The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Wow, black Americans sure are lucky to have such generous white folks to tell them exactly what their problems are and exactly how they should live. You know, because all black people are exactly the same and have exactly the same life experiences. And of course, absurdly presumptuous and self-important old white ladies know everything about the life of every black American in the country and exactly what they need to do to "fix" themselves. True heroes.

Unbelievable. You left wingers are so desperate to keep the black underclass poor and dependent (and voting for Dems) that you deny the obvious reason how they can move beyond it (worse….call anyone who points it out dumb).Simply:

1. Staying in school
2. Not having babies when you’re a kid yourself and can’t afford them

That would be awesome if you guys didn't try to cut funding to Planned Parenthood in poor neighborhoods to appease white Christians who don't like abortion.

The reality is that Teen Pregnancy has declined by 75% since the 1950's, but black people still live in grinding poverty.

How do you think a big mass of uneducated, impoverished Jews arrived on these shores a century ago, and within a single generation, their kids were all middle class? By doing the above, at a minimum.

Well, very simple. They were "White Enough". We've been over this.

True, in Europe, what Sky Fairy you worshipped WAS a big deal, but America, not so much. While Jews, Catholics, Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles all encountered some prejudice from the dominant WASP establishment, within a generation you learned English, gave up much of your culture, and were allowed to intermarry. I am half German. My other half is Irish, English, Dutch and Native American. Essentially, in a generation, my family had assimilated. All it took was acting less German and more American.

Blacks, on the other hand, were never allowed to assimilate until this very day. Within my lifetime, it was STILL a crime for a black person to marry a white person in some parts of this country. Just because those laws were off the books,

And you could try not to be such an antisemite, but I doubt you can…

Your religion doesn't become less stupid because I'm being nicer to you.
Bloodthirsty democrat hypocrites don't like it when anything gets in the way of their killing of minority babies. Planned Genocide is a big part of their long-term goals for America's inner cities.
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
A culture of poverty. Until THEY change that, they won't change
Wow, black Americans sure are lucky to have such generous white folks to tell them exactly what their problems are and exactly how they should live. You know, because all black people are exactly the same and have exactly the same life experiences. And of course, absurdly presumptuous and self-important old white ladies know everything about the life of every black American in the country and exactly what they need to do to "fix" themselves. True heroes.

Translation / LefTard Logic:
”Let dark people behave the way they do….don’t you dare even think about acknowledging their uncivilized / third-world traits, don’t dare point out that as a collective they ALWAYS destroy communities, cities, states and nations….You must keep your head in your ass, you must pretend that dark people as a collective are not societies greatest liability, you must pretend they are our greatest asset…should you have the balls to address the elephant in the room, the facts, the data you will be promptly shouted down and labeled a RACIST.”
Bloodthirsty democrat hypocrites don't like it when anything gets in the way of their killing of minority babies. Planned Genocide is a big part of their long-term goals for America's inner cities.

Oh, you're one of those... the kind who thinks they can tell a woman what she can do with her own body.

Here's the reality- we've always had abortion, because women want to have sex without being pregnant.

The choice isn't between abortions and babies, it's between safe abortions and unsafe ones.

One only need to look at the Philippines, a much more devout and religious country than this one, where abortion is illegal in all cases except a threat to the mother's life.

And it is estimated that Filipinas have 500K to 800K abortions a year. Almost as many as the United States with a third of our population.

You want to get to less abortions, fine.

Then support family planning services, contraception, sex education, etc. Allow for paid family leave and single payer health care so a woman isn't having to choose between a $3000 live birth she can't afford and a $300.00 abortion she might be able to scrape together the money for.
Where has it been established that Poc have fewer opportunities to succeed? If anything, the have more opportunities. There are all kinds of scholarship designated specifically for PoC. There are also AA quotas at many universities, government jobs and private corporations.

So advising them not to get pregnant before they get married is a racist plot?

Try reading.
It's all there for those who can read.
Still, for the very stupid, like you?
Never mind.
Here's the reality- we've always had abortion, because women want to have sex without being pregnant.
All good, decent responsible people are able to do that without killing babies…why can’t liberal whores?
You want to get to less abortions, fine.

