The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Yes they did. Not so much now of course. Cleveland used to be a big mob town. In fact one of my first jobs was a company owned by the mob. But the mob was not always a bad thing. They used to keep neighborhoods safe. Look at Vegas. When the mob ran it, it was a safe prosperous town. After the government ran them out, it pretty much went to hell. Murders, robberies, casino cheats. The mob never allowed that kind of shit to go on.
Just like with everything else, IM2 thinks it's 1960.
It's feminism.
Destruction of the family
Removing fathers from the life of the child

Young men aren't getting raised right and that is resulting in a lot of pain.
Yes they did. Not so much now of course. Cleveland used to be a big mob town. In fact one of my first jobs was a company owned by the mob. But the mob was not always a bad thing. They used to keep neighborhoods safe. Look at Vegas. When the mob ran it, it was a safe prosperous town. After the government ran them out, it pretty much went to hell. Murders, robberies, casino cheats. The mob never allowed that kind of shit to go on.
They do it as much now as they ever did. They did not keep neighborhoods safe. The mob was killing robbing and cheating. That's why they are the mob.
More fiction out the mind of an obsessed racist. You shovel a lot of shit and never provide evidence that supports your nonsense. Oh, except for Left wing professors who feed you studies that get you all excited.
Yes what you post is racist fiction. I've presented facts. You choose to lie to yourself. So what exactly have you done to honor the memory of this child whose name you use to post your racist opinion of blacks?
As I have posted NUMEROUS TIMES, individual racism still exists. You are the prime example of racism on USMB. Your entire life revolves around racism. I truly feel sorry for you.
Systemic racism exists as well as individual. Individual racists work in the system idiot. No, I'm not the prime example of racism here. I laugh when whites trash starts telling me how my life revolves around racism. It's easy to be white and make dumbfuck comments like that thinking you make sense when in reality you look like a dumb ass. I feel sorry for you. You're a racist and you have deluded yourself into believing that you're not even as you post racism daily. I'm about stopping racism. That is a top priority for about 99.99999999 percent of the black people in America.
The Mafia gained a foothold for the same reason the Latino and Black drug gangs gained a foothold. Unlimited amounts of money to bribe cops. prosecutors, judges and public officials. Not to mention being willing to use violence to further their aims. The Cartels have a phrase for it "plomo o plata" lead or silver. In other words take the bribe or die.

The mafia gained a foothold because there white.

There's no such thing as a black drug gang.

The black gangs you speak are street level dealers who are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors of these drugs are white and non black. That's were the real money is. The black dealers work for organized crime moving the product around the neighbourhoods. In order to sell these drugs, you have to have a distributor. There may be a few black distributors, but they few and far between. They are working for the higher up organized crime folk

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They are almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.
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WTF are you talking about no evidence? You don't know the first thing about CCWs or the laws, that's what I'm basing my opinion on. If you told me you were a doctor and recommend putting a band aid on a bullet wound, then yes, I'm liable to believe you are no doctor at all because no doctor would ever make such a recommendation. If you told me you were a music teacher that taught timing was unimportant in music, I would say you're no music teacher at all because I was a music teacher, and timing is the most important factor when learning a musical instrument.

What you told me is that CCW holders are taught to carry a gun but never use a gun for self-defense. THAT'S WHAT CCW'S ARE FOR, TO USE FOR SELF-DEFENSE! You didn't even know the basic law which is an attacker doesn't need to be using deadly force against you to legally use that firearm for self-defense.

Nobody with a CCW permit would ever say anything close to what you stated. They wouldn't have been able to pass the written test with that lack of knowledge.
Okay, so now you're going to blame me because you misinterpreted what I wrote?

The post below means I also have a Florida concealed carry permit (like George Zimmerman) and I am correct that it is not the permit itself that allows any of the things you say it does. The laws governing the carrying of a concealed "weapon" is a separate law from the laws governing self-defense and each is independent of the other.

No where did I state what you claim, that "CCW holders are taught to carry a gun but never use a gun for self-defense"


Then you go to attempting to ridicule me saying yes a concealed carry permit SAYS you have the right to use deadly force blah blah blah. It SAYS no such thing, it's the self-defense laws of each state that say under what circumstances lethal force can be used.

I suspect what you did is simply remember that they taught you the laws in your CCW training class and then forgot or never even realized that the laws they were teaching you about were the specific self-defense laws not the CCW laws since you don't seem to remember much about them. The CCW laws deal with things like 1) eligibility requirements, 2) things that disqualify you from being issued a license, 3) grounds under which the state can revoke your license, 4) license renewals, 5) obtaining a duplicate license in case you lose yours, 6) change of address etc.

