The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Ofcourse there are racists….why wouldn’t there be? Have you seen the statistics related to the behavioral traits of various ethnic groups?
The Kenyan elections were the most racist in American history….95% of voting blacks voted on skin color.
Thanks for proving my point. RACIST
It's really no skin off your nose if someone checks "Female" on a box if they think they are female.

Then the entire point of asking someone's biological gender is nullified if we are going to let someone's delusions about their biological gender override reality. There are many cases where biological gender is important, but very few where psychological gender(what you think you are) has any relevance. For example, imagine a person who believes they are a female checks female on a medical form. Can he/she now go to a OBGYN for care? I guess yearly prostate exams are off the table now. Many medical diagnosis are very much dependent on biological gender.

A little common sense goes a long way, but leftist lost any common sense they may have had a LONG time ago.
You mean other than they screamed maniacally at him and assaulted him with pepper spray for a simple traffic infraction, even though they could clearly see he was a member of the armed forces?

And this was because he was black? I see.
That's in the running for dumbest post of the day by a right winger. But the day is young and there's lots of competition.

What don't you understand about this and why don't you think it is the case. Statistics say otherwise.
Actually, um, no... there was no real excuse for the cops doing this, but apparently he thought this was the appropriate way to treat a person of color, even though he was calm throughout the encounter and the cops were screaming like maniacs.

More and more assumptions to feed your indoctrinated soul.
In other words, the entire society should be responsible for mindless fucking machines that can't control themselves. Women are so lacking in impulse control that they must be treated like animals in heat. As responsible animal guardians, society should go beyond merely disposing of unwanted litters. Start a program of spay and neutering. That really is the responsible thing to do.

You first.
Then the entire point of asking someone's biological gender is nullified if we are going to let someone's delusions about their biological gender override reality. There are many cases where biological gender is important, but very few where psychological gender(what you think you are) has any relevance. For example, imagine a person who believes they are a female checks female on a medical form. Can he/she now go to a OBGYN for care? I guess yearly prostate exams are off the table now. Many medical diagnosis are very much dependent on biological gender.

A little common sense goes a long way, but leftist lost any common sense they may have had a LONG time ago.

First, any trans person is going to go to a provider who specializes, they aren't going to wander into a random OB/GYN. So this was really the best you could come up with? Someone with 8 years of medical training MIGHT be confused by paperwork?

And this was because he was black? I see.

I didn't see a good reason for what they did.

More and more assumptions to feed your indoctrinated soul.

I see that you guys are more in denial than the Russian Defense ministry. What, they didn't sink our ship, it blew up, yeah, that's the ticket.

Racist cops pull over a black man and abuse him? He must have done something wrong.
The white population in the US as well as Europe is shrinking due to replacement rate. Whites have less children than minorities mostly due to the expense of raising a child today. I'm one of those guilty parties. I never had any children for that reason.

If you see somebody more financially successful than you are, the best thing you can do is what they did. We all would like everything we want, but sometimes you have to give up something if something else is more important to you.

For many middle-class white families, financial security is more important than large families. My sister makes close to six figures a year, very religious, but only had two children. She and her ex-husband sent them to private schools, college, and she's going to be paying off college loans until she retires. She lives in a very nice house in a very nice suburban community, but she wouldn't be if she had three or four kids.

You're saying that people of color should stop doing things that ID them as PoC so that White people won't be upset.
OK then.
I'll pass along your recommendation that People of Color turn White.
And now (as the late Paul Harvey used to say) the rest of the story.

If you want to give an opinion, give yours.
Some other guy's racist opinion is proof of nothing besides the existence of fellow racists.

Actually, as a professional resume writer, I can tell you this article is bullshit.

Here’s how the researchers (and their research assistants) conducted their study. First, they identified 108 Fortune 500 companies, with 125 entry-level jobs at each, and sent 8 fictitious resumes out for each (more or less; this would total to 108,000 but they only sent 83,000 applications altogether because some identified jobs were filled during the process). For each job, they sent four “black” and four “white” resumes; they also randomly varied the age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and political leaning of the imaginary applicants. They then measured the frequency with which the hiring employers contacted them, which was, on average, 24 percent.

