The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I have the hypocritical antisemite complaining about bigotry on ignore, but then I‘ve become curious as to his latest moronic comment, and take a peek. It’s like looking at a car crash. You know it won‘t be pretty, but curiosity wins out.

Yeah I don't think I'm far behind ya. It's getting annoying with his OCD. He's so obsessed he has to repeat the same shit over and over again I'm to the point of putting him on ignore as well. I understand severe mental problems. I once had a best friend with it. But if somebody is such a gutless pansy they refuse to get help for it, why should I put up with it. Nobody is paying me to.
There were specific laws written to keep minorities poor.

For example, when the federal government started the original mortgage program, minorities were ineligible to receive loans, as were whites who lived in neighborhoods that had minority residents

This was designed to keep minorities out of the suburbs, where 90% of mortgages went
Yeah, that was generations ago.

What’s the excuse THIS century? Blacks have had the advantage of pro-black, anti-white racism voa Affirmative Action for TWO generations. In two generations, my family went from impoverished, uneducated immigrants to doctors and lawyers - and that’s despite the anti-white AA laws. If blacks who haven’t moved beyond poverty in two generations of AA and Pell Grants, then the problem lies within THEM, not others.

1. Stay in school
2. No out-of-wedlock babies

You leftists are determined to keep blacks poor by blaming their poverty on something that doesn’t exist, or at least exist to any great extent, and argue AGAINST the very things that could get them out of poverty.
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Yeah I don't think I'm far behind ya. It's getting annoying with his OCD. He's so obsessed he has to repeat the same shit over and over again I'm to the point of putting him on ignore as well. I understand severe mental problems. I once had a best friend with it. But if somebody is such a gutless pansy they refuse to get help for it, why should I put up with it. Nobody is paying me to.
His hypocrisy is what irks me more, and it reveals itself in many ways. The two most glaring are:

1. He blames you for being on “welfare,“ when it is of course disability after a lifetime of work, and yet defends blacks on welfare and would screech raaaacist at anyone who complained about it.

2. He defends blacks against non-existent racists, and yet spews venom about Jews.

Some of the leftists on this forum - well, most of them - represent what is wrong with this country. Hateful, hypocritical people who accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.
There were specific laws written to keep minorities poor.

For example, when the federal government started the original mortgage program, minorities were ineligible to receive loans, as were whites who lived in neighborhoods that had minority residents

This was designed to keep minorities out of the suburbs, where 90% of mortgages went

Yeah but look at the reason. It wasn't because banks didn't like the color of their skin, it's because they destroyed property values wherever they moved to. Banks (much like employers) have one favorite color, and that color is green.

It's not an opinion, it's first hand experience. I owned this place for 30 years, and it's worth the same today as it was when I bought it because the blacks moved in. Stores are closed down, trash everywhere on the streets, schools went from one of the best to one of the worst. We even had to stop public gatherings like 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights. We can't even keep police officers here.
Wow, black Americans sure are lucky to have such generous white folks to tell them exactly what their problems are and exactly how they should live. You know, because all black people are exactly the same and have exactly the same life experiences. And of course, absurdly presumptuous and self-important old white ladies know everything about the life of every black American in the country and exactly what they need to do to "fix" themselves. True heroes.

Yeah but look at the reason. It wasn't because banks didn't like the color of their skin, it's because they destroyed property values wherever they moved to. Banks (much like employers) have one favorite color, and that color is green.

It's not an opinion, it's first hand experience. I owned this place for 30 years, and it's worth the same today as it was when I bought it because the blacks moved in. Stores are closed down, trash everywhere on the streets, schools went from one of the best to one of the worst. We even had to stop public gatherings like 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights. We can't even keep police officers here.
This is true. I remember decades ago when I thought the comment “there goes the neighborhood” was racist, but I’ve come to see that it is true, depending on the SES of the neighborhood.

In affluent neighborhoods, where houses cost $800,000 to a million and more, with large yards tended to by landscapers, the value is not impacted by blacks who move in. These blacks are educated professionals earning good money.

