The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

The shocking not so soft racism by the democrat party is sickening. I just posted a reply about the videos where they ask democrats on college campuses questions about minorities getting IDs. It is gross. One of my favorite review sites, LFR family, has a guy named Van who is watching all kinds of videos from Thomas Sowell to Ben Shapiro to get other perspectives. He is a black man from DC. He is shocked by some of the behavior of the people on 'his' side. He is getting threats and losing some viewers for just watching these videos.
It’s so true. A Democrat I know said that we have to give blacks money because they are too illiterate to fill out s job application. Some of these Dems sound like the worst of the KKK.
I think it is important to note that poor decisions is not a 'black' thing. It is a poverty thing. Plenty of white people have kids with no fathers and drop out of school. It is just that white people can't blame their poverty on their skin color.
Yes, and that was in my OP: that blacks are poor for the same reason whites are, and thus racism is not the cause. That Infuriated leftists.
Lol I wasn't sure if you knew him or not with you only being here less than a year. I thought he might have left from people getting sick of hearing the same shit over and over again like OCD Joe. I'm sure a lot of people just ignore him now and he created a sock to start all over again.

Oooh, I think Welfare Ray finally got tired of me pointing out his hypocrisy and put me on ignore. Well, sad, so I can just keep mocking him without response.

Yeah, he’s on ignore - and now that Otto is too. It‘s frightening to see how many hypocritical haters we now have in this country who get joy at spewing venom at other Americans. It’s actually pretty unreal how quickly they turned into…..well…..whatever it is they are now.

My sister thinks that they have been brainwashed by the media like MSNBC and need mental help.

Says the woman who thinks that posters in a mall are a vast conspiracy!

It’s so true. A Democrat I know said that we have to give blacks money because they are too illiterate to fill out s job application. Some of these Dems sound like the worst of the KKK.

Naw, you're totally not racist.

Yes, and that was in my OP: that blacks are poor for the same reason whites are, and thus racism is not the cause. That Infuriated leftists.

Whites didn't encounter 400 years of institutionalized racism. Neither did Jews. Neither did Asians.
Yeah, he’s on ignore - and now that Otto is too. It‘s frightening to see how many hypocritical haters we now have in this country who get joy at spewing venom at other Americans. It’s actually pretty unreal how quickly they turned into…..well…..whatever it is they are now.

My sister thinks that they have been brainwashed by the media like MSNBC and need mental help.

It's plain as day who needs mental help around here.

I like debating the other side as long as it's an intelligent debate, in fact I look forward to it; it's why I come here. The problem with some is like it's arguing with a person that believes in Santa Clause. You explain to them that Santa is a fictional character, you show them multiple evidence that they are wrong, and yet they keep insisting Santa Clause is real. It's a fruitless debate because you can't have a discussion with people that live in their own phony as hell world. They keep repeating the same shit over and over again. I don't know what it is with some leftists. Either they have serious mental issues or the intelligence of an 8 year old. I think in many cases it's a little of both.

So why waste my time? Talking to some people is like talking to a wall, and I don't do that either. I respect opinions no matter how wrong they are, but when people insist their opinions are facts regardless how many times we prove them wrong, you might as well be talking to a wall.
It's plain as day who needs mental help around here.

I like debating the other side as long as it's an intelligent debate, in fact I look forward to it; it's why I come here. The problem with some is like it's arguing with a person that believes in Santa Clause. You explain to them that Santa is a fictional character, you show them multiple evidence that they are wrong, and yet they keep insisting Santa Clause is real. It's a fruitless debate because you can't have a discussion with people that live in their own phony as hell world. They keep repeating the same shit over and over again. I don't know what it is with some leftists. Either they have serious mental issues or the intelligence of an 8 year old. I think in many cases it's a little of both.

So why waste my time? Talking to some people is like talking to a wall, and I don't do that either. I respect opinions no matter how wrong they are, but when people insist their opinions are facts regardless how many times we prove them wrong, you might as well be talking to a wall.

I'm kind of horrified you can't spell "Santa Claus" properly, Welfare Ray.

The reality is you are a massive hypocrite... only kept alive by the generosity of a liberal compassionate society you hate.
The shocking not so soft racism by the democrat party is sickening. I just posted a reply about the videos where they ask democrats on college campuses questions about minorities getting IDs. It is gross. One of my favorite review sites, LFR family, has a guy named Van who is watching all kinds of videos from Thomas Sowell to Ben Shapiro to get other perspectives. He is a black man from DC. He is shocked by some of the behavior of the people on 'his' side. He is getting threats and losing some viewers for just watching these videos.

