The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

My response is that you and your people have not been in this country long enough to have suffered MORE than black "Americans". And I put "Americans" in quotes because SCOTUS Justice Taney, in the landmark ruling Dred Scoft v Sanford stated the following

If you feel that my responses are lacking in compassion for what your people have suffered "so long ago", it's because you've failed to show an ounce of compassion for what black people have suffered in this country - in the past as well as currently.

Why do you think that the killing of the Jewish people is worse than any of the killings of black people? Why are you unable to look at our history with any understanding or compassion? How is it that I can care for and have compassion for your people, enough to put my life on the line for some of you, but all you can do is find fault?

If you were right about the things you're saying, I'd tell you so even if I got tired of hearing you talk about it. But you're not right. There are plenty of single mothers or young mothers still making their way through school with young children who manage to rise out of poverty. Yes, some of them chose to do it the harder way but that's their right. My sister's younger son and his girlfriend are both graduating this month. They have a 3 year old that they're raising and his mom is graduating with her Master's degree in spite of her pregnancy disrupting her schooling momentarily. My sister's daughter is graduating this month as well with her bachelor's at age 22 in spite of the COVID interruptions and already has a job in her field. Both of my sister's sons will be graduating with at least a bachelor possibly a master's degree.

I think it's great that you all accomplished what you did, because I believe education can open doors and change lives however I don't kick the homeless people as I pass them by or shout at them that all they need to do to get off the streets and out of poverty & homelessness is to stay in school and not have babies. Most of them are white men, by the way.

Your people are NOT the only ones who have suffered or been murdered due to race or because who they are. Your head must be up in the clouds if you cannot see that.

Yes, whites makeup most of the homeless because we are five times the size of the black population in this country. Per capita however, most homeless are blacks:

  • African Americans make up more than 40% of the homeless population, but represent 13 percent of the general population.
  • American Indians/Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, and those of more than one race each make up less than 5 percent of the general population. But each group’s share of the homeless population is more than double their share of the general population.
  • The proportion of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the homeless population (1.3 percent) is 6.5 times higher than their proportion in the general population (0.2 percent).
  • Those identifying as Hispanic make up 18 percent of the general population but 21 percent of the homeless population.
  • Both Whites and Asians are significantly underrepresented among the homeless population.
Yes, whites makeup most of the homeless because we are five times the size of the black population in this country. Per capita however, most homeless are blacks:

  • African Americans make up more than 40% of the homeless population, but represent 13 percent of the general population.
  • American Indians/Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, and those of more than one race each make up less than 5 percent of the general population. But each group’s share of the homeless population is more than double their share of the general population.
  • The proportion of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the homeless population (1.3 percent) is 6.5 times higher than their proportion in the general population (0.2 percent).
  • Those identifying as Hispanic make up 18 percent of the general population but 21 percent of the homeless population.
  • Both Whites and Asians are significantly underrepresented among the homeless population.
Yes, and the reason blacks are disproportionately poor…..and homeless…..and less educated…..and more criminal… because of their high out of wedlock birthrate.
Yes, whites makeup most of the homeless because we are five times the size of the black population in this country. Per capita however, most homeless are blacks:

  • African Americans make up more than 40% of the homeless population, but represent 13 percent of the general population.
  • American Indians/Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, and those of more than one race each make up less than 5 percent of the general population. But each group’s share of the homeless population is more than double their share of the general population.
  • The proportion of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the homeless population (1.3 percent) is 6.5 times higher than their proportion in the general population (0.2 percent).
  • Those identifying as Hispanic make up 18 percent of the general population but 21 percent of the homeless population.
  • Both Whites and Asians are significantly underrepresented among the homeless population.
P.S. Any stats on what percent of Jews are homeless? I bet it’s negligible.
Yes, and the reason blacks are disproportionately poor…..and homeless…..and less educated…..and more criminal… because of their high out of wedlock birthrate.

It's more than just that. As that one link I posted states, their research shows that a third of all black males have a felony record. Right there that will disqualify a person from better paying jobs no matter what race you are. Then there is the question of what you do with that money you can make. Are you going to use it on drugs, the newest iPhone, an apartment that takes you check to check to afford?

