The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

This is a classic case of "Blaming the Victim."

We're not going to discuss how a Black person of equal qualifications is less likely to be hired for good opportunities...
Nor will we discuss how people with "Black sounding names" don't even get interviews despite their qualifications...
We're going to blame them for having babies.

Educate yourself and your bigotry will evaporate and you'll just be a hateful racist.

Amazon product ASIN 0394722264
A black person of equal qualifications is more likely to get hired, moron. You're claim about people with "black sounding names" is bullshit. An educated person understands that progs are all brainwashed. The Democrat party couldn't continue with constantly claiming racism.
You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book
They are too busy banning them.
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This is a classic case of "Blaming the Victim."

We're not going to discuss how a Black person of equal qualifications is less likely to be hired for good opportunities...
Nor will we discuss how people with "Black sounding names" don't even get interviews despite their qualifications...
We're going to blame them for having babies.

Educate yourself and your bigotry will evaporate and you'll just be a hateful racist.

Amazon product ASIN 0394722264
"We're going to blame them for having babies."
Yes, we are as well as dropping of school and having rap sheets 10 pages long.
Your points about hiring practices and "black sounding names" are, unfortunately, valid in some cases.
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above)

And the proportion of "poor" people who are black is entirely in line with black people in the general population. I'd offer a link, but all the links disprove this statement so I won't bother.

In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.

Perhaps you interact with more poor people than you realize.
Perhaps your idea of poverty is faulty.
Perhaps you don't interact with many black people.
Perhaps your personal anecdotes are completely inadequate evidence.
That was 50 years and two generations ago.

TODAY, any black person can rise from poverty by not getting pregnant as a teen and getting Some basic post-high school job training, courtesy of the American taxpayer,

And yet that would be two generations plus however many generations before of income production from property the blacks families couldn't have that we did.
And the proportion of "poor" people who are black is entirely in line with black people in the general population. I'd offer a link, but all the links disprove this statement so I won't bother.

Perhaps you interact with more poor people than you realize.
Perhaps your idea of poverty is faulty.
Perhaps you don't interact with many black people.
Perhaps your personal anecdotes are completely inadequate evidence.
It’s doesn’t have to be anecdotes. Studies show a direct correlation between OOW births, and dropping and out school, and poverty - and this is within the control of the “victims” you defend. But because it doesn’t fall into your “racism can be blamed for everything,” you fight what is an obvious reality.

Stay in stay in school, don’t have babies you can’t afford when you’re in high school, and take advantage of free educational programs offered to the poor - and you will be out of poverty.
Speaking as a black Democrat, I like it when Democrats make excuses for us and I appreciate they put us into a racial class, because segregation distinctions and excuses are bitchn', and it's nice to know we receive a crutch, because less is expected of us.
And yet that would be two generations plus however many generations before of income production from property the blacks families couldn't have that we did.
Another false way to credit why whitey is doing better - all those imaginary generations of income production. There are TENS OF MILLIONS of Americans who are only 2nd generation - their parents having arrived here penniless - who achieved middle class without generations before them. They achieved it through making the right decisions.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete highshoool.
Yeah, you see that would be "acting white", so you see the problem is racism after all.
A black person of equal qualifications is more likely to get hired, moron. You're claim about people with "black sounding names" is bullshit. An educated person understands that progs are all brainwashed. The Democrat party couldn't continue with constantly claiming racism.
Absolutely. And beyond that, a black person of LESSEr qualifications is more likely to get into a prestigious college or grad program than a white person with SUPERIOR qualifications. It’s called racism, otherwise known as Affirmative Action.
Perfect example here. ^^^ Unless whites submit to the false notion that racism explains why some blacks remain poor and ignore the fact that the high OOW birthrate is directly correlated with poverty, that person is a racist.

Educate yourself and figure out that the two simple things needed to move out of poverty have nothing to do with racism, but to the “victim’s” own prudent choices, or lack of them.
Explains why PoC have fewer opportunities to succeed, RACIST.
I do see your point...
If you can convince PoC to stop procreating than your supreme White position ois preserved.
What modern day black is a ‘victim’? We elect them to President Of The United States Of America
What you mean "WE" racist?

If Obama had been white he's have carried 60% against McCain.
The racism displayed by people who call themselves "conservative" was blatant and constant.

Allow me to refresh for you, RACIST


There's thousands more and not by some unknowns on the internet.
No these were spread by prominent GOP leaders.

"We're going to blame them for having babies."
Yes, we are as well as dropping of school and having rap sheets 10 pages long.
Your points about hiring practices and "black sounding names" are, unfortunately, valid in some cases.
Your first two don't apply to Black people.
So, in 2019 the birth rate for Black women between 15 and 19 was 26 per 1000.
So what about the other 974?
In 2018 there were 4,619.5 per 100k juvenile arrests among Black people.
What about the other 95k?

Your truisms are not true but they are racist
A black person of equal qualifications is more likely to get hired, moron. You're claim about people with "black sounding names" is bullshit. An educated person understands that progs are all brainwashed. The Democrat party couldn't continue with constantly claiming racism.
You are an ignorant liar.

Study after study has shown a person with a "Black" name will be refused even an interview but the same person, with a different "white" name...

Educate yourself. The more you learn, the less racist you will be.
But you'll still be a liar, LAIR.
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Explains why PoC have fewer opportunities to succeed, RACIST.
Where has it been established that Poc have fewer opportunities to succeed? If anything, the have more opportunities. There are all kinds of scholarship designated specifically for PoC. There are also AA quotas at many universities, government jobs and private corporations.
I do see your point...
If you can convince PoC to stop procreating than your supreme White position ois preserved.
So advising them not to get pregnant before they get married is a racist plot?

Lisa has quite the racist hard on for black folks huh?

It's all she ever posts about
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