The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Of course racism exists. That does not negate that dropping out of school and having kids is a primary road to poverty.
Just as antisemitism exists, and just as bigotry towards Asians exists.

That these two groups have succeeded - and well above the average - just shows that staying in school and delaying children until one is settled and financially able overcomes prejudice.

Leftists hate that type of talk, given that it credits (or blames) success (or lack thereof) on personal choices.
Just as antisemitism exists, and just as bigotry towards Asians exists.

That these two groups have succeeded - and well above the average - just shows that staying in school and delaying children until one is settled and financially able overcomes prejudice.

Leftists hate that type of talk, given that it credits (or blames) success (or lack thereof) on personal choices.

Because they aren't comparable.

There's a difference between the prejudice that an immigrant group encounters before it assimilates, and a 400 year policy of keeping a population oppressed.
I'm sure that is true, however racism can't be a blanket excuse for very basic decisions that lead to a life of poverty. Stay in school, get married, and have a job. Then children. Even though racism is not fair, people would have a much better chance if they did those things. All colors.
Another poster put up a study that showed that only 5% of black children in two-parent families are living in poverty.

1. Finish high school (at least)
2. No babies til after marriage

Race irrelevant.
I'm sure that is true, however racism can't be a blanket excuse for very basic decisions that lead to a life of poverty. Stay in school, get married, and have a job. Then children. Even though racism is not fair, people would have a much better chance if they did those things. All colors.
Of course that is true. But the claim being made here is racism has no impact at all and that is simply false
Sure thing and Trump is a really good guy and the republicans all walked out of the SCOTUS confirmation to go to the bathroom and QAnon lady is smart person, - egad, you people are sad.

'Faces of poverty: What racial, social groups are more likely to experience it?'

For those who think read Caste for a bit of reality.

'It's More Than Racism: Isabel Wilkerson Explains America's 'Caste' System'

Old post:

Well, inspired by your kind courage, maybe when Trump becomes the next President, we'll put a white Christian male crusader in the next vacancy to head SCOTUS. And we'll announce it ahead of time with the joy of rubbing it in afterward. :heehee:
Well, inspired by your kind courage, maybe when Trump becomes the next President, we'll put a white Christian male crusader in the next vacancy to head SCOTUS. And we'll announce it ahead of time with the joy of rubbing it in afterward. :heehee:
Libs keep forgetting that any game they can invent conservatives can learn to play
Another poster put up a study that showed that only 5% of black children in two-parent families are living in poverty.

1. Finish high school (at least)
2. No babies til after marriage

Race irrelevant.

And how does that get them a job that requires a college degree (when there are racist shits like you in the Admissions offices?)
Or someone in HR who rejects resumes with names like Jamal or Lakeisha on them?
Or the cop who pulls someone over on a pretextual reason to search their car?
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And how does that get them a job that requires a college degree (when there are racist shits like you in the Admissions offices?)
Or someone in HR who rejects resumes with names like Jamal or Lakeisha on them?
Or the cop who pulls someone over on a pretextual reason to search their car?
You use a hypothetical to justify government scripting results for blacks

which is not governments job
And how does that get them a job that requires a college degree (when there are racist shits like you in the Admissions offices?)
Or someone in HR who rejects resumes with names like Jamal or Lakeisha on them?
Or the cop who pulls someone over on a pretextual reason to search their car?
Joe, can we agree that racism is a problem and that dropping out of high school and having kids without fathers or jobs is not racism?
Libs keep forgetting that any game they can invent conservatives can learn to play
They’re counting on us not to sink to their level, because they know we are better than that.

That needs to change, though.
You use a hypothetical to justify government scripting results for blacks

which is not governments job

You know, what the fuck does that even mean? "Scripting"?

The government spent 400 years "Scripting" results for black people. Slavery, Jim Crow, Debt Peonage, Literacy Tests, Poll Taxes, etc.

Joe, can we agree that racism is a problem and that dropping out of high school and having kids without fathers or jobs is not racism?

Okay, let's look at that.


First, high school isn't all it's cracked up to be. If it were, we wouldn't have such an emphasis on college. What we need are job training programs as an alternative to high school.

For instance, my bachelor's degree is in history. I could talk about the Crusades for hours, but frankly, that has little or no practical use in any other place except maybe a classroom. Yet it's given my a HUGE advantage over other people in my field who didn't complete or even attend college.

As far as "children without fathers", you are repeating a racist myth. Unmarried does not mean without fathers, and a lot of black kids have a better relationship with their "baby-daddies" than a lot of white kids have with their divorced dad who has moved on with the Trophy Wife. Nobody is living with the "ideal".
I am saying that black people in this country continue to experience racism

Racism is a fact of life. It has probably existed from our earliest beginnings. And most, if not all, groups have experienced it.

The BIG difference is that every other ethnic group in this country has managed to rise above it. They've educated themselves, worked to improve themselves and their lives. They chose to become fully American. And most have succeeded.