I made real estate investments in my mid 30's along with an IRA my employer started and contributed to. I had to work at that real estate investment and it's paying off today, not because of my skin color, but what I did differently than these racist paranoid people here and across the country. Every single one of them could have done what I did throughout life.
Children are a large part of it. As I stated earlier in the conversation, the CDC estimates that it will cost a parent $233,000 to raise a middle-class child from birth until the age of 18. But there is more to it such as education, getting into a field of work where you're in demand, unnecessary spending, investments, staying off of drugs and not getting in trouble with the law. These are all things anybody (including blacks) can do, and many have.

However if you don't do one (or more) of these things and sit back screaming racism the rest of your life instead of screaming at the person in the mirror, you will always be a failure in life because you refuse to come to terms that your situation is your own doing.
It's more than just that. As that one link I posted states, their research shows that a third of all black males have a felony record. Right there that will disqualify a person from better paying jobs no matter what race you are. Then there is the question of what you do with that money you can make. Are you going to use it on drugs, the newest iPhone, an apartment that takes you check to check to afford?

I made real estate investments in my mid 30's along with an IRA my employer started and contributed to. I had to work at that real estate investment and it's paying off today, not because of my skin color, but what I did differently than these racist paranoid people here and across the country. Every single one of them could have done what I did throughout life.
Children are a large part of it. As I stated earlier in the conversation, the CDC estimates that it will cost a parent $233,000 to raise a middle-class child from birth until the age of 18. But there is more to it such as education, getting into a field of work where you're in demand, unnecessary spending, investments, staying off of drugs and not getting in trouble with the law. These are all things anybody (including blacks) can do, and many have.

However if you don't do one (or more) of these things and sit back screaming racism the rest of your life instead of screaming at the person in the mirror, you will always be a failure in life because you refuse to come to terms that your situation is your own doing.
But it all comes down to their having the majority of their kids when they’re young, unmarried, and unable to support them - including all the felonies. Single motherhood is correlated with poverty, which in turn is correlated with low educational attainment, which in turn is correlated with high crime rates.

It is both depressing and infuriating that the black deniers on this thread insist on blaming historical racism for the failures among blacks TODAY, or even a generation ago, instead of their own choices - and that any white person pointing this out is called evil, racist, white supremacist, what have you.

The key that shows that racism is not to blame for black poverty today is that the majority of blacks are not in poverty. Most are working to middle class. And I’ve asked the same question repeatedly, and never get an answer (because the answer shows it’s personal choice that matters): If racism is to blame for blacks living in poverty, why are MOST blacks not in poverty? What is different about THOSE blacks, who are the majority of them?
I would not be surprised if IM2 does experience hypertension from brooding over his perceived white racism 24/7. On the other hand, I doubt the average black is constantly brooding over white racism all the time because they are too busy simply living their lives.

I'm not saying that racism is not a problem, but we have come a long way since the 1960s.

And we still have a long way to go.

I like most of what IM posts, but sometimes he goes off on weird tangents. Sometimes I go off on weird tangents.
It's more than just that. As that one link I posted states, their research shows that a third of all black males have a felony record. Right there that will disqualify a person from better paying jobs no matter what race you are. Then there is the question of what you do with that money you can make. Are you going to use it on drugs, the newest iPhone, an apartment that takes you check to check to afford?

Again, 100 Million Americans have a police record, about 30% of Americans.

The problem here is that white people get probation and rehab, black men get felony records. This is pretty much the ROT at the root of our system.

People I grew up with got into all sorts of trouble as young people... and didn't come out of it with any record. because WHITE PRIVILEGE.

I made real estate investments in my mid 30's along with an IRA my employer started and contributed to. I had to work at that real estate investment and it's paying off today, not because of my skin color, but what I did differently than these racist paranoid people here and across the country. Every single one of them could have done what I did throughout life.

