The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I get the impression that Lisa would admit the most deserving person, black, white, Asian, etc. In your mind, it is racist that she would NOT choose the black person who was LESS qualified. That is your problem. No common sense.
That is exactly what is happening in admissions. We are accused by liberals of being racist if we admit the white kid with a 3.8 and stellar test scores instead of the black kid with a 3.2 and mediocre scores.

What happens is that people with a sense of fairness, such as myself, have left the admissions field while the ones remaining are hard-core anti-white and anti-Asian racists who will do everything they can to make sure more blacks get in, regardless of their academic qualifications.

That’s why Harvard came up with the anti-Asian personality test as an excuse to reject exemplary Asians with excellent academic records in favor of lesser qualified blacks. There was no way to keep justifying why the valedictorian Asians with a 3.9 GPA were being rejected in favor of much less impressive blacks, so they came up with that disgusting racist excuse that “Asians have unlikeable personalities.” This is what the upcoming SCOTUS case is about.
But racism against black people was especially bad as it was US policy for hundreds of years....right?

Yes but you don't have reverse discrimination to make up for that. What's done is done and you try to move on. The left talk about reparations from people simply because of the color of their skin. No ex-slave is alive today and no ex-slave holders either. You can't move forward by living in the past like Frank James or you end up like him.
Yes but you don't have reverse discrimination to make up for that. What's done is done and you try to move on. The left talk about reparations from people simply because of the color of their skin. No ex-slave is alive today and no ex-slave holders either. You can't move forward by living in the past like Frank James or you end up like him.
What's done is done

Racism exists
Are you attempting to say that black people are not tolerated and accepted? You miss Lisa’s point all together. There are many other groups in this country who have been no more or less persecuted than black people in the last 40-50 years that have done quite well for themselves as a group.

It would behoove the African American community as a whole to emulate those other groups instead of a complaining about their supposed inequities. The Democratic Party pushes this mentality that black can’t succeed because of inequities. With this mentality, the only way the community as a whole will “succeed“ is if they are gifted success via reparations, meaning ongoing monthly payments. The Democratic Party does a huge disservice the African American community.

A lot of blacks are not accepted, but it has nothing to do with skin color, it has to do with how they conduct themselves.

It's like that story I was telling about last summer. I was in the backyard with a few of my neighbors having a nice discussion on a beautiful quiet summer day. Then as always, some black guy on a motorcycle pulls up to the stop light with his music blaring so loud it could be heard a street away. We had to stop talking. When he left, I looked at my neighbors and said "and the reason we don't want them living near us is because of the color of their skin" and of course they broke out in laughter.

This is what's promoted by the left, that it's not how a group of people act, there is racism because of skin color.
That is exactly what is happening in admissions. We are accused by liberals of being racist if we admit the white kid with a 3.8 and stellar test scores instead of the black kid with a 3.2 and mediocre scores.

And frankly, you are. Either one of those is a pretty good score.

Black people have had to endure slavery, lynching, peon bondage, literacy tests, Jim Crow, miscegenation laws... and you are whining because the white kid with a SLIGHTLY higher GPA got passed over for the elite school and had to settle for the non-elite school.


What happens is that people with a sense of fairness, such as myself, have left the admissions field while the ones remaining are hard-core anti-white and anti-Asian racists who will do everything they can to make sure more blacks get in, regardless of their academic qualifications.

Yeah- picture, how Karen "left the admissions field"...


right after her colleagues finally decided they were done listening to her rant about how there were too many black students on the brochures...

That’s why Harvard came up with the anti-Asian personality test as an excuse to reject exemplary Asians with excellent academic records in favor of lesser qualified blacks. There was no way to keep justifying why the valedictorian Asians with a 3.9 GPA were being rejected in favor of much less impressive blacks, so they came up with that disgusting racist excuse that “Asians have unlikeable personalities.” This is what the upcoming SCOTUS case is about.

The ironic thing is, that if this is used to discard Affirmative Action, it will be because two mediocrities who are only on the court because of Affirmative Action (Thomas and Barrett) voted against it.

Again, the Asian students are being admitted at a much higher rate than their percentage of the population...
A lot of blacks are not accepted, but it has nothing to do with skin color, it has to do with how they conduct themselves.

It's like that story I was telling about last summer. I was in the backyard with a few of my neighbors having a nice discussion on a beautiful quiet summer day. Then as always, some black guy on a motorcycle pulls up to the stop light with his music blaring so loud it could be heard a street away. We had to stop talking. When he left, I looked at my neighbors and said "and the reason we don't want them living near us is because of the color of their skin" and of course they broke out in laughter.

