The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Sure, there are SOME racists who wouldn’t hire someone who is “too black” just as there are SOME antisemites who wouldn’t hire someone who is “too Jewish.”

But for the most part, the reason some blacks are in poverty is because they are making bad choices - 1) having babies they can’t afford before they’re married and 2) not completing high school.

But you go ahead and focus on the exceptions, making excuses, when if you liberals would admit that it only takes the two basic steps above to move out of poverty and into the working class, at minimum, and that 95% of poor blacks would move beyond it in a single generation.

Asians did it. Jews did it. Blacks can do it too if leftists would stop blaming racism for everything. It anything, blacks today are favored over whites in many arenas, and you are NOT helping them by making them feel like helpless, oppressed victims.

Because you are not getting reparations. Dream on.
Your racism is well known.
Every comment you make is taken is that context.
Sure, it's wall the fault of Black people having kids and people like me pointing to faults in the system created by racists like you...

How do you explain Dwight Howard, Karl Malone, Scottie Pippen...
Wealthy but with lots of kids
Seems your model falls apart when the ONLY criteria is talent.

What my link described is how the research was conducted and the flaws within. Now if you disagree with what they found, then by all means, show they are wrong. it's far from an opinion piece. They examined what tricks were used to make it look racially bias as all these studies do.
No, your link does not.
You link cheery picks some data to "prove" the authors opinion.
That you cannot discern the difference is why you fail.
It hasn't been demonstrated at all. You point to some flawed and rigged study as evidence, but yet to give any real life instances.

Show me where blacks were denied better housing outside of the FACT they didn't meet the financial qualifications to own such a home. Show me one black who was denied education in the city they live in and pay taxes to support those schools. It never happens and do you know why? BECAUSE IT'S ILLEGAL, that's why.

Schools are locally funded and it's up to the taxpayers how much funding they wish to provide to the education of these kids, not some evil white man. i know this because over half of my property taxes go to fund our schools as it is with every homeowner.
As noted, your white colored glasses.

Donald trump, the man you think of as god, on multiple occasions was fined for his racist policies in housing.

Educate yourself with the search
"donald trump fined for racist housing"

Your racism is well known.
Every comment you make is taken is that context.
Sure, it's wall the fault of Black people having kids and people like me pointing to faults in the system created by racists like you...

How do you explain Dwight Howard, Karl Malone, Scottie Pippen...
Wealthy but with lots of kids
Seems your model falls apart when the ONLY criteria is talent.

There’s nothing racist about objecting to favoritism and decisions based on race. In fact, it’s the opposite. The people who are going in FAVOR of giving advantages to people solely for their skin color are the racists.

As noted, your white colored glasses.

Donald trump, the man you think of as god, on multiple occasions was fined for his racist policies in housing.

Educate yourself with the search
"donald trump fined for racist housing"

There you go - “white colored glasses.” If I said “Black colored glasses,” you’d be calling me a racist.

You are intentionally lying to make it seems as if blacks and whites all grew up in segregated schools.

And besides,that was 50 years ago even for the ones that did. They’ve had time to take advantage of all the pro-black bias of the last 40 years. And most blacks have, which is why the majority are middle class. For the ones ruining their lives getting pregnant as teens and dropping out of high school, that’s their own damn fault.

What‘s your excuse for the bottom of the barrel black male gangs in Chicago, NY, DC, Detroit? THEY didn’t go to segregated schools. Neither did their parents.
In a modern culture of “what have you done lately” europeans, including Americans, have been dominating the world for the last 500 of those 200k years

and thats the reality that drives libs nuts

White people have much to be proud of over the last 500 years.

White people have much to be proud of over the last 500 years.
Has nothing to do with now. Time to abolish racist policies like AA, and start treating people as equals - judged on their individual merits and not skin color.

And your sweeping comments about white people are racist.

P.S. No reparations. It’s obvious that the anti-white sentiment that black activists and self-loathing whites are pushing have that as an end goal. You are not getting a penny! Take advantage of the wonderful opportunities this nation is giving you.…and EARN your money.

P.P.S. What genocide did white people commit, and when?
Then perhaps you will take the Cleveland historical society's word that your city didn't fully desegregate schools until the late 1970's The Desegregation of Cleveland Public Schools - A 40-Year Struggle for Public School Equity | Cleveland Historical
I didn’t know that Harris went to school in Mississippi. And besides, nobody’s saying there wasn’t segregation in Jim Crow states. But you - liar - are claiming that whites all went to segregated schools. None of my aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, or siblings - in school from the 1930s through the 1970s - ever went to segregated schools. That would include Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Maryland.
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White people have much to be proud of over the last 500 years.
Libs always seem to be glass half empty types

almost every modern device that you own was invented and first manufactured by european culture

do you regret or disapprove of the electric light or the telephone

how about x-ray machines that find and help fight cancer?
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Has nothing to do with now. Time to abolish racist policies like AA, and start treating people as equals - judged on their individual merits and not skin color.

