The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

It takes a special type of chutzpah for the minority to expect the majority to accommodate to them.

Well, the majority of us would call it "common decency", but I don't think you understand that concept.
Yeah, these leftists crying about racism are some works of art, aren’t they? Not only are many of them hypocrites - like OCD saying horrible things about Jews while crying about the harm of bigotry against blacks - but having to go back two generations for examples of it.

You have to go back three or more generations and the other side of the planet...

Again- your religion is a choice. It's a dumb choice, because at this point, you all should have figured out there is no God, and he certainly doesn't care about you.

A good discussion might be: why NOW, when anti-black racist laws have been outlawed for 60 years, and blacks are actually favored over whites in many areas, is there all this focus and wailing and exaggeration and outright lies about racism by Democrats? Have they hired strategists that told them that was the way to win campaigns?

Actually, most decent whites know this is an unequal country. Most racists aren't voting Democrat anyway. The reality is, you guys haven't won the popular vote since 1988. And every year, there are less of you.

Blacks are in a very good position in this country, with the exception of the street thugs who act like rabid animals. The federal government favors them in hiring, all the liberal non-profits around DC where I live favor them for hires and promotions, and of course competitive education programs favor them, big time.

And so? Frankly, it looks like you are trying to blame blacks for your failures in life.

In the DC suburbs, a prestigious school actually altered its admissions path (they dumped the entrance exam because not enough blacks could get high scores), with the announcement that the change was made specifically to swap out the high-scoring Asians for the lesser-scoring blacks.

If everything about me was the same - same intelligence, motivation, discipline, etc. - but I black Instead of white, I would have been a Harvard Law grad and a senior partner in law firm, or possibly a SCOTUS nominee.

Naw, you'd still be an unlikeable witch with an overinflated sense of entitlement. Then again, when you go through life thinking you are the Sky Pixie's Chosen People, I can see where the arrogance comes in.
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That answers the “why”? Democrats need to create victims in order to win an election.

But it doesn’t answer “why NOW?” or more accurately “why so EXTREME now”? Nothing really has changed. Blacks have been getting favored for admission for decades (remember Bakke? That was in the 70s), and liberals were prioritizing blacks for hires and promotions over better qualified white competitors, but now….Jees!

Um, not really. There are no quotas and haven't been since the 1991 Civil Rights bill. The few setasides blacks get don't make up for the advantages white people get simply by old boy networks and nepotism.

We have a president announcing that he was excluding any whites for consideration for SCOTUS, or, for that matter, VP. We have leftists accusing whites who refuse to agree with racist policies, such as Maculiffe’s proposal to pay black teachers more than whites, “racist,” in the biggest irony of all. There’s all this CRT influencing our schools, and teaching children that America is a racist country.

America is a racist country...


This should be the cover of every American History book.

In fact, black teachers are paid LESS than their white counterparts, and frankly, it's kind of a disservice, because we need more black teachers. Kids are going to learn more easily from someone they can relate to.
The DNC needs a poverty base and they can't use illegal aliens yet. Imagine singling out Black people and claiming that they are unable to obtain something as basic in the 21st century as a photo I.D. card. Racist democrats get away with putting honest Americans down because the racist media supports the agenda.
Um, yeah, so what's your point? How many white names of Polish or Italian origin would they have to spell out?

None. I listen to my scanner all the time. You learn so much about what's going on in your city than you'll ever read in any paper unless it's a major event like murder.

Again, buddy, you've had all the advantages of being white in this society and you still ended up living in a slum and collecting a government check. I don't think you get to boast.

But I was addressing Jewy McJewstein over there who thinks that what happened to other Jews 80 years ago on the other side of the planet effected her life. The Jews will forever whine about Hitler, but think that the Blacks are making too much of a big deal about slavery and Jim Crow.

There were no advantages being white and still aren't. I went to the same school as other blacks in high school. I graduated with other blacks in high school. I went to get a job like other blacks once out of school. I eventually got into a trade like some other blacks did or could have. I made investments like other blacks did or could have. Outside of pot I never got involved in drug usage like other blacks. I never got involved in crime like other blacks that didn't. I never had children at a young enough age where I couldn't support them like a lot of blacks that don't.

So where is this advantage you speak of?

I know exactly what it was MEANT for. Sadly, people have learned to scam it. Like when my poor sister went blind and the room was filled with people who were younger than she was and perfectly healthy claiming addictions and minor work injuries as "disabilities".

