The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Nothing preventing them from assimilating. Assimilate means to act like other people. You don't need the other peoples permission to do that.

Um, when you can't use the same entrance, drink out of the same water fountain, go to the same church, you are not being allowed to assimilate, dummy. Not to mention laws to keep you from marrying outside your race, which existed in this country until 1969. (Then again, Ray gets upset when he sees an interracial couple!)

Out of all my renters I only had to sue one in court. It was an unmarried couple with two kids, one four years old and the other twelve. They kept paying rent later and later until they were almost a month behind, so I asked them to come over to discuss the problem.

The situation was he refused to work one hour over 40 a week, and she stayed home and took care of the kids, supposedly home schooling them even though she was dumb as F herself. So my solution was for her to get a part-time job on weekends while he was home, he could watch the kids, and then they could catch up on their rent and other financial problems they had. She wouldn't even consider it. Because they were not married, she was categorized by our government as a single woman with two children, and she got $280.00 a month in food stamps, and she was not about to let that go.

So you think they should have let their kids go hungry in order to pay you to live in your tenement... nice to see you have your priorities, Ray. So, um, why didn't you do proper background checks when you rented to them? Because that's what I did when I was a landlord. I made sure they had a job that paid well enough to make the rent check.
Um, when you can't use the same entrance, drink out of the same water fountain, go to the same church, you are not being allowed to assimilate, dummy. Not to mention laws to keep you from marrying outside your race, which existed in this country until 1969. (Then again, Ray gets upset when he sees an interracial couple!)

I've been doing this for 35 years. I come from a family of landlords. What I learned is that there is no such thing as a foolproof background check. I've had people with great jobs, good credit and money in the bank that were my worst tenants. I've had people who probably couldn't buy a bicycle on credit that were my better tenants and stayed for much longer periods of time. it really boils down to instinct which is hard to use today with these bullshit fair housing laws. It's those laws mostly responsible for neighborhoods going to hell.

Oh, and I forgot you are still living in the 50's. When I brought up assimilation I was talking about today since they still can't assimilate.
So you think they should have let their kids go hungry in order to pay you to live in your tenement... nice to see you have your priorities, Ray. So, um, why didn't you do proper background checks when you rented to them? Because that's what I did when I was a landlord. I made sure they had a job that paid well enough to make the rent check.

What this pig could have done is take my suggestion. Not only would she have made much more than the government was giving her at the end of the month, but able to solve their financial problems and still be able to feed her kids. Or the father could have accepted overtime offered by his company, which I'm told he always refused. Because they were not married it wouldn't have counted against her stipend. Our government doesn't look at who else is in the household outside of the people (children) that need the assistance.
I've been doing this for 35 years. I come from a family of landlords. What I learned is that there is no such thing as a foolproof background check. I've had people with great jobs, good credit and money in the bank that were my worst tenants. I've had people who probably couldn't buy a bicycle on credit that were my better tenants and stayed for much longer periods of time. it really boils down to instinct which is hard to use today with these bullshit fair housing laws. It's those laws mostly responsible for neighborhoods going to hell.

Funny, I did it for 15 years, never had a bad tenant. Funny how that works. And I rented in what wasn't a great neighborhood (Cicero, IL) and still was able to find pretty good tenants. Of course, I didn't start out being a racist douchenoodle like you probably did, where you took white trash over people of color with good jobs.

Oh, and I forgot you are still living in the 50's. When I brought up assimilation I was talking about today since they still can't assimilate.

Yes, just pretend 400 years of ongoing racism doesn't exist. You said yourself that you get upset when you see an interracial couple on TV.

What this pig could have done is take my suggestion. Not only would she have made much more than the government was giving her at the end of the month, but able to solve their financial problems and still be able to feed her kids. Or the father could have accepted overtime offered by his company, which I'm told he always refused. Because they were not married it wouldn't have counted against her stipend. Our government doesn't look at who else is in the household outside of the people (children) that need the assistance.

