The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Back then people were just too happy to eat. My father could tell you stories that would make you cry. He was raised in a house up north here that had no indoor plumbing or electricity. It was about the size of a three car garage. Yet he and his five siblings never seen the inside of a jail or prison. His sisters married good men and raised a family. My father and his brothers all joined the military. My father is a Korean war veteran. Today he jokes that the reason he joined the Marines was to see what it was like to get three square meals a day, a joke he created from truth. When they got out, half of them joined the construction trades. Two of them ran their own business.

Some people today have no idea what real poverty is, nor do they have an idea how easy it is to escape it. Do whatever you feel like doing, and if you F-up, don't worry, government will be there to fill in the gaps. In fact since you are so-called poor, they will get you a house in the suburbs, feed you, provide medical care for you and your family, and oh, BTW, here is a smart phone for you to use free of charge. Pathetic.

My grandmother literally scrubbed floors and toilets at a resort, putting all her money into real estate in the area. They made do on my grandfather's pay and all hers went into investments.
My grandmother literally scrubbed floors and toilets at a resort, putting all her money into real estate in the area. They made do on my grandfather's pay and all hers went into investments.
My grandparents were also poor, dirt-poor, with no educations, and immigrated here without speaking English. They worked hard and were happy to have a roof over their families’ heads and some food in their stomachs. Each of their children graduated from college.

From abject poverty to the middle class in ONE generation. This idea that whites have had generations of wealth-building is just an excuse for the subset of blacks who made the wrong decisions, and their white enablers are peddling, for their failure to move out of poverty.

And how’s THIS for a question: if racism explains why SOME blacks remain poor, how then are the majority of blacks working to middle class? How are they buying homes, shopping at nice stores, driving expensive new cars?
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My grandparents were also poor, dirt-poor, with no educations, and immigrated here without speaking English. They worked hard and were happy to have a roof over their families’ heads and some food in their stomachs. Each of their children graduated from college.

From abject poverty to the middle class in ONE generation. This idea that whites have had generations of wealth-building is just an excuse for the subset of blacks who made the wrong decisions, and their white enablers are peddling, for their failure to move out of poverty.

And how’s THIS for a question: if racism explains why SOME blacks remain poor, how then are the majority of blacks working to middle class? How are they buying homes, shopping at nice stores, driving expensive new cars?

You should see the blacks over here in the lottery line. I swear they blow around $100.00 each. Every time I get behind one, I think to myself "this should take about ten minutes for her to get done."

Very few whites benefited from generational income. There was no income to leave behind.
You should see the blacks over here in the lottery line. I swear they blow around $100.00 each. Every time I get behind one, I think to myself "this should take about ten minutes for her to get done."

Very few whites benefited from generational income. There was no income to leave behind.
Yup. Ever read The Millionaire Next Door? Most were raised very modestly, and 93% received no inheritance from their parents.

And so true what you say about the lottery. The line is almost always poor blacks who can least afford it, and it takes forever. I wish they had a separate “lottery ticket” line.
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
Democrats need to keep people poor with their hands out. They do this by constructing the false narrative of oppression and promising to deliver them from their own self-inflicted poverty. Of course, that never happens. The only thing that happens is government enriches itself.
Yup. Ever read The Millionaire Next Door? Most were raised very modestly, and 93% received no inheritance from their parents.

And so true what you say about the lottery. The line is almost always poor blacks who can least afford it, and it takes forever. I wish they had a separate “lottery ticket” line.

I wish they had a separate line for everything. About 80% of the time I get behind a black, they always have some sort of problem. Either they thought the item was on sale and it wasn't, they forgot something and have to run back into the store to pick it up, the cashier tells them it's buy one get one free and they didn't read the sign. Always something.
Democrats need to keep people poor with their hands out. They do this by constructing the false narrative of oppression and promising to deliver them from their own self-inflicted poverty. Of course, that never happens. The only thing that happens is government enriches itself.

Exactly! That’s why we have some leftists come at me with horrific lies and accusations for suggesting that it is not racism that keeps blacks poor (of those who remain poor) but by making poor choices. They are desperate to keep them poor, and that is best done by convincing them it is outside forces - racism - responsible for their problems, rather than reveal that they have it within their own control to move from poverty.
I wish they had a separate line for everything. About 80% of the time I get behind a black, they always have some sort of problem. Either they thought the item was on sale and it wasn't, they forgot something and have to run back into the store to pick it up, the cashier tells them it's buy one get one free and they didn't read the sign. Always something.
Now here’s the interesting thing. You freely discuss some of the less appealing aspects of blacks, from your experience, and yet the nasty mod doesn’t come out you with lies and shrieks of racism.

