The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

It was Walmart that published the jobs. They are offering their dock workers free training and a job. It may take a few years of experience before you reach six figures, but nothing comes without a sacrifice. As you said, it still pays pretty well during that time.
Yes, and it’s a great opportunity. Free training, and a chance to hit six figures within a few years? We should not be giving out welfare while all these good-paying jobs go unfilled.

And for anybody reading this who says “well….what if blacks don’t want to drive a truck?” Well, tough shit. When there are jobs available, and well-paying ones at that, you take them. Whatever happened to pride in supporting oneself and one’s family?
Was it a liberal college? Lol
It was… I said, this was in a Northeastern city. But I was a liberal back then. You know the saying….if you’re under 30 and not a liberal, you have no heart; if you’re over 30 and still a liberal, you have no brains.
It was… I said, this was in a Northeastern city. But I was a liberal back then. You know the saying….if you’re under 30 and not a liberal, you have no heart; if you’re over 30 and still a liberal, you have no brains.
Yeah I guess all the good schools are liberal

These liberals control everything! Lol
Yeah I guess all the good schools are liberal

These liberals control everything! Lol
Thanks for noting I went to a good school.

But as I said, I grew up. And this was 40 years ago, before the liberal universities went crazy left and had “No Whites on Campus Day” and all their nonsense.

Of course, even back then the blacks had Blacks Only clubs and events, so anti-white bias was still allowed to ferment.
Thanks for noting I went to a good school.

But as I said, I grew up. And this was 40 years ago, before the liberal universities went crazy left and had “No Whites on Campus Day” and all their nonsense.

Of course, even back then the blacks had Blacks Only clubs and events, so anti-white bias was still allowed to ferment.
Of course it was a good school. It was liberal

Can you name a good conservative university?
Yes, and it’s a great opportunity. Free training, and a chance to hit six figures within a few years? We should not be giving out welfare while all these good-paying jobs go unfilled.

And for anybody reading this who says “well….what if blacks don’t want to drive a truck?” Well, tough shit. When there are jobs available, and well-paying ones at that, you take them. Whatever happened to pride in supporting oneself and one’s family?

They told me that too. Well WTF, do you think I wanted to drive a truck in the middle of a snowstorm we often get here in the northeast? Hell no. But when I was younger I had to find a career. I got sick of lower paying non-skilled jobs so I took the money and effort to learn a new trade. With the money I made I invested in real estate and became a landlord which is a part-time job on top of my full time job.

What I did, any American of any race can do.
Of course it was a good school. It was liberal

Can you name a good conservative university?
I don’t know. I’m not into universities anymore, but I do beleive there are some excellent and highly competitive ones.
They told me that too. Well WTF, do you think I wanted to drive a truck in the middle of a snowstorm we often get here in the northeast? Hell no. But when I was younger I had to find a career. I got sick of lower paying non-skilled jobs so I took the money and effort to learn a new trade. With the money I made I invested in real estate and became a landlord which is a part-time job on top of my full time job.

What I did, any American of any race can do.
Good for you.

And you hit on another problem with leftists. They are snobby elitists who think everyone has to go to college, and they turn their noses up at the trades. I’ve found that some of my most interesting conversations are with skilled tradespeople - the HVAC guy, the plumber, etc. - who have their heads screwed on straight. They are almost always Republican voters, fully understand that Democrats look down on them, are hard workers, and rightfully believe that people should support their own families.

Then you consider my neighborhood - affluent homeowners. I can‘t get a teenager to shovel my driveway for even $50 for 30 minutes work! Their parents discourage it. They have convinced their kids that they don’t have to do “menial labor.” NOT the way I was brought up!
Precisely. That is why Obama wanted to have a governmental agency thar has the right to censor media content that had “misinformation.” (That’s the word they used for any truth they don’t want voters knowing.) They are desperate to keep the truth from gullible Americans who are falling for their propaganda and lies.
Wow, you'll believe anything, won't you.

The real problem, of course, is that a nut like Alex Jones can go out and say all the kids killed at Sandy Hook were crisis actors, and that has credibility with some of you people.