Blacks have EVERY opportunity to succeed. All they have to do is, DO THE FUCKING WORK. As others have.

Whining, bitching, blaming others for one's failures and bad choices is what losers do.

Anyone who would rather riot, engage in thievery, and blame others for their lack of success deserves to be a loser. They earned that, on their own.

The choice is simple, work and learn, or remain a worthless leech.
Racism is a fact of life. It has probably existed from our earliest beginnings. And most, if not all, groups have experienced it.

The BIG difference is that every other ethnic group in this country has managed to rise above it. They've educated themselves, worked to improve themselves and their lives. They chose to become fully American. And most have succeeded.

Blacks have EVERY opportunity to succeed. All they have to do is, DO THE FUCKING WORK. As others have.

Whining, bitching, blaming others for one's failures and bad choices is what losers do.

Anyone who would rather riot, engage in thievery, and blame others for their lack of success deserves to be a loser. They earned that, on their own.

The choice is simple, work and learn, or remain a worthless leech.
Only one group in this country was enslaved and discriminated against thru force of law for hundreds of years.

White people have had generations to build family wealth

Black discrimination was LEGAL in my lifetime

That is how short a time period they have had to catch up
Racism is a fact of life. It has probably existed from our earliest beginnings. And most, if not all, groups have experienced it.

The BIG difference is that every other ethnic group in this country has managed to rise above it. They've educated themselves, worked to improve themselves and their lives. They chose to become fully American. And most have succeeded.

Blacks have EVERY opportunity to succeed. All they have to do is, DO THE FUCKING WORK. As others have.

Well, first, every other group hasn't risen above it. There is still massive poverty amongst Native Americans, for instance.
Blacks haven't have "every opportunity" to succeed. Quite the contrary, they have to often work twice as hard to get what we white people take for granted.
And then they have to deal with people like Lisa558 in admissions and hiring offices, spewing about how they cheated to get there.

Anyone who would rather riot, engage in thievery, and blame others for their lack of success deserves to be a loser. They earned that, on their own.

The choice is simple, work and learn, or remain a worthless leech.

As pointed out, this country spends FAR more money on middle class entitlements to keep white people from being poor than it spends on black people just staying poor.

2.5 Trillion for Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Veteran's Benefits, FHA and VA home loans, etc.
Racism is a fact of life. It has probably existed from our earliest beginnings. And most, if not all, groups have experienced it.

The BIG difference is that every other ethnic group in this country has managed to rise above it. They've educated themselves, worked to improve themselves and their lives. They chose to become fully American. And most have succeeded.

Blacks have EVERY opportunity to succeed. All they have to do is, DO THE FUCKING WORK. As others have.

Whining, bitching, blaming others for one's failures and bad choices is what losers do.

Anyone who would rather riot, engage in thievery, and blame others for their lack of success deserves to be a loser. They earned that, on their own.

The choice is simple, work and learn, or remain a worthless leech.
What’s more, blacks have BEYOND every opportunity. Jews didn‘t get benefit of getting into prestigious colleges and grad programs with grades and scores far below other people, and neither did Asians. In fact, both these groups have experienced the OPPOSITE: Jew quotas in the 40s and 50s at Ivy League schools, and Asians being turned away from Harvard despite top academic qualifications currently.

Despite these obstacles, both groups are at or near the top in terms of educational attainment, income, and net worth.
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I'll give you one.

My advanced degrees trump your little BA degree anyday.

No offense
Advanced degrees...Lol

In what? Whining and moaning?

Or, in making excuses, as you have done throughout this thread.

If you believe half of the whiny shit you've written, then you are a loser - by choice Despite any fucking degrees you might have.
Advanced degrees...Lol

In what? Whining and moaning?

Or, in making excuses, as you have done throughout this thread.

If you believe half of the whiny shit you've written, then you are a loser - by choice Despite any fucking degrees you might have.
What’s more, blacks have BEYOND every opportunity. Jews didn‘t get benefit of getting into prestigious colleges and grad programs with grades and scores far below other people, and neither did Asians. In fact, both these groups have experienced the OPPOSITE: Jew quotas in the 40s and 50s at Ivy League schools, and Asians being turned away from Harvard despite top academic qualifications currently.

Jews had quotas... Blacks were excluded completely.

So let's play a game, Lisa... I will list all the injustices black folks have had to put up with in the US, and see if you can come up with a corresponding number of injustices that Jews had to put up with IN THE UNITED STATES. (Hint- no whining about Hitler!)

Jim Crow Laws
Miscegenation laws
Debt Peonage
Separate but Equal
Poll Taxes
Literacy tests

Okay, your turn...

Um, they couldn't get into the country clubs in the 1940's.... Oh, the horror of it all.

Now it used to be that Jews and Blacks were locked arm-in-arm in fighting for equality in this country ... then this funny thing happened. You were judged "White Enough" and just kept going.

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