OR it could be that the CCW laws in your state are different but the fact remains, I was discussing Florida concealed carry and self-defense laws.

So here we are with you accusing me of a lack of knowledge when my understanding of the subject matter is rather thorough, due to having actually traversed the system multiple times.

Which makes you less knowledgeable because I don't recall you stating you have a Florida concealed carry permit but even if you do, you have demonstrated your lack of understanding of which laws are applicable to the topic.


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First, I don’t carry a gun and haven’t been following that aspect of the thread.

Second, yes…proportionate to their numbers, there are more hate crimes against Jews than against blacks. That means that a Jew is more likely to experience a hate crime than a black.

Third, I too have been discriminated against.….jobs, a new neighborhood (this was with my parents 50 years ago)…..clubs, etc. A friend’s father wouldn’t allow her to invite me to her 16th birthday party because he didn’t allow Jews in the house.

Fourth, when I say two hate crimes, I mean those that actually defaced my property. There were many other incidents that did not hurt propertyl The scariest was when I was about 12 or 13, and home alone, and two teenage boys from up the street came right into my house (we didn’t lock doors during the daytime back then) and unleashed a torrent of anti-Jew venom at me.

My parents could relate similar, and worse, stories - along with their friends. And my grandparents and their friends - OMG. And my great-grandparents, with the Russian pograms, they also had their stories, I’m sure.

But the difference is.…my parents and grandparents never focused on all this. In fact, my grandmother, may she RIP, who lost her own mother, sister, and four nieces and nephews to Hitler, never talked about it. My dad said very little as well. The focus was always what we had NOW - in this great country - and to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities, despite the antisemitism that still exists.

Stop living in the past. You and “your people” live in a country of wonderful opportunity, if only the right choices are made.
When did you all arrive in this country? And do you receive regular communications from the Department of Homeland Security about the trends in hate crimes?
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As I have posted NUMEROUS TIMES, individual racism still exists. You are the prime example of racism on USMB. Your entire life revolves around racism. I truly feel sorry for you.
No, systemic racism still exists. There is no real way to get rid of it since everything from the inception of this country was built upon a white supremacist belief system. The laws, the court cases, the police systems, public and government policies, social mores, etc. It's like a vine that has tendrils throughout the entire system.

When the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 was passed, ALL it did was say "this is no longer lawful" but then, just like with any law, individuals are FREE to comply with them or not and when you are born as a member of the ruling class which had the lawful right of dominion over an entire nother race, no one was going to give that up, at least not willingly.

Look at the people on this message board. They assert their mythical rights of superiority over others every friggin day. They don't even care that most of their claims cannot be substantiated, generally because they're false, but that doesn't keep them from repeating over and over again.
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My father always said the meanest people on earth were white People and that they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION which is the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Only a soul can make you a HUE-man and we use our pineal glands to connect with our souls. They don’t poison them, starve them and drop bombs on them and all that done from a people who have done nothing to them

When you look at black history it's almost like we are dealing with another species. So white supremacist shooting up a black funeral is light work

Again, must have been those guys who beat up Jussie Smollet. Those guys must be busy...

OK. Let's not try and derail the argument here. Let's not do that. Stay on the subject if you are able to. So let's SLOW WALK this. So go back to what you wrote about Beverly Hills and answer the question

I wrote a very clear answer... I'm sorry you didn't understand it. But you don't seem very bright.
Don't play stupid Joe. Chicago was not the number 1 city in killing nor is it in the top 10 most dangerous.

Joe, whites such as yourself run off at the mouth about 1 kind of killing and want us to jump on that upon your command. I think it's time you went to school.


Todays lesson:

797 Homicides in Chicago Equal approximately 1 Days Worth of the Number of Blacks Who Die Each Day From Health Problems Caused by White Racism.

This is the kind of stuff that makes you look silly.

The stuff you list happen because of poor diet and lack of exercise, not because "Oh, my Gosh, I'm stressing out because white people are mean to me!"

According to the American Heart Association, hypertension-related deaths in the black community increased from 171,259 to 270,839 annually from 2000-2018. According to these numbers, 739 blacks die each day from stress related hypertension. You guys talk about murder, but white racism is killing way more blacks than what you decide to use for an example. Blacks see the 2021 Chicago homicide rate every day and other blacks aren't doing the killing.