True. And if you deviate from Democrat narrative, they become infuriated and start in with the name-calling and insults: Racist! Nazi! It’s their childish way of stopping a debate when they know they have no defense.

It's funny to watch two open racists complain theyare being called Nazis.

Yes. They have everything upside down. How, for example, does it make sense to allow thousands of illegal aliens into our country without a COVID test (and then fly them in the dead of night Throughout the nation) yet require American citizens returning from vacation to have a COVID test and then be barred if they’re positive?

Most of the undocumented are sent home immediately. You guys need to keep your story straight. Is Biden putting them in the same camps Trump was or is he flying them around the country?
Maybe everyone can stop breathing. That sure would help your cause.

If people want to kill themselves or beat someone up, they will find a way.

Actually, not it is not more complicated.

Um, no, what would help is not burning tons of carbon every day...

If that were true, why do countries that ban guns have a much lower murder rate than we have?

Um, yeah, actually, it is more complicated. Gender is a social construct, not a biological one.

That is especially true of the Cuban immigrants. They are Republican voters, and self-sufficient, and you noticed how quickly Biden took to the podium to tell them they’re not wanted here? Then in the next breath he welcomes in the unskilled, semi-literate Latinos from Central America.

Is this really the comparison you want to make? Cuban Americans were welcomed here and helped by the government because we wanted to show Latin America that Communism, Bad before they started getting any ideas themselves.

Until Castro got wise and started emptying his mental hospitals and prisons on our shores... Whoops.

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Asians and Jews experience bigotry, too, yet it doesn’t keep them mired in poverty. That’s because they value 1) intact families with children after marriage, and 2) higher education. If the black underclass followed the example of these two other minorities, they‘d move out of poverty.

Jews and Asians came here by CHOICE. Blacks were brought over in chains and experienced 400 years of policies to keep them down.

Again, blacks have had favorable treatment via affirmative action for two generations. If the lowest of them hasn’t made it out of poverty in all that time, when other persecuted minorities - like the Jews, and WITHOUT affirmative action in their favor - have done so in ONE generation, then it’s time to admit that it’s not racism, but personal choices.

Nope. Jews aren't a race. There were never the equivalent of Jim Crow Laws or Driving While Black arrests directed at them. Our entire history has been one of oppressing black people, and then we make it a crime to teach that history in some states.
Correct. My former industry is short over 80,000 drivers, and it's expected to get worse as we baby boomers retire. Driving pays well to extremely well. In fact we have college educated drivers because they make more money driving a truck then exercising their education in the field they chose.

Don't get me wrong, drivers were always in demand, and yes, to blacks as well. But it's never been this bad before.

You mean people don't want to do a dull, boring job? Amazing.

Hey, check this out from a PRO-Trucker website.

Driving a truck for a living, for the average driver nowadays, simply doesn’t cover the cost of paying the bills at home.

The cost of living on the road doesn’t allow for setting aside enough money for a rainy day or for a retirement fund.

The money is just not there anymore, which is too bad, because this was once a great job.

And antisemitism exists.

Are you really this much of an idiot? How the f do you know what I’ve gone through? Or my parents? Or THEIR parents? ...

So you might find it a bit offensive if some presumptuous yahoo on the internet deigned to tell you just what your problems really are and how you should "fix" your life, as if talking down to a small child?
They told me that too. Well WTF, do you think I wanted to drive a truck in the middle of a snowstorm we often get here in the northeast? Hell no. But when I was younger I had to find a career. I got sick of lower paying non-skilled jobs so I took the money and effort to learn a new trade. With the money I made I invested in real estate and became a landlord which is a part-time job on top of my full time job.

What I did, any American of any race can do.

Yes, you to can be like Welfare Ray.

Collecting a disability check because you never bothered to learn another job skill.
Living in a slum because all the upwardly mobile people left you behind.
Putting cameras on your house's perimeter and listening to the police scanner because the scary negroes live next door.
Is Hilldale conservative?
You never heard of Hillsdale? It’s one of the most conservatives colleges in the country.

Are you one of those snobby liberals who think only liberals are intelligent? Among my friends who voted for Trump are a scientist, a biologist, a dentist, an MBA very a top program, a Ph.D., and a lawyer.

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