The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism


You're saying that people of color should stop doing things that ID them as PoC so that White people won't be upset.
OK then.
I'll pass along your recommendation that People of Color turn White.
There is no reason they should not act white

the White Way has been pretty successful for the past 2000 years
If you want to give an opinion, give yours.
Some other guy's racist opinion is proof of nothing besides the existence of fellow racists.

It's not an opinion, its a study just like yours. The difference is my link tells you about the details your link doesn't. There's always another side of the story.

Company owners do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the most of the employers favorite color are his or her favorite employees.
It just blows my mind that people today maintain that freedom of speech is a threat to humanity (but baby killing isn't), and that the color of your skin dictates your morality and your ability to achieve.

I miss the good old days.
We were discussing poverty, weren't we? The claim is how much better whites have it than minorities, right?

So if minorities want to financially do better, do what white middle-class people do. Don't be blaming this phony race crap because poverty has nothing to with race, it has to do with how you manage your life. White people who have kids they can't afford do just as badly as black people who have kids they can't afford. Again, the CDC estimates that it costs $233,000 per child in a middle-class family. That's about a half-million dollars you need to come up with in the next 20 or so years if you want a two-child family.

That's why once you have kids you can't afford, you'll never get off of government assistance until the kids turn into adults, and you'll live the rest of your life in poverty. It's much better to use that money to learn a trade or career instead, and then consider having kids when you can afford them.
Absolutely true, but minorities - or blacks, since that is who we are talking about - will say they they can’t succeed if they merely do what white middle-class people do because…..racism (arguing in circles)….so, I would suggest that look to another minority that has also been oppressed, persecuted, expelled repeatedly, and murdered by the millions, and yet rose above it to move into the middle class, and in very short order as well. After losing their parents and siblings to Hitler, for example, this oppressed minority went from poverty to middle class, even affluence, in one single generation. This minority is….

The Jews!

And with that, I bid shalom for the evening as I head out for my Seder.
Absolutely true, but minorities - or blacks, since that is who we are talking about - will say they they can’t succeed if they merely do what white middle-class people do because…..racism (arguing in circles)….so, I would suggest that look to another minority that has also been oppressed, persecuted, expelled repeatedly, and murdered by the millions, and yet rose above it to move into the middle class, and in very short order as well. After losing their parents and siblings to Hitler, for example, this oppressed minority went from poverty to middle class, even affluence, in one single generation. This minority is….

The Jews!

And with that, I bid shalom for the evening as I head out for my Seder.
Also American Asians, who are so successful that they are handicapped when they apply for college.

"Many Asian American students are immigrants themselves, or the children or grandchildren of immigrants. Our families generally came to the U.S. seeking greater opportunities, and they almost all faced high barriers to socioeconomic mobility. They worked hard and broke barriers, only to find their descendants punished by Harvard and other elite schools because of their success."
Also American Asians, who are so successful that they are handicapped when they apply for college.
Yes, another perfect example. They will have their day in Court this term after Havard rejected them for having the wrong type of personality.

Shalom, all!
And of course the ONLY reason this happened was because he was black, right? It couldn’t have been that he resisted arrest, or that he ran, or that the cop just made a bad decision. I mean, if this guys was white and did the exact same thing, there is no way this cop would have reacted the same, right?

The guy had tinted windows. It was pitch dark and the officers had no idea who the individual was or what race he was when they pulled out their guns and ordered him out of the vehicle. They had no idea he was black until he stuck his hands out of the window.
To clarify, you want mentally ill and dangerous people to have more of the mental health treatment that made them worse.

Um, no, it was the lack of care that was the problem there.

You simply aren't rational. If you were ever a Republican, it took much more than getting screwed by a former employer to cause this much damage. Maybe the injury that caused your workplace insurance issue to begin with involved a big bonk on the head which knocked few screws loose.

No, it was a realization of how badly Republicans have diminished my protections.

In the last years of his life, my dad had a lot of health issues. (He eventually succumbed to lung cancer). If he didn't have a union AND if he had an asshole like my ex-boss, I'm pretty sure they'd have found an excuse to fire him despite his being a veteran, having five kids and running up a lot of medical bills.

I couldn't even have a knee issue without running into problems. THAT'S how badly Republicans have fucked it up for working people in this country.

I know who my friends are, and I know who my enemies are. If I want to live like a Republican, I need to vote for a Democrat. Republicans have brought us every recession of my adult life, and I've taken a hit during every one of them.

The main reason I don't vote Republican- THEY FUCK IT UP. EVERY TIME.
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What that speaks to is just how rare it is for children raised in a two-parent to be living in poverty - and how blacks could come close to eradicating poverty among themselves if they just didn’t have three out of every four babies born out of wedlock. Nothing to do with racism, but shhhhhhh……can’t recite the liberal myth.

40% of all Americans are born out of wedlock. They are fine. France has an out of wedlock birth rate of 65%.

You also repeat the lie that out of wedlock means fatherless.

The guy had tinted windows. It was pitch dark and the officers had no idea who the individual was or what race he was when they pulled out their guns and ordered him out of the vehicle. They had no idea he was black until he stuck his hands out of the window.

NO matter how egregious the behavior by a white cop, Welfare Ray will always find a way to excuse it.
Absolutely true, but minorities - or blacks, since that is who we are talking about - will say they they can’t succeed if they merely do what white middle-class people do because…..racism (arguing in circles)….so, I would suggest that look to another minority that has also been oppressed, persecuted, expelled repeatedly, and murdered by the millions, and yet rose above it to move into the middle class, and in very short order as well. After losing their parents and siblings to Hitler, for example, this oppressed minority went from poverty to middle class, even affluence, in one single generation. This minority is….