The government could insist you work a desk job instead of getting a disability, and you'd be the first one whining if they did.

Now, your hypocrisy aside,
Yes, just pretend 400 years of ongoing racism doesn't exist. You said yourself that you get upset when you see an interracial couple on TV.

What the fuck does racism that didn't exist most our lives have to do with them not being able to assimilate with whites today. Other races do it just fine, even ones that came here legally and are first generation.

The government could insist you work a desk job instead of getting a disability, and you'd be the first one whining if they did.

Now, your hypocrisy aside,

Yes, I know, your imaginary desk job again that you could never find me. What a complete moron you are. The don't hire old truck drivers to do desk jobs.
What the fuck does racism that didn't exist most our lives have to do with them not being able to assimilate with whites today. Other races do it just fine, even ones that came here legally and are first generation.

Oh, dear, the Model Minority Argument. Yes, Asians, you go be a model minority, because you are non-threatening. OH, wait, what? They didn't have 400 years of institutionalized racism against them? They actually had to have the resources to immigrate here legally?

Yes, I know, your imaginary desk job again that you could never find me. What a complete moron you are. The don't hire old truck drivers to do desk jobs.

Actually, you'd be amazed how desperate they are to find anyone to fill those jobs. Hey, guy, I get it, you are getting the government cheese for free...why milk the cow?

What the fuck does racism that didn't exist most our lives have to do with them not being able to assimilate with whites today. Other races do it just fine, even ones that came here legally and are first generation.
I can’t see what the antisemite said, but I’m guessing he went back to the 1950s to complain about what SOME parts of the country did - separate water fountains, back of the bus, etc.

While that was certainly horrible and racist, that was 60 years ago! What does it tell you about the existence of racism today if those who are wailing against it have to go back two generations to find it?!

If anything, blacks have been favored for my entire adulthood - especially when it comes to opportunities for higher education. Blacks are admitted to prestigious universities and grad programs (like med school) that have white applicants with superior grades and scores laughed at.

The odds are pretty stacked against you if you want to be a model or commercial actor. When the majority of hires are going to a slim minority - and you’re not part of the slim minority - lotsa luck.

Finally, blacks KNOW this. They and their white enablers are desperate to keep it hidden, but it’s common knowledge. I was at my mom’s AL facility, at the reception desk, when a black guy was trying to convince the black receptionist to apply for the sales manager position. She said that Sarah - a white girl working in that department - had experience and was much more qualified, and she would never get picked over her. The black guy said, “it doesn’t matter….you’re black, and you’ll get it.” She did.
I can’t see what the antisemite said, but I’m guessing he went back to the 1950s to complain about what SOME parts of the country did - separate water fountains, back of the bus, etc.

While that was certainly horrible and racist, that was 60 years ago! What does it tell you about the existence of racism today if those who are wailing against it have to go back two generations to find it?!

Oh, do you have me on ignore again... because I didn't pretend that what happened to people on the other side of the planet mattered to you.

Miscegnation laws - the laws that made it a crime to marry outside your race - existed on our books until 1969. Racism in this country is still endemic, and only a fool would contend otherwise.

If anything, blacks have been favored for my entire adulthood - especially when it comes to opportunities for higher education. Blacks are admitted to prestigious universities and grad programs (like med school) that have white applicants with superior grades and scores laughed at.

The odds are pretty stacked against you if you want to be a model or commercial actor. When the majority of hires are going to a slim minority - and you’re not part of the slim minority - lotsa luck.

Really, most commercial actors I see are still white. They maybe throw in a black or Asian for a little diversity, but they pick the ones with lighter skin and more white features.

The fact is, we have more blacks in prison than college... While, sure they get a little more preference in the elite schools, on the other side of the equation- schools like my alma mater UIC, they've been largely displaced in universities that were made for them.

