The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

There’s nothing racist about objecting to favoritism and decisions based on race. In fact, it’s the opposite. The people who are going in FAVOR of giving advantages to people solely for their skin color are the racists.

For those playing along at home, Lisa totally freaked out when she went to a mall and there were posters of black people. They'd have to call in a clean up crew if she met an actual black person.

Here's the thing. There's already "Affirmative Action' for white people. Most of the hiring decisions are made by white people. This is why the biggest winners in Affirmative Actions have been - wait for it - White women.

All AA does at the end of the day is make sure that you aren't rejecting qualified minority applicants.
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That was 50 years and two generations ago.

TODAY, any black person can rise from poverty by not getting pregnant as a teen and getting Some basic post-high school job training, courtesy of the American taxpayer,
What do you consider poverty?
Excellent point. Any black person under 60 today has had advantages ver whites, particularly with affirmative action. He or she has been admitted to programs, and given opportunities, solely because of skin color that whites with better qualifications were rejected from.
White women, of which I assume you are one, have traditionally been the largest group to benefit from affirmative action because gender is also a protected class.

There is nothing in executive order 11246 which created affirmative action that gives preference to any particular race, certainly not members of the Black race, the topic of your thread.

And speaking of the topic of your thread, do you even know how many black people live in poverty compared to others and why are you focused on that minority instead of the majority of black people who don't live in poverty?

The people who bought you slavery in the US also bought you pecan pie.
Is pecan pie an excuse for slavery?
Although, I'm pretty sure, pecan pie was created by a Black slave not the white master claiming credit.


Are you saying the light bulb made the Holocaust OK?

You have very strange thinking

nothing is an excuse for bad behavior

but there was nothing bad white did back in the day that every other race and culture was not doing also
White women, of which I assume you are one, have traditionally been the largest group to benefit from affirmative action because gender is also a protected class.

There is nothing in executive order 11246 which created affirmative action that gives preference to any particular race, certainly not members of the Black race, the topic of your thread.

And speaking of the topic of your thread, do you even know how many black people live in poverty compared to others and why are you focused on that minority instead of the majority of black people who don't live in poverty?

White women, of which I assume you are one, have traditionally been the largest group to benefit from affirmative action because gender is also a protected class.

There is nothing in executive order 11246 which created affirmative action that gives preference to any particular race, certainly not members of the Black race, the topic of your thread.

And speaking of the topic of your thread, do you even know how many black people live in poverty compared to others and why are you focused on that minority instead of the majority of black people who don't live in poverty?

White women, of which I assume you are one, have traditionally been the largest group to benefit from affirmative action because gender is also a protected class.

There is nothing in executive order 11246 which created affirmative action that gives preference to any particular race, certainly not members of the Black race, the topic of your thread.

And speaking of the topic of your thread, do you even know how many black people live in poverty compared to others and why are you focused on that minority instead of the majority of black people who don't live in poverty?

Wow. Another lib with a big chip on her shoulder.

As I said in my OP, the reasons for poverty among blacks is the same as it is for whites. And the reason I’m focusing on blacks is because racism is being blamed for THEIR poverty, and obviously not for whites.
That's not the definition of poverty.

With or without a job?
What do you mean, with or without a job? WITH a job of course. People who refuse to work have no standing to complain that they live in poverty.

The point is…again…..that people who graduate from high school and do not have out-of-wedlock babies when they’re still only teens rarely live in poverty. So other than in those rare instances, all it takes to stay out of poverty is to finish school and not have babies you can’t afford. Race irrelevant.

And what’s YOUR definition of poverty? If you can afford to rent a little room in the basement of someone’s house and pay for the bus ride to your job, then you’re not in poverty. That’s how my dad lived when he first go out of college. You think a high school dropout should be entitled to afford that?

Just stay in school! We’re not talking rocket science here.
Wow. Another lib with a big chip on her shoulder.

As I said in my OP, the reasons for poverty among blacks is the same as it is for whites. And the reason I’m focusing on blacks is because racism is being blamed for THEIR poverty, and obviously not for whites.
Lisa you have a ton of energy.

But it's a losing battle trying to reason with these losers. All they want to do is dredge up the past so they can accuse whites of racism and oppression. The conclusion is always the same: their hand outstretched for more free shit, especially , money.