And your sweeping comments about white people are racist.

P.S. No reparations. It’s obvious that the anti-white sentiment that black activists and self-loathing whites are pushing have that as an end goal. You are not getting a penny! Take advantage of the wonderful opportunities this nation is giving you.…and EARN your money.

P.P.S. What genocide did white people commit, and when?
Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
See UKR-RUS today.

Jews in Europe
Whites in the Americas
Repeat the history thing, fool.

OH and let us not forget the reason you are so historically ignorant...RACIST
Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
See UKR-RUS today.

Jews in Europe
Whites in the Americas
Repeat the history thing, fool.

OH and let us not forget the reason you are so historically ignorant...RACIST
You’re the racist. I’m the one advocating for race-blind policies, while you are spewing venom about whites.

It‘s time for leftists to judge people on merit, rather than skin color (and stop calling those of us who’d like to see that “racist”…’s ridiculous.)
Libs always seem to be glass half empty types

almost every modern device that you own was invented and first manufactured by european culture

do you regret or disapprove of the electric light or the telephone

how about x-ray machines that find and help fight cancer?
The people who bought you slavery in the US also bought you pecan pie.
Is pecan pie an excuse for slavery?
Although, I'm pretty sure, pecan pie was created by a Black slave not the white master claiming credit.


Are you saying the light bulb made the Holocaust OK?

All races and ethnic groups have engaged in wars, slavery, genocide, etc. all over Earth.
Not all of them are claiming 100% credit for all progress on the planet while conveniently blaming the Jews for the evil.


Since you bring it up...
How many of the peoples you're accusing have committed genocide against White people just because they're white?

We'll not wait for your answer because you will not be able to provide one
Yup. There are very well-educated, highly intelligent people who voted for Trump. I actually shortened my list, but among my friends who voted for Trump are actually THREE Ph.D’s - with two of them in the science field.

so there are stupid people with advanced degrees... still makes them stupid and racist.

Except the ones who are greed and stupid. You know, the ones who think that Republicans are good for the economy if you ignore the last five recessions happened while they were in charge.

She has you on ignore, so I will respond for her. She has stated many times that a person should be judged based on their qualifications, not their race or gender. In your wee little mind, the fact that she would not admit an African American over a more qualified white candidate is racist. Think about that for a minute.

I know she has me on ignore. I answer her lies for the sake of anyone who might actually believe them.

So racist bitch thinks blacks are 'unqualified". Gee, why is this a surprise. Of, course, you put white people in charge of the selection process, they will ALWAYS find that white people are qualified. Maybe toss an Asian or two in there because Asians are almost in that' White enough" category.

Do I really need to retell the story of the White Boss who couldn't make time to meet with two women of color leaving his company, but man, he made time for the pretty white intern. And that guy wasn't nearly as racist as Karen558. Or Welfare Ray. Or you.
We just had another example of this a few months ago, when Maculiffe (D] was about to lose to Youngkin (R). In a desperate attempt to pander further to blacks, he proposed that black teachers - of equal experience and educational levels - be paid more than white teachers, based on nothing more than race. He angrily declared that anyone opposed to this obviously racist policy was a racist.

Gee, it sounds like he was trying to attract more white teachers... you know, that black student can RELATE to. But that wouldn't enter into your mind, of course.. you don't have one.
The thing is, liberals are not altogether stupid people, but 99.9% of them are pretentious doctrinaires, unwilling to listen to reason when it comes to their indoctri… um, I mean, politics. They will deny facts, science, anything if it is in opposition to their teachings.

Says the guy who believes in the book with the talking snakes.

Here's the reality. Up until 2008, I was pretty conservative... then I realized three things.

1) The ONLY real divide in this country is between the investor class and the working class.
2) The REpublicans are not the friend of the working class.
3) They only way they get working class people to vote against their own economic interests is by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

This AA shit she goes on about is a great example. No matter how much AA there is, WHITE PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS HAVE PRIVILEGE! But you tell a white person that his failure to succeed is because of AA, and he'll jump on that racist GOP bandwagon, especially if he live in your part of the country where the fly Confederate Flags and Family Trees don't fork.

The Same Stupid, inbred morons who happily caught bullets so a few rich people could keep owning black people 150 years ago are no different than the dumb inbred who lives in a trailer park and watches rich people strip away their American dream.

I just refused to play along after a certain point.
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