The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

You think some anecdote from one slave makes history?

Forts? That is not how the slave trade started. It started with Europeans bringing trinkets and trading Africans for people

Then they moved to arms

Then later they actually colonized Africa. At first, the vast majority of American blacks included, were traded for. Not captured by whites. Captured by blacks

So let's just be clear about the history here. Slave trade in western Africa was going LONG before Europeans got there. Your kin were the losers. The winners make statues in their ancestors honor. You were saved from a terrible terrible fate, and generations that are not your own faced the burden. All you've gotten is a cush fucking situation you want to bitch about. Reparations for what? Your life in Africa without the whites would be fucking terrible. American blacks control more wealth than any other group of Africans on the planet.
I think that the testimony of an African based on recorded African history means something. And the way he described it is the way Africans I have met from all over Africa describe it. So your story is fake news. So go put a dot on your forehead because you're the white supremacists little brown bitch.
Frankly, if your life is so fragile that 250 members of Congress can destroy it, that says a lot about dependency.

My own interaction with the Federal Government has been kind of limited since I hung up the fatigues. I pay my taxes every year, I got a VA loan once, and... that's about it. Sure, they will fuck up the economy, but they fuck that up for everyone.
Joe, let me give you credit for at least trying to have a civil discussion. We don't agree but at least you aren't getting stupid.
I think that the testimony of an African based on recorded African history means something. And the way he described it is the way Africans I have met from all over Africa describe it. So your story is fake news. So go put a dot on your forehead because you're the white supremacists little brown bitch.

Yea it means something in relation to his life and time.

Not the slave trade as a fucking whole

You can't just extrapolate one, presumably quality source, into a fucking whole non existent narrative. Like I said. You and I both know they make statues to the slave traders who sold you in Nigera. Don't pretend the whites did this to you. By our lifetime you have only reaped benefits from this situation.

To deny otherwise, just like me denying British Colonialism was good for Indians is insane. Indians could not have unified the billion people required to make modern India. Black Americans could not have gained even a small fraction of the wealth they have now in Africa. Those are facts.

Weakness to pretend otherwise. All that's left to do is take advantage of what the whites have GIVEN us. They didn't have to, they could have burned India and sent every black back to Africa.
Yea it means something in relation to his life and time.

Not the slave trade as a fucking whole

You can't just extrapolate one, presumably quality source, into a fucking whole non existent narrative. Like I said. You and I both know they make statues to the slave traders who sold you in Nigera. Don't pretend the whites did this to you. By our lifetime you have only reaped benefits from this situation.

To deny otherwise, just like me denying British Colonialism was good for Indians is insane. Indians could not have unified the billion people required to make modern India. Black Americans could not have gained even a small fraction of the wealth they have now in Africa. Those are facts.

Weakness to pretend otherwise. All that's left to do is take advantage of what the whites have GIVEN us. They didn't have to, they could have burned India and sent every black back to Africa.
Well since its not just one story I don't have to pretend. You are delusional and suffer from internalized racism. India prospered before whites showed up. Africa was doing quite fine before colonization. You're making me laugh with the way you suck white racist buttholes.

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions! - Walter Rodney
Doesn't matter. You have 5 times everything needed to have zero crime but you commit the most.
Stupid response. I was in an Uber in DC a few weeks ago and an African Uber driver was telling me how they hate black Americans. He is a true African American because he has dual citizenship. He said they are religious, hardworking, family oriented and mostly peaceful people. He said black Americans are nothing like Africans and give them a bad name.
Well since its not just one story I don't have to pretend. You are delusional and suffer from internalized racism. India prospered before whites showed up. Africa was doing quite fine before colonization. You're making me laugh with the way you suck white racist buttholes.

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions! - Walter Rodney

Yea i'm sure they did. Doesn't change the reality

Why the fuck would whites go into a place they will catch diseases and die when they could just trade humans for goods at the shore? Not their way

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You ran your mouth, posted all kinds of racial slurs and moderators have allowed you to get away with it. You talked shit to Paul. Paul has handled you guys with precision, so I won't be talking for him. But when your punk ass came at me, you made a mistake. You are about to be made to understand that I'm the fuck with.