Completely irrelevant to anything happening in America. For America's HORRIBLE history on race, she has a pretty good one on religion, meaning that no matter what crazy shit you believe, you will be tolerated and accepted. And if you don't like any of the crazy religions being imported, no problem, we'll just make up our own like Mormonism!

OF course, it was the rich Jews who got to America, the poor ones ended up at the camps... Funny how that worked out.
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There were specific laws written to keep minorities poor.

For example, when the federal government started the original mortgage program, minorities were ineligible to receive loans, as were whites who lived in neighborhoods that had minority residents

This was designed to keep minorities out of the suburbs, where 90% of mortgages went
And you can provide proof of all this shit, of course...
Completely irrelevant to anything happening in America. For America's HORRIBLE history on race, she has a pretty good one on religion, meaning that no matter what crazy shit you believe, you will be tolerated and accepted. And if you don't like any of the crazy religions being imported, no problem, we'll just make up our own like Mormonism!

OF course, it was the rich Jews who got to America, the poor ones ended up at the camps... Funny how that worked out.

Are you attempting to say that black people are not tolerated and accepted? You miss Lisa’s point all together. There are many other groups in this country who have been no more or less persecuted than black people in the last 40-50 years that have done quite well for themselves as a group.

It would behoove the African American community as a whole to emulate those other groups instead of a complaining about their supposed inequities. The Democratic Party pushes this mentality that black can’t succeed because of inequities. With this mentality, the only way the community as a whole will “succeed“ is if they are gifted success via reparations, meaning ongoing monthly payments. The Democratic Party does a huge disservice the African American community.
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The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
I will assume you are pro choice
Completely irrelevant to anything happening in America. For America's HORRIBLE history on race, she has a pretty good one on religion, meaning that no matter what crazy shit you believe, you will be tolerated and accepted. And if you don't like any of the crazy religions being imported, no problem, we'll just make up our own like Mormonism!

OF course, it was the rich Jews who got to America, the poor ones ended up at the camps... Funny how that worked out.
The antisemite is still speaking, I see…..

The rich Jews did not end up in America. We had a massive wave of poor, uneducated immigrants - whose children were all middle class by the next generation.

You disgusting POS make all kinds of excuses for the blacks who remain impoverished due to their own choices, condemn people who point out the obvious truth as being racists, and then spew your Jew-hate all over this forum.
Are you attempting to say that black people are not tolerated and accepted? You miss Lisa’s point all together. There are many other groups in this country who have been no more or less persecuted than black people in the last 40-50 years that have done quite well for themselves as a group.

It would behoove the African American community as a whole to emulate those other groups instead of a complaining about their supposed inequities. The Democratic Party pushes this mentality that black can’t succeed because of inequities. With this mentality, the only way the community as a whole will “succeed“ is if they are gifted success via reparations, meaning ongoing monthly payments. The Democratic Party does a huge disservice the African American community.
Absolutely! All the blacks have to do is emulate other persecuted groups - such as Jews and Asians - who arrive on these shores with nothing, and a generation later, their kids are all college graduates.
The antisemite is still speaking, I see…..

The rich Jews did not end up in America. We had a massive wave of poor, uneducated immigrants - whose children were all middle class by the next generation.

You disgusting POS make all kinds of excuses for the blacks who remain impoverished due to their own choices, condemn people who point out the obvious truth as being racists, and then spew your Jew-hate all over this forum.
And why is it do you think thst an entire race if people make bad choices
Absolutely! All the blacks have to do is emulate other persecuted groups - such as Jews and Asians - who arrive on these shores with nothing, and a generation later, their kids are all college graduates.
You dont think racism exists?
Are you attempting to say that black people are not tolerated and accepted? You miss Lisa’s point all together. There are many other groups in this country who have been no more or less persecuted than black people in the last 40-50 years that have done quite well for themselves as a group.

The only group that can claim they've been more oppressed in America than blacks are Native Americans, because they were outright GENOCIDED.

I was watching a very interesting historical vid yesterday about how after slavery ended, black people were routinely arrested on petty charges and then had their labor sold to financial interests in the South. This shit went on until the mid-20th century. And we aren't talking crimes like murder and rape, we are talking crimes like "Riding the Railroad without a ticket."

The problem is, you can't point to any one date and say, "that's the day black people started being treated fairly". Because that date really hasn't happened yet.

It would behoove the African American community as a whole to emulate those other groups instead of a complaining about their supposed inequities. The Democratic Party pushes this mentality. With this mentality, the only way the community as a whole will “succeed“ is if they are gifted success via reparations, meaning ongoing monthly payments. The Democratic Party does a huge disservice the African American community.

Hmmm... Let's look at that.

Here's the thing. Those "other groups" didn't have 250 years of slavery followed by 100 years of Jim Crow. The point is, they were never allowed to assimilate.

I could make the argument that my grandparents, when they immigrated from Germany in the 1920's (When the little town in Germany they lived in was occupied by the French) probably did encounter anti-German prejudice. But at some point, they were considered "White enough" to assimilate. My dad was able to marry a non-German woman. (Something that a black person couldn't do in parts of this country until 1969).

The key thing was immigration was a choice. You move from something bad to a little bit better. Slavery wasn't a choice. You got kidnapped, you were put into something a bit worse. When slavery was ended, it was replaced by something that was in some aspects, worse than slavery. Debt-prisoners were treated MUCH worse than slaves. At least with a slave, you had an obligation to keep him healthy because he was an asset.
I will assume you are pro choice
Yes, with strict restrictions. So in the extremely rare case that birth control fails, the girl can get an abortion within the first several weeks before she causes pain to the baby she’s killing - or better yet, take the morning after pill (it was a thing when I was young, so I assume they still have it) just to be safe.

Are you meaning to Imply that all these girls getting pregnant are using birth control? The vast majority of them are being irresponsible and NOT.

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