Okay, so we are already deep into bullshit here. There is no way you can tell from a resume what the sexual orientation, gender identity or political leaning of an applicant is. As for age, the only way they can really guess your age is by finding what year you graduated College, assume it's at 22 and add that many years. Most sharp resume writers don't include graduation year if it older than 15 years.

Technically, there's no place for race, either, but the studies measured how often people with traditionally black names got called (Like Jamal or Lakeisha) vs. people with white names, like Greg or Emily.

In all of the above descriptions, however, I’ve skipped over how “race” is indicated in the resumes. Their method is not the same as their approach towards signaling sexual orientation or politics, that is, involvement in a “Black Students Association” or an “Irish Heritage Society.”

Sounds to me like he didn't understand how the studies were conducted at all. VERY FEW people list clubs they belong to, and generally, unless your resume writer was drunk, you don't include ones with a political, gender or racial/ethnic component.

Here's the thing, and you have to kind of understand how resumes are read. After the Applicant Tracking Software gets done sorting them, (And don't get me started on ATS Software), they are read by a real human in the HR department.

The HR Person looks at your name. He looks at your last job and title. He looks at the immediate pervious job and title. Then he skips down to check to see if your education is a match to the requirement.

If you put a club or an organization on the resume, it plain old didn't get read.

He concludes that people with typical black names like "Jamal" are rejected, but then wonders if redneck names would also be excluded...

What are those names? The “black” first names include: Aisha, Ebony, Keisha, Kenya, Lakeisha, Lashonda, Lawanda, Tamika, and Tomeka for women, and Antwan, Darnell, Jamal, Kareem, Marquis, Rasheed, Tremayne, and Tyrone for men.

The “white” first names included Allison, Amanda, Amy, Emily, Erin, Jennifer, Meredith, and Susan for women, and Adam, Brad, Geoffrey, Jason, Jeremy, Joshua, Nathan, Scott, and Todd for men.
Could researchers test stereotypically “redneck” or “white trash” names and see whether Brandy, Crystal, Daisy, Billy, Clyde, Earle, or Travis

Okay, that's an easy one. In my career, I've worked with a Brandi, a Clyde and a Travis. I have not worked with anyone with the above mentioned black names. In fact, the black people I've worked with - the few- have had white sounding names like Tracey and Cory.

So this is more of the same "Let's pretend obvious racism isn't there."
So should we discuss how blacks of LESSER qualifications are more likely to get into the Ivy League, or med school, or law school, than whites with BETTER qualifications?

Cry me a River. Blacks have been getting favored in admissions and hiring for decades now. I personally knew of two whites (they have died of old age since then, so it tells you how long it was going on) who sued because a much less qualified black got the promotion they went for, and guess what? They both won their cases.

Most whites don‘t sue when the racist liberals go agaisnt them, though. Too much time and effort that could be spent simply finding a job in a company NOT run by liberals. Then whites have a fair chance.
Lesser qualifications?

Based on what?
That a White kid could get into a private school that excludes PoC?

Recruiting and setting aside some spaces for people of different backgrounds doesn't hurt White people BECAUSE the white kid has options that may not exist for others.

By ensuring that those who've earned get the opportunities they deserve we fight racism and poverty across multiple racial and generational fronts.

Since we've already demonstrated you are a racist we must take anything you say in they light.
So, RACIST, whine on about PoC getting opportunities because in your hate filled world, "THEY getting more means you get less."
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Oh stop with the fucking stupid excuse making.

Corporations because of lawsuits over blacks not being hired trip over themselves to hire any blacks even mildly qualified for a job to boost their race quotas. Far less is expected and required of blacks because of this.

The issues with blacks is that most expect the government to take care of them, so why work when they are used to the government subsidizing them. Many have absolutely no clue or moral compunction to EARN what you get which drives workers to be great workers. Which btw, also leads to no work ethic--no desire to work at work, to desire to show up on time, unreliable for even showing up for work, no desire to put in the extra effort that is required to get promoted that others most do in order to be promoted.

Then you have the ones who think everyone owes them---so they they carry this attitude to work and make all co-workers miserable, ignore their bosses, and piss off customers.

Then you have higher incidents of crimes which employers frown upon. Who wants a criminal and how are you supposed to pass a background check with a criminal history that creates a liability for the company.