Could it be because she, like some many leftists, are resentful of the fact that Jews have risen from the worst persecution, and for millennia, and prove that bigotry and prejudice not only keep one in poverty, but doesn’t even stop them from rising from poor, uneducated immigrants to upper-middle class professionals in a single generation?

I’ve noticed this with lots of liberals. We have some posters here who have said awful things about blacks, and yet it slides. Let a Jew say something not nearly as bad, though, and wam! Similarly, we have posters who say awful things about Jews - one yesterday was defending Hitler - and these same liberals defending blacks don’t say a word.

I really think libs are furious at Jews for revealing that racism….prejudice…..bigotry… not the root cause of poverty.
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It's as I often tell leftists: Next time you go to the library, ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. There is no such thing because all excuse makers are failures.

It's easy to be a failure and very hard to be successful. But if you keep feeding this BS to the blacks that they have plenty of excuses for their plight, they're going to accept it.

The message from Republicans is anybody can be successful in America, but you have to put a lot of effort into it; not just making money, but what you do with that money after you make it. I remember my father telling me as a child "Money is easy to make. An idiot can make money. But money is hard to keep."

Going back to the OP, the CDC estimates that it costs (on average) $233,000 to raise a middle-class child from birth until the age of 18. If you want the standard two child family, you better plan on making a half-million dollars to raise those kids in the next 20 years or so.
Absolutely right.

Of course, the cock-sucking Biden, wants to send monthly checks to any whore who can drop a baby -- or five -- or eight.

By stealing money from taxpayers, and giving it to losers who insist on dropping babies they cannot afford to feed and clothe, the idiot, Biden, will create a Baby-Dropping industry in this country.

Some of these losers would get more "free" government money each month than they would ever make working an honest job. Not that most of them would ever seriously consider working to support their own lazy ass.
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You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book
Isolated incidents like Tulsa are not indicative of an engtire nation.

The interstate act was not racist.

Try thinking after you read
Absolutely right.

Of course, the cock-sucking Biden, wants to send monthly checks to any whore who can drop a baby -- or five -- or eight.

By stealing money from taxpayers, and giving it to losers who insist on dropping babies they cannot afford to feed and clothe, the idiot, Biden, will create a Baby-Dropping industry in this country.

Some of these losers would get more "free" government money each month than they would ever make working an honest job. Not that most of them would ever seriously consider working to support their own lazy ass.
It’s sort of like what happened with my niece, who is not a particularly motivated person. She went to college because, well, she realized she had to do SOMETHING, and my sister (her mother) paid for it. After she graduated, she lazed around the house for two months, never even logging on to the computer to apply for a job.

Finally, my sister and BIL had it. They told my niece she needs to start looking for a job or she was being kicked out of the house. The very next day, she applied for several jobs, went on one interview later that week, and was employed by the beginning of the next week.

We have to stop enabling able-bodied adults to live off the dole. There is NO excuse for millions of jobs to be unfilled while people capable of working them are getting taxpayer money to turn them down.
I think an even bigger contributor is cultural.

Take the contempt for education, the Uncle Tomming of fellow blacks and the built in excuse that all failings are the result of racism and you have quite the recipe for failure.

The issue is ALSO cultural, in part.

In some cases, particularly, the LACK of culture, in others, a FAULTY or INFERIOR culture.

Make of that what you will.
It’s sort of like what happened with my niece, who is not a particularly motivated person. She went to college because, well, she realized she had to do SOMETHING, and my sister (her mother) paid for it. After she graduated, she lazed around the house for two months, never even logging on to the computer to apply for a job.

Finally, my sister and BIL had it. They told my niece she needs to start looking for a job or she was being kicked out of the house. The very next day, she applied for several jobs, went on one interview later that week, and was employed by the beginning of the next week.

We have to stop enabling able-bodied adults to live off the dole. There is NO excuse for millions of jobs to be unfilled while people capable of working them are getting taxpayer money to turn them down.

That's kind of unusual today. I hear callers to radio shows telling the story how their kids are in their 20's, 30's and 40's that still live with them, and they love it. They stated they hope their kids never leave. Micheal Medved, former radio show host on Salem Communications had this topic because he and his wife are the same way, their kids are in their 30's still living with them which they are happy as all hell.

