The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book
Always going back decades or centuries. Always leaving out the strides made to eliminate those things from happening again. I look at the interstate today and see very many folks of African descent driving some pretty nice cars and making some very good use of the interstates in our cities. Telling people they are victims of oppression and nothing has ever changed only teaches people that they cannot be successful and that they should hate anyone who does not look like them
And yet that would be two generations plus however many generations before of income production from property the blacks families couldn't have that we did.
Ah, you have drunk from the cooler of Kool aide. Do you realize how many millions of white folks never inherited a penny or even had to take on debt to bury their parents? I am happy you think you have it good enough to call yourself privileged, good for you. But kiss my ass if you are going to use the word "we". There are more white folks in poverty than there are black folks, so its not just about the color of a persons skin. I won't deny that there are some really mean jerks in our society, they belong to groups like KKK and BLM. Both are nothing but sewage in my book, as they make their fame from pure 100% race hate.
I've known loads of people in the southwest who came to america with almost nothing. In many cases they had little education, and many of them spoke broken English, at best.

I said they came with almost nothing, because they DID bring some invaluable things with them. These included an incredible willingness to work as hard as necessary to make a living. I never heard a single excuse out of any of these folks for any failures they suffered. I saw some of these guys work so hard that I worried they would collapse.

A surprising number built successful small businesses which they started from scratch. Often those tiny " businesses" we're started because these folks could not get decent work (due to their lack of education and language skills). They seemed unstoppable. They just would not fucking quit.

I've known loads of blacks in my life, too. But not once did I witness the drive or work ethic that is found in those immigrants from Mexico and South america.

But, what blacks lack in work ethic, self-motivation and desire, they more than make up for, in never-ending excuses and an unbelievable willingness to blame other people and circumstances for their own failures. It's never their fault. It's always whitey, privilege, wacism, on and on and on.....

Blacks can assimilate and be successful, too. But no one can do it for them. And the never-ending excuses seem to be acting as an anchor around their necks.
Ah, you have drunk from the cooler of Kool aide. Do you realize how many millions of white folks never inherited a penny or even had to take on debt to bury their parents? I am happy you think you have it good enough to call yourself privileged, good for you. But kiss my ass if you are going to use the word "we". There are more white folks in poverty than there are black folks, so its not just about the color of a persons skin. I won't deny that there are some really mean jerks in our society, they belong to groups like KKK and BLM. Both are nothing but sewage in my book, as they make their fame from pure 100% race hate.

Unless you are a member of my family, then you are not part of the "we" privileged one who had to walk up hill both ways to school, in the snow, while milking a cow.
Always going back decades or centuries. Always leaving out the strides made to eliminate those things from happening again. I look at the interstate today and see very many folks of African descent driving some pretty nice cars and making some very good use of the interstates in our cities. Telling people they are victims of oppression and nothing has ever changed only teaches people that they cannot be successful and that they should hate anyone who does not look like them
Of course that’s the case! I live in an affluent area, and I see black people at expensive restaurants, at expensive stores, driving expensive cars, and of course living in expensive houses.

It‘s all a big lie. Most blacks are middle class. (There is a subset of blacks that are stuck in poverty, but that’s due to their own choices.) This constant cry of how blacks are oppressed victims is doing nothing other than to build resentment and hostility toward whites - and that is by intention. Any white person who objects to it is called a racist.

Example: our previous governor (VA), an extreme leftist, proposed that black teachers in the state get paid more than white teachers, a completely racist proposal. He further stated that any teacher - any person in fact - who objects to the racist pay policy is himself a racist.
What you mean "WE" racist?

If Obama had been white he's have carried 60% against McCain.
The racism displayed by people who call themselves "conservative" was blatant and constant.

Allow me to refresh for you, RACIST

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There's thousands more and not by some unknowns on the internet.
No these were spread by prominent GOP leaders.

Ofcourse there are racists….why wouldn’t there be? Have you seen the statistics related to the behavioral traits of various ethnic groups?
The Kenyan elections were the most racist in American history….95% of voting blacks voted on skin color.
Unless you are a member of my family, then you are not part of the "we" privileged one who had to walk up hill both ways to school, in the snow, while milking a cow.
My reply obviously went over your head. And I'll bet 100 bucks you wouldn't even know how to milk a cow. Or tell the difference between a cow and a bull.
I've known loads of people in the southwest who came to america with almost nothing. In many cases they had little education, and many of them spoke broken English, at best.

