The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Could it be because she, like some many leftists, are resentful of the fact that Jews have risen from the worst persecution, and for millennia, and prove that bigotry and prejudice not only keep one in poverty, but doesn’t even stop them from rising from poor, uneducated immigrants to upper-middle class professionals in a single generation?
The Jewish people for the most part are not "people of African descent". If you don't know what that means, it means the same thing that applies to the Irish, and Asian and other immigrants who are NOT BLACK.

The laws that applied to "us" did not apply to any of them. Does that still not clarify things for you?
Nothing preventing them from assimilating. Assimilate means to act like other people. You don't need the other peoples permission to do that.
Tell me please that you aren't really not aware of all of the laws that were passed to prevent black people from having the same rights as white people, after slavery was abolished and replaced with Jim Crow and the black codes?
Tell me please that you aren't really not aware of all of the laws that were passed to prevent black people from having the same rights as white people, after slavery was abolished and replaced with Jim Crow and the black codes?
Tell me please that you aren't really not aware (double negative yours) of all of the laws that were passed to pander to and help blacks with free stuff and affirmative action while your great-grandfather was probably still alive. Yet blacks are still failures.
If anything, blacks have been favored for my entire adulthood - especially when it comes to opportunities for higher education. Blacks are admitted to prestigious universities and grad programs (like med school) that have white applicants with superior grades and scores laughed at.
What prestigious career were you denied because some person of color absconded with what should have been your life? In what field?
LESSER qualifications: much lower grades and test scores.

In your hate-filled racist world, racist policies punishing whites are not merely fine, but fought for. Blacks have been getting favored for 40 years, and most have moved into the middle class. As for the black underclass that hasn‘t taken advantage of the favoritism, time to stop blaming whitey….screech waaaacism!….. and take responsibilities for their own actions.
Not just lower grades but MUCH lower grades. Please tell us, what have you been deprived of by these unqualified and poor black people? Surely you examples you can share?
Tell me please that you aren't really not aware (double negative yours) of all of the laws that were passed to pander to and help blacks with free stuff and affirmative action while your great-grandfather was probably still alive. Yet blacks are still failures.
Don't know about my great grandfather, but my mom's dad was a Tuskegee Airman so that exceeds anything any of the racists on this board have offered as evidence of your superiority as members of the white race.

He was and is, superior to you all, in many ways, first and foremost as a human being, in bravery, as a fighter pilot, bomber escort and bombardier. And in all likelihood racism contributed to his death back here in the U.S. in 1945 because no one would grant them clearance to land and get out of the storm that ultimately killed him and other officers that all died in that crash as they attempted to fly into Moton field, in Tuskegee Alabama. It was the only airfield where "Negro" pilots were allowed to land.

"Blacks are still failures" huh. Me think the racists doth protest too much :cool:
Sure, there are SOME racists who wouldn’t hire someone who is “too black” just as there are SOME antisemites who wouldn’t hire someone who is “too Jewish.”

But for the most part, the reason some blacks are in poverty is because they are making bad choices - 1) having babies they can’t afford before they’re married and 2) not completing high school.

But you go ahead and focus on the exceptions, making excuses, when if you liberals would admit that it only takes the two basic steps above to move out of poverty and into the working class, at minimum, and that 95% of poor blacks would move beyond it in a single generation.

Asians did it. Jews did it. Blacks can do it too if leftists would stop blaming racism for everything. It anything, blacks today are favored over whites in many arenas, and you are NOT helping them by making them feel like helpless, oppressed victims.

Because you are not getting reparations. Dream on.
If the reasons for poverty are the same, according to you, then why are you singling out black people living in poverty? You've got a lot of nerve lecturing anyone.
Yes, you to can be like Welfare Ray.

Collecting a disability check because you never bothered to learn another job skill.
Living in a slum because all the upwardly mobile people left you behind.
Putting cameras on your house's perimeter and listening to the police scanner because the scary negroes live next door.
I encountered Ray shortly after I became a member here back in 2018 and actually had a conversation with him that I thought went pretty well. However there are two things about him that always struck me as not fitting his persona:
1. I never could figure out if it was fear or aggression that caused him to choose his avatar because it definitely comes across as passive aggressive (the whole "never point your weapon at anyone or anything you're not willing to kill or destroy")
2. It's interesting that a self-admitted white separatist lives among black people. He explained how that came about but it seems to defy his identity that he hasn't separated from those he deems should have their own segregated space as should he.

Oh and I recently found out that he believes that the T.V. show Cops is a valid representation of black people in America. As disturbing as I find this revelation, it explains more than it impresses (meaning #1 & #2).
Just as antisemitism exists, and just as bigotry towards Asians exists.

That these two groups have succeeded - and well above the average - just shows that staying in school and delaying children until one is settled and financially able overcomes prejudice.

Leftists hate that type of talk, given that it credits (or blames) success (or lack thereof) on personal choices.
and neither one of them is "of African descent" aka "BLACK" or "NEGRO" or the more nasty words you all use and then deny that any of you are racist.
Don't know about my great grandfather, but my mom's dad was a Tuskegee Airman so that exceeds anything any of the racists on this board have offered as evidence of your superiority as members of the white race.

He was and is, superior to you all, in many ways, first and foremost as a human being, in bravery, as a fighter pilot, bomber escort and bombardier. And in all likelihood racism contributed to his death back here in the U.S. in 1945 because no one would grant them clearance to land and get out of the storm that ultimately killed him and other officers that all died in that crash as they attempted to fly into Moton field, in Tuskegee Alabama. It was the only airfield where "Negro" pilots were allowed to land.