Higher levels of single households which make it harder to raise kids by the women who have kids which causes work to suffer while the males often don't even stick around to raise their kids carry this ethic over to the work place -----and take no responsibility. Married males (and women) are seen as more realiable and thusly better workers than unmarried especially where kids are involved. A guy who doesn't even support and take care of his kids---is usually a shit employee as well.

Then you have iq/education. If you can't or barely can speak english (ebonics doesn't count) due to being stupid, uneducated, or having a drug tongue---do you really think someone should hire you?

However, if you are black with a work ethic and any skills--most companies will hire, will give raises, and quickly promote in order to retain and to boost their own race quotas. But the key is having a work ethic, no criminal record, and some basic skills----

Hint---blacks from the military are sought after by corporations because of this--so if you are a poor black--stay out trouble with the law, join the military (which promotes based on miniority status as well), work at all in the military, get promoted, get out and seek corporate management---you will be high demand even if you are a complete idiot and undeserving.

It's not often we see such a detailed racist diatribe.
Thanks for showing us who you are.
We will remember.
Actually, as a professional resume writer, I can tell you this article is bullshit.

Here’s how the researchers (and their research assistants) conducted their study. First, they identified 108 Fortune 500 companies, with 125 entry-level jobs at each, and sent 8 fictitious resumes out for each (more or less; this would total to 108,000 but they only sent 83,000 applications altogether because some identified jobs were filled during the process). For each job, they sent four “black” and four “white” resumes; they also randomly varied the age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and political leaning of the imaginary applicants. They then measured the frequency with which the hiring employers contacted them, which was, on average, 24 percent.

Okay, so we are already deep into bullshit here. There is no way you can tell from a resume what the sexual orientation, gender identity or political leaning of an applicant is. As for age, the only way they can really guess your age is by finding what year you graduated College, assume it's at 22 and add that many years. Most sharp resume writers don't include graduation year if it older than 15 years.

Technically, there's no place for race, either, but the studies measured how often people with traditionally black names got called (Like Jamal or Lakeisha) vs. people with white names, like Greg or Emily.

In all of the above descriptions, however, I’ve skipped over how “race” is indicated in the resumes. Their method is not the same as their approach towards signaling sexual orientation or politics, that is, involvement in a “Black Students Association” or an “Irish Heritage Society.”

Sounds to me like he didn't understand how the studies were conducted at all. VERY FEW people list clubs they belong to, and generally, unless your resume writer was drunk, you don't include ones with a political, gender or racial/ethnic component.

Here's the thing, and you have to kind of understand how resumes are read. After the Applicant Tracking Software gets done sorting them, (And don't get me started on ATS Software), they are read by a real human in the HR department.

The HR Person looks at your name. He looks at your last job and title. He looks at the immediate pervious job and title. Then he skips down to check to see if your education is a match to the requirement.

If you put a club or an organization on the resume, it plain old didn't get read.

He concludes that people with typical black names like "Jamal" are rejected, but then wonders if redneck names would also be excluded...

What are those names? The “black” first names include: Aisha, Ebony, Keisha, Kenya, Lakeisha, Lashonda, Lawanda, Tamika, and Tomeka for women, and Antwan, Darnell, Jamal, Kareem, Marquis, Rasheed, Tremayne, and Tyrone for men.

The “white” first names included Allison, Amanda, Amy, Emily, Erin, Jennifer, Meredith, and Susan for women, and Adam, Brad, Geoffrey, Jason, Jeremy, Joshua, Nathan, Scott, and Todd for men.
Could researchers test stereotypically “redneck” or “white trash” names and see whether Brandy, Crystal, Daisy, Billy, Clyde, Earle, or Travis

Okay, that's an easy one. In my career, I've worked with a Brandi, a Clyde and a Travis. I have not worked with anyone with the above mentioned black names. In fact, the black people I've worked with - the few- have had white sounding names like Tracey and Cory.

So this is more of the same "Let's pretend obvious racism isn't there."
The studies are not BS.
They expose something very real in the workplace.
And that reality reinforces a "Blacks need not apply" mentality whether the intention is present or not.
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Lesser qualifications?

Based on what?
That a White kid could get into a private school that excludes PoC?

