The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

And why is it do you think thst an entire race if people make bad choices

The entire race doesn’t make bad decisions. There are many successful African Americans in this country, thus proving the point that racism doesn’t disqualify them from success. Are you saying that success African Americans just got lucky?
And why is it do you think thst an entire race if people make bad choices
ahhhh….a leftist out with the racism card, I see.

Ive said repeatedly in this thread and elsewhere that the majority of blacks are middle class. There is a subset of blacks that make bad choices, and that’s why they remain poor. it is NOT due to racism.

Try again.
The entire race doesn’t make bad decisions. There are many successful African Americans in this country, thus proving the point that racism doesn’t disqualify them from success. Are you saying that success African Americans just got lucky?
No. I am saying sone did well in spite of racism

But racism exists
Yes, with strict restrictions. So in the extremely rare case that birth control fails, the girl can get an abortion within the first several weeks before she causes pain to the baby she’s killing - or better yet, take the morning after pill (it was a thing when I was young, so I assume they still have it) just to be safe.

Are you meaning to Imply that all these girls getting pregnant are using birth control? The vast majority of them are being irresponsible and NOT.
I'd love to see your research
The antisemite is still speaking, I see…..

The rich Jews did not end up in America. We had a massive wave of poor, uneducated immigrants - whose children were all middle class by the next generation.

You disgusting POS make all kinds of excuses for the blacks who remain impoverished due to their own choices, condemn people who point out the obvious truth as being racists, and then spew your Jew-hate all over this forum.

One more time.

When the Jews came here from Europe, there were no segregation laws, no laws keeping them down. No 400 years of oppression in America. They were just another group of white people coming over, not as good as the WASP's, but white enough.

America is religiously tolerant. It's one of our virtues, I guess. (Although it would be better if we all stopped believing in imaginary sky fairies). We are racially intolerant.

America's first "blockbuster" movie was a glorification of the Ku Klux Klan.

I'm not aware of any movie that has ever been made in this country where the Nazis weren't the bad guys.

Absolutely! All the blacks have to do is emulate other persecuted groups - such as Jews and Asians - who arrive on these shores with nothing, and a generation later, their kids are all college graduates.

The point is, YOU ARRIVED ON THESE SHORES VOLUNTARILY!!!! Geezus Christ on a Pogo Stick, what part of "Brought over in chains" isn't clear to you.
The entire race doesn’t make bad decisions. There are many successful African Americans in this country, thus proving the point that racism doesn’t disqualify them from success. Are you saying that success African Americans just got lucky?
Thank you, again.

As you know, and the angry and hateful leftists pretend not to understand so they can screech “raaaaaacist!,” the fact that members of other persecuted groups are successful prove that it is one’s choices, and not bigotry, that accounts for success or failure.

And I said in my OP that the blacks who remain mired in poverty do so for the same reasons as whites do - poor choices.
The only group that can claim they've been more oppressed in America than blacks are Native Americans, because they were outright GENOCIDED.

I was watching a very interesting historical vid yesterday about how after slavery ended, black people were routinely arrested on petty charges and then had their labor sold to financial interests in the South. This shit went on until the mid-20th century. And we aren't talking crimes like murder and rape, we are talking crimes like "Riding the Railroad without a ticket."

The problem is, you can't point to any one date and say, "that's the day black people started being treated fairly". Because that date really hasn't happened yet.

Hmmm... Let's look at that.

Here's the thing. Those "other groups" didn't have 250 years of slavery followed by 100 years of Jim Crow. The point is, they were never allowed to assimilate.

I could make the argument that my grandparents, when they immigrated from Germany in the 1920's (When the little town in Germany they lived in was occupied by the French) probably did encounter anti-German prejudice. But at some point, they were considered "White enough" to assimilate. My dad was able to marry a non-German woman. (Something that a black person couldn't do in parts of this country until 1969).

The key thing was immigration was a choice. You move from something bad to a little bit better. Slavery wasn't a choice. You got kidnapped, you were put into something a bit worse. When slavery was ended, it was replaced by something that was in some aspects, worse than slavery. Debt-prisoners were treated MUCH worse than slaves. At least with a slave, you had an obligation to keep him healthy because he was an asset.

