Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap, pg. 10 Value of Whiteness_0.pdf

You can believe in Santa Claus, but when you are shown Santa does not exist, you're a dumb ass to keep repeating that he does. The same holds true for Lisas argument and all others in agreement.
Jesus christ paul i can't be reading all this n i g g e r delusion

And no we did not give handouts to "japanese americans' we gave handouts to specifically the ones we put in fucking camps

The rest i'm too lazy. I don't even see where you referenced me i just got a ping
You're the delusional one and using a slur you would not dare say to Essen in his face.
There are a couple of dogmatic "axioms" demonstrated by several posters in this thread.

1. All the major problems faced by blacks in America is due to racism of whites.
2. Anything people say to explain otherwise is either false or irrelevant.
“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.” -DEMOS

Fact. Not dogmatic.
You're the delusional one and using a slur you would not dare say to Essen in his face.

I'm twice his size, i assure you i would have no fear saying it to either of you

Especially as you're ranting about your fucking delusions. Making us all look bad

"listen here ****** we're not going to be collateral in your war with the whites"
I'm twice his size, i assure you i would have no fear saying it to either of you

Especially as you're ranting about your fucking delusions. Making us all look bad

"listen here ****** we're not going to be collateral in your war with the whites"
You would not like the consequences of your decision.

So understand this, other people of color feel just like we do. You are a sellout.
“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.” -DEMOS

Fact. Not dogmatic.
Look ho, don't try using my words to justify your racism. You are white. You are racist, but you want to use being jewish as plausible deniability.

1 in 4 blacks live in poverty. I in 12 whites do. In 2020, the American household median income was $67,521 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic White households was $74.912; for Blacks households, $45,870.50 Black household median income was 61 percent of white households in 2020.

Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class

More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates.

Janelle Jones, John Schmitt, Valerie Wilson, “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” Economic Policy Institute, February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

Payscale did a two-year study from 2017 to 2019, and this is their conclusion: "we find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality." They studied the earnings of white men and men of color using data from 1.8 million employees. They found that no matter how far they advanced, black men made less than white men with the same qualifications. According to the study, “black men were the only racial/ethnic group not achieving pay parity with white men at some level." The study showed that black men had the most significant "uncontrolled pay gap" relative to white men and that on average, black men earned 87 cents for every dollar a white man earned. The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men. Even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked at the same geographic location, the study shows a controlled pay gap whereby black men earned less. Executive-level black men still earn less than white men at that same level.

Stephen Miller, Black Workers Still Earn Less than Their White Counterparts,

The National Women’s Law Center also showed that black women are paid less than other women. Black women are paid 63 cents for every dollar paid to white men based on calculations used in the study. Where this impacts black single mothers is this study shows a pay difference of over 20,000 dollars per year. "Black women have to work more than 19 months—until the very last day of July—to make as much as white, non-Hispanic men did in the previous 12-month calendar year." Black women in high-wage occupations earn 64 cents for every dollar a white man earns. On average, that is 40,000 dollars per year less than white men in those same occupations. This renders the unwed mother, fatherless home opinion meritless relative to income and poverty because a black couple can get married, daddy lives at home, and the family still makes less than whites. This is not about lack of education. Nor is it about the field of study.

Brandie Temple and Jasmine Tucker, Equal Pay for Black Women, Equal Pay for Black Women - National Women's Law Center,

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research37

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors. "Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, Education Alone Can't Close The Racial Wage Gap, Education Alone Can't Close The Racial Wage Gap

"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure." -Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap, pg. 10 Value of Whiteness_0.pdf

You can believe in Santa Claus, but when you are shown Santa does not exist, you're a dumb ass to keep repeating that he does. The same holds true for Lisas argument and all others in agreement.
I stopped reading when you called me a Ho. Adios, your racist.
You would not like the consequences of your decision.

So understand this, other people of color feel just like we do. You are a sellout.

Little white girls shoot straighter than your average black man

And 95% you soft little fuckers can't fight. Hah
Little white girls shoot straighter than your average black man

And 95% you soft little fuckers can't fight. Hah
If you need a gun you're a punk. And judging by the past 70-80 of boxing, your second sentence is wrong too. My experience tells me that you guys from India are extremely soft. Because most of the Indians that come here are upper crust, caviar eating pricks with silver spoons stuck in their mouths, gold spoons stuck up their asses, who are here by government handout H1B visas that give you jobs and then you have the nerve to talk about what blacks need to do. Go take your Punjabi ass back to Mumbai and find a pick up cricket game.

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