Yet you still live in a slum and collect a government check...
and I never said my people were the only ones that suffered. But my people moved beyond it, by and large, even though the worst of it happened in the lifetimes of those still alive today - and you are still quoting legal cases from 1857 to justify why your people have a 75% OOW rate that contributes DIRECTLY to their poverty.

And you’re not right. Giving examples of some successful single mothers does not negate the facts: the is a direct correlation between having babies you can’t afford OOW, and poverty. Blacks have a HORRIBLE pattern of having babies first, often as teens, and then you’re going to blame 1857 mores on black poverty?
There you go again, you're harping on what you claim black people are doing.

Why is it always specific to black people with you? You act as if ONLY poor black people have babies they can't afford when there are plenty of poor white people who also have babies they can't afford. In fact, there are more white people living in poverty and on welfare than black people,

So since there are more of you all, why are you not riding their asses about getting it together and staying in school and stop having babies they can't afford?

This is HERE, this is specifically what makes you keep looking like a racist because your comments don't come from a place of concern or caring, only from you looking down on everyone else whom in your mind is inferior to you.

I have tried to be patient with you because I don't know what other mental deficiencies you might have, other than being racist and we were taught you just don't go around beating up on people who are disadvantaged. But you have been told repeatedly that the things you are saying are not true so I will tell you this. Black people have been living in what now constitutes the United States for several centuries. The Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler only arrived here in the 1940s. If you are unable to do the math, then I guess your problems are bigger than I ever guessed but continuing to falsely claim that the Jewish people have been targeted MORE than black people in America simply makes you a liar.

You know it and we all know that you know it because you don't even bother to show anything in support of your lies.

I don't know which one of you is deeper in denial, you or Ray.
But it all comes down to their having the majority of their kids when they’re young, unmarried, and unable to support them - including all the felonies. Single motherhood is correlated with poverty, which in turn is correlated with low educational attainment, which in turn is correlated with high crime rates.

It is both depressing and infuriating that the black deniers on this thread insist on blaming historical racism for the failures among blacks TODAY, or even a generation ago, instead of their own choices - and that any white person pointing this out is called evil, racist, white supremacist, what have you.

The key that shows that racism is not to blame for black poverty today is that the majority of blacks are not in poverty. Most are working to middle class. And I’ve asked the same question repeatedly, and never get an answer (because the answer shows it’s personal choice that matters): If racism is to blame for blacks living in poverty, why are MOST blacks not in poverty? What is different about THOSE blacks, who are the majority of them?
Why didn't answer my question about how it came about that the Jewish people received reparations? And why?
So now, without our permission, money is debited from blk ppl's account to help white ppl in Ukraine. A people who are not too fond of blacks

There you go again, you're harping on what you claim black people are doing.

Why is it always specific to black people with you? You act as if ONLY poor black people have babies they can't afford when there are plenty of poor white people who also have babies they can't afford. In fact, there are more white people living in poverty and on welfare than black people,

So since there are more of you all, why are you not riding their asses about getting it together and staying in school and stop having babies they can't afford?

This is HERE, this is specifically what makes you keep looking like a racist because your comments don't come from a place of concern or caring, only from you looking down on everyone else whom in your mind is inferior to you.

I have tried to be patient with you because I don't know what other mental deficiencies you might have, other than being racist and we were taught you just don't go around beating up on people who are disadvantaged. But you have been told repeatedly that the things you are saying are not true so I will tell you this. Black people have been living in what now constitutes the United States for several centuries. The Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler only arrived here in the 1940s. If you are unable to do the math, then I guess your problems are bigger than I ever guessed but continuing to falsely claim that the Jewish people have been targeted MORE than black people in America simply makes you a liar.

You know it and we all know that you know it because you don't even bother to show anything in support of your lies.

I don't know which one of you is deeper in denial, you or Ray.
I don’t read your entire diatribes, since all you do is ask the same questions and make the same attacks and the same false arguments.

For the umoteenth time, the reason I am targeting poor black people is because we whites are being falsely blamed for their bad choices and resulting poverty. it was right in the title of the thread.