Where it DOES lower the neighborhood is in the modest, working class neighborhoods, where parents take pride that they were able to afford a little house, and they are out every weekend trimming weeds, painting chipped paint around the window sill, whatever. When poorer blacks move into these neighborhoods, the values do go down. I’ve witnessed it myself.
I have the hypocritical antisemite complaining about bigotry on ignore, but then I‘ve become curious as to his latest moronic comment, and take a peek. It’s like looking at a car crash. You know it won‘t be pretty, but curiosity wins out.

Again, your religion is a choice, and a stupid one.

God doesn't exist, and you aren't special. Deal with it.
You had all the advantages of being white,

He lists all the reasons why he had no advantage from this skin color and then you respond with this nonsense. Being white is of very little consequence positively or negatively in this country. How a person acts and the choices they make in life dwarfs skin color. The problem with many is that they spend more time belly aching about how they didn’t get hired and can’t succeed because of their skin color and don’t bother to invest in their time an effort into making good choices.

The way the REpublicans get by is telling dumb white trash failures like you that you are somehow better, and the government is responsible for all your bad decisions.

Except the average salary of Republicans is higher, particularly outside of large urban centers. As I have stated before, union garbage collectors in large cities can make as much as a mid-level engineer in middle America. Those Democrats skew the salary ranges a bit, but not many would argue which one of these is likely the “dumb” one.

Yeah, the thing is, the parts of the country you do control are poorer and more miserable than the parts we control.

LOL…No, the blue areas in those parts of the country may be more miserable. The red areas in those parts have it MUCH better than most Democratic areas in large urban Democratic areas.
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Yeah I don't think I'm far behind ya. It's getting annoying with his OCD. He's so obsessed he has to repeat the same shit over and over again I'm to the point of putting him on ignore as well. I understand severe mental problems. I once had a best friend with it. But if somebody is such a gutless pansy they refuse to get help for it, why should I put up with it. Nobody is paying me to.

Uh, guy, laughing at your hypocrisy and failure isn't OCD. It's just pointing it out.

His hypocrisy is what irks me more, and it reveals itself in many ways. The two most glaring are:

1. He blames you for being on “welfare,“ when it is of course disability after a lifetime of work, and yet defends blacks on welfare and would screech raaaacist at anyone who complained about it.

Disability is welfare.. Deal with it.
I don't defend blacks on welfare. I think every person should have a job paying a living wage as a right.
You should only get disability if you are completely disabled, not if you've managed to get a doctor. Just like I think all these folks who bring their filthy ass dogs into a resturant because they got a doctor to call it an "emotional support animal" are scamming.

2. He defends blacks against non-existent racists, and yet spews venom about Jews.

You mean pointing out that you guys are ... kind of awful. Yes, when you murder an indigenous people to steal their land, you will get venom. And bombings.

Some of the leftists on this forum - well, most of them - represent what is wrong with this country. Hateful, hypocritical people who accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Not really. Your fake outrage when you are privileged is hardly a thing to complain about.
Again, your religion is a choice, and a stupid one.

God doesn't exist, and you aren't special. Deal with it.

Believing you and this world just happened to come to be from trillions of extremely fortunate yet random events is the epitome of stupidity. Is winning the lottery several weeks in a row your retirement plan as well?
He lists all the reasons why he had no advantage from this skin color and then you respond with this nonsense. Being white is of very little consequence positively or negatively in this country. How a person acts and the choices they make in life dwarfs skin color. The problem with many is that they spend more time belly aching about how they didn’t get hired and can’t succeed because of their skin color and don’t bother to invest in their time an effort into making good choices.

Oh, bullshit. Being white means you are more likely to get a job, more likely to be treated civilly by police, and the list goes on.

Except the average salary of Republicans is higher, particularly outside of large urban centers. As I have stated before, union garbage collectors in large cities can make as much as a mid-level engineer in middle America. Those Democrats skews the salary ranges a bit, but not many would argue which one of these is likely the “dumb” one.

Not really... In fact, the divide is pretty even across all income brackets...


But it is kind of funny you make a point about garbage collectors... One of the kids I grew up with works for the City as a garbage collector and makes a salary of $72,000. And because he sits in his garbage truck all day listening to hate radio, he repeats whatever Rush or Hannity said like he had an original thought. When I pointed out to him that the ONLY reason why he makes good money with no college and limited skills, is because a Democrat thought he should be well-compensated for doing a truly unpleasant job. He wasn't happy to hear that.. Then I pointed out what garbagemen are paid out here in the Republican Suburbs where I lived at the time. Yup. they make $15.00 an hour working for a private company.

