The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Because black people are denied jobs and promotions and are more likely to be arrested and denied housing on the basis of race

Happens every day

ALL you ever do is create more fucking excuses. You should be embarrassed by that. It's the most recognizable sign that someone is a fucking loser.

Hell, Dementia Joe just put a black woman on our Supreme Court. And he put her there BECAUSE she's black.

The worthless traitor didn't even consider anyone from the remaining 87 percent of the population. Now, THAT'S fucking racism! Especially since we already had a fucking black USSC Justice. Now, blacks make up over 22 percent of the justices, even though they make up about 13 percent of the population.

Old Joe's justice will probably forever be known as Dementia Joe's Token. And rightly so. He chose her only as a tradeoff for black votes.

So stop mumbling about how blacks are passed over, along with all your other whines. People are sick of the never-ending whining and excuses.
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ALL you ever do is create more fucking excuses. You should be embarrassed by that. It's the most recognizable sign that someone is a fucking loser.

Hell, Dementia Joe just put a black woman on our Supreme Court. And he put her their BECAUSE she's black.

The worthless traitor didn't even consider anyone from the remaining 97 percent of the population. Now, THAT'S fucking racism! Especially since we already had a fucking black USSC Justice. Now, blacks make up over 22 percent of the justices, even though they make up about 13 percent of the population.

Old Joe's justice will probably forever be known as Dementia Joe's Token. And rightly so. He chose her only as a tradeoff for black votes.

So stop mumbling about how blacks are passed over, along with all your other whines. People are sick of the never-ending whining and excuses.

The Communists are realizing they are slipping with minority voters. They still have the majority, but they need a super majority to stay in power. So they are going back to the old play book: buy their votes with pandering.

This woman is a renown child molester sympathizer. She is flawed. Unlike Kavanaugh, it's not unproven accusations. It's records that they easily looked up. But they are going to overlook all her flaws simply to nominate a woman of color to the highest court of the land.
Because black people are denied jobs and promotions and are more likely to be arrested and denied housing on the basis of race

Happens every day

Except all that is against the laws and has been for many years. Yes they are more likely to be arrested since they cause most of the violent crime in this country per capita.
I made a correction to my earlier post, #482.

Dementia Joe overlooked 87 percent of our population while choosing his new Token Supreme Court Justice.
Your granny should have worked harder and scrimped and saved more.
My grandparents should have, my parents also. They had very good middle class lives but passed away with nothing to leave next generation. I learned from them and have worked my full time job and managed 3 rentals I've accumulated in my 62 years. I did a lot of the work myself building those homes. I will be leaving my 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters close to $1 million each. I could retire now, sell everything and live comfortably but I want my kids to have it better than I did. Work hard, save, invest.
My grandparents should have, my parents also. They had very good middle class lives but passed away with nothing to leave next generation. I learned from them and have worked my full time job and managed 3 rentals I've accumulated in my 62 years. I did a lot of the work myself building those homes. I will be leaving my 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters close to $1 million each. I could retire now, sell everything and live comfortably but I want my kids to have it better than I did. Work hard, save, invest.

And I would think at 62, at some point you were aware of and perhaps attended a segregated school.

ALL you ever do is create more fucking excuses. You should be embarrassed by that. It's the most recognizable sign that someone is a fucking loser.

Hell, Dementia Joe just put a black woman on our Supreme Court. And he put her there BECAUSE she's black.

We've had 116 justices on the Supreme court. 112 of them have been white. 108 of them have been white males. The real question is, why has it taken THIS LONG to put a black woman on SCOTUS?

The worthless traitor didn't even consider anyone from the remaining 87 percent of the population. Now, THAT'S fucking racism! Especially since we already had a fucking black USSC Justice. Now, blacks make up over 22 percent of the justices, even though they make up about 13 percent of the population.

Well, simple solution to that. Have Uncle Thomas retire... then we'll be closer to a balance. Of course, given that he's the only justice who thought it was perfectly okay for a court to exclude black jurors from the SIXTH trial of a man because blacks on the previous five juries voted to acquit, that was something even his fellow conservative justices thought was a bit much.

Old Joe's justice will probably forever be known as Dementia Joe's Token. And rightly so. He chose her only as a tradeoff for black votes.

So stop mumbling about how blacks are passed over, along with all your other whines. People are sick of the never-ending whining and excuses.

Stop passing them over, and they'll stop whining. Stop letting the police get away with murdering them.
The Communists are realizing they are slipping with minority voters. They still have the majority, but they need a super majority to stay in power. So they are going back to the old play book: buy their votes with pandering.

This woman is a renown child molester sympathizer. She is flawed. Unlike Kavanaugh, it's not unproven accusations. It's records that they easily looked up. But they are going to overlook all her flaws simply to nominate a woman of color to the highest court of the land.

