The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Wow. Another lib with a big chip on her shoulder.

As I said in my OP, the reasons for poverty among blacks is the same as it is for whites. And the reason I’m focusing on blacks is because racism is being blamed for THEIR poverty, and obviously not for whites.

Except whites didn't encounter 400 years of institutionalized racism on top of other causes of poverty.

But you keep trying to pretend that isn't a thing.

What do you mean, with or without a job? WITH a job of course. People who refuse to work have no standing to complain that they live in poverty.

The point is…again…..that people who graduate from high school and do not have out-of-wedlock babies when they’re still only teens rarely live in poverty. So other than in those rare instances, all it takes to stay out of poverty is to finish school and not have babies you can’t afford. Race irrelevant.

Awesome, let's pass a living wage and create workfare where every American is ENTITLED to a job. if private industry won't hire them, the government can find work for them to do.

And what’s YOUR definition of poverty? If you can afford to rent a little room in the basement of someone’s house and pay for the bus ride to your job, then you’re not in poverty. That’s how my dad lived when he first go out of college. You think a high school dropout should be entitled to afford that?

Uh, yeah, let's look at that.

You see, it used to be in this country, that most white people when they dropped out of high school or just completed it, could walk down to the Union Hall and get a union job that paid enough to make ends meet. Of course, Republicans worked very hard to take that away from them. They realized, as the other pointed out that given a choice between treating a minority as an equal and losing their middle class life style, they'll give up being middle class every time.
I encountered Ray shortly after I became a member here back in 2018 and actually had a conversation with him that I thought went pretty well. However there are two things about him that always struck me as not fitting his persona:
1. I never could figure out if it was fear or aggression that caused him to choose his avatar because it definitely comes across as passive aggressive (the whole "never point your weapon at anyone or anything you're not willing to kill or destroy")
2. It's interesting that a self-admitted white separatist lives among black people. He explained how that came about but it seems to defy his identity that he hasn't separated from those he deems should have their own segregated space as should he.

Oh and I recently found out that he believes that the T.V. show Cops is a valid representation of black people in America. As disturbing as I find this revelation, it explains more than it impresses (meaning #1 & #2).

What I've noticed about Ray is that it's always someone else's fault.

When his job cut his health insurance a few years ago, it was all Obama's fault. Nope, forget that 20 million people got health insurance under ACA, he's one of those conservatives who miraculously lost it because their companies refused to get a plan that was ACA compliant. And nope, he couldn't possibly get another job with another company that did offer insurance.

It's the government's fault his town became a slum. Not because big business took away all the industry and the affluent left with them. Nope, it was the government giving section 8 vouchers to poor people.

His latest schtick is that because the government ruled that he couldn't safely operate a truck (depending on which telling, he's either perfectly fine and the government pulled him off the road or he's pretty much on Death's Door and totally entitled to disability.) he can't possibly do any other kind of work because it's beneath him to answer phones or file paperwork. But he'll tell you that his disability is FAR superior to the food stamps someone gets working a part time job.

He's just a guy who would rather curse the darkness than light a candle.
Actually all AA does is provide a cause of action (a right to bring legal action via a lawsuit) IF the plaintiff can prove violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 however the deck is still stacked against minorities. In fact the people who have had the most success suing under the Civil Rights Act of 1964/affirmative action have been white.

I'm not disagreeing with you I'm merely pointing out that just because there is a law prohibiting discrimination, there are still a lot of people who don't agree with it and pay it no mind, including one poster here on this site who mentioned all of the times he refused to consider any black applicants for work in his department at an aerospace company.

Oh, I agree. AA doesn't overcome the bias in the system, and actually proving discrimination is an uphill battle.
Lisa you have a ton of energy.

But it's a losing battle trying to reason with these losers. All they want to do is dredge up the past so they can accuse whites of racism and oppression. The conclusion is always the same: their hand outstretched for more free shit, especially , money.

These worthless imbeciles don't want equality. That would mean they have to work to support their own lazy asses. All they want is HANDOUTS. Fuck them.