These worthless imbeciles don't want equality. That would mean they have to work to support their own lazy asses. All they want is HANDOUTS. Fuck them.

The best thing you can do is put them on the Sambo List. They want to live in the past, and that's where they deserve to stay. They're not equipped to live in any advanced society. They were born to whine. Fucking worthless. 85 is real. Lol...
As I said in my OP, the reasons for poverty among blacks is the same as it is for whites. And the reason I’m focusing on blacks is because racism is being blamed for THEIR poverty, and obviously not for whites.

White supremacy is just as much psychologically as it is material. You focus on the material things

But it's really psychologically is the glue that keeps this system going.

Whites like you can run around and say blks undeserving of benefits like health care, job opportunities, and blacks are getting all these free stuff and AA and undeservedly getting into uni. You can get and ego boost and happy when you see cops kill and mistreat black people. You get and ego boost and are happy when you see blacks in jail.

So even if a white person is poor. It's that old Lyndon Johnson quote


It’s mind-boggling that you could think whites are victims but I guess you have to see the world like that to keep this system going.

But sure there are lots of poor white people and very rich black people

But that doesn’t diminish truth of white privilege. The same way Stevie Wonder being a millionaire doesn't change the fact that on balance it's an advantage to have your sight.

It's really only the agreement of showing contempt towards blacks. That's pretty much the only thing whites and non blacks agree on.
Lisa you have a ton of energy.

But it's a losing battle trying to reason with these losers. All they want to do is dredge up the past so they can accuse whites of racism and oppression. The conclusion is always the same: their hand outstretched for more free shit, especially , money.

These worthless imbeciles don't want equality. That would mean they have to work to support their own lazy asses. All they want is HANDOUTS. Fuck them.

The best thing you can do is put them on the Sambo List. They want to live in the past, and that's where they deserve to stay. They're not equipped to live in any advanced society. They were born to whine. Fucking worthless. 85 is real. Lol...
For those playing along at home, Lisa totally freaked out when she went to a mall and there were posters of black people. They'd have to call in a clean up crew if she met an actual black person.

Here's the thing. There's already "Affirmative Action' for white people. Most of the hiring decisions are made by white people. This is why the biggest winners in Affirmative Actions have been - wait for it - White women.

All AA does at the end of the day is make sure that you aren't rejecting qualified minority applicants.
Actually all AA does is provide a cause of action (a right to bring legal action via a lawsuit) IF the plaintiff can prove violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 however the deck is still stacked against minorities. In fact the people who have had the most success suing under the Civil Rights Act of 1964/affirmative action have been white.

I'm not disagreeing with you I'm merely pointing out that just because there is a law prohibiting discrimination, there are still a lot of people who don't agree with it and pay it no mind, including one poster here on this site who mentioned all of the times he refused to consider any black applicants for work in his department at an aerospace company.
Wow. Another lib with a big chip on her shoulder.

As I said in my OP, the reasons for poverty among blacks is the same as it is for whites. And the reason I’m focusing on blacks is because racism is being blamed for THEIR poverty, and obviously not for whites.
Why do you think I have a chip on my shoulder? Simply because I corrected your misconceptions?

Again, why are you focusing on the minority of people who are black and living in poverty instead of the many more white people who are living in poverty, or the black people who are not living in poverty?

And while there is some merit to the things you suggest people should do, they alone are not enough.

Staying in school doesn't mean anything is your grades are crap, you don't want to be there and you don't value what a good education can do for you. Or working hard and delaying gratification in the here and now for repeating rewards later.

In order to understand what a good education can do for you there have to be people in your life, preferably your parents but also your extended family who serve as examples of where a good education, that leads to a good job, can take you. And that's just the beginning.

Not everyone has the good fortune to be a star athlete or musician or other celebrity or are born into a wealthy family so having a backup plan is good, in my opinion. And that plan should include being able to support yourself come hell or high water until you get to where you're trying to go. I'm saying you have to do it all alone, but you need to be self-sufficient as much as you can.

White people have not had all of the same challenges in life that black people have, so if many of them are not doing better, why not?
Wow. Another lib with a big chip on her shoulder.

As I said in my OP, the reasons for poverty among blacks is the same as it is for whites. And the reason I’m focusing on blacks is because racism is being blamed for THEIR poverty, and obviously not for whites.
Why do you think I have a chip on my shoulder? Simply because I corrected your misconceptions?