Last time you told this story it was your FAMILY that came out for a visit...

Has it occurred to that you made a mistake buying a house so close to a busy intersection?

Of course, with Welfare Ray, the black person is ALWAYS at fault. Other than the occasional Uncle Tom Sellout, I've never seen him take the side of a black person once.

There's a reason for that.
We were discussing poverty, weren't we? The claim is how much better whites have it than minorities, right?

So if minorities want to financially do better, do what white middle-class people do. Don't be blaming this phony race crap because poverty has nothing to with race, it has to do with how you manage your life. White people who have kids they can't afford do just as badly as black people who have kids they can't afford. Again, the CDC estimates that it costs $233,000 per child in a middle-class family. That's about a half-million dollars you need to come up with in the next 20 or so years if you want a two-child family.

That's why once you have kids you can't afford, you'll never get off of government assistance until the kids turn into adults, and you'll live the rest of your life in poverty. It's much better to use that money to learn a trade or career instead, and then consider having kids when you can afford them.
In case you missed it, and I'm sure with your White colored glasses you miss many things, the claim of the OP was that racism has no part in Black poverty.
It's been demonstrated that opportunities are denied to people who are "too Black" in the minds of some Whites.
It's been documented over and over that Black people are denied better housing, better schools. the foundations of economic progress despite being able to afford them.

SO, and here's where your ugliness is exposed...

You would deny them access to better economic conditions that would help raise families
WHILE, at the same time,
BLAMING THE VICTIM for choosing to fill their biological function anyway.

We all know
Some of your best friends...
There is no reason they should not act white

the White Way has been pretty successful for the past 2000 years
Bubonic plague
Churches protecting child molesters

BUT, in any case...

People have been on this planet for 200k years.
I wouldn't brag about a 1% success rate.
It's not an opinion, its a study just like yours. The difference is my link tells you about the details your link doesn't. There's always another side of the story.

Company owners do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the most of the employers favorite color are his or her favorite employees.
That you are unable to discern fact from opinion is a problem you should work on

Fact displays the day.
Opinion tells you what you should think of the fact.

You "proof" is an opinion piece.
Do try to do better.
In case you missed it, and I'm sure with your White colored glasses you miss many things, the claim of the OP was that racism has no part in Black poverty.
It's been demonstrated that opportunities are denied to people who are "too Black" in the minds of some Whites.
It's been documented over and over that Black people are denied better housing, better schools. the foundations of economic progress despite being able to afford them.

SO, and here's where your ugliness is exposed...

You would deny them access to better economic conditions that would help raise families
WHILE, at the same time,
BLAMING THE VICTIM for choosing to fill their biological function anyway.

We all know
Some of your best friends...
Sure, there are SOME racists who wouldn’t hire someone who is “too black” just as there are SOME antisemites who wouldn’t hire someone who is “too Jewish.”

But for the most part, the reason some blacks are in poverty is because they are making bad choices - 1) having babies they can’t afford before they’re married and 2) not completing high school.

But you go ahead and focus on the exceptions, making excuses, when if you liberals would admit that it only takes the two basic steps above to move out of poverty and into the working class, at minimum, and that 95% of poor blacks would move beyond it in a single generation.

Asians did it. Jews did it. Blacks can do it too if leftists would stop blaming racism for everything. It anything, blacks today are favored over whites in many arenas, and you are NOT helping them by making them feel like helpless, oppressed victims.

Because you are not getting reparations. Dream on.
That you are unable to discern fact from opinion is a problem you should work on

Fact displays the day.
Opinion tells you what you should think of the fact.

You "proof" is an opinion piece.
Do try to do better.

What my link described is how the research was conducted and the flaws within. Now if you disagree with what they found, then by all means, show they are wrong. it's far from an opinion piece. They examined what tricks were used to make it look racially bias as all these studies do.
Sure, there are SOME racists who wouldn’t hire someone who is “too black” just as there are SOME antisemites who wouldn’t hire someone who is “too Jewish.”

Really? Name one?

But for the most part, the reason some blacks are in poverty is because they are making bad choices - 1) having babies they can’t afford before they’re married and 2) not completing high school.

Uh, yeah, here's the thing. you keep repeating a lot of racist myths... unmarried does not mean fatherless. 50% of white people get divorced, but you never cite that as an excuse for poverty.

But you go ahead and focus on the exceptions, making excuses, when if you liberals would admit that it only takes the two basic steps above to move out of poverty and into the working class, at minimum, and that 95% of poor blacks would move beyond it in a single generation.

Somehow, a HS Diploma isn't going to make up for 400 years of institutionalized racism...