Let’s get this straight. You believe that a black person born in 2004 who is currently 18 years old cannot succeed due to past and present racism? He/she can’t study and get into college. He/she can’t do well in college?. He/she can’t get a good job? He/she can’t be responsible and not have or father children out of wedlock? None of this is possible due to racism?

The entire race doesn’t make bad decisions. There are many successful African Americans in this country, thus proving the point that racism doesn’t disqualify them from success. Are you saying that success African Americans just got lucky?

Hey, check it out... here's a guy who worked very hard, made good decisions, and even SERVED HIS COUNTRY, and the fucking racist white cops STILL treated him like this.

Let’s get this straight. You believe that a black person born in 2004 who is currently 18 years old cannot succeed due to past and present racism? He/she can’t study and get into college. He/she can’t do well in college?. He/she can’t get a good job? He/she can’t be responsible and not have or father children out of wedlock? None of this is possible due to racism?

He’s also a major hypocrite. You should read the nasty shit he says about Jews while complaining about the ill effects of bigotry. Against blacks.
No. I am saying sone did well in spite of racism

But racism exists
Oh wait…….I see you just joined TODAY, and all already coming out accusing conservatives of racism and making snide remarks.

You are apparently such a POS leftist that you were banned, and have now resurfaced under a new name.

End of discussion.
Let’s get this straight. You believe that a black person born in 2004 who is currently 18 years old cannot succeed due to past and present racism? He/she can’t study and get into college. He/she can’t do well in college?. He/she can’t get a good job? He/she can’t be responsible and not have or father children out of wedlock? None of this is possible due to racism?

I'm saying the obvious, when you have a racist #### like Lisa working in admissions offices, yes, a black kid is going to be disadvantaged when trying to get into college. When you have white HR departments rejecting his resume because his name is Jamal, and taking a resume from a guy named Greg who is less qualified.

Did you know the last slave was freed in America in 1942? That was the last time that a black person was freed from debt peonage. Which was only ended because it was a bad look to have debt slavery while fighting the Axis.
He’s also a major hypocrite. You should read the nasty shit he says about Jews while complaining about the ill effects of bigotry. Against blacks.

Your fucked up religious beliefs are a choice.
I'm saying the obvious, when you have a racist #### like Lisa working in admissions offices, yes, a black kid is going to be disadvantaged when trying to get into college. When you have white HR departments rejecting his resume because his name is Jamal, and taking a resume from a guy named Greg who is less qualified.

Did you know the last slave was freed in America in 1942? That was the last time that a black person was freed from debt peonage. Which was only ended because it was a bad look to have debt slavery while fighting the Axis.

I get the impression that Lisa would admit the most deserving person, black, white, Asian, etc. In your mind, it is racist that she would NOT choose the black person who was LESS qualified. That is your problem. No common sense.
Yes, some racism exists that effects all races as does a myriad of other hinderances to every race and gender on the planet. Such is life.
But racism against black people was especially bad as it was US policy for hundreds of years....right?
Yes, some racism exists that effects all races as does a myriad of other hinderances to every race and gender on the planet. Such is life.

Well, at least you are admitting it... so when you can't deny it, downplay it. Not very intellectually honest, but there youare.

I get the impression that Lisa would admit the most deserving person, black, white, Asian, etc. In your mind, it is racist that she would NOT choose the black person who was LESS qualified. That is your problem. No common sense.

Then you haven't read her posts, where she constantly whines about black people getting into college, and even whines that there are too many black people on posters at her mall. Seriously, you have to have a serious fucking race obsession to be upset about posters in a mall.

It is also a choice to play the role of the victim.

Attacking someone’s religion should be off limits.

Why? Frankly, religion DESERVES to be attacked when it becomes an excuse for bad behavior.

Otherwise, I declare myself to be a follower of the the Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, and demand the right to cut the hearts out of my enemies... because that's my religion, and attacking it should be off limits.
I get the impression that Lisa would admit the most deserving person, black, white, Asian, etc. In your mind, it is racist that she would NOT choose the black person who was LESS qualified. That is your problem. No common sense.
So true!

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