Finally, blacks KNOW this. They and their white enablers are desperate to keep it hidden, but it’s common knowledge. I was at my mom’s AL facility, at the reception desk, when a black guy was trying to convince the black receptionist to apply for the sales manager position. She said that Sarah - a white girl working in that department - had experience and was much more qualified, and she would never get picked over her. The black guy said, “it doesn’t matter….you’re black, and you’ll get it.” She did.

Maybe the black girl was more personable. Maybe Sarah was a real bitch who the residents hated. Of course, here's the ugly truth about Assisted Living. Nobody really wants to work there. In Chicago, most of the people working there are Polish and Filipina, and they can't wait to get into something better.
I can’t see what the antisemite said, but I’m guessing he went back to the 1950s to complain about what SOME parts of the country did - separate water fountains, back of the bus, etc.

While that was certainly horrible and racist, that was 60 years ago! What does it tell you about the existence of racism today if those who are wailing against it have to go back two generations to find it?!

If anything, blacks have been favored for my entire adulthood - especially when it comes to opportunities for higher education. Blacks are admitted to prestigious universities and grad programs (like med school) that have white applicants with superior grades and scores laughed at.

The odds are pretty stacked against you if you want to be a model or commercial actor. When the majority of hires are going to a slim minority - and you’re not part of the slim minority - lotsa luck.

Finally, blacks KNOW this. They and their white enablers are desperate to keep it hidden, but it’s common knowledge. I was at my mom’s AL facility, at the reception desk, when a black guy was trying to convince the black receptionist to apply for the sales manager position. She said that Sarah - a white girl working in that department - had experience and was much more qualified, and she would never get picked over her. The black guy said, “it doesn’t matter….you’re black, and you’ll get it.” She did.

we were talking about assimilation and as usual, OCD went back 70 years thinking he could make a point about today. Blacks can't assimilate in white neighborhoods and never could. They talk differently, dress differently, they're very dirty and very loud which most all white middle-class neighborhoods are just the opposite.

I have to laugh at the difference between years ago and today. Years ago when a police officer called in a person of interest or suspect, they said the first name and spelled the last. it was like Henry Omwillo. Henry common spelling, Omwillo O-M-W-I-L-L-O. Now they have to spell the first name and say the last. Yomiba Jones. Y-O-M-I-B-A, Jones common spelling.

They are just different in almost every way thus not being able to assimilate.
Oh, dear, the Model Minority Argument. Yes, Asians, you go be a model minority, because you are non-threatening. OH, wait, what? They didn't have 400 years of institutionalized racism against them? They actually had to have the resources to immigrate here legally?

If you're going to use the cheap excuse of what your grandparents went through to excuse your failures, you have no argument at all. I don't care what my grandparents or grand parents had to go through. My life started the day I was born and nothing that happened to them have any impact, zero impact on my life today. But what should I expect from somebody that thinks blacks are too fucken stupid to make it without Democrats.

Actually, you'd be amazed how desperate they are to find anyone to fill those jobs. Hey, guy, I get it, you are getting the government cheese for free...why milk the cow?

Sure they are, because any job for non-skilled labor pays about eight bucks an hour. Sure they'll take anybody, but I'm not going to use the last years of my life doing that. Government told me I was too medially messed up to work, but as always, OCD Joe knows more than government, knows more than doctors, knows more than everybody because he never educated himself on what disability is for.
Sure thing and Trump is a really good guy and the republicans all walked out of the SCOTUS confirmation to go to the bathroom and QAnon lady is smart person, - egad, you people are sad.

'Faces of poverty: What racial, social groups are more likely to experience it?'

For those who think read Caste for a bit of reality.

'It's More Than Racism: Isabel Wilkerson Explains America's 'Caste' System'

Old post:

Republicans walking out of Jackson’s confirmation had nothing to do with her race and everything to do with her radical philosophies. By your logic, Republicans should have walked out of Clarence Thomas. nomination. Republicans did not falsely accuse Jackson of rape or another crime like they did Kavanaugh.