So I think your niece probably has a lot of friends doing what she tried to do. It seems to be the trend.
That's kind of unusual today. I hear callers to radio shows telling the story how their kids are in their 20's, 30's and 40's that still live with them, and they love it. They stated they hope their kids never leave. Micheal Medved, former radio show host on Salem Communications had this topic because he and his wife are the same way, their kids are in their 30's still living with them which they are happy as all hell.

So I think your niece probably has a lot of friends doing what she tried to do. It seems to be the trend.
I credit my sister and BIL for refusing to enable her laziness and contribute to her sense of entitlement. But they only did it halfway. The “girl” - a young woman now 28 years old - is still living with them in their waterfront house, in her childhood bedroom, and getting her meals served by Mom. They really should insist she move out - she’s actually earning a decent salary for her age and experience - but my sister says she wouldn‘t be able to live as well.

I’m staying out of it, but who says a young adult should be able to live as well as how her parents were - after 25 years of working? These kids need to be told that they have to work UP to that.
I credit my sister and BIL for refusing to enable her laziness and contribute to her sense of entitlement. But they only did it halfway. The “girl” - a young woman now 28 years old - is still living with them in their waterfront house, in her childhood bedroom, and getting her meals served by Mom. They really should insist she move out - she’s actually earning a decent salary for her age and experience - but my sister says she wouldn‘t be able to live as well.

I’m staying out of it, but who says a young adult should be able to live as well as how her parents were - after 25 years of working? These kids need to be told that they have to work UP to that.

I don't want to be critical of your sister because of course I don't know her or enough about her. The problem I have seen are parents that gave their kids nearly everything they want just for the asking.

I remember when I was about twelve years old and my father was loading his van for a side job. Dad was a bricklayer and did side jobs after he got home from his full time job. I asked him for five dollars. He said "What makes you think I have five dollars to give you?" I told him he has a job, so I know he's got five bucks. He said If that's the way I got my five bucks, that's the way you're going to get yours, now get in the van!

I worked with my father going to jobs during the evening and on weekends during the working months. He paid me one dollar an hour which even in the early 70's, wasn't shit. I came home exhausted from carrying bricks and blocks to the job site, mixing cement, bringing my father various items out of his work bag. When I took a bath the water instantly turned brown, and as soon as I got out I went to bed.

I think there are a lot of people that can't become self-sufficient just because they hit a certain age. It has to be something you grew up with. When you are raised with no free rides, it has an impact on your life as an adult.
I don't want to be critical of your sister because of course I don't know her or enough about her. The problem I have seen are parents that gave their kids nearly everything they want just for the asking.

I remember when I was about twelve years old and my father was loading his van for a side job. Dad was a bricklayer and did side jobs after he got home from his full time job. I asked him for five dollars. He said "What makes you think I have five dollars to give you?" I told him he has a job, so I know he's got five bucks. He said If that's the way I got my five bucks, that's the way you're going to get yours, now get in the van!

I worked with my father going to jobs during the evening and on weekends during the working months. He paid me one dollar an hour which even in the early 70's, wasn't shit. I came home exhausted from carrying bricks and blocks to the job site, mixing cement, bringing my father various items out of his work bag. When I took a bath the water instantly turned brown, and as soon as I got out I went to bed.

I think there are a lot of people that can't become self-sufficient just because they hit a certain age. It has to be something you grew up with. When you are raised with no free rides, it has an impact on your life as an adult.
I believe my parents raised me well. From the summer I turned 16, I had to work full-time during school and college. Before that, I babysit after school five days a week. if I wanted something “extra,” I had to pay for it myself.

Once I graduated from college, I was on my own financially. My dad made it clear that he and Mom would pay for only two things: 1) medical costs if I got sick with something not my fault, and 2) a legal defense if I was falsely charged with a crime. Other than that, I had to cover everything: my first mediocre apartment, all food of course, my insurance payments, my car, and any entertainment. (The most “entertainment” I could afford in the early years was a once-a-week trip to the $5.99 buffet at Big Boys.)

These days, affluent parents are paying the $2500 a month rent in a luxury building for their 27-year-olds or letting them stay in their big bedroom in the 5-bedroom house they grew up in. They get taken along on cruises and ski trips, paid for by the parents. I know someone earning $150,000 as a lawyer, and she still lives at home.

We are now a nation of entitled, weak people.
I believe my parents raised me well. From the summer I turned 16, I had to work full-time during school and college. Before that, I babysit after school five days a week. if I wanted something “extra,” I had to pay for it myself.