Democrats are like Nazis. You either march in lockstep with them or you're the enemy. Individual thought is not allowed. That's why they're so threatened by Musk taking over Twitter and allowing all opinions to be posted. In the leftist world, only one opinion is allowed, and that is the leftist opinion.

They live in fear that others may hear our message and they lose some sheep. It's why they have protests at colleges when a conservative has a speaking engagement. It's why the most popular social media sites and Hollywood restrict the conservative message. Conservatism is common sense; pragmatism. Man has no ability to control the climate, taking guns away from good people will only give us a society where the criminals and cops have the guns, you are the gender you were born with and that can't be changed. This is common sense, something a lot of leftists are void of.
Democrats are like Nazis. You either march in lockstep with them or you're the enemy. Individual thought is not allowed. That's why they're so threatened by Musk taking over Twitter and allowing all opinions to be posted. In the leftist world, only one opinion is allowed, and that is the leftist opinion.

Or we have a legitimate concern about how mass media is controlled by only a few rich people.

They live in fear that others may hear our message and they lose some sheep. It's why they have protests at colleges when a conservative has a speaking engagement. It's why the most popular social media sites and Hollywood restrict the conservative message. Conservatism is common sense; pragmatism. Man has no ability to control the climate, taking guns away from good people will only give us a society where the criminals and cops have the guns, you are the gender you were born with and that can't be changed. This is common sense, something a lot of leftists are void of.

Common sense is regurgitating Welfare Ray's bigotries...

Human activity is causing climate change.
Most gun deaths are suicide and domestic violence
Gender is more complicated than genitals.

Sadly, you get upset about these stupid social issues, then wake up wondering why you live in a slum.
Democrats are like Nazis. You either march in lockstep with them or you're the enemy. Individual thought is not allowed. That's why they're so threatened by Musk taking over Twitter and allowing all opinions to be posted. In the leftist world, only one opinion is allowed, and that is the leftist opinion.
Precisely. That is why Obama wanted to have a governmental agency thar has the right to censor media content that had “misinformation.” (That’s the word they used for any truth they don’t want voters knowing.) They are desperate to keep the truth from gullible Americans who are falling for their propaganda and lies.

Democrats are like Nazis. You either march in lockstep with them or you're the enemy. Individual thought is not allowed. That's why they're so threatened by Musk taking over Twitter and allowing all opinions to be posted. In the leftist world, only one opinion is allowed, and that is the leftist opinion.
True. And if you deviate from Democrat narrative, they become infuriated and start in with the name-calling and insults: Racist! Nazi! It’s their childish way of stopping a debate when they know they have no defense.
They live in fear that others may hear our message and they lose some sheep. It's why they have protests at colleges when a conservative has a speaking engagement. It's why the most popular social media sites and Hollywood restrict the conservative message. Conservatism is common sense; pragmatism. Man has no ability to control the climate, taking guns away from good people will only give us a society where the criminals and cops have the guns, you are the gender you were born with and that can't be changed. This is common sense, something a lot of leftists are void of.
Yes. They have everything upside down. How, for example, does it make sense to allow thousands of illegal aliens into our country without a COVID test (and then fly them in the dead of night Throughout the nation) yet require American citizens returning from vacation to have a COVID test and then be barred if they’re positive?
Yes. They have everything upside down. How, for example, does it make sense to allow thousands of illegal aliens into our country without a COVID test (and then fly them in the dead of night Throughout the nation) yet require American citizens returning from vacation to have a COVID test and then be barred if they’re positive?

My thought is that they want to pack this country with as many illegals as possible. When the polls show they are going to get slaughtered at midterms, they will have nothing to lose. Grant them amnesty to rig the election again.

What they don't realize is the people most pissed off about it are the legal immigrants. They waited years, went through the expense, waited in line to come to this country, and now Dementia and the Democrats are just going to open the doors to anybody? If I'm in line for hours at Cedar Point to get on a certain ride, and somebody from my neighborhood cuts in front of the line, I don't care if he's from my neighborhood or not. Kick him out. If you allow and even invite him or her to cut in line, then I'm never coming back to your amusement park again. Provided their amnesty fails, they are going to lose much of the Hispanic vote and they won't be coming back.
My thought is that they want to pack this country with as many illegals as possible. When the polls show they are going to get slaughtered at midterms, they will have nothing to lose. Grant them amnesty to rig the election again.