And Jews have been persecuted HORRIBLY for millennia. You are twisting around to explain why Jews, living in this country in the 1940s and suffering the worse loss imaginable - the loss of their families to torture and murder - still were able to see their children graduate from college. You just won’t admit it, because that would mean you would have to hold blacks responsible for their own decisions and kill your “oppressed victims” CRT crap.

Blacks in poverty - in Chicago, in Detroit, in DC, wherever - are so because they have a horrible out-of-wedlock rate. Once they correct that behavior, and start taking responsibility for their own actions, the poverty rate among blacks would drop significantly,
Why didn't answer my question about how it came about that the Jewish people received reparations? And why?
HUH? You are comparing the reparations Holocaust survivors got to blacks today? Holocaust survivors who were directly impacted - suffering lifelong physical ailments and their homes and property - got modest payments from Germany.

People who did not suffer a direct loss - such as my grandmother who had her family killed - got nothing. Blacks today have suffered no direct loss, and in recent generations, actually have gotten favorable treatment, particularly in college admissions, and in liberal cities, favoritism for hiring and promotions.

White people owe black people NOTHING other than to hold them to the same standards as everyone else.
There you go again, you're harping on what you claim black people are doing.

Why is it always specific to black people with you? You act as if ONLY poor black people have babies they can't afford when there are plenty of poor white people who also have babies they can't afford. In fact, there are more white people living in poverty and on welfare than black people,

So since there are more of you all, why are you not riding their asses about getting it together and staying in school and stop having babies they can't afford?

This is HERE, this is specifically what makes you keep looking like a racist because your comments don't come from a place of concern or caring, only from you looking down on everyone else whom in your mind is inferior to you.

I have tried to be patient with you because I don't know what other mental deficiencies you might have, other than being racist and we were taught you just don't go around beating up on people who are disadvantaged. But you have been told repeatedly that the things you are saying are not true so I will tell you this. Black people have been living in what now constitutes the United States for several centuries. The Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler only arrived here in the 1940s. If you are unable to do the math, then I guess your problems are bigger than I ever guessed but continuing to falsely claim that the Jewish people have been targeted MORE than black people in America simply makes you a liar.

You know it and we all know that you know it because you don't even bother to show anything in support of your lies.

I don't know which one of you is deeper in denial, you or Ray.
Also, you ask me why I’m not riding black people’s asses to stay in school and stop having all these babies? Look at YOUR reaction when I say that. I’m sure I’d be welcomed with open arms into a poor Blaxk DC neighborhood and start telling them what they need to do.

No - that’s up to YOU and other blacks. But that won’t happen becuae you’re stuck blaming their problems on whitey for stuff that happened generations ago.
Why is it always specific to black people with you? You act as if ONLY poor black people have babies they can't afford when there are plenty of poor white people who also have babies they can't afford. In fact, there are more white people living in poverty and on welfare than black people,

So since there are more of you all, why are you not riding their asses about getting it together and staying in school and stop having babies they can't afford?

For one, the only reason there are "more of us" is because we are five times your population, not because you are doing better than us in welfare, teen pregnancy, violent crime. Per capita (which is the only intelligent way to measure outcomes) speaks the exact opposite story.

White people do have kids they can't afford, but the difference is we are not blaming anybody but the individual for their own choices whereas you and other blacks refuse to accept any responsibility for the actions of people in your race. You make excuses for them. We don't do that with white teens or any white that can't afford children. In fact we chastise them for being irresponsible.

I have tried to be patient with you because I don't know what other mental deficiencies you might have, other than being racist and we were taught you just don't go around beating up on people who are disadvantaged. But you have been told repeatedly that the things you are saying are not true so I will tell you this. Black people have been living in what now constitutes the United States for several centuries. The Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler only arrived here in the 1940s. If you are unable to do the math, then I guess your problems are bigger than I ever guessed but continuing to falsely claim that the Jewish people have been targeted MORE than black people in America simply makes you a liar.

You know it and we all know that you know it because you don't even bother to show anything in support of your lies.