Then support family planning services, contraception, sex education, etc. Allow for paid family leave and single payer health care so a woman isn't having to choose between a $3000 live birth she can't afford and a $300.00 abortion she might be able to scrape together the money for.
Yeah yeah….it’s the fault of good people that disgusting fucked in the head liberal whores can’t learn to fuck responsibly. hahaha
All good, decent responsible people are able to do that without killing babies…why can’t liberal whores?

Actually, the one person I got to know well who chose abortion was a very religious, Asian-American girl who stopped taking birth control to get her boyfriend to marry her, and when he wouldn't, got an abortion so her parents wouldn't know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

"Liberal Whores" as you say, usually know how to use contraception properly.

Yeah yeah….it’s the fault of good people that disgusting fucked in the head liberal whores can’t learn to fuck responsibly. hahaha

Nobody is asking you to do anything... you've decided to make this society, now you kind of need to learn to mind your own business.
Oh, you're one of those... the kind who thinks they can tell a woman what she can do with her own body.
NO, I'm one of those who thinks we all shouldn't let anyone do what they can do to another human body when it inevitably leads to the death of an innocent.
Actually, the one person I got to know well who chose abortion was a very religious, Asian-American girl who stopped taking birth control to get her boyfriend to marry her, and when he wouldn't, got an abortion so her parents wouldn't know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.
Hahaha…the ole’ LefTard Logic….”I know this ONE person, this ONE case, therefore I’ll pretend such case is the rule and not the exception.”
Don’t be a predictable pussy….
Don't be afraid of everyone in the world who doesn't look exactly like your mommy, loser. I'm sure the world is scary for weaklings like you, but that doesn't excuse your stupidity.
...”I know this ONE person, this ONE case, therefore I’ll pretend such case is the rule and not the exception.”
Which is exactly what idiots like YOU do here ALL THE TIME. You and joebigot are EXACTLY the same in so many reprehensible ways.
You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book
All of that occurred generations ago. You have just made it clear that blacks are unable to take advantage of the special treatment offered today and advance on their own. Blacks and only Blacks are responsible for their current lack of prosperity..
NO, I'm one of those who thinks we all shouldn't let anyone do what they can do to another human body when it inevitably leads to the death of an innocent.

That's nice. Leaving aside your fantasies about globs of tissue having more rights than the women they are inside, how would you actually enforce it?

We have 800,000 abortions and probably about 400K miscarriages. You will have to investigate them ALL as potential homicides.

Keep in mind, that right now, we have 19,000 homicides a year of actual people, and only 65% them are cleared.

Hahaha…the ole’ LefTard Logic….”I know this ONE person, this ONE case, therefore I’ll pretend such case is the rule and not the exception.”

Or realize it's instructive.

So let's see why this gal fucked up.

1) She was involved with a guy who wasn't good for her.
2) She didn't want her traditional parents to know she was sexually active
3) She stopped using family planning in an attempt to manipulate him, and when that backfired, her Catholic Beliefs didn't mean all that much to her.
Oh, you're one of those... the kind who thinks they can tell a woman what she can do with her own body.

Here's the reality- we've always had abortion, because women want to have sex without being pregnant.

The choice isn't between abortions and babies, it's between safe abortions and unsafe ones.

One only need to look at the Philippines, a much more devout and religious country than this one, where abortion is illegal in all cases except a threat to the mother's life.

And it is estimated that Filipinas have 500K to 800K abortions a year. Almost as many as the United States with a third of our population.

You want to get to less abortions, fine.

Then support family planning services, contraception, sex education, etc. Allow for paid family leave and single payer health care so a woman isn't having to choose between a $3000 live birth she can't afford and a $300.00 abortion she might be able to scrape together the money for.
In other words, the entire society should be responsible for mindless fucking machines that can't control themselves. Women are so lacking in impulse control that they must be treated like animals in heat. As responsible animal guardians, society should go beyond merely disposing of unwanted litters. Start a program of spay and neutering. That really is the responsible thing to do.

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