What they don't realize is the people most pissed off about it are the legal immigrants. They waited years, went through the expense, waited in line to come to this country, and now Dementia and the Democrats are just going to open the doors to anybody? If I'm in line for hours at Cedar Point to get on a certain ride, and somebody from my neighborhood cuts in front of the line, I don't care if he's from my neighborhood or not. Kick him out. If you allow and even invite him or her to cut in line, then I'm never coming back to your amusement park again. Provided their amnesty fails, they are going to lose much of the Hispanic vote and they won't be coming back.
They’ve already lost the Hispanic vote. Have you seen how low Biden’s approval is among them? You can be sure that they will turn out in droves to vote for the Republicans in the midterms and halt Biden’s harmful, unjust policies.
They’ve already lost the Hispanic vote. Have you seen how low Biden’s approval is among them? You can be sure that they will turn out in droves to vote for the Republicans in the midterms and halt Biden’s harmful, unjust policies.

As far as the Democrats are concerned, a minority is a minority. They all think alike since they don't have white skin. They fail to realize that Hispanics are much more politically and socially involved than blacks. They have a stronghold of the black vote because not many blacks are interested in politics. They vote Democrat without realizing why.

Hispanics are generally more religious and family oriented. They don't go for guys wearing dresses and entering rest rooms and female locker rooms. They don't appreciate the concept of teachers telling their kids they can be any gender they desire at a very young age. It may take some time, but the Hispanic vote may eventually be a majority Republican down the road. If that takes place, the Democrats are doomed.
Whites didn't encounter 400 years of institutionalized racism. Neither did Jews. Neither did Asians.

Are you attempting to say that Asians and many other immigrants from other countries who have succeeded started with some sort of advantage over a black person born in the US in the last 40-50 years? You are VERY, VERY much wrong.
Are you attempting to say that Asians and many other immigrants from other countries who have succeeded started with some sort of advantage over a black person born in the US in the last 40-50 years? You are VERY, VERY much wrong.
I am saying that black people in this country continue to experience racism
Human activity is causing climate change.
Most gun deaths are suicide and domestic violence
Gender is more complicated than genitals.

Maybe everyone can stop breathing. That sure would help your cause.

If people want to kill themselves or beat someone up, they will find a way.

Actually, not it is not more complicated.
As far as the Democrats are concerned, a minority is a minority. They all think alike since they don't have white skin. They fail to realize that Hispanics are much more politically and socially involved than blacks. They have a stronghold of the black vote because not many blacks are interested in politics. They vote Democrat without realizing why.

Hispanics are generally more religious and family oriented. They don't go for guys wearing dresses and entering rest rooms and female locker rooms. They don't appreciate the concept of teachers telling their kids they can be any gender they desire at a very young age. It may take some time, but the Hispanic vote may eventually be a majority Republican down the road. If that takes place, the Democrats are doomed.
The idea that YOU can speak for blacks and Hispanics is incredibly racist
The idea that YOU can speak for blacks and Hispanics is incredibly racist

Weird, because I hear black people all the time talk about so called “white priviledge”. How would they know if they aren’t white? Are they racists too?
My thought is that they want to pack this country with as many illegals as possible. When the polls show they are going to get slaughtered at midterms, they will have nothing to lose. Grant them amnesty to rig the election again.

What they don't realize is the people most pissed off about it are the legal immigrants. They waited years, went through the expense, waited in line to come to this country, and now Dementia and the Democrats are just going to open the doors to anybody? If I'm in line for hours at Cedar Point to get on a certain ride, and somebody from my neighborhood cuts in front of the line, I don't care if he's from my neighborhood or not. Kick him out. If you allow and even invite him or her to cut in line, then I'm never coming back to your amusement park again. Provided their amnesty fails, they are going to lose much of the Hispanic vote and they won't be coming back.
That is especially true of the Cuban immigrants. They are Republican voters, and self-sufficient, and you noticed how quickly Biden took to the podium to tell them they’re not wanted here? Then in the next breath he welcomes in the unskilled, semi-literate Latinos from Central America.

Remember that old Syms commercial, in which the owner said “an educated consumer is our best customer?” The Democrat slogan would be: “an ignorant, unskilled, uneducated migrant who can’t support his family is our Best Future Voter!”
That is especially true of the Cuban immigrants. They are Republican voters, and self-sufficient, and you noticed how quickly Biden took to the podium to tell them they’re not wanted here? Then in the next breath he welcomes in the unskilled, semi-literate Latinos from Central America.

Remember that old Syms commercial, in which the owner said “an educated consumer is our best customer?” The Democrat slogan would be: “an ignorant, unskilled, uneducated migrant who can’t support his family is our Best Future Voter!”

That's the Biden administration for ya.

If you are a legal immigrant, you must take tests, you must be tested for Covid, you must be vaccinated. If you are an illegal, you don't have to get tested or vaxed. If you are an illegal, you get a free smart phone and free transportation to anyplace in the US you'd like to live.

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