Asians did it. Jews did it. Blacks can do it too if leftists would stop blaming racism for everything. It anything, blacks today are favored over whites in many arenas, and you are NOT helping them by making them feel like helpless, oppressed victims.

She must have saw some more posters and wet herself..

Jews don't wear big old signs saying they are Jews. You toss a Jew into a crowd of white people, I'm not going to be able to pick him or her out. (At least not until they open their mouths.)

There is a HUGE difference between what White Immigrants encountered and what blacks have encountered. Heck, as a German American, I can point out a lot of anti-German discrimination in our history. PROHIBITION was entirely a "Let's stick it to the Krauts" law. (Until the WASPs realized they couldn't get shitfaced, either. )

But at the end of the day, Jews, Germans, Catholics, Irish, Italians, Poles were ruled as being "White Enough". Blacks aren't.

Which brings us to Asians.

They simply never really encountered what black folks have, either, and most of them are RECENT immigrants. the key thing about any immigrant is that they had the resources to get here, which is a lot harder than it was when Grandpa Ludwig got off the boat in 1925 and realized he couldn't get a beer. Which means we are talking about people who ALREADY had affluence. Poor Asians, such as refugees from Vietnam, still encounter the same struggles that other minorities do.

Because you are not getting reparations. Dream on.
Actually, reparations would be a lot cheaper than what we are doing now.

Check out what CITIGROUP has said about the cost of racism in this country.

Nationwide protests have cast a spotlight on racism and inequality in the United States. Now a major bank has put a price tag on how much the economy has lost as a result of discrimination against African Americans: $16 trillion.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. It's not an insignificant number: By comparison, U.S. GDP totaled $19.5 trillion last year.

And not acting to reverse discriminatory practices will continue to exact a cost. Citigroup estimates the economy would see a $5 trillion boost over the next five years if the U.S. were to tackle key areas of discrimination against African Americans
In case you missed it, and I'm sure with your White colored glasses you miss many things, the claim of the OP was that racism has no part in Black poverty.
It's been demonstrated that opportunities are denied to people who are "too Black" in the minds of some Whites.
It's been documented over and over that Black people are denied better housing, better schools. the foundations of economic progress despite being able to afford them.

It hasn't been demonstrated at all. You point to some flawed and rigged study as evidence, but yet to give any real life instances.

Show me where blacks were denied better housing outside of the FACT they didn't meet the financial qualifications to own such a home. Show me one black who was denied education in the city they live in and pay taxes to support those schools. It never happens and do you know why? BECAUSE IT'S ILLEGAL, that's why.

Schools are locally funded and it's up to the taxpayers how much funding they wish to provide to the education of these kids, not some evil white man. i know this because over half of my property taxes go to fund our schools as it is with every homeowner.
It hasn't been demonstrated at all. You point to some flawed and rigged study as evidence, but yet to give any real life instances.

Show me where blacks were denied better housing outside of the FACT they didn't meet the financial qualifications to own such a home. Show me one black who was denied education in the city they live in and pay taxes to support those schools. It never happens and do you know why? BECAUSE IT'S ILLEGAL, that's why.

Schools are locally funded and it's up to the taxpayers how much funding they wish to provide to the education of these kids, not some evil white man. i know this because over half of my property taxes go to fund our schools as it is with every homeowner.
It does happen all the time
Oh, you want to get in on this? Fine, show me your evidence too.
Start here

The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently.
Catholics (real ones) don't like this advice.

Worst part of birth control is that some methods actually cause a woman to get pregnant but then expel the child before he or she can implant in the uterus..

which of course is not prevention of life but destruction of it

Start here

I'm not going to read any of your links if they don't address what was being discussed. It's a waste of my time. First of all it discusses the former practice of red lining. Red lining is what banks did to assure they were not making bad loans in areas where property values declined and continued to decline. It was not race based, but security based. Nobody wants to lend money to people who have no ability to repay the loan or housing that will be worth less than the money that was borrowed. If the loan goes bad, there is no way for a bank to recover their losses.

This is an opinion piece and not fact. What I asked for was evidence that black people were discriminated against because of skin color and no other financial reason.
I'm not going to read any of your links if they don't address what was being discussed. It's a waste of my time. First of all it discusses the former practice of red lining. Red lining is what banks did to assure they were not making bad loans in areas where property values declined and continued to decline. It was not race based, but security based. Nobody wants to lend money to people who have no ability to repay the loan or housing that will be worth less than the money that was borrowed. If the loan goes bad, there is no way for a bank to recover their losses.

This is an opinion piece and not fact. What I asked for was evidence that black people were discriminated against because of skin color and no other financial reason.
I gave it to you. You wont read it

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