The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book
If TyroneKwa never applied himself, got booted out of school, joined a gang, did the crimes, etc etc etc, the it is certainly TyroneKwa's fault. However, when it comes to blacks as a group, it is naive to think that racism/Jim Crow didn't contribute to blacks still being disproportionately poor. I am currently the owner of income-producing inherited properties that have been in my family for generations with those lovely Jim Crow restrictions in the deeds.
And P.S. So you inherited property. The vast majority of middle class whites did not. My parents grew up impoverished and inherited nothing, yet still were middle class by their late 20s - for making the right decisions.

There is a big misconception that whites who are middle class today became so by benefit on inheriting family wealth. Most inherited nothing.
You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book
All 50+ years and two generations ago. Stop living in the past and just do the two simple things I mentioned in the OP, and poverty would drop by 97%.

There is no excuse to remain poor in this country - not with Americans paying for vocational and/or community college degrees. Going back in history as to how it USED to be bad is hurting you, not helping you.
You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book
Those things happened decades before you were born, child.

You have lived your entire life in a system where affirmative action exists to give blacks an advantage IF THEY ACTUALLY WANT ONE.

The problem lies in the fact that far too few do take advantage of A.A. because of their own dysfunctional attitudes.
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
This is a classic case of "Blaming the Victim."

We're not going to discuss how a Black person of equal qualifications is less likely to be hired for good opportunities...
Nor will we discuss how people with "Black sounding names" don't even get interviews despite their qualifications...
We're going to blame them for having babies.

Educate yourself and your bigotry will evaporate and you'll just be a hateful racist.

Amazon product ASIN 0394722264
A HS diploma from many of our poor government school districts isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. This is true for whites and blacks. Many graduate yet are essentially illiterate. Your not likely to get a good job capable of supporting a family, when you’re illiterate.
Those things happened decades before you were born, child.

You have lived your entire life in a system where affirmative action exists to give blacks an advantage IF THEY ACTUALLY WANT ONE.

The problem lies in the fact that far too few do take advantage of A.A. because of their own dysfunctional attitudes.
Excellent point. Any black person under 60 today has had advantages ver whites, particularly with affirmative action. He or she has been admitted to programs, and given opportunities, solely because of skin color that whites with better qualifications were rejected from.

Yet the response is, “well, Emitt Till was murdered in the 1950s!“ Yes, that was horrible what they did to that poor boy, but I could say “my father’s grandmother and aunt and uncle and cousins were killed in the 1940s!” THAT was a direct impact to my Dad. Yet, he still rose from poverty to the middle class suburbs by the time he was 30 - ans that was without benefit of AA. (In fact, it was DESPITE the rampant antisemitism in college admissions in the 50s.)

These liberals need to stop blaming racism that occurred generations ago and take advantage of the favorable treatment afforded them for the last 40 years. Again:

1) No babies pre-marriage
2) High school grad at least, but better some post high school training
And P.S. So you inherited property. The vast majority of middle class whites did not. My parents grew up impoverished and inherited nothing, yet still were middle class by their late 20s - for making the right decisions.

There is a big misconception that whites who are middle class today became so by benefit on inheriting family wealth. Most inherited nothing.
When I was a baby, My family lived in a three room cabin in the woods. My father worked for a lumber company and the "town", if you could call it that consisted of the mill and perhaps half a dozen cabins.

My father grew up dirt poor, but served his country in WW2, and attended college on the G.I. bill. He received two degrees before being hired by the company and over the next twenty years quietly worked his way up the company until we he could buy a house, and then after that, a better one. Everything my family had was the result of my Father's hard work. Everything.

Racists have co-opted the word privilege and divorced it from its true meaning because of their racist agenda. Privilege has nothing to do with skin color, but everything to do with wealth, power and prestige. Good grief, are there any more privileged spoiled brats in this country than Willow and Jaden Smith?

People just accept a bunch of crap and repeat it like gospel without ever thinking.
This is a classic case of "Blaming the Victim."

We're not going to discuss how a Black person of equal qualifications is less likely to be hired for good opportunities...
Nor will we discuss how people with "Black sounding names" don't even get interviews despite their qualifications...
We're going to blame them for having babies.

Educate yourself and your bigotry will evaporate and you'll just be a hateful racist.

Amazon product ASIN 0394722264
Perfect example here. ^^^ Unless whites submit to the false notion that racism explains why some blacks remain poor and ignore the fact that the high OOW birthrate is directly correlated with poverty, that person is a racist.