LOL…No, the blue areas in those parts of the country may be more miserable. The red areas in those parts have it MUCH better than most Democratic areas in large urban Democratic areas.

Sigh. I'd rather live in a Northern city than a southern trailer park, Cleetus
He lists all the reasons why he had no advantage from this skin color and then you respond with this nonsense. Being white is of very little consequence positively or negatively in this country. How a person acts and the choices they make in life dwarfs skin color. The problem with many is that they spend more time belly aching about how they didn’t get hired and can’t succeed because of their skin color and don’t bother to invest in their time an effort into making good choices.
I didn’t read what the hypocritical antisemite you responded to said, but it’s obvious: he is still blaming the poorer outcomes of blacks on racism, and going on about how whites benefitted by skin color. As I’ve pointed out repeatedly, blacks who remain mired in the ghetto could get out in a single generation by two easy steps. This continued insistence on blaming their skin color, rather than their own actions, is why they remain stuck where they are. Whites are enabling that, because the more self-sufficient poor blacks become, and start contributing to society rather than taking, the less likely they are to vote for Dems.

Except the average salary of Republicans is higher, particularly outside of large urban centers. As I have stated before, union garbage collectors in large cities can make as much as a mid-level engineer in middle America. Those Democrats skew the salary ranges a bit, but not many would argue which one of these is likely the “dumb” one.
Also true. Garbage collectors (called “sanitation engineers” by liberals) can earn well over $100,000 a year in NYC - similar to what an engineer who made it through a demanding, complex educational program makes in mid-career. This skews the average income among uneducated Democrats higher, but even so, Republicans earn more.
LOL…No, the blue areas in those parts of the country may be more miserable. The red areas in those parts have it MUCH better than most Democratic areas in large urban Democratic areas.
Yup. That‘s the classic lie by the Dems. They ignore that the dense population centers - Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, NYC, Chicago, etc. - are all run by Democrat losers, and the cities are a hotbed of crime and poverty. Poor rural people living in small rundown houses have a better lifestyle than poor inner-city people dodging bullets.
Believing you and this world just happened to come to be from trillions of extremely fortunate yet random events is the epitome of stupidity. Is winning the lottery several weeks in a row your retirement plan as well?

Again, if I were playing the lottery for BILLIONS of years, I will come up a winner eventually. The problem with your statement is that these random events happen over billions of years.

But let's assume there is a higher power rigging the game for 14 billion years so that 1/4th of the population of one planet could worship him. That seems like a lot of effort for very little reward.

I mean, imagine you are Jehovah, you go through all these efforts to make the world, and for most of history, people are worshipping Zeus, Odin, Krishna, Allah, Amaterasu, etc. etc. Worship of the Christian God has only been the top religion for the last 500 years thanks to imperialism.

Heck, my biggest worry... Finding out that the Shintos had it right and Amaterasu wants to have a word with me about my Asian chick fetish.


Seriously, she looks pissed.

To make my point, there are hundreds of Gods you don't believe in.

I just believe in one less.
His hypocrisy is what irks me more, and it reveals itself in many ways. The two most glaring are:

1. He blames you for being on “welfare,“ when it is of course disability after a lifetime of work, and yet defends blacks on welfare and would screech raaaacist at anyone who complained about it.

2. He defends blacks against non-existent racists, and yet spews venom about Jews.

Some of the leftists on this forum - well, most of them - represent what is wrong with this country. Hateful, hypocritical people who accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Yeah, I put up with it for a while but now it's getting old. Who wants to read the same shit over and over and over again for two and a half years. I can't imagine being so Fd up in the head that I'd be obsessed about somebody else's life on the internet for that long. I'll give a person advice but if they won't take it, I have my own problems to deal with yet alone theirs.
This is true. I remember decades ago when I thought the comment “there goes the neighborhood” was racist, but I’ve come to see that it is true, depending on the SES of the neighborhood.

In affluent neighborhoods, where houses cost $800,000 to a million and more, with large yards tended to by landscapers, the value is not impacted by blacks who move in. These blacks are educated professionals earning good money.