Number one, you ass is over here thanks to the government. If not for the American government your ass would be over in New Delhi worshipping cattle. So you need to humble yourself real quick.

Dr Shashi Tharoor MP - Britain Does Owe Reparations​

YOUR people are demanding reparations. Apparently they don't agree with your assessment of how they could not have done anything without the white mans help.

And I'm sure they found great benefit from whites taking that 45 trillion the British have robbed them of.

How much money did Britain take away from India? About $45 trillion in 173 years, says top economist​

Patnaik, in her essay published in Columbia University Press recently, said Britain drained out over $45 trillion from India, which to date has hampered the country's ability to come out of poverty.

Your self hate is your problem. But I'm a black man and proud of it. The legacy MY ancestors left was not the punk role. They fought to erase apartheid here. We fight to end modern racism The fight will continue until whites who practice racism learn that remaking racism in order to continue practicing it is not acceptable. Because if not for us, your Indian ass would not have what you do right now. Learn that before you put your turban on next time.
Stupid response. I was in an Uber in DC a few weeks ago and an African Uber driver was telling me how they hate black Americans. He is a true African American because he has dual citizenship. He said they are religious, hardworking, family oriented and mostly peaceful people. He said black Americans are nothing like Africans and give them a bad name.
It's the truth. And you can't face it. The stupid response is the "there are 5 times more of us" as if because there are more of you, you get to commit more crime. Don't tell me that tired ass whitebread story about the African you met who hates American blacks. And don''t try whitesplaining to me what a real African American is because I am one. My designation is just like irish americans, italian americans etc. I know too many Africans to read some shit from a white scrub who has posted nothing but racist screeds.
Your writing was just you babbling again. But I just want to address the only point you made that's was worth responding to

If there's a drive by in Chicago, nobody saw nothing.

That because a lot of the shooting (Not all) in Chicago are doing by the white supremacists and they blame it on black people

Chicago Police Officers were sentenced for their involvement in criminal activities including 30 murders. Cops in Chicago are some of the biggest thugs n that city. How many times have we heard about Black Op sites n straight up criminal behavior of the CPD ?

There is no way possible that in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

There are no places you can walk in Chicago or go without being on tape. None. It's probably the most heavily surveillanced city in the world.

So tell me about arrests made ? Charged made ? Leads they have ?

I've been to Rogers Park, North Side. Roscoe Village, Northwest Side. Portage Park (Portage Park, Six Corners), Central, Near North, and Near South Side.

Questions ?
"Yeah but but ...blacks have a "no snitch code"....I mean don't blks say snitches get stiches ?"

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse, convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

Chicago will be ground zero of the Biden test run to see how American society reacts to government sponsored genocide of black people. They are being enacted by mercenaries, law enforcement operatives and supported by the 4th estate (white media) to propagandize it as black on black violence

But I find it funny that a white man telling a a black man about black violence in Chicago when it was white men who got violence ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone ? John Dillinger ? Pretty Boy Floyd ? Baby Face Nelson ? Events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre ? But those white people are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them. Funny that eh ?


Funerals are considered off limits when it comes to gang violence.

And once again they say "please come forward or submit a tip anonymously".

The police can't find these fellas ? Really ? The white man who can tell you the precise location of a star million of light years away. The white man who can get the bones of a dinosaur millions of years old and find out what it ate for breakfast........ but he can't find some guys that do a drive by of a funeral in the most heavily survellianced city on the planet ?

And people with child like mindset like yourself belive them.

Let these supposed super elusive James Bond black gangbangers do a drive by in Beverly Hills ?