Republicans walked out on the confirmation of of a justice who is soft on pedophiles and plays her gender card as a woman while refusing to define a woman.
we were talking about assimilation and as usual, OCD went back 70 years thinking he could make a point about today. Blacks can't assimilate in white neighborhoods and never could. They talk differently, dress differently, they're very dirty and very loud which most all white middle-class neighborhoods are just the opposite.

I have to laugh at the difference between years ago and today. Years ago when a police officer called in a person of interest or suspect, they said the first name and spelled the last. it was like Henry Omwillo. Henry common spelling, Omwillo O-M-W-I-L-L-O. Now they have to spell the first name and say the last. Yomiba Jones. Y-O-M-I-B-A, Jones common spelling.

They are just different in almost every way thus not being able to assimilate.
Yeah, these leftists crying about racism are some works of art, aren’t they? Not only are many of them hypocrites - like OCD saying horrible things about Jews while crying about the harm of bigotry against blacks - but having to go back two generations for examples of it.

A good discussion might be: why NOW, when anti-black racist laws have been outlawed for 60 years, and blacks are actually favored over whites in many areas, is there all this focus and wailing and exaggeration and outright lies about racism by Democrats? Have they hired strategists that told them that was the way to win campaigns?

Blacks are in a very good position in this country, with the exception of the street thugs who act like rabid animals. The federal government favors them in hiring, all the liberal non-profits around DC where I live favor them for hires and promotions, and of course competitive education programs favor them, big time.

In the DC suburbs, a prestigious school actually altered its admissions path (they dumped the entrance exam because not enough blacks could get high scores), with the announcement that the change was made specifically to swap out the high-scoring Asians for the lesser-scoring blacks.

If everything about me was the same - same intelligence, motivation, discipline, etc. - but I black Instead of white, I would have been a Harvard Law grad and a senior partner in law firm, or possibly a SCOTUS nominee.

It’s time for leftists to stop their racist policies. We can start with their stupid rule to capitalize Black and lower-case white.
A good discussion might be: why NOW, when anti-black racist laws have been outlawed for 60 years, and blacks are actually favored over whites in many areas, is there all this focus and wailing and exaggeration and outright lies about racism by Democrats? Have they hired strategists that told them that was the way to win campaigns?

I think we both know that answer to that one, and the answer is victim hood. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. The more victims they can create, the more voters they have.

Victims of big business, victims of crime, victims of Big Tobacco, victims of armed citizens, victims of Big Pharma, victims of smokers, victims of lower taxes on the wealthy. Victims, victims, victims.

When they run out of victims, they have to get more. That's why we have an open southern border. That's why they want to take away our guns or at the very least, make them nearly impossible to get. What would happen to an unarmed society? We'd all become victims like those people on the New York subway. Nobody has a gun in NYC but the police who aren't there.

Now blacks are very susceptible to this kind of indoctrination. It's how the Democrat party has been able to keep them on the plantation all of these years. But as blacks take more of an interest in politics, and become more educated, they will slowly drift off that plantation asking themselves what have the Democrats really done for them the last couple of generations.
Speaking as a black democrat your OP offends me, because I'll take all the excuses I can get.

It's natural for we democrats to blame others for the beds we make, and black democrats are second fiddle only democrat women who pretend they've been abused.
I think we both know that answer to that one, and the answer is victim hood. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. The more victims they can create, the more voters they have.

Victims of big business, victims of crime, victims of Big Tobacco, victims of armed citizens, victims of Big Pharma, victims of smokers, victims of lower taxes on the wealthy. Victims, victims, victims.

When they run out of victims, they have to get more. That's why we have an open southern border. That's why they want to take away our guns or at the very least, make them nearly impossible to get. What would happen to an unarmed society? We'd all become victims like those people on the New York subway. Nobody has a gun in NYC but the police who aren't there.

