The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

If you need a gun you're a punk. And judging by the past 70-80 of boxing, your second sentence is wrong too. My experience tells me that you guys from India are extremely soft. Because most of the Indians that come here are upper crust, caviar eating pricks with silver spoons stuck in their mouths, gold spoons stuck up their asses, who are here by government handout H1B visas that give you jobs and then you have the nerve to talk about what blacks need to do. Go take your Punjabi ass back to Mumbai and find a pick up cricket game.

lol Africans can't even handle Indians in Africa

The bit of the American blacks that is scary is the white part of you, darky.

I'm a big hybrid too, difference is I can't jump, but i can read. Hahaha

Blacks are the lowest on the totem pole in martial prowess, other than Ethiopians who like all mountain dwellers are not to be fucked with. Indians who dissolved their warrior caste millenia ago still cutting through you like butter.
Especially as you're ranting about your fucking delusions. Making us all look bad

"Us" ? Sure about that ?

"listen here ****** we're not going to be collateral in your war with the whites"

We don't need you for nothing. You gotta get that straight in your head.
Thank you! That has been my point all alone. Minorities alive today have horrible persecution and bigotry in their history, and some within their living memories. My father remembered his entire life the heartache my grandmother went through when Hitler slaughtered her own mother, and her sister, and her four nieces and nephews who hadn’t even reached their teens - and the terror they went through in the last minutes of their lives.

Yet even under this backdrop of the most Jew-hatred one can imagine, my parents and their siblings ALL graduated from college. And then of course the next generation (mine) is replete with doctors, lawyers, accountants, and more.) And this is throughout the Jewish community - all my parents’ friends also grew up poor, lost relatives to the Holocaust, and still went in to become successful. (My dad’s best friend was the grandson of a man who, at age 15, hid from the Nazis and survived for years in the forest.)

The point is that people do and have risen above the worst of bigotry, and in one generation. For blacks to go back to WWII, and further, with story after story of how racist this country USED to be, and using that as an excuse for why some blacks are still poor today, is merely justifying and excusing poor choices that lead to poverty.

And you and the other racists spend your day posting racism. So as long as you do that, you will be called on it. You are a racist individual and you elect racist individuals who create policies that affect millions of lives.
Let's see. I post reports of Chicago shootings. Hmmm no racism there. I post facts about Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele. No racism there. I post a lot about forgotten Black kids who were murdered because everyone else wants to forget them. No racism there. Can you point out specifically which of my posts were racist?
Let's see. I post reports of Chicago shootings. Hmmm no racism there. I post facts about Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele. No racism there. I post a lot about forgotten Black kids who were murdered because everyone else wants to forget them. No racism there. Can you point out specifically which of my posts were racist?

You don't care if black kids or black people are getting murdered.

You're just trying to prove that black people are screwed up and therefore deserve to be mistreated. It's just a way to shift the blame onto black people that's all.

And to be honest most of your stories are lies because there is never any arrests or suspects in these so called black kid murders..

And what's the obssesion with black children anyway ? Are you a child sex offender ?

Do you see me or IM2 or NewsVine_Mariyam start threads about white kids getting killed ?

And if you care so much about kids getting killed then why don't you focus on white kids ? Or Asian kids ? Or Latino kids ? Why do you have a sexual perverted obsession with black kids ?
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And IM2, one of the worst racists on this forum, made my point himself. He angrily defended himself as being a successful black man - proudly explaining how he never fathered an out of wedlock child and he went to college. Bam! That’s my point! He made the right choices, and thus he isn’t stuck in poverty.

Again, if a black kid came to you after not fathering any children out of wedlock, stayed in school, and you would reject him for admission if a white kid got a slightly higher test score.
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You're brother is a white extremist.

Naw, he's just an asshole. (Which he'll pretty freely admit.)

You seem to use white extremists as a barometer as to your own racism. Of course most white don’t suscribe to KKK or neo-nazi babblings, this is why they are invaluable.

This is why your up here bragging about not talking to your brother. It makes you feel good about yourself since you think your not so extreme. You're brother was like these other cowardly white extremists in police departments

No, he was a guy who felt that his friend got railroaded for politics. I don't agree with him, but I certainly understand where he's coming from.

When I think of a white supremacist. I don't think about ppl like your brother. I think of the nicest, sweetest acting white person I could find. I think of Ellen DeGeneres. I think of Tom Hanks. The calm white supremacist who do this.

Yes, we realize this... you have issues.

White supremacists are normal everyday people who hid in plain sight. They're teachers, fireman, your next door neighbor.

I prefer the blatant racist as I don’t have to waste my precious time and energy finding this out down the road. All these "fughn race war maaan" "White power maan" "14 words maaan" not worried about them

I also prefer the white person who acknowledges their biases and racism and works to rid themselves of their views.