"Blacks are still failures" huh. Me think the racists doth protest too much :cool:
I suspect this is BS, but if true, it is tragic how far you have fallen. Still the dregs of society as other people (of color) come into the country without money or a word of English and work, succeed and educate their children.
There’s nothing racist about objecting to favoritism and decisions based on race. In fact, it’s the opposite. The people who are going in FAVOR of giving advantages to people solely for their skin color are the racists.

White people in this country have been so accustomed to being given preference that when it begins to wane, you all think you're being discriminated against. You're not, you were never entitled to the whole pie in the first place.
I didn’t know that Harris went to school in Mississippi. And besides, nobody’s saying there wasn’t segregation in Jim Crow states. But you - liar - are claiming that whites all went to segregated schools. None of my aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, or siblings - in school from the 1930s through the 1970s - ever went to segregated schools. That would include Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Maryland.
How do you know?

Throughout the first half of the 20th century there were several efforts to combat school segregation, but few were successful. However, in a unanimous 1954 decision in the Brown v. Board of Education case, the United States Supreme Court ruled segregation in public schools unconstitutional.​
I encountered Ray shortly after I became a member here back in 2018 and actually had a conversation with him that I thought went pretty well. However there are two things about him that always struck me as not fitting his persona:
1. I never could figure out if it was fear or aggression that caused him to choose his avatar because it definitely comes across as passive aggressive (the whole "never point your weapon at anyone or anything you're not willing to kill or destroy")
2. It's interesting that a self-admitted white separatist lives among black people. He explained how that came about but it seems to defy his identity that he hasn't separated from those he deems should have their own segregated space as should he.

Oh and I recently found out that he believes that the T.V. show Cops is a valid representation of black people in America. As disturbing as I find this revelation, it explains more than it impresses (meaning #1 & #2).
"In 2019, at least 7,484 Black Americans were murdered. That number shot up to at least 9,941 murders in 2020, meaning there was an increase of 2,457 Black Americans murdered over the previous year.

The number of Black murders was also far higher than White murders in 2020. The FBI data shows there 7,043 White people murdered that year, meaning 2,898 more Black people were killed compared to Whites.

Between 2010 and 2019, there was an average of 5,954 White murders, which is roughly 16% lower than the 10-year average of Black murders. During that same time period, an average of 6,927 Black Americans were murdered each year, meaning Black murders shot up by 43% in 2020 compared to the previous 10-year average.

There was a roughly 21% increase in White murders in 2020 compared to

2019."Massive increase in Black Americans murdered was result of defund police movement: experts
I suspect this is BS, but if true, it is tragic how far you have fallen. Still the dregs of society as other people (of color) come into the country without money or a word of English and work, succeed and educate their children.
You mean other people who are not "people of African descent"? White racists are the dregs of society, even lower than what you consider black people yet still you haven't figured this out.

It doesn't surprise me that you're not able to make the connection but hey that's to be expected, including you not believing the things I've relayed about by grandfather. In fact it wasn't until I was enrolled in college and attending a history of aviation class that I first heard the term "Tuskegee Airman". Our instructor was telling the class about this group of African American pilot who fought heroically during WWII when it suddenly dawned on me that my grandfather Captain John Daniels was one of these men. And just like you, one of my classmates argued with the instructor about how there was no such thing as a "black pilot" during WWII. I even backed up my instructor by indicating that my grandfather had been one of these men but to no avail. I know the depictions of them by HBO and Steven Spielberg's Red Tails showed one of the bomber pilots they saved as wanting to shake the hand of the pilot who saved his life but was in disbelief and refused to once he discovered the pilot was black. Do you think this is BS as well?

Is it because it creates cognitive dissonance that you can't accept what I'm telling you even though it is documented history?

And why would you think that we, his descendants, who have his blood running through our veins, would be any less successful in our endeavors?
Lisa you have a ton of energy.

But it's a losing battle trying to reason with these losers. All they want to do is dredge up the past so they can accuse whites of racism and oppression. The conclusion is always the same: their hand outstretched for more free shit, especially , money.

These worthless imbeciles don't want equality. That would mean they have to work to support their own lazy asses. All they want is HANDOUTS. Fuck them.

The best thing you can do is put them on the Sambo List. They want to live in the past, and that's where they deserve to stay. They're not equipped to live in any advanced society. They were born to whine. Fucking worthless. 85 is real. Lol...
The white racists on this board are the losers, in every way.

If you're not sure you're one, ask somebody. Lisa has a very low bar
You mean other people who are not "people of African descent"? White racists are the dregs of society, even lower than what you consider black people yet still you haven't figured this out.

It doesn't surprise me that you're not able to make the connection but hey that's to be expected, including you not believing the things I've relayed about by grandfather. In fact it wasn't until I was enrolled in college and attending a history of aviation class that I first heard the term "Tuskegee Airman". Our instructor was telling the class about this group of African American pilot who fought heroically during WWII when it suddenly dawned on me that my grandfather Captain John Daniels was one of these men. And just like you, one of my classmates argued with the instructor about how there was no such thing as a "black pilot" during WWII. I even backed up my instructor by indicating that my grandfather had been one of these men but to no avail. I know the depictions of them by HBO and Steven Spielberg's Red Tails showed one of the bomber pilots they saved as wanting to shake the hand of the pilot who saved his life but was in disbelief and refused to once he discovered the pilot was black. Do you think this is BS as well?

Is it because it creates cognitive dissonance that you can't accept what I'm telling you even though it is documented history?

And why would you think that we, his descendants, who have his blood running through our veins, would be any less successful in our endeavors?
I know nothing of your family's "documented history"nor am I inclined to care. I do know failure when I see it though.

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