The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Here's why Trucking has shortages....

In the US, “there are in fact millions of truck drivers — people who have commercial driver’s licenses — who are not driving trucks and are not using those commercial driving licenses, more than we would even need,” Belzer said. “That’s because people have gotten recruited into this job, maybe paid to get trained in this job, and realize, ‘This is not for me. This is not adequate for what I’m doing.’”

When it comes to recruitment, it’s hard to get people into the business, especially young people. There’s often a gap between when people leave school (say, age 18) and when they can legally drive a truck across state lines (typically age 21), which means those folks may have already found jobs and aren’t going to be wooed away to become truckers.

There are other barriers to entry, like schooling (the costs of which can vary) and the ability to obtain a special class of driver’s license. Around the world, training and testing for truck drivers stalled because of Covid-19 lockdowns. The industry also struggles to attract women into the workforce because of safety concerns and inadequate accommodations along routes and at rest stops.

But truck driving also isn’t the job it used to be. In the United States, for example, deregulation of the industry, which accelerated in the 1980s, alongside the decline of unions, means trucker wages have been shrinking for years. But the work itself hasn’t really changed. It involves long hours, and a lot of that can be time spent uncompensated. “You could spend all day or a day and a night waiting around to get a load at a port site offloaded and loaded up, and you’re not getting paid for any of that time,” said Matthew Hockenberry, a professor at Fordham University who studies the media of global production.

This feeds not just into the recruitment problem, but also the retention problem. Truck drivers are burned out. Long-haul drivers, especially — that is, those who are moving cargo long distances or across states — typically get paid for the trips they take, and they have to go where the cargo needs to go, with little control over when and where. “The route is the route,” as Weaver put it.

Sure it is. Right in the ballpark. It’s better than Princeton, which is 3.87. Brown was 3.94.

Even Harvard is 4.04, just a touch over Hillsdale.
Do know the schools in the ivy league? Are you kidding?

Gpa doesnt cut it alone
Do know the schools in the ivy league? Are you kidding?

Gpa doesnt cut it alone
You asked for the name of an excellent, competitive conservative college, as if to imply that only liberals are intelligent, and I gave you one. Now you move the goalposts.

I am certain that I am more intelligent, and mature, than you, for example. No offense.
You asked for the name of an excellent, competitive conservative college, as if to imply that only liberals are intelligent, and I gave you one. Now you move the goalposts.

I am certain that I am more intelligent, and mature, than you, for example. No offense.
I'll give you one.

My advanced degrees trump your little BA degree anyday.

No offense
I'll give you one.

My advanced degrees trump your little BA degree anyday.

No offense
What makes you assume I have only a BA? And what were your advanced degrees in, what college did you graduate from, what was your GPA, were you invited into Phi Beta Kappa as a junior or senior, and were you summa or magna?
What makes you assume I have only a BA? And what were your advanced degrees in, what college did you graduate from, what was your GPA, were you invited into Phi Beta Kappa as a junior or senior, and were you summa or magna?
Yawn. Now you bore me
Says the person who says “yaaawn” when he can‘t argue a point.

Something tells me I’m arguing with a mentally and emotionally undeveloped man of 30 still living with Mom. So….bye, bye. Come back when you grow up.
You know absolutely nothing about me so all you do is lie

It destroys your credibility in a actual debate

I dont need to.lie about you but lies are all you have

You are dismissed
You are an interesting little bugger. Purdue used to be fairly conservative. Neil Armstrong and all that.
I just put the bugger on ignore. One thing that may have escaped your notice is that he just “joined” yesterday - and is already out with hundreds of childish posts mocking and insulting conservative members. That tells me he is a banned member - for obvious reasons. I decided to have some fun with him/her/ but he/she/it can‘t even debate, so I put it on ignore.

Oh, and I see you’re new here. Welcome. I hope you have a thick skin. Some of these buggers get VERY nasty.
I just put the bugger on ignore. One thing that may have escaped your notice is that he just “joined” yesterday - and is already out with hundreds of childish posts mocking and insulting conservative members. That tells me he is a banned member - for obvious reasons. I decided to have some fun with him/her/ but he/she/it can‘t even debate, so I put it on ignore.

Oh, and I see you’re new here. Welcome. I hope you have a thick skin. Some of these buggers get VERY nasty.
Thank god. Now I can correct your posts without comment
But racism also plays a part in the ability of young black people to get ahead
I'm sure that is true, however racism can't be a blanket excuse for very basic decisions that lead to a life of poverty. Stay in school, get married, and have a job. Then children. Even though racism is not fair, people would have a much better chance if they did those things. All colors.

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