You are full of shit as always. You didn't talk to one person there. If you did they likely told you to mind your own business. I posted the disability requirements so you don't know shit as always. Would you like me to post the government link again? I'm not going to unless you're going to read it. Because if you did know anything, you wouldn't have been bringing it up for over two years now with nearly every post in spite of your severe mental disorder of OCD. You know the first letter of the acronym is OBSESSIVE. If you ever get help for it (which you don't have the balls to do), take some of these posts with you.
When I first arrived in my present city, I chose to live in a nice apartment complex that had a lot of black residents. I soon regretted that choice.

As you said many were unbelievably loud and vulgar. Often arguing and shouting at each other across the grounds. Disgusting people.

Not all were that bad but plenty were. When my 12 month lease was up I was out of there like a bat out of hell. I'll never again have a black neighbor if I can possibly avoid it.

Blacks don't have a clue about the need to assimilate - they think WE should change in order to accept them. It's that nasty 85 thing at work again. Lol...

Oh, they know very well, it's just that their attitude is they're going to do whatever the hell they want and if you don't like it, too bad. Move again if you need to.

When you don't want to live in the noise and filth the Communists call you racist. Yet when they have the cash, they all move to the whitest neighborhood their money can afford.

I had my father and cousin over this evening for a visit. I had the windows open because it was a nice day. Then some black pulled up with a loud motorcycle with that jungle music blaring so loud it could be heard five houses away. They looked out the window and then looked back at me not saying a word. I told them this goes on all summer long. They questioned me why the cops don't do anything. I told them the cops gave up. They would be writing noise disturbance tickets all day long and half of them will never show up to court. When they issue a warrant for their arrest, most of the time when caught they just advise them to take care of the warrant because our jails are usually full.

IMO the worst thing whites ever supported was desegregation. Back then whites were told that blacks were like whites, just with different color skin, and some still believe that today. Of course they don't live with blacks.
Oh, they know very well, it's just that their attitude is they're going to do whatever the hell they want and if you don't like it, too bad. Move again if you need to.

When you don't want to live in the noise and filth the Communists call you racist. Yet when they have the cash, they all move to the whitest neighborhood their money can afford.

I had my father and cousin over this evening for a visit. I had the windows open because it was a nice day. Then some black pulled up with a loud motorcycle with that jungle music blaring so loud it could be heard five houses away. They looked out the window and then looked back at me not saying a word. I told them this goes on all summer long. They questioned me why the cops don't do anything. I told them the cops gave up. They would be writing noise disturbance tickets all day long and half of them will never show up to court. When they issue a warrant for their arrest, most of the time when caught they just advise them to take care of the warrant because our jails are usually full.

IMO the worst thing whites ever supported was desegregation. Back then whites were told that blacks were like whites, just with different color skin, and some still believe that today. Of course they don't live with blacks.
Total segregation would be a HUGE blessing for this country.
That answers the “why”? Democrats need to create victims in order to win an election.

But it doesn’t answer “why NOW?” or more accurately “why so EXTREME now”? Nothing really has changed. Blacks have been getting favored for admission for decades (remember Bakke? That was in the 70s), and liberals were prioritizing blacks for hires and promotions over better qualified white competitors, but now….Jees!

We have a president announcing that he was excluding any whites for consideration for SCOTUS, or, for that matter, VP. We have leftists accusing whites who refuse to agree with racist policies, such as Maculiffe’s proposal to pay black teachers more than whites, “racist,” in the biggest irony of all. There’s all this CRT influencing our schools, and teaching children that America is a racist country.

This has all been a BIG shift in recent years. So, why NOW? Why are the lies and exaggerations about racism NOW, rather than say, 10 years ago?

It's not just now, it's been going on for a very long time. Democrats are already starting to lose some of the black vote. If they ever lose the majority of them, they are doomed as a party and they know it. So they put their reverse discrimination on steroids and promoting how blacks can't accomplish anything in life without their help.

Now Dementia is saying we need to put a woman on the moon. Like this country now in 30 trillion in debt needs to spend billions more to try and buy votes they are chasing away with their trans movement. We went to the moon. There is nothing on it. There is no reason to do it again. Back in the 60's we just had to prove our technical superiority especially over the Soviet Union.

An anti-lynching law? When was the last time a black got lynched in the US? Decades ago I'm sure, but once again, trying to get the politically ignorant to vote for them.
None. I listen to my scanner all the time.