Now blacks are very susceptible to this kind of indoctrination. It's how the Democrat party has been able to keep them on the plantation all of these years. But as blacks take more of an interest in politics, and become more educated, they will slowly drift off that plantation asking themselves what have the Democrats really done for them the last couple of generations.
That answers the “why”? Democrats need to create victims in order to win an election.

But it doesn’t answer “why NOW?” or more accurately “why so EXTREME now”? Nothing really has changed. Blacks have been getting favored for admission for decades (remember Bakke? That was in the 70s), and liberals were prioritizing blacks for hires and promotions over better qualified white competitors, but now….Jees!

We have a president announcing that he was excluding any whites for consideration for SCOTUS, or, for that matter, VP. We have leftists accusing whites who refuse to agree with racist policies, such as Maculiffe’s proposal to pay black teachers more than whites, “racist,” in the biggest irony of all. There’s all this CRT influencing our schools, and teaching children that America is a racist country.

This has all been a BIG shift in recent years. So, why NOW? Why are the lies and exaggerations about racism NOW, rather than say, 10 years ago?
Blacks can't assimilate in white neighborhoods and never could. They talk differently, dress differently, they're very dirty and very loud which most all white middle-class neighborhoods are just the opposite.


They are just different in almost every way thus not being able to assimilate.
When I first arrived in my present city, I chose to live in a nice apartment complex that had a lot of black residents. I soon regretted that choice.

As you said many were unbelievably loud and vulgar. Often arguing and shouting at each other across the grounds. Disgusting people.

Not all were that bad but plenty were. When my 12 month lease was up I was out of there like a bat out of hell. I'll never again have a black neighbor if I can possibly avoid it.

Blacks don't have a clue about the need to assimilate - they think WE should change in order to accept them. It's that nasty 85 thing at work again. Lol...
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When I first arrived in my present city, I chose to live in a nice apartment complex that had a lot of black residents. I soon regretted that choice.

As you said many were unbelievably loud and vulgar. Often arguing and shouting at each other across the grounds. Disgusting people.

Not all were that bad but plenty were. When my 12 month lease was up I was out of there like a bat out of hell. I'll never again have a black neighbor if I can possibly avoid it.

Blacks don't have a clue about the need to assimilate - they think WE should change in order to accept them. It's that nasty 85 thing at work again. Lol...
It takes a special type of chutzpah for the minority to expect the majority to accommodate to them.
That answers the “why”? Democrats need to create victims in order to win an election.

But it doesn’t answer “why NOW?” or more accurately “why so EXTREME now”? Nothing really has changed. Blacks have been getting favored for admission for decades (remember Bakke? That was in the 70s), and liberals were prioritizing blacks for hires and promotions over better qualified white competitors, but now….Jees!

We have a president announcing that he was excluding any whites for consideration for SCOTUS, or, for that matter, VP. We have leftists accusing whites who refuse to agree with racist policies, such as Maculiffe’s proposal to pay black teachers more than whites, “racist,” in the biggest irony of all. There’s all this CRT influencing our schools, and teaching children that America is a racist country.

This has all been a BIG shift in recent years. So, why NOW? Why are the lies and exaggerations about racism NOW, rather than say, 10 years ago?
Just a few minutes ago, on NPR, there was an interview with someone from MIT. He said they will once again be using entrance exams, as well as considering the kinds of advanced high school classes (and results) that have been taken by applicants.

Maybe the steep, speedy slide to the bottom is finally beginning to slow.
Just a few minutes ago, on NPR, there was an interview with someone from MIT. He said they will once again be using entrance exams, as well as considering the kinds of advanced high school classes (and results) that have been taken by applicants.

Maybe the steep, speedy slide to the bottom is finally beginning to slow.

In recent months, the leftists turned the water up to a full boil, and we have time to save ourselves.