All of sudden their dumb Barney Fife act they put on to black killings in Chicago "Hey I mean we don't no who shot those blks,....we think it's gangbangers .....we don't know but u come forward with information and we'll sure as look into it"


All of a sudden they'll catch them before the bullet has even hit anyone
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And my point is that whites made crime a business with some police participating in it. There a rural all white towns I avoid and if I am driving I make sure I have the gas necessary not to stop in them. Funny how you mention those 2 communities but there are families and businesses that have lived in both for quite some time safely. Meanwhile those who control the crime in Chicago live in nice plush "safe" white neighborhoods. And they pay lawyers top dollars to keep them in operation.

If you really want to go there... how many people were murdered in those rural communities last year.

Chicago had 797 homicides last year.

Not sure what you mean by those who "control" the crime? You mean the gang leaders? The Mafia? City Hall? Or do you mean the police.

You don't seem to understand the impact of law and policy. 7 white men made it possible for apartheid to happen in America. Those seven men ruined the lives of generations of blacks directly and what they did even affects blacks today.

If you mean Plessy, yes, that was a bad decision... But it only confirmed practices already in place.
Okay, man, Paul... you are just coming off as crazier and crazier...

I almost feel bad about enabling you

That because a lot of the shooting (Not all) in Chicago are doing by the white supremacists and they blame it on black people

Um, okay, I knew it was ONLY a matter of time before you went into conspiracy theories.

Chicago Police Officers were sentenced for their involvement in criminal activities including 30 murders. Cops in Chicago are some of the biggest thugs n that city. How many times have we heard about Black Op sites n straight up criminal behavior of the CPD ?

There is no way possible that in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

There are no places you can walk in Chicago or go without being on tape. None. It's probably the most heavily surveillanced city in the world.

Actually, we've only got 30,000 City Cameras. Most of them for controlling traffic. We have 3 million people. Simple math. that's one camera for every 100 people. I mean, good luck if you happen to catch one committing a crime.

People like Al Capone ? John Dillinger ? Pretty Boy Floyd ? Baby Face Nelson ? Events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre ? But those white people are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them. Funny that eh ?

Okay... here's the thing. You know why Capone and Dillinger are romanticized? Well, in Capone's case, it was because he broke a law that nearly everyone thought was stupid. Dillinger got folk hero status for robbing banks at a time when Banks had made EVERYONE'S lives miserable. But you'll see "White Supremacy" in everything (Ray accused me of that, but you are an actual example.)

Chicago will be ground zero of the Biden test run to see how American society reacts to government sponsored genocide of black people. They are being enacted by mercenaries, law enforcement operatives and supported by the 4th estate (white media) to propagandize it as black on black violence

Funerals are considered off limits when it comes to gang violence.

Right, because we all know that gang banger, people who poison their communities with drugs, murder people with impunity, rob, steal loot, they have this special reverence for funerals. Must have been some secret Klan members!!!
Actually, we've only got 30,000 City Cameras. Most of them for controlling traffic. We have 3 million people. Simple math. that's one camera for every 100 people. I mean, good luck if you happen to catch one committing a crime.

Debating with you is a bit like fighting with matter how times you slap em down ...they still keep coming

Let black people go into Beverly Hills and start shooting up there and then let's see how incredibly hard the police would find it to catch them.

You know perfectly well the police wouldn't be "Well ya know, we've only 30,000 cams....and that's for traffic and that one cam for 100 people"

They'd find them and they'd find them very quickly. See now your trolling

Okay... here's the thing. You know why Capone and Dillinger are romanticized? Well, in Capone's case, it was because he broke a law that nearly everyone thought was stupid. Dillinger got folk hero status for robbing banks at a time when Banks had made EVERYONE'S lives miserable. But you'll see "White Supremacy" in everything (Ray accused me of that, but you are an actual example.)

You're Italian American ...aren't you ?

But let's romantize Al Capone and the mafia (Costa Nostra) were

There has never been any rule in Sicilian mafia that bans killing of women and children.

If they have to be murdered, then they have to be. It doesn’t matter how young a child is or who the woman is, if they are the ones who have to be killed, they will be. Any method will do: acid bath, fire, shooting, strangulation, knifing, bombs.