Yes, we all realize your sad existence. You live in a slum, with a house full of cameras to keep an eye on your scary neighbors who all hate you, you spend all day listening to police scanners instead of enjoying life.

There were no advantages being white and still aren't. I went to the same school as other blacks in high school. I graduated with other blacks in high school. I went to get a job like other blacks once out of school. I eventually got into a trade like some other blacks did or could have. I made investments like other blacks did or could have. Outside of pot I never got involved in drug usage like other blacks. I never got involved in crime like other blacks that didn't. I never had children at a young enough age where I couldn't support them like a lot of blacks that don't.

And you ended up living in a slum collecting welfare just like they do. Amazing. You had all the advantages of being white, you took the path of least resistance, and you still ending up failing.

Would you like me to post the government link again?
Why? If you have no pride, that's not my problem.
Oh, they know very well, it's just that their attitude is they're going to do whatever the hell they want and if you don't like it, too bad. Move again if you need to.

When you don't want to live in the noise and filth the Communists call you racist. Yet when they have the cash, they all move to the whitest neighborhood their money can afford.

So it's everyone else's fault you live in a slum, right, Ray.

I had my father and cousin over this evening for a visit. I had the windows open because it was a nice day. Then some black pulled up with a loud motorcycle with that jungle music blaring so loud it could be heard five houses away. They looked out the window and then looked back at me not saying a word. I told them this goes on all summer long. They questioned me why the cops don't do anything. I told them the cops gave up. They would be writing noise disturbance tickets all day long and half of them will never show up to court. When they issue a warrant for their arrest, most of the time when caught they just advise them to take care of the warrant because our jails are usually full.

Wow, you mean people ignore racist pretextual infractions. Amazing.

IMO the worst thing whites ever supported was desegregation. Back then whites were told that blacks were like whites, just with different color skin, and some still believe that today. Of course they don't live with blacks.

I live with blacks. In fact, I bought my new Condo from a black lady (who wanted to move south to live with relatives). Property values are increasing even in the sixth months I've been here.

The problem is, you are mistaking poverty for race. Yes, poor people live less well. The way the REpublicans get by is telling dumb white trash failures like you that you are somehow better, and the government is responsible for all your bad decisions.
It's not just now, it's been going on for a very long time. Democrats are already starting to lose some of the black vote. If they ever lose the majority of them, they are doomed as a party and they know it. So they put their reverse discrimination on steroids and promoting how blacks can't accomplish anything in life without their help.

Now Dementia is saying we need to put a woman on the moon. Like this country now in 30 trillion in debt needs to spend billions more to try and buy votes they are chasing away with their trans movement. We went to the moon. There is nothing on it. There is no reason to do it again. Back in the 60's we just had to prove our technical superiority especially over the Soviet Union.

An anti-lynching law? When was the last time a black got lynched in the US? Decades ago I'm sure, but once again, trying to get the politically ignorant to vote for them.
A woman on the moon? The pandering to the left is just ridiculous.

As far as the anti-lynching law, that’s just more of the Left trying to fool people into thinking blacks are victims. About a month before the last election, my ultra-lib Congressman sent out a mailing bragging how he was instrumental the previous year in getting rid of racist laws. I emailed asking what racist laws did we have, and there was never an answer. Of course there ARE no racist laws - just another Dem lie.
Wow, you mean people ignore racist pretextual infractions. Amazing.

Nope. just those people.

I live with blacks. In fact, I bought my new Condo from a black lady (who wanted to move south to live with relatives). Property values are increasing even in the sixth months I've been here.

The problem is, you are mistaking poverty for race. Yes, poor people live less well. The way the REpublicans get by is telling dumb white trash failures like you that you are somehow better, and the government is responsible for all your bad decisions.

Yeah, sure you live with blacks. What, one or two?

Yes, I am better, much better. I respect the peace of my neighbors, I'm not riding around with my stereo blasting, I follow the laws of our city and state, and if I ever got a ticket for breaking the law, I'll pay it. I don't throw any trash on the street, I keep up my property, I am much better.
Yes, we all realize your sad existence. You live in a slum, with a house full of cameras to keep an eye on your scary neighbors who all hate you, you spend all day listening to police scanners instead of enjoying life.

I'm doing just fine. Why do you Communists think that you know how other people live? I can't wait until people realize it's time to divide this country so we never have to put up with you again. Once gone, my slum will disappear and we will be a thriving suburb again.