You know about TJ, don’t you? It’s a prestigious public high school for science and technology, and Asians were acing the admissions test and blacks were bringing up the rear. They intentionally discontinued the exam so they could swap out Asians with blacks. It was a racist decision whereby admissions requirements were adjusted downward specifically to get a specific race in, and a specific race out.

Anyway, glad to hear about MIT. I believe we have turned a corner, starting with the election of the Republican as VA Governor.
In recent months, the leftists turned the water up to a full boil, and we have time to save ourselves.

You know about TJ, don’t you? It’s a prestigious public high school for science and technology, and Asians were acing the admissions test and blacks were bringing up the rear. They intentionally discontinued the exam so they could swap out Asians with blacks. It was a racist decision whereby admissions requirements were adjusted downward specifically to get a specific race in, and a specific race out.

Anyway, glad to hear about MIT. I believe we have turned a corner, starting with the election of the Republican as VA Governor.
I'm an Independent and have a fairly balanced voting record, with regard to parties. But in the '22 and '24 elections I hope to find capable Republicans for my votes.

I hate much of Biden's agenda. Allowing the invasion by illegal aliens and doing nothing to stop it. Throwing "free" government money at anyone whose vote might be easily bought. Putting blacks in every possible high position, with NO attention given to any other highly qualified candidates of other ethnicities. Again, selling positions for black votes. Old, senile Joe has prostituted his presidency from day one.

The problem, as I see it, is finding intelligent, capable Republican candidates. I hate all the right-wing conspiracy crackpots: M Taylor-Greene, etc. And Trump is a cry-baby and self-absorbed clown. The GOP needs to grow beyond these crazies.

I wish we could flush our current politicians down the toilet so we could start with a whole new group.
we were talking about assimilation and as usual, OCD went back 70 years thinking he could make a point about today. Blacks can't assimilate in white neighborhoods and never could. They talk differently, dress differently, they're very dirty and very loud which most all white middle-class neighborhoods are just the opposite.

Tell us again how you aren't racist, Ray, that shit never gets old.

The point is, these laws DID create the lack of assimilation you whine about. Point is these laws made the ability to institutionalize racism possible.

Let's compare the US and Brazil. Brazil had slavery until 1888, 23 years longer than the US. Yet they don't have the racist divides. A main reason was that the African, Portuguese and Native populations all intermarried, avoiding the poor dumb whites who still got to be just a bit better than blacks and were happy with that.

I have to laugh at the difference between years ago and today. Years ago when a police officer called in a person of interest or suspect, they said the first name and spelled the last. it was like Henry Omwillo. Henry common spelling, Omwillo O-M-W-I-L-L-O. Now they have to spell the first name and say the last. Yomiba Jones. Y-O-M-I-B-A, Jones common spelling.

Um, yeah, so what's your point? How many white names of Polish or Italian origin would they have to spell out?

If you're going to use the cheap excuse of what your grandparents went through to excuse your failures, you have no argument at all. I don't care what my grandparents or grand parents had to go through. My life started the day I was born and nothing that happened to them have any impact, zero impact on my life today. But what should I expect from somebody that thinks blacks are too fucken stupid to make it without Democrats.

Again, buddy, you've had all the advantages of being white in this society and you still ended up living in a slum and collecting a government check. I don't think you get to boast.

But I was addressing Jewy McJewstein over there who thinks that what happened to other Jews 80 years ago on the other side of the planet effected her life. The Jews will forever whine about Hitler, but think that the Blacks are making too much of a big deal about slavery and Jim Crow.

Sure they are, because any job for non-skilled labor pays about eight bucks an hour. Sure they'll take anybody, but I'm not going to use the last years of my life doing that. Government told me I was too medially messed up to work, but as always, OCD Joe knows more than government, knows more than doctors, knows more than everybody because he never educated himself on what disability is for.

I know exactly what it was MEANT for. Sadly, people have learned to scam it. Like when my poor sister went blind and the room was filled with people who were younger than she was and perfectly healthy claiming addictions and minor work injuries as "disabilities".

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