The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I have links too bud

You are either extremely low educated, have terrible comprehension skills, or are just plain stupid. Your article (once again) points out that the disparities are with the applicants themselves, not the lending institutions.

For instance it points out that housing prices are lower in minority communities. Well no shit! Who made them lower value? Then it points out that housing prices are much higher in metro areas. Well no shit again. Areas that have much less violent crime, open stores, much less theft are more desirable places to live, and therefor higher property values.
You are either extremely low educated, have terrible comprehension skills, or are just plain stupid. Your article (once again) points out that the disparities are with the applicants themselves, not the lending institutions.

For instance it points out that housing prices are lower in minority communities. Well no shit! Who made them lower value? Then it points out that housing prices are much higher in metro areas. Well no shit again. Areas that have much less violent crime, open stores, much less theft are more desirable places to live, and therefor higher property values.
Let's talk about me

Because you are getting crushed on the facts
And you're nothing but a troll. You don't want to debate anything. You want to throw out phony left-wing talking points and leave it at that.
It's so personal with you. You cant debate the facts

Meanwhile, the housing market is structured to disproportionately exclude Black and brown households, as zoning codes and building practices incentivize the construction of very large homes at the expense of smaller, more affordable homes. “Because people of color are far more likely than white people to be first-time rather than repeat homebuyers,” Perry testified, “a mass of housing inventory weighted against attainable starter homes disproportionately favors households with higher concentrations of generational wealth to pay bigger down payments
It's so personal with you. You cant debate the facts

Meanwhile, the housing market is structured to disproportionately exclude Black and brown households, as zoning codes and building practices incentivize the construction of very large homes at the expense of smaller, more affordable homes. “Because people of color are far more likely than white people to be first-time rather than repeat homebuyers,” Perry testified, “a mass of housing inventory weighted against attainable starter homes disproportionately favors households with higher concentrations of generational wealth to pay bigger down payments

Then explain how "it's at the expense of smaller home buyers" when those homes are worth less. What generational wealth? If my parents pass away and leave us with anything, we'll be the first generation to get something. It's like that with most white people because the generation above us didn't have any money, only a very small percentage did. Most were working class Americans and people from my generation were off the boat. There was no generational wealth.

There is no discrimination against first time home buyers black or white. All banks care about is you are more than capable of repaying the loan. That goes for smaller used homes as well as larger new homes.
Read the date

The article is current, but in true libersl fashion, it’s reaching back two generations to discuss a racist policy - outlawed 50 years ago.

You have nothing. Racism against blacks is so rare that instances have to br MADE up. Now the racism is against non-blacks.

You liberals sure are eager to keep blacks convinced they’re victims, aren’t you. Gotta keep them on the Democrat Plantation, voting for handouts, rather than see them become self-sufficient. It’s exactly what LBJ said would “keep them voting Democrat for 200 years.”

Nobody but the deranged hard Left is buying it. Blacks are just as capable as whites as finishing high school and using birth control (If they have sex).
The article is current, but in true libersl fashion, it’s reaching back two generations to discuss a racist policy - outlawed 50 years ago.

You have nothing. Racism against blacks is so rare that instances have to br MADE up. Now the racism is against non-blacks.

You liberals sure are eager to keep blacks convinced they’re victims, aren’t you. Gotta keep them on the Democrat Plantation, voting for handouts, rather than see them become self-sufficient. It’s exactly what LBJ said would “keep them voting Democrat for 200 years.”

Nobody but the deranged hard Left is buying it. Blacks are just as capable as whites as finishing high school and using birth control (If they have sex).
So you got no facts....huh?
Then explain how "it's at the expense of smaller home buyers" when those homes are worth less. What generational wealth? If my parents pass away and leave us with anything, we'll be the first generation to get something. It's like that with most white people because the generation above us didn't have any money, only a very small percentage did. Most were working class Americans and people from my generation were off the boat. There was no generational wealth.

There is no discrimination against first time home buyers black or white. All banks care about is you are more than capable of repaying the loan. That goes for smaller used homes as well as larger new homes.
There is MASSIVE white generational wealth in this country while IN MY LIFETINE discrimination against black people was legal

Holy cow
Then explain how "it's at the expense of smaller home buyers" when those homes are worth less. What generational wealth? If my parents pass away and leave us with anything, we'll be the first generation to get something. It's like that with most white people because the generation above us didn't have any money, only a very small percentage did. Most were working class Americans and people from my generation were off the boat. There was no generational wealth.

There is no discrimination against first time home buyers black or white. All banks care about is you are more than capable of repaying the loan. That goes for smaller used homes as well as larger new homes.
Yup. This whole “generational wealth” stuff is another of the libs’ big lies.
There is MASSIVE white generational wealth in this country while IN MY LIFETINE discrimination against black people was legal

Holy cow

Bullshit. I'm white, my family is all white, and our parents grew up in a house the size of a three car garage; all six of them. They had no indoor plumbing or electricity. Many nights they went to bed hungry. So where is this generational wealth at?
You are either extremely low educated, have terrible comprehension skills, or are just plain stupid. Your article (once again) points out that the disparities are with the applicants themselves, not the lending institutions.

For instance it points out that housing prices are lower in minority communities. Well no shit! Who made them lower value? Then it points out that housing prices are much higher in metro areas. Well no shit again. Areas that have much less violent crime, open stores, much less theft are more desirable places to live, and therefor higher property values.
Liberals never will admit that blacks have any responsibility for their own situation.
Bullshit. I'm white, my family is all white, and our parents grew up in a house the size of a three car garage; all six of them. They had no indoor plumbing or electricity. Many nights they went to bed hungry. So where is this generational wealth at?
Are you freaking kidding?

You think this is about you personally?


Bullshit. I'm white, my family is all white, and our parents grew up in a house the size of a three car garage; all six of them. They had no indoor plumbing or electricity. Many nights they went to bed hungry. So where is this generational wealth at?
Exactly. My parents grew up dirt-poor, in tenements, to uneducated immigrants parents. They had no generational wealth, either.

What they did get from their parents was an emphasis on good values: discipline, motivation, the willingness to delay gratification for later success, the desire for a good education, and the pride that comes from supporting oneself with hard work.

This generational wealth myth is just that. It’s every bit a lie as “hands up….don’t shoot” was.

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