So exercise more, stop eating greasy food,

The reality is, Heart Disease and Cancer are the things that kill you because your body wears out. Humans really weren't designed to live 60 years... Most points in history, living to be 60 was an exception, not the rule. (Neither of my parents lived to see sixty... two more days and I will!)
When did you all arrive in this country? And do you receive regular communications from the Department of Homeland Security about the trends in hate crimes?
THAT is your response to my sharing with you the horrific antisemitism - and loss of loved ones due to outright murder for their religion - that my family ONE generation up from me suffered, and that despite that every one in the next generation went on to college and successful lives?!

Stop going back in history to excuse why the black poverty rate is double the whites. They need to concentrate on what they can do NOW to reduce it, and substantially, by simply not having the majority of babies OOW and finishing school.
THAT is your response to my sharing with you the horrific antisemitism - and loss of loved ones due to outright murder for their religion - that my family ONE generation up from me suffered, and that despite that every one in the next generation went on to college and successful lives?!

But Hiiiiiiiiiitler!!!!

Point is, Jews weren't discriminated against in THIS country. You don't get credit for what happened in other countries.
Why do you think that is? That white racists wouldn't consider other white people as being white?

At the time, no they didn't. Also at the time, you didn't marry outside your religion unless you didn't care about being disowned by your family. A lot of people were not happy if you married outside your ethnic background. Things were entirely different many years ago. That's why it's fruitless to dwell on those times.
Okay, so now you're going to blame me because you misinterpreted what I wrote?

The post below means I also have a Florida concealed carry permit (like George Zimmerman) and I am correct that it is not the permit itself that allows any of the things you say it does. The laws governing the carrying of a concealed "weapon" is a separate law from the laws governing self-defense and each is independent of the other.

No where did I state what you claim, that "CCW holders are taught to carry a gun but never use a gun for self-defense"

View attachment 640757

Then you go to attempting to ridicule me saying yes a concealed carry permit SAYS you have the right to use deadly force blah blah blah. It SAYS no such thing, it's the self-defense laws of each state that say under what circumstances lethal force can be used.
View attachment 640760

I suspect what you did is simply remember that they taught you the laws in your CCW training class and then forgot or never even realized that the laws they were teaching you about were the specific self-defense laws not the CCW laws since you don't seem to remember much about them. The CCW laws deal with things like 1) eligibility requirements, 2) things that disqualify you from being issued a license, 3) grounds under which the state can revoke your license, 4) license renewals, 5) obtaining a duplicate license in case you lose yours, 6) change of address etc.

OR it could be that the CCW laws in your state are different but the fact remains, I was discussing Florida concealed carry and self-defense laws.

So here we are with you accusing me of a lack of knowledge when my understanding of the subject matter is rather thorough, due to having actually traversed the system multiple times.

Which makes you less knowledgeable because I don't recall you stating you have a Florida concealed carry permit but even if you do, you have demonstrated your lack of understanding of which laws are applicable to the topic.

I posted the Florida law (which mirrors ours here in Ohio) with a link. Again, the law states deadly force is legally allowed to be used if you believe that you (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Zimmerman suffered serious bodily harm which warranted him to use deadly force against an unarmed attacker to stop the assault. It wasn't a fist fight outside of a bar, it was a felonious assault attack.

No, a CCW is not an administrative process, it's training of handling a gun in public, training on what the laws of your state and others (those with reciprocity with your state) are, range training and testing to make sure you know how to use that weapon. You don't need 10 hours of class time to teach the application process and maintenance of a license. The class is heavily focused on the laws, safety such as downrange (if you want to know what that means, ask) statistics on missed shots from X feet away, how you can be blinded by using your firearm at night from the gun powder flash, real stories and situations of other CCW holders using deadly force in the past and court rulings.

Every time you comment on CCW licenses, it makes it more and more evident you have no CCW license at all and never have. You just keep :dig:
They do it as much now as they ever did. They did not keep neighborhoods safe. The mob was killing robbing and cheating. That's why they are the mob.

Yes they did. Lowlifes were more scared of the mob than law abiding citizens. They didn't mess around with those guys. You cross one of them, you're liable to disappear off the planet and nobody ever see you again and they knew it.

Here we had an all Italian section of town referred to as Murry Hill. It was kind of a main street that went through that part of the city. And of course, a lot of people from the mob lived there. Safest place anybody could be. You could walk down the streets day or night. You can't do that today. If you get robbed, assaulted or killed, all anybody can do is call the cops just like anyplace else.

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