The murder is the message.

The Mafia (Cosa Nostra) were most of those guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding or setting up the actual murder.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands. And that number is just their murders and just by the Italian American crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non-members who were and are involved in that business.

Add to this the drug trade which they have had a huge say in since the 1930’s.

How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons?

Thousands at least.

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of politicians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

And as I say what happens with these white killers ? They're shown as cool, as edgy, as stylish. Goodfellas ? Untouchables ? The Sopraonos ? Untouchables ? Godfather ?

White people are always trying to humanize white killers. Every week there is some documentary on a Jeffery Dalhmer, a John Gacy, a Ted Bundy, a Richard Ramirez always talking about their chilhood and how "there parents never loved them" and how "they were bullied"

See that's the difference between whtes and blacks. We call out our savages. We don't co sign them. Where as you give your savages soft ball interviews and a platform and make films about them and write books about them.

Ted Bundy used to slit 14 year old girls from their vaginas to their throat but go to 1.05 in this video and see the way the white sentencing judge was grovelling and apologetic to this psycho when he gave Bundy the death sentence.

It's very funny how you promoting the idea of black criminality somehow forget all that

Right, because we all know that gang banger, people who poison their communities with drugs, murder people with impunity, rob, steal loot, they have this special reverence for funerals. Must have been some secret Klan members!!!

Now you are projecting
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It's the truth. And you can't face it. The stupid response is the "there are 5 times more of us" as if because there are more of you, you get to commit more crime. Don't tell me that tired ass whitebread story about the African you met who hates American blacks. And don''t try whitesplaining to me what a real African American is because I am one. My designation is just like irish americans, italian americans etc. I know too many Africans to read some shit from a white scrub who has posted nothing but racist screeds.
What is whiteplaining, more of your ebonics
Debating with you is a bit like fighting with matter how times you slap em down ...they still keep coming

Let black people go into Beverly Hills and start shooting up there and then let's see how incredibly hard the police would find it to catch them.

You know perfectly well the police wouldn't be "Well ya know, we've only 30,000 cams....and that's for traffic and that one cam for 100 people"

They'd find them and they'd find them very quickly. See now your trolling

If some gangbangers shot up Beverly Hills, you'd have a hundred witnesses describing them... and ready to testify.

Some gangbangers shoot up some other gangbangers, nobody saw nothing!

Hey, have they ever solved the murders of Biggie Smalls and Tupac yet? Nobody saw nothing.

You're Italian American ...aren't you ?

But let's romantize Al Capone and the mafia (Costa Nostra) were

Actually, I'm mostly German.

and I will admit, that the romanticizing of organized crime is something that never should have happened, and Hollywood should be ashamed of itself.

But as stated, the main reason WHY it gained a foothold was because of a truly dumb government policy (Prohibition). The Mob gave people what they wanted... until the government finally realized it was a terrible idea and the mob moved on to other pursuits (Drugs, Prostitution, gambling).

See that's the difference between whtes and blacks. We call out our savages. We don't co sign them. Where as you give your savages soft ball interviews and a platform and make films about them and write books about them.

You call out your savages? Really?

Obviously hes singing his usual bullshit of everything being whites fault.

It's funny though. Most of the drive-by's in Chicago are white supremacists that never get caught, and they blame it on blacks? I mean really. What kind of dope do you have to be using to think up of something like that?

Then they can't figure out why nobody can take them seriously.
If some gangbangers shot up Beverly Hills, you'd have a hundred witnesses describing them... and ready to testify.

So by that logic if black people went into Beverly Hills n shot up whites in a drive by and there were no witnesses are you saying the police would not be able to catch them ?

Some gangbangers shoot up some other gangbangers, nobody saw nothing

Again. You're just repeating what you ve already wrote and I answered this point previously. After I write a thought-out post showing how you're wrong, you'll come back in a few days later when you think I've forgotten and then repeat your main point again as if you didn't lose at all.