And you quoted me 3 times and yet you were unable to point out where in the text of the affirmative action EO is says to give preference to unqualified black people over more qualified white people. That's a flat out lie and the reason I suspect you went on the offensive

And again, why are you focusing on the minority of people who are black and living in poverty instead of the many more white people who are living in poverty, or the black people who are not living in poverty?

And while there is some merit to the things you suggest people should do, they alone are not enough.

Staying in school doesn't mean anything is your grades are crap, you don't want to be there and you don't value what a good education can do for you. Or working hard and delaying gratification in the here and now for repeating rewards later.

In order to understand what a good education can do for you there have to be people in your life, preferably your parents but also your extended family who serve as examples of where a good education, that leads to a good job, can take you. And that's just the beginning.

Not everyone has the good fortune to be a star athlete or musician or other celebrity or are born into a wealthy family so having a backup plan is good, in my opinion. And that plan should include being able to support yourself come hell or high water until you get to where you're trying to go. I'm saying you have to do it all alone, but you need to be self-sufficient as much as you can.

White people have not had all of the same challenges in life that black people have, so if many of them are not doing better, why not?
And yet that would be two generations plus however many generations before of income production from property the blacks families couldn't have that we did.
Very few whites benefit from ancestral property. Most white Americans are descended from immigrants who came here around the turn of the century. Ellis Island was the gateway to the US for immigrants and it operated from 1890 to 1924. Between 1924 and 1950 it was used as a detention center and prison. I'm a rare American in that I can actually trace two of my ancestors back before 1900. One was the youngest son of The Spencer and came over on a indenture. The other was an Irish peasant who was imported into the Confederacy, deserted from the Confederate Army, fought for the Union and served in the west as cavalry during the Indian wars and married a Commanche.
What do you mean, with or without a job? WITH a job of course. People who refuse to work have no standing to complain that they live in poverty.

The point is…again…..that people who graduate from high school and do not have out-of-wedlock babies when they’re still only teens rarely live in poverty. So other than in those rare instances, all it takes to stay out of poverty is to finish school and not have babies you can’t afford. Race irrelevant.
Not everyone works, you realize that right? Some people have a spouse or other family member to support them/their household. Also our government pays for the upkeep of minor children if the father is unable or unwilling to support them. I think they also pay to make sure the minor children have a decent home to live in.

Most college students attend classes instead of working and receive money usually to help pay for housing, tuition, books, and living expenses if they got good grades in high school and qualified for scholarships, grants, loans, etc.

You haven't put much thought into this have you?
I credit my sister and BIL for refusing to enable her laziness and contribute to her sense of entitlement. But they only did it halfway. The “girl” - a young woman now 28 years old - is still living with them in their waterfront house, in her childhood bedroom, and getting her meals served by Mom. They really should insist she move out - she’s actually earning a decent salary for her age and experience - but my sister says she wouldn‘t be able to live as well.

I’m staying out of it, but who says a young adult should be able to live as well as how her parents were - after 25 years of working? These kids need to be told that they have to work UP to that.
I had a co-worker who was forced to transfer to Northern California. She rented out her condo rather than sell it. When she managed to transfer back to Southern California, her mom invited her to move home until the lease on her condo expired. For the next five years every time she tried to move out her mom would beg her to stay. The mom liked the company and wouldn't even allow my co-worker to pay rent, so she bought the groceries over mom's objection. But that's different than a kid moving home to freesias off his or her parents.
It’s doesn’t have to be anecdotes. Studies show a direct correlation between OOW births, and dropping and out school, and poverty - and this is within the control of the “victims” you defend. But because it doesn’t fall into your “racism can be blamed for everything,” you fight what is an obvious reality.

Stay in stay in school, don’t have babies you can’t afford when you’re in high school, and take advantage of free educational programs offered to the poor - and you will be out of poverty.
There are a few states left in the U.S. where you can work 40 hours a week at the state's minimum wage and still be "living in poverty" meaning that your annual income puts you below the poverty limit threshold. Thankfully all of that is changing.
Minimum Wage by State 2022 Increases vs 2021 - Paycor
Because Africa was stripped of almost all natural resources in the 1800’s and early 1900’a and was colonized to hell and back for rubber, minerals, diamonds, etc
You're kidding right? Africa and Siberia are the two least tapped resource intensive areas of the world.

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