Once I graduated from college, I was on my own financially. My dad made it clear that he and Mom would pay for only two things: 1) medical costs if I got sick with something not my fault, and 2) a legal defense if I was falsely charged with a crime. Other than that, I had to cover everything: my first mediocre apartment, all food of course, my insurance payments, my car, and any entertainment. (The most “entertainment” I could afford in the early years was a once-a-week trip to the $5.99 buffet at Big Boys.)

These days, affluent parents are paying the $2500 a month rent in a luxury building for their 27-year-olds or letting them stay in their big bedroom in the 5-bedroom house they grew up in. They get taken along on cruises and ski trips, paid for by the parents. I know someone earning $150,000 as a lawyer, and she still lives at home.

We are now a nation of entitled, weak people.

Much of that has to do with the times. When we were younger, there was what was called a generation gap. We loved our parents as they loved us, but we had an entirely different social outlook so we didn't get along. When we became adults, we couldn't wait to fly the nest and be on our own. It was our number one priority. You would have the liberty to do what you want, when you wanted to. You could have friends stay over if they got too drunk, and smoke all the pot you want without having to go outside and sneak it.

Our generation raised their kids to be more like friends. Unlike when I was young, the parents were very involved in their kids lives. If their boy was in little league, they'd attend every game. If their daughter liked to act, they went to every play. If the parents enjoyed smoking pot, the kids would smoke with them. It was just a completely different relationship than I and my friends had with their parents.
It’s sort of like what happened with my niece, who is not a particularly motivated person. She went to college because, well, she realized she had to do SOMETHING, and my sister (her mother) paid for it. After she graduated, she lazed around the house for two months, never even logging on to the computer to apply for a job.

Finally, my sister and BIL had it. They told my niece she needs to start looking for a job or she was being kicked out of the house. The very next day, she applied for several jobs, went on one interview later that week, and was employed by the beginning of the next week.

We have to stop enabling able-bodied adults to live off the dole. There is NO excuse for millions of jobs to be unfilled while people capable of working them are getting taxpayer money to turn them down.
I have one particularly disgusting experience that was seared into my memory that took place in my early days in college.

I was walking down the hall on my way to another classroom when a black young woman approached, walking in the other direction.

She was shouting: "Where's my FINE-Aide?" "Where's my fucking FINE-Aide?..."

I guess her financial aide check had been delayed.

I could never express the disgust I felt on hearing this noisy pig whining. I was exhausted from studying and making good grades. I worked a full-time, 40 hour per week, labor intensive job on the graveyard shift. And I paid for every single class I took, every book needed, and anything else that was required.

You can imagine what was going through mind as I listened to that worthless piece of shit whining and moaning about her free fucking "government" money. Wasted taxpayer dollars, I'd bet.
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I have one particularly disgusting experience that was seared into my memory that took place in my early days in college.

I was walking down the hall on my way to another classroom when a black young woman approached, walking in the other direction.

She was shouting: "Where's my FINE-Aide?" "Where's my fucking FINE-Aide?..."

I guess her financial aide check had been delayed.

I could never express the disgust I felt on hearing this noisy pig whining. I was exhausted from studying and making good grades. I worked a full-time, 40 hour per week, labor intensive job on the graveyard shift. And I paid for every single class I took, every book needed, and anything else that was required.

You can imagine what was going through mind as I listened to that worthless piece of shit whining and moaning about her free fucking "government" money. Wasted taxpayer dollars, I'd bet.

More than likely. Years ago (early 80's) my employer wanted me to attend electronics school. Our first day in class, the teacher drew a battery on the chalkboard. He then drew a line to two resistors and explained that the battery was 12 volts, and the resistors absorbed 6 volts each. He asked if any of us had any questions, and there was some laughter by us students.
One black guy raised his hand. He asked how the teacher came up with 6 volts for each resistor. He then came up with another stupid question, then another.

I looked to my classmate next to me and quietly said "I don't think this guy is going to make it." He whispered back "I know he won't. This is his third time taking the first semester!"

When we got on break I learned that my classmate dropped out due to illness and he was taking the class again. The black guy was on some government program. I studied for the entrance exam because I knew it was going to mostly be math. It wasn't an easy test for somebody that's been out of school for a couple of years, but I passed. I know there is no way that black guy could have passed the test if he couldn't figure out 6+6= 12. The school must have doctored the test so they could get that government money three times for the same semester.

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