I don't know which one of you is deeper in denial, you or Ray.

Nobody is in denial of anything other than the concept that your misfortunes have to do with people you never met in your life. The only reason Lisa brings up her family and what they went through is to make the point other people who's family suffered major setbacks didn't use their heritage as a crutch for their own misfortunes. I told you how my father and his family were raised; growing up poor, in a house the size of a three car garage, no indoor plumbing or electricity, taking handouts from whoever was kind enough to offer them at the time. He said the only reason he joined the military and fought in the Korean war was to see what it was like to not go to bed starving.

What my father went through has nothing to do with how I turned out. The only fortune I have being white is that I was raised in a two-parent home, but that's not exclusive to whites, that environment is for anybody to create. My father taught me how to work, the value of money, my parents taught me personal responsibility, religion, total respect for our police and law in general. My father was not a guy that got me and my siblings every other weekend. My father was there for us every single day and night.

I know you probably won't read it, but I'm going to post this article by my favorite economist, Dr. Walter E Williams. Make an exception this time because it's a very short read from a brilliant black man who made his way to prominence at a time when some of these bad things were happening to some blacks.

For one, the only reason there are "more of us" is because we are five times your population, not because you are doing better than us in welfare, teen pregnancy, violent crime. Per capita (which is the only intelligent way to measure outcomes) speaks the exact opposite story.

White people do have kids they can't afford, but the difference is we are not blaming anybody but the individual for their own choices whereas you and other blacks refuse to accept any responsibility for the actions of people in your race. You make excuses for them. We don't do that with white teens or any white that can't afford children. In fact we chastise them for being irresponsible.

Nobody is in denial of anything other than the concept that your misfortunes have to do with people you never met in your life. The only reason Lisa brings up her family and what they went through is to make the point other people who's family suffered major setbacks didn't use their heritage as a crutch for their own misfortunes. I told you how my father and his family were raised; growing up poor, in a house the size of a three car garage, no indoor plumbing or electricity, taking handouts from whoever was kind enough to offer them at the time. He said the only reason he joined the military and fought in the Korean war was to see what it was like to not go to bed starving.

What my father went through has nothing to do with how I turned out. The only fortune I have being white is that I was raised in a two-parent home, but that's not exclusive to whites, that environment is for anybody to create. My father taught me how to work, the value of money, my parents taught me personal responsibility, religion, total respect for our police and law in general. My father was not a guy that got me and my siblings every other weekend. My father was there for us every single day and night.

I know you probably won't read it, but I'm going to post this article by my favorite economist, Dr. Walter E Williams. Make an exception this time because it's a very short read from a brilliant black man who made his way to prominence at a time when some of these bad things were happening to some blacks.

Thanks for explaining to Vine - once again - why I bring up my family, but she won’t get it. (And she tells ME that I’m the one who is mentally defective!)

That‘s a great article you posted, but Vine won’t read it because not only is she closed off to to the truth, but it appeared in the Jewish Journal (albeit written by a black man), and she is quite resentful of a persecuted minority whose members achieve above-average success, and in short order, despite all the bigotry against them.

The author brings up a point, and something I’ve been trying to say. How come ALL OF A SUDDEN blacks are going backwards, and now blaming it on whitey? As he points out, in the 1940s, the black OOW birthrate was only 14% - and that was despite much of the black community living within Jim Crow laws, and not allowed to drink at the white fountain, or sit at the white restaurant counter.

So how can angry deniers - who constantly reverts to insults and screeches of “raaaaacist” - explain why blacks are making worse decisions NOW, with 75% of babies born to unwed mothers, when during the era of Jim Crow and true racism, they were overwhemingly part of stable, two-parent homes?

The answer is: the Democrats, starting with LBJ, told blacks that husbands were unnecessary because the government would provide. They thus broke down the strong black family unit, and the result is poverty and the resulting higher crime and school dropouts.

(But that does beg the question: the same offer is made to whites, yet they are not deciding to have 75% of their babies out of wedlock.)

Regardless, it does show that the Dems are blacks’ worst enemies.

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