Which I kind of have...but you go do you, bud.

Yes, the Neo-Nazi is bad. But the average woman who crosses to the other side of the street when she sees a couple of young black guys? Is she an evil racist, too? Because Rev. Jackson has said he does the same thing.

I never said anything about hate.

Racism is not about not “liking” someone of another group. Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

I kind of agree with that... So since 99% of white people really don't have the power to harm you... why all the hate?

Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks (the book that scientifically tries to prove how stupid that blk ppl are)
Well, if he tried to say how stupid Asians were, he wasn't getting any pussy that night... so there's that.

Maybe you have but the dismal reality Asian men or should I say Oriental men find themselves in in is that women don’t want them for anything except the occasional help on a computer or numbers-related problem.

Wow, you know, nobody says "Oriental" anymore... it's like saying "Colored".

Their own females (espcially in the west) don't want them and are happy getting dick downed by white boys ...TO THE MAX
But not black guys, which is what pisses you off, amiright?

But sure whites may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" . They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and Asian women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

I've never heard a white person say that, ever.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers

Again, never heard any white person say that.... but never mind.

And they got their repariations

Reparations was given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned. So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves

Actually, they only paid reparations - about $11,000 to people who were interned.

Meanwile North Carolina gave $846 million in taxpayer funds to white owned and run Apple (worth $2.3 trillion) to build a mainly white campus there. White owned and run Amazon (worth $1.7T) got $3.8B in subsidies across the U.S. When blk people get free money, it's "welfare." When white corporations do, it's "incentives."

I'd be the first one to criticize Corporate Welfare, but how many jobs do these campuses generate?

And who was it that put a stop to that ?

A black American man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army

Yeah, that did it... sure., why didn't we leave the Philippines until 1946? Oh, no, buddy, the Philippine War ended because the First Philippine Republic got defeated and Emilio Aguinaldo went full Winston Smith.

Actually, here's what actually happened... American Public opinion turned against the war, when people like Mark Twain spoke out against it.
You're just trying to prove that black people are screwed up and therefore deserve to be mistreated. It's just a way to shift the blame onto black people that's all.

And to be honest most of your stories are lies because there is never any arrests or suspects in these so called black kid murders..

And what's the obssesion with black children anyway ? Are you a ....

Do you see me or @IM2 or @NewsVine_Mariyam start threads about white kids getting killed ?

And if you care so much about kids getting killed then why don't you focus on white kids ? Or Asian kids ? Or Latino kids ? Why do you have a sexual perverted obsession with black kids ?

Here's the thing... if a white kid is gunned down, every last person who witnesses is going to give a statement to the cops.

If there's a drive by in Chicago, nobody saw nothing.

Joe the problem is public policy. This is not just about what can be done by a single individuals. There are about 250 whites in this country at minimum who can destroy the lives of almost 48 million blacks. And I'm not including state and local governments.
Let's see. I post reports of Chicago shootings. Hmmm no racism there. I post facts about Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele. No racism there. I post a lot about forgotten Black kids who were murdered because everyone else wants to forget them. No racism there. Can you point out specifically which of my posts were racist?
You are a racist. Chicago is not even close to the top in shootings and killings. Sowell and Steele are 2 idiots who say what racists want to hear. You post about those black kids with a running commentary full of racist stereotypes. The first one being that everyone else wants to forget them. We are talking about ending the problem that creates the violence in the first place. At this point we are at more than 80,000 dead blacks that YOU want to forget and that YOU have refused to believe was the cause of death. So you aren't fooling anyone racist.
You are a racist. Chicago is not even close to the top in shootings and killings. Sowell and Steele are 2 idiots who say what racists want to hear. You post about those black kids with a running commentary full of racist stereotypes. The first one being that everyone else wants to forget them. We are talking about ending the problem that creates the violence in the first place. At this point we are at more than 80,000 dead blacks that YOU want to forget and that YOU have refused to believe was the cause of death. So you aren't fooling anyone racist.
I knew you couldn't come up with a single post I've made that was racist. I just wanted to prove it to USMB. Thanks for playing you lose......again.

Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele are idiots?
My you really are digging that hole deep today, arent' you? :dig:
The bottom line is that you, IM2, Paul and the rest spend your day pointing your finger at everyone screaming RACIST!! That is a complete waste of time and accomplishes exactly nothing. Individuals who are Racist have no bearing on anyone's life but their own.
Not when they are police officers, or prosecutors, or attorneys, or judges, property owners, landlords, bankers or other people who lodge false complaints, or have the authority to have you fired, or deny you a needed loan or to call in your mortgage, the list goes on and on.