That seems to be your tactic.

You call out your savages? Really?

Again. Your repeating the same point you made about George Floyd previously

Once a person gets a certain idea into their mind, it is hard to get it out of their mind…..People like you lack the ability to think rationally and probably send a lot of time watching TV and believe everything you see on TV.

Actually, I'm mostly German.

And Germany is a bit of slum these days. I've been there and most of Europe.

and I will admit, that the romanticizing of organized crime is something that never should have happened, and Hollywood should be ashamed of itself.


But as stated, the main reason WHY it gained a foothold was because of a truly dumb government policy (Prohibition).

It was because the mafia were white. That's the reason why it goined a foothold.

Hey, have they ever solved the murders of Biggie Smalls and Tupac yet? Nobody saw nothing.

Listen to this guy. He can't even get his hip hop stereotypes up to date.
If some gangbangers shot up Beverly Hills, you'd have a hundred witnesses describing them... and ready to testify.

So by that logic if black people went into Beverly Hills n shot up whites in a drive by and there were no witnesses are you saying the police would not be able to catch them ?

Some gangbangers shoot up some other gangbangers, nobody saw nothing

Again. You're just repeating what you ve already wrote and I answered this point previously. After I write a thought-out post showing how you're wrong, you'll come back in a few days later when you think I've forgotten and then repeat your main point again as if you didn't lose at all.

That seems to be your tactic.

You call out your savages? Really?

Again. Your repeating the same point you made about George Floyd previously

Once a person gets a certain idea into their mind, it is hard to get it out of their mind…..People like you lack the ability to think rationally and probably send a lot of time watching TV and believe everything you see on TV.

Actually, I'm mostly German.

And Germany is a bit of slum these days. I've been there and most of Europe.

and I will admit, that the romanticizing of organized crime is something that never should have happened, and Hollywood should be ashamed of itself.


But as stated, the main reason WHY it gained a foothold was because of a truly dumb government policy (Prohibition).

It was because the mafia were white. That's the reason why it goined a foothold.

Hey, have they ever solved the murders of Biggie Smalls and Tupac yet? Nobody saw nothing.

Listen to this guy. He can't even get his hip hop stereotypes up to date.
The Mafia gained a foothold for the same reason the Latino and Black drug gangs gained a foothold. Unlimited amounts of money to bribe cops. prosecutors, judges and public officials. Not to mention being willing to use violence to further their aims. The Cartels have a phrase for it "plomo o plata" lead or silver. In other words take the bribe or die.
If some gangbangers shot up Beverly Hills, you'd have a hundred witnesses describing them... and ready to testify.

So by that logic if black people went into Beverly Hills n shot up whites in a drive by and there were no witnesses are you saying the police would not be able to catch them ?

Some gangbangers shoot up some other gangbangers, nobody saw nothing

Again. You're just repeating what you ve already wrote and I answered this point previously. After I write a thought-out post showing how you're wrong, you'll come back in a few days later when you think I've forgotten and then repeat your main point again as if you didn't lose at all.

That seems to be your tactic.

You call out your savages? Really?

Again. Your repeating the same point you made about George Floyd previously

Once a person gets a certain idea into their mind, it is hard to get it out of their mind…..People like you lack the ability to think rationally and probably send a lot of time watching TV and believe everything you see on TV.

Actually, I'm mostly German.

And Germany is a bit of slum these days. I've been there and most of Europe.

and I will admit, that the romanticizing of organized crime is something that never should have happened, and Hollywood should be ashamed of itself.


But as stated, the main reason WHY it gained a foothold was because of a truly dumb government policy (Prohibition).

It was because the mafia were white. That's the reason why it goined a foothold.

Hey, have they ever solved the murders of Biggie Smalls and Tupac yet? Nobody saw nothing.

Listen to this guy. He can't even get his hip hop stereotypes up to date.
At the time Italians weren't considered white, neither were the Irish and Jews.

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