Nobody builds slums, people make nice areas into slums.

And you ended up living in a slum collecting welfare just like they do. Amazing. You had all the advantages of being white, you took the path of least resistance, and you still ending up failing.

I'd argue the point but you're too fucken stupid to know what welfare is. Dumb as a fucken rock, you live in your own world, with your own laws in your head, with your own definition of words, and you look stupid to everybody else with zero embarrassment of your ignorance.

Why? If you have no pride, that's not my problem.

If you wish to remain ignorant and stupid, that's not my problem either. Stay dumb and ignore facts.
Yeah, sure you live with blacks. What, one or two?

Yes, I am better, much better. I respect the peace of my neighbors, I'm not riding around with my stereo blasting, I follow the laws of our city and state, and if I ever got a ticket for breaking the law, I'll pay it. I don't throw any trash on the street, I keep up my property, I am much better.

Yup.. Um, check your privilege..

I'm doing just fine. Why do you Communists think that you know how other people live? I can't wait until people realize it's time to divide this country so we never have to put up with you again. Once gone, my slum will disappear and we will be a thriving suburb again.

Actually, I can judge only by your writings here, and man, you sound like a miserable fuck. Now, if you are happy at times when you aren't here, it certainly doesn't come across in your writings.

And, no, dividing the country won't make you happy. I don't think anything would. We could give you a spot of land somewhere, call it the "Republic of Ray", and you'd still be miserable.

I'd argue the point but you're too fucken stupid to know what welfare is. Dumb as a fucken rock, you live in your own world, with your own laws in your head, with your own definition of words, and you look stupid to everybody else with zero embarrassment of your ignorance.

Not at all... as you Republicans like to say, if you divide the world between makers and takers, at this point, you are a taker. Of course, half the country are takers, but that's because of "entitlement" programs we have to keep middle class people from becoming truly poor. Remember Mormon Mitt and his 47% crack. Well, you are part of the 53% now.

If you wish to remain ignorant and stupid, that's not my problem either. Stay dumb and ignore facts.
The fact is, if you can get on here every day and bitch about the welfare people, then you can get out there and work. I honestly don't care if it's flipping burgers. At least do..something.
A woman on the moon? The pandering to the left is just ridiculous.

As far as the anti-lynching law, that’s just more of the Left trying to fool people into thinking blacks are victims. About a month before the last election, my ultra-lib Congressman sent out a mailing bragging how he was instrumental the previous year in getting rid of racist laws. I emailed asking what racist laws did we have, and there was never an answer. Of course there ARE no racist laws - just another Dem lie.

I'm sure his staff has you marked as "that Crazy bitch".
Actually, I can judge only by your writings here, and man, you sound like a miserable fuck. Now, if you are happy at times when you aren't here, it certainly doesn't come across in your writings.

And, no, dividing the country won't make you happy. I don't think anything would. We could give you a spot of land somewhere, call it the "Republic of Ray", and you'd still be miserable.

Oh trust me, every Republican and conservative would be happy never seeing you commies ever again. No more destroying neighborhoods, no more crying about people with guns, no more bitching about taxation, no more environmental BS. We could only imagine such a great world with no liberals around, no more treating weirdos in dresses like women, none of it.

The fact is, if you can get on here every day and bitch about the welfare people, then you can get out there and work. I honestly don't care if it's flipping burgers. At least do..something.

I worked all my life; real work, not sitting at a desk somewhere. You don't like it, too bad. Wallow in misery. It only makes me happier.
Oh trust me, every Republican and conservative would be happy never seeing you commies ever again. No more destroying neighborhoods, no more crying about people with guns, no more bitching about taxation, no more environmental BS. We could only imagine such a great world with no liberals around, no more treating weirdos in dresses like women, none of it.

Yeah, the thing is, the parts of the country you do control are poorer and more miserable than the parts we control.


I worked all my life; real work,
And now you collect the government cheese...
You're a moron.
I have the hypocritical antisemite complaining about bigotry on ignore, but then I‘ve become curious as to his latest moronic comment, and take a peek. It’s like looking at a car crash. You know it won‘t be pretty, but curiosity wins out.
There were specific laws written to keep minorities poor.

For example, when the federal government started the original mortgage program, minorities were ineligible to receive loans, as were whites who lived in neighborhoods that had minority residents

This was designed to keep minorities out of the suburbs, where 90% of mortgages went

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