Where it DOES lower the neighborhood is in the modest, working class neighborhoods, where parents take pride that they were able to afford a little house, and they are out every weekend trimming weeds, painting chipped paint around the window sill, whatever. When poorer blacks move into these neighborhoods, the values do go down. I’ve witnessed it myself.

But if government decides to move lowlifes into those neighborhoods with 800K houses, those homes will lose value as well. That's what they did with middle-class neighborhoods.
Yeah, I put up with it for a while but now it's getting old. Who wants to read the same shit over and over and over again for two and a half years. I can't imagine being so Fd up in the head that I'd be obsessed about somebody else's life on the internet for that long. I'll give a person advice but if they won't take it, I have my own problems to deal with yet alone theirs.
I find that leftists so enamored of their own moral superiority, as they see it of course, is that they become fixated on people who won’t submit to their harmful, leftist attitudes. Beyond that, of course, is that they don’t recognize their own hypocrisy, but that is a sign of a narcissist - can’t recognize that anything they do or say could be wrong, so they lash out others who bring it to the forefront. It’s called “narcissistic rage,” and I’ve been on the receiving end of it myself by some of these holier-than-though leftists.

In fact, ever notice how they pick names for themselves that just screech “better than others”? The Forward Party, progressives, etc?
I didn’t read what the hypocritical antisemite you responded to said, but it’s obvious: he is still blaming the poorer outcomes of blacks on racism, and going on about how whites benefitted by skin color. As I’ve pointed out repeatedly, blacks who remain mired in the ghetto could get out in a single generation by two easy steps. This continued insistence on blaming their skin color, rather than their own actions, is why they remain stuck where they are. Whites are enabling that, because the more self-sufficient poor blacks become, and start contributing to society rather than taking, the less likely they are to vote for Dems.

Um, yeah... check this out. Young black man goes to college, and gets a commission in the US Army, and he gets treated like THIS.

The reality is that if people voted their economic interests, they'd vote Democratic by 80-20. Only 20% of the country makes enough money to really rationalize voting Republican. If it weren't for playing on the racial, religious and sexual fears of working class white people,

Why do you think we are suddenly in this HUGE panic about "Groomers" and Critical Race Theory? Because if you guys didn't have fake moral panics, you'd be running on, "We want you to work harder for less money." Even the dumbest white trash wouldn't fall for that.

Also true. Garbage collectors (called “sanitation engineers” by liberals) can earn well over $100,000 a year in NYC - similar to what an engineer who made it through a demanding, complex educational program makes in mid-career. This skews the average income among uneducated Democrats higher, but even so, Republicans earn more.

Uh, you couldn't pay me $100,000 to pick up garbage and drive a garbage truck. It's a fucking unpleasant job, and the people who do it SHOULD be compensated well. Calling them engineers is kind of silly, but then again, "title inflation" is another way the One Percent try to sweet-talk you while screwing you.

Yup. That‘s the classic lie by the Dems. They ignore that the dense population centers - Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, NYC, Chicago, etc. - are all run by Democrat losers, and the cities are a hotbed of crime and poverty. Poor rural people living in small rundown houses have a better lifestyle than poor inner-city people dodging bullets.

Well, no, they really don't. That's the point. The entire country is getting poorer because the GOP has been dismantling the New Deal since Ronald Reagan. You see, used to be those inner cities and rural communities were pretty nice places to live because the wealth was distributed evenly.

Now the rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer... and you are fine with it.
Poverty is a state of mind. I was born with nothing and worked my way up to a state of poverty.
But if government decides to move lowlifes into those neighborhoods with 800K houses, those homes will lose value as well. That's what they did with middle-class neighborhoods.
Well I fear that is what they plan to do. The Dems have already said that it’s better for poor people to have them live among the affluent. Of course, it’s worse for the affluent - especially what happens to the schools - but Dems don’t care about that. In fact, they WANT to bring the affluent down because…..equity.
But if government decides to move lowlifes into those neighborhoods with 800K houses, those homes will lose value as well. That's what they did with middle-class neighborhoods.

Actually, the town I just moved out of, has million dollar houses. And in the Condo Complex that they just converted, they had Section 8 families... less than a mile from each other.

The reason your town turned into a slum was because the economic opportunties in Cleveland dried up. Nothing more, nothing less.

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