ALL white racists have the ability to do harm and many have and will continue to do so.. If this weren't true we would not have the CURRENT (meaning in the last few years to date) criminal, civil, and administrative findings that show racism and/or crimes of hate against people who have protected class status. And that's on top of everything that came before that white racists ALWAYS want to discount as if they do not understand the totality of the situation and how the harm is cumulative.
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There are no white racists here. Only those who say that blacks who remain in poverty are doing it to themselves via their bad choices - mainly have a child out of wedlock they can’t afford - the same way poor whites do.
Ray is a self-admitted white separatist. Death Angel is a self-admitted racist as are at least two others I can't think of at the moment and I'm not going to take the time to look them up especially since I've already posted Ray's comment from 2018 in which he admits this.

You're so simple minded but believe whatever you want. I don't see you making any positive impact on this world, unlike our allies

Murder of Jewish civil rights activists​

The summer of 1964 was designated the Freedom Summer, and many Jews from the North and West traveled to the South to participate in a concentrated voter registration effort. Two Jewish activists, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, and one Black activist, James Chaney, were murdered by the Ku Klux Klan near Philadelphia, Mississippi, as a result of their participation. Their deaths were considered martyrdom by some, and as a result, Black-Jewish relations were temporarily strengthened.[citation needed]​
In 1965, Martin Luther King Jr., said,​
How could there be anti-Semitism among Negroes when our Jewish friends have demonstrated their commitment to the principle of tolerance and brotherhood not only in the form of sizable contributions, but in many other tangible ways, and often at great personal sacrifice. Can we ever express our appreciation to the rabbis who chose to give moral witness with us in St. Augustine during our recent protest against segregation in that unhappy city? Need I remind anyone of the awful beating suffered by Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld of Cleveland when he joined the civil rights workers there in Hattiesburg, Mississippi? And who can ever forget the sacrifice of two Jewish lives, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, in the swamps of Mississippi? It would be impossible to record the contribution that the Jewish people have made toward the Negro's struggle for freedom—it has been so great.[49][non-primary source needed]
African American–Jewish relations - Wikipedia
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The property owner is from the middle-east. He buys rental property and charges outrageous prices that nobody would pay outside of Section 8. They get their vouchers, add money to them from their part-time jobs, and that's how they sneak into the suburbs. I've had fights with the guy about his tenants. I even threatened him that if I lose one tenant over his tenants, their noise, their disruption, I'll be suing him in court for my losses. His eyes lit up like he just met Jesus.

Yes, his tenants were all black.
It sounds like the problems you have are caused more by the fact you live in a poor neighborhood than in a black neighborhood.

And/or that one or more of the property owners are renting out their properties instead of living in them. I had a close friend who experienced the same problem but it happened in a middle class black neighborhood. She and her mom had lived there for something like 30 years when the next door neighbor moved out and a series of undesirable neighbors moved in as renters.

When you own your home and live in a nice neighborhood it seems as if there is some tacit agreement that everyone keeps up their own property or pressure the ones who aren't into not bringing the neighborhood done.
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So you think we have to have favoritism toward blacks for the same number of years that there was racism? You want anti-white laws for the next 200 years?

Get real. All that is required is to give favoritism to blacks for ONE generation, and they can reverse the situation. They’ve already had two. If after two generations, the majority of blacks are no longer poor - and many are now upper-middle class or downright wealthy - then the ones who still are poor are so due to their own stupid choices.
You're stupid. Nobody has received "welfare" for 58 years, that's a lie that racist tell about black people. And there is no such thing as "anti-white" laws in the U.S. nor has there ever been.

But yeah, or government should pay reparations for the 186 years that black people were subjected to lawful segregation, discrimination, hatred and violence.

How did your people get reparations? And why?
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Oh please! You post these pathetic stories and claim racism? Since you only read the headlines and not the story as I did, this is what was reported; your first story:

The Pinal County Federal Credit Union stated that the bank manager called 911 shortly after running the check. After the bank ran the check through the third-party verification system, it came out inconclusive.

The Pinal County Federal Credit Union told 12 News that the check Brewer handed them had “red flags.” They claimed the check bore an old credit union logo and a routing and account number that didn’t match the check writer’s information.

It had nothing to do with his Fn race you liar. Second story:

Movie director Ryan Coogler was briefly handcuffed by Atlanta police after he was mistaken for a robber when he passed a teller a note while trying to withdraw a large amount of cash from his account, police said.

The “Black Panther” director, who is Black, walked into a Bank of America branch Jan. 7 and passed the teller a withdrawal slip with a note written on the back asking her to “be discreet when handing him the cash,” according to a police report.

He was trying to withdraw more than $10,000, and the teller “received an alert notification” on her computer and quickly alerted her manager that Coogler was trying to rob the bank, the report says. The bank employee is a Black woman, the report says.