I said they came with almost nothing, because they DID bring some invaluable things with them. These included an incredible willingness to work as hard as necessary to make a living. I never heard a single excuse out of any of these folks for any failures they suffered. I saw some of these guys work so hard that I worried they would collapse.

A surprising number built successful small businesses which they started from scratch. Often those tiny " businesses" we're started because these folks could not get decent work (due to their lack of education and language skills). They seemed unstoppable. They just would not fucking quit.

I've known loads of blacks in my life, too. But not once did I witness the drive or work ethic that is found in those immigrants from Mexico and South america.

But, what blacks lack in work ethic, self-motivation and desire, they more than make up for, in never-ending excuses and an unbelievable willingness to blame other people and circumstances for their own failures. It's never their fault. It's always whitey, privilege, wacism, on and on and on.....

Blacks can assimilate and be successful, too. But no one can do it for them. And the never-ending excuses seem to be acting as an anchor around their necks.

It's as I often tell leftists: Next time you go to the library, ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. There is no such thing because all excuse makers are failures.

It's easy to be a failure and very hard to be successful. But if you keep feeding this BS to the blacks that they have plenty of excuses for their plight, they're going to accept it.

The message from Republicans is anybody can be successful in America, but you have to put a lot of effort into it; not just making money, but what you do with that money after you make it. I remember my father telling me as a child "Money is easy to make. An idiot can make money. But money is hard to keep."

Going back to the OP, the CDC estimates that it costs (on average) $233,000 to raise a middle-class child from birth until the age of 18. If you want the standard two child family, you better plan on making a half-million dollars to raise those kids in the next 20 years or so.
You are an ignorant liar.

Study after study has shown a person with a "Black" name will be refused even an interview but the same person, with a different "white" name...

Educate yourself. The more you learn, the less racist you will be.
But you'll still be a liar, LAIR.

And now (as the late Paul Harvey used to say) the rest of the story.

Explains why PoC have fewer opportunities to succeed, RACIST.
I do see your point...
If you can convince PoC to stop procreating than your supreme White position ois preserved.

The white population in the US as well as Europe is shrinking due to replacement rate. Whites have less children than minorities mostly due to the expense of raising a child today. I'm one of those guilty parties. I never had any children for that reason.

If you see somebody more financially successful than you are, the best thing you can do is what they did. We all would like everything we want, but sometimes you have to give up something if something else is more important to you.

For many middle-class white families, financial security is more important than large families. My sister makes close to six figures a year, very religious, but only had two children. She and her ex-husband sent them to private schools, college, and she's going to be paying off college loans until she retires. She lives in a very nice house in a very nice suburban community, but she wouldn't be if she had three or four kids.
And yet that would be two generations plus however many generations before of income production from property the blacks families couldn't have that we did.

We can't even trace how far back it was when our ancestors got here. If we get any inheritance, we will be the first generation to do so. Same goes with all of my white friends.
We can't even trace how far back it was when our ancestors got here. If we get any inheritance, we will be the first generation to do so. Same goes with all of my white friends.

Your granny should have worked harder and scrimped and saved more.
If TyroneKwa never applied himself, got booted out of school, joined a gang, did the crimes, etc etc etc, the it is certainly TyroneKwa's fault. However, when it comes to blacks as a group, it is naive to think that racism/Jim Crow didn't contribute to blacks still being disproportionately poor. I am currently the owner of income-producing inherited properties that have been in my family for generations with those lovely Jim Crow restrictions in the deeds.
Why doesn’t your white guilt make you give those properties away?
Your granny should have worked harder and scrimped and saved more.

Back then people were just too happy to eat. My father could tell you stories that would make you cry. He was raised in a house up north here that had no indoor plumbing or electricity. It was about the size of a three car garage. Yet he and his five siblings never seen the inside of a jail or prison. His sisters married good men and raised a family. My father and his brothers all joined the military. My father is a Korean war veteran. Today he jokes that the reason he joined the Marines was to see what it was like to get three square meals a day, a joke he created from truth. When they got out, half of them joined the construction trades. Two of them ran their own business.

Some people today have no idea what real poverty is, nor do they have an idea how easy it is to escape it. Do whatever you feel like doing, and if you F-up, don't worry, government will be there to fill in the gaps. In fact since you are so-called poor, they will get you a house in the suburbs, feed you, provide medical care for you and your family, and oh, BTW, here is a smart phone for you to use free of charge. Pathetic.

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