Educate yourself and figure out that the two simple things needed to move out of poverty have nothing to do with racism, but to the “victim’s” own prudent choices, or lack of them.
This is a classic case of "Blaming the Victim."
What modern day black is a ‘victim’? We elect them to President Of The United States Of America
We're not going to discuss how a Black person of equal qualifications is less likely to be hired for good opportunities...
Most lack communication / people skills…they struggle to articulate the english language.
Nor will we discuss how people with "Black sounding names" don't even get interviews despite their qualifications...
”Black sounding“ African tribe names belong in Africa.
We're going to blame them for having babies.
Babies they can’t raise and afford themselves?
Educate yourself and your bigotry will evaporate and you'll just be a hateful racist.
When I was a baby, My family lived in a three room cabin in the woods. My father worked for a lumber company and the "town", if you could call it that consisted of the mill and perhaps half a dozen cabins.

My father grew up dirt poor, but served his country in WW2, and attended college on the G.I. bill. He received two degrees before being hired by the company and over the next twenty years quietly worked his way up the company until we he could buy a house, and then after that, a better one. Everything my family had was the result of my Father's hard work. Everything.

Racists have co-opted the word privilege and divorced it from its true meaning because of their racist agenda. Privilege has nothing to do with skin color, but everything to do with wealth, power and prestige. Good grief, are there any more privileged spoiled brats in this country than Willow and Jaden Smith?

People just accept a bunch of crap and repeat it like gospel without ever thinking.
We have similar family history from a financial perspective - although yours was rural and mine was inner-city.

Everything my family now has is also due to my father‘s wise and responsible choices. My father grew up in a three-room apartment with the bathroom shared with another tenant. (They were so poor that they couldn’t even afford to have the ice delivered because it cost an extra penny.) Yet, my father managed to win a tuition-free college education, and from there, go to night school for his grad degree while he worked full-time. From a tenement apartment at 20 to a SFH in the suburbs at 30.

It is way past to stop blaming racism for poverty, and the fact that the liberals who continue to do so have to go back generations for examples of it proves it. Why are liberals - OK, leftists - so unwilling to acknowledge that by making two very basic, and simple, life choices, one will move out of poverty?
You are making my point for me.
The point being that the examples of racism, horrible as it was, was generations ago. In today’s climate, and even going back 40 years in some areas, blacks are prioritized over whites.

It’s past time for leftists to stop blaming racism for why some blacks remain poor. It is the same reason some whites remain poor: they have babies they can’t afford when they’re still teens and acquire no career or job training.
The reason is Dems ABUSE the poor in various money schemes to line their own pockets. Follow the money people, Dems skim and divert a lot of the tax money they claim is for the poor into their own pockets and to buy blocks of votes from their pals in the public employee unions.
If TyroneKwa never applied himself, got booted out of school, joined a gang, did the crimes, etc etc etc, the it is certainly TyroneKwa's fault. However, when it comes to blacks as a group, it is naive to think that racism/Jim Crow didn't contribute to blacks still being disproportionately poor. I am currently the owner of income-producing inherited properties that have been in my family for generations with those lovely Jim Crow restrictions in the deeds.
Why is that stupid? Did antisemitism contribute to Jews being disproportionately poor? Is racism the reason that asians are disproportionately poor? Er . . . . . . no. They aren't disproportionately poor

What Jim Crow restrictions?
When I was a baby, My family lived in a three room cabin in the woods. My father worked for a lumber company and the "town", if you could call it that consisted of the mill and perhaps half a dozen cabins.

My father grew up dirt poor, but served his country in WW2, and attended college on the G.I. bill. He received two degrees before being hired by the company and over the next twenty years quietly worked his way up the company until we he could buy a house, and then after that, a better one. Everything my family had was the result of my Father's hard work. Everything.

Racists have co-opted the word privilege and divorced it from its true meaning because of their racist agenda. Privilege has nothing to do with skin color, but everything to do with wealth, power and prestige. Good grief, are there any more privileged spoiled brats in this country than Willow and Jaden Smith?

People just accept a bunch of crap and repeat it like gospel without ever thinking.
This article was written by a 26 yr old college student by the name of Alyssa Ahlgren, who's in grad school for her MBA. What a GREAT perspecitve...

My Generation Is Blind to the Prosperity Around Us!

I'm sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis (Florida) trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of presidential candidates calling for policies to "fix" the so-called injustices of capitalism. I put my phone down and continue to look around.

I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook's, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me. We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we've become completely blind to it.

Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose.These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don't give them a second thought.
We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty One Times!!!

Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful. ??

Our unappreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, "An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity."

Never saw American prosperity! Let that sink in.

When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I've ever heard in my 26 years on this earth. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided.
My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let's just say I didn't have the popular opinion, but I digress.

Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity? We have people who are dying to get into our country.

People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they've never seen prosperity, and as a result, we elect some politicians who are dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism.

Why? The answer is this,?? my generation has only seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn't live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, the Korean War, The Vietnam War or we didn't see the rise and fall of socialism and communism.

We don't know what it's like to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We don't have a lack of prosperity problem.

We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it's spreading like a plague."

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