I don't mind reading links, but if you're going to waste my time posting stories with false claims, I'm just going to ignore them. In BOTH CASES, the employees were alerted to a potential problem by technology. WTF did you want the employees to do, ignore the warnings, cash bad checks and lose their jobs because they didn't follow bank protocols because the customers were black? I mean really......passing a note to a teller saying "be discrete when handing me the cash?" For crying out loud, in the second story the teller was black herself, or was she just being an Aunt Jemima for doing her job as required by her employer?
How many times have you had the police draw down on you Ray? How many times while you were in your bank withdrawing large sums of money? According to you, you made good money, surly there must have been times when you wanted to withdraw some of your cash, right? Were the police called on you, was anyone pointing a gun at you?
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Why would I apologize for something I said that was 100% correct? You posted nothing that anybody couldn't find on the internet, as in the Florida CCW license I posted claiming it was mine. If you have a CCW license, you better contact your state and explain how some instructors are passing out licenses to people that can't pass the test, and anybody that claims carrying a firearm and not being allowed to use it is what they were instructed should get every dime of their money back, and the instructor should lose his license to issue CCW's. You didn't even know the basic laws of using a firearm in public. That's how I know you are lying.

Making a complaint is not the same as being found guilty of wrongdoing; anybody can file a complaint whether genuine or phony. People get pissed off because they didn't get a job and look for ways to get even with the company that didn't hire them. So again, you proved nothing.
So you're claiming that what I posted is not a real license, it's something that I found on the internet and photo shopped? I suspect that even if I posted my actual license, photo, name and all, you still wouldn't believe it. Why is that? Is it that difficult for you to believe that I may move in circles that you're not privy or able to?

I tell you what though. I have to see my firearm instructor this month because my annual firearms requalification is due. He's certified by the state and he's a white guy so I guess that means you'll believe him even if you won't believe me. I'll ask him the same thing that I stated to you, that a concealed carry permit is not a permit to use your weapon, merely to carry it. That use of the weapon is governed by the self-defense laws which are pretty much universal in all states but with the specifics of each state added. And speaking of such
776.041 Use or threatened use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:​
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or​
(2) Initially provokes the use or threatened use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force or threat of force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use or threatened use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or​
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use or threatened use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use or threatened use of force.​
History.—s. 13, ch. 74-383; s. 1190, ch. 97-102; s. 7, ch. 2014-195.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

And you do know that I CAN prove my identity to you here on this site, but I suspect you don't want me to do that because that would prove that you've been wrong this entire time, about several things.
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Why should he apologize to you? He said nothing wrong. You on the other hand have been calling me disgusting names.Are you going to apologize to me? After all, you did call me evil and a racist, neither of which is true.

Of course it’s rare. Your digging up a couple of stories - which werent even backing up your claim - doesn’t mean racism is common. Millions of people go into a bank every day, and if there are a few isolated cases, that counts as rare.

In fact, antisemitism is more common. A Jew is more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than a black. i myself have been victimized twice - property damaged with the word Jew scratched in in one case, and spray painted in the other.
Lisa do you have a Florida concealed weapons permit? Because that was the topic and the surrounding laws regarding self-defense. Ray claims WITH NO EVIDENCE that I don't have one, which is an extremely stupid comment to make since he doesn't know if I do or not.

Also just because he can't think of a way for me to prove that I do, doesn't mean that I can't. Just being short-sighted.

And antisemitism is not more common than hate crimes against black people nor has it ever been. If you've experienced it twice in your life, I would say twice is two times too many for anyone to be singled out for that kind of "racial" hatred . On the other hand, I have experienced discrimination in housing, employment, banking, etc. probably at least a dozen times. In fact one of the housing incidents occurred in Florida and my boss when he saw how shaken I was when I arrived at work, called the landlord who was advertising for the apartment I wanted and was told they didn't have it anymore and verified that they were lying to me - they wanted him to come down immediately in order to view it. I didn't do anything about it, I just found another place, but no one should have to "find somewhere else" other than the place they want it they can afford it and meet all other requirements.
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I stopped reading when you called me a Ho. Adios, your racist.
You're a racist so I don't have any respect for you. You call me a racist for calling out racism. That's a prime tactic used in white fragility.
lol Africans can't even handle Indians in Africa

The bit of the American blacks that is scary is the white part of you, darky.

I'm a big hybrid too, difference is I can't jump, but i can read. Hahaha

Blacks are the lowest on the totem pole in martial prowess, other than Ethiopians who like all mountain dwellers are not to be fucked with. Indians who dissolved their warrior caste millenia ago still cutting through you like butter.

The white man ran your asses for nearly 300 years during the Raj, shut the fuck up.

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