Recruiting and setting aside some spaces for people of different backgrounds doesn't hurt White people BECAUSE the white kid has options that may not exist for others.

By ensuring that those who've earned get the opportunities they deserve we fight racism and poverty across multiple racial and generational fronts.

Since we've already demonstrated you are a racist we must take anything you say in they light.
So, RACIST, whine on about PoC getting opportunities because in your hate filled world, "THEY getting more means you get less."
LESSER qualifications: much lower grades and test scores.

In your hate-filled racist world, racist policies punishing whites are not merely fine, but fought for. Blacks have been getting favored for 40 years, and most have moved into the middle class. As for the black underclass that hasn‘t taken advantage of the favoritism, time to stop blaming whitey….screech waaaacism!….. and take responsibilities for their own actions.

You know what racism is? Liberals eliminating an admission test because the Asians do well and the blacks do much worse - with the express intent to get rid of better qualified Asians and swap them out for blacks.
Again, I was more right wing than you are until 2008. Then I got my first real taste of what discrimination was like, when my young punk boss decided that he was going to fuck over my career because I had medical issues and was "too old" (He actually said that.)

Now, I've always been fair minded on matters of race, and tried to put my concerns about the subtle racism of a Bush to the side. (As opposed to the blatant racism of Trump). But actually getting to experience discrimination was kind of an eye-opener for me.

Wait, what? You mean you are white and you experienced discrimination? Shouldn't your "white privilege" have trumped everything? Weird, I guess there is actually more to things in life that race. Who would have thunk it?

Nope, just visited Jesusland on business and military assignments... you are still a third world country

I'll help you. Here are just a few from Southern states. Don't just look at these, take a look around the areas. Real dumps huh? Trailer trash these people. I even chose some close to larger cities, which have some lefty bleed over into the suburbs. I will not go to all the trouble, but as you get further way from the larger cities, the nicer areas are red, not blue. That is the case in nearly every state in the US, not just the South.

Real Estate - Madison, MS

Politics - Madison, MS

Real Estate - Braselton, GA

Politics - Braselton, GA

Real Estate - Weddington, NC

Politics - Weddington, NC
Note: The zip code for Weddington includes less affluent areas. If you check out the interactive map, you will notice Weddington is solid red.

Real Estate - Hilton Head, SC

Politics - Hilton Head, SC

Real Estate - Nolensville, TN

Politics - Nolensville, TN

I didn't even count Florida nor other states considered Southern. You get the picture...well, you SHOULD get the picture but you won't.

Why not? Anyone who does a drudge job SHOULD get paid a living wage, period. Frankly, being an engineer, or for that matter, a procurement professional, is a pretty sweet job. Very little physical labor, you get to work in pleasant surroundings.

It is all about supply and demand. Many people can dig ditches. Not as many can design an aircraft engine. If enough people decide that digging ditches is too hard for the money, the supply will decrease and the pay will increase. That is how it works.
That would be awesome if you guys didn't try to cut funding to Planned Parenthood in poor neighborhoods to appease white Christians who don't like abortion.

The reality is that Teen Pregnancy has declined by 75% since the 1950's, but black people still live in grinding poverty.

Well, very simple. They were "White Enough". We've been over this.

True, in Europe, what Sky Fairy you worshipped WAS a big deal, but America, not so much. While Jews, Catholics, Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles all encountered some prejudice from the dominant WASP establishment, within a generation you learned English, gave up much of your culture, and were allowed to intermarry. I am half German. My other half is Irish, English, Dutch and Native American. Essentially, in a generation, my family had assimilated. All it took was acting less German and more American.

Blacks, on the other hand, were never allowed to assimilate until this very day. Within my lifetime, it was STILL a crime for a black person to marry a white person in some parts of this country. Just because those laws were off the books,

Your religion doesn't become less stupid because I'm being nicer to you.

Funny you act as if you know everything and yet are about as average as you can get on the success scale. Ponder that for a moment.
Racist cops pull over a black man and abuse him? He must have done something wrong.

Why are they racist? Oh I see, because you said so. Maybe he was having a bad day and made a bad decision. What about all the white people that are killed by cops? You have absolutely no way of knowing that they would not have done exactly the same thing to a white guy if they had found that the tags on the car were not valid and then the guy proceeded to run and resist.

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