Actually they;re just giving the American public their typical arrogant 'Fuck You Proles'; there are much better black choices to offer for these posts, but they much prefer to push through the loons and mentally ill ones just to stick their asses in the public's face for fun and to prove they can do it, and there will always be some Republicans who will help them.

ALL you ever do is create more fucking excuses. You should be embarrassed by that. It's the most recognizable sign that someone is a fucking loser.

Hell, Dementia Joe just put a black woman on our Supreme Court. And he put her there BECAUSE she's black.

The worthless traitor didn't even consider anyone from the remaining 87 percent of the population. Now, THAT'S fucking racism! Especially since we already had a fucking black USSC Justice. Now, blacks make up over 22 percent of the justices, even though they make up about 13 percent of the population.

Old Joe's justice will probably forever be known as Dementia Joe's Token. And rightly so. He chose her only as a tradeoff for black votes.

So stop mumbling about how blacks are passed over, along with all your other whines. People are sick of the never-ending whining and excuses.
Not bullshit

Serious shit
So you might find it a bit offensive if some presumptuous yahoo on the internet deigned to tell you just what your problems really are and how you should "fix" your life, as if talking down to a small child?

How do you think some may feel when some yahoo tells them that they have the privilege of being white and have a ticket to success. Kind of like that?
You never heard of Hillsdale? It’s one of the most conservatives colleges in the country.

Are you one of those snobby liberals who think only liberals are intelligent? Among my friends who voted for Trump are a scientist, a biologist, a dentist, an MBA very a top program, a Ph.D., and a lawyer.

My wife is a physician. Her partners, also physicians, are Trump supporters.
My wife is a physician. Her partners, also physicians, are Trump supporters.
Yup. There are very well-educated, highly intelligent people who voted for Trump. I actually shortened my list, but among my friends who voted for Trump are actually THREE Ph.D’s - with two of them in the science field.
And then they have to deal with people like Lisa558 in admissions and hiring offices, spewing about how they cheated to get there.

She has you on ignore, so I will respond for her. She has stated many times that a person should be judged based on their qualifications, not their race or gender. In your wee little mind, the fact that she would not admit an African American over a more qualified white candidate is racist. Think about that for a minute.
The Communists are realizing they are slipping with minority voters. They still have the majority, but they need a super majority to stay in power. So they are going back to the old play book: buy their votes with pandering.

This woman is a renown child molester sympathizer. She is flawed. Unlike Kavanaugh, it's not unproven accusations. It's records that they easily looked up. But they are going to overlook all her flaws simply to nominate a woman of color to the highest court of the land.
Nome of that matters to Dems. They will overlook the most reprehensible of behavior - like sympathizing with pedophiles - if the person is black.

And I would think at 62, at some point you were aware of and perhaps attended a segregated school.
Why in the world would you assume THAT?

I’m in my 60s and never attended a segregated school. My mother, in her 90s, never attended a segregated school. My dad, who would have been late 90s were he still living, never attended a segregated school.

Stop trying to make it as though all older blacks alive today grew up under Jim Crow. In fact, blacks who are 50 or less arrived at their college years with AA policies FAVORING them over whites.

All this pretend “woe is me…..racism” is about winning election, not true concern for bigotry. If the concern were real, we wouldn’t have liberals tolerating, excusing, even justifying the bigotry we see against Jews. The double standard is blatant, and gives away that leftists don’t true think that racism, even in the instances it exists, is an issue.
It's cultural. Best video you can watch on the topic. Southern blacks who flooded the Northern cities were in essence culturally aligned with white redneck crackers who hailed from N. England, Ulster Ireland, and Scottish highlands.

In the late 1800's and early 1900's there was already a multi generational successful black community in the North that was culturally vastly different. In the hey day of Harlem most of the business owners there were from the W. Indies (still a recent slave background) and had a mainline British culture. In 2005 a study found that 90% of black Harvard grads had W. Indie Caribbean ancestry.

2 hours long
She has you on ignore, so I will respond for her. She has stated many times that a person should be judged based on their qualifications, not their race or gender. In your wee little mind, the fact that she would not admit an African American over a more qualified white candidate is racist. Think about that for a minute.
Thanks. I can gauge what the antisemite said based on your reply to him.

And yes, that’s how upside down the progs have things: if someone doesn’t support racist policies, such as AA, and believes that people should be judged based on merit and regardless of race, the progs call her a racist. Oh…..the irony.

We just had another example of this a few months ago, when Maculiffe (D] was about to lose to Youngkin (R). In a desperate attempt to pander further to blacks, he proposed that black teachers - of equal experience and educational levels - be paid more than white teachers, based on nothing more than race. He angrily declared that anyone opposed to this obviously racist policy was a racist.

P.S. He lost.

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