The best thing you can do is put them on the Sambo List. They want to live in the past, and that's where they deserve to stay. They're not equipped to live in any advanced society. They were born to whine. Fucking worthless. 85 is real. Lol...
I’ve put the antisemite on ignore, and for the most part ignore the racist black. It’s incredible, though, that they are both so rooted in anger and jealousy that they are unable to see how they both rail against the wrong of prejudice against blacks while spewing their own prejudice against Jews (Antisemite Joe) and whites (Racist Paul).

The hypocrisy of liberals is surreal.
Why do you think I have a chip on my shoulder? Simply because I corrected your misconceptions?

And you quoted me 3 times and yet you were unable to point out where in the text of the affirmative action EO is says to give preference to unqualified black people over more qualified white people. That's a flat out lie and the reason I suspect you went on the offensive

And again, why are you focusing on the minority of people who are black and living in poverty instead of the many more white people who are living in poverty, or the black people who are not living in poverty?

And while there is some merit to the things you suggest people should do, they alone are not enough.

Staying in school doesn't mean anything is your grades are crap, you don't want to be there and you don't value what a good education can do for you. Or working hard and delaying gratification in the here and now for repeating rewards later.

In order to understand what a good education can do for you there have to be people in your life, preferably your parents but also your extended family who serve as examples of where a good education, that leads to a good job, can take you. And that's just the beginning.

Not everyone has the good fortune to be a star athlete or musician or other celebrity or are born into a wealthy family so having a backup plan is good, in my opinion. And that plan should include being able to support yourself come hell or high water until you get to where you're trying to go. I'm saying you have to do it all alone, but you need to be self-sufficient as much as you can.

White people have not had all of the same challenges in life that black people have, so if many of them are not doing better, why not?

Couldn’t manage to read through your diatribe of denial. If you don’t think that blacks have been favored in college admissions for 40 years, where blacks with SUBSTANTIALLY lower grades and scores get admitted while whites much higher grades and scores are rejected, you’re a liar or an ignoramus.

It‘s time for leftists to drop racist policies and judge people on their merit instead of race. Like you, for example: I have no clue as to whether you’re black or white, but I know that you are a nasty person who denies reality and lashes out at decent people who speak the truth rather than make excuses.

And I answered you as to why I am focusing on blacks, but you ignore what I’ve said: People like you are blaming the failure of the black underclass on RACISM; they blame the failure of “white trash” (the term libs use) on their stupidity, laziness, whatever. I am saying that the reason people remain in poverty, in 95% of the cases, is the same regardless of race: they have babies they can’t afford and they don’t finish school.
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The Jewish people for the most part are not "people of African descent". If you don't know what that means, it means the same thing that applies to the Irish, and Asian and other immigrants who are NOT BLACK.

The laws that applied to "us" did not apply to any of them. Does that still not clarify things for you?
I never said they were of African descent. I’ve said they are a slim minority that has experienced persecution and oppression and expulsion and murder, and yet they rose above all that to be among the most successful groups in the world. They have just about the highest educational attainment, have received a disproportionate number of Nobel prices, and have the top (or near - Asians might weigh them out) of income and net worth in this country.

And the “laws” that applied to blacks have been off the books for generations. They’ve had two generations of AA - I mean, damn! Both my parents went from impoverished tenements where half their families were murdered for being Jewish to earning college degrees (during the antisemitic Jew quota years) to owning a middle class house in the suburbs before they were 30! - so if there remains a small underclass of blacks who can’t manage to get paid-for job training or get into college after 40 years of favoritism - then it’s THEIR fault. Not whitet’s.
I’ve put the antisemite on ignore, and for the most part ignore the racist black. It’s incredible, though, that they are both so rooted in anger and jealousy that they are unable to see how they both rail against the wrong of prejudice against blacks while spewing their own prejudice against Jews (Antisemite Joe) and whites (Racist Paul).

The hypocrisy of liberals is surreal.

Nobody is discriminating against Jews... and your religion is a choice, not a race.

The very valid complaint blacks have is they've been waiting in line since 1619, and the Jews, Germans, Irish, Catholics, Poles, Italians all cut in line ahead of them.

Couldn’t manage to read through your diatribe of denial. If you don’t think that blacks have been favored in college admissions for 40 years, where blacks with SUBSTANTIALLY lower grades and scores get admitted while whites much higher grades and scores are rejected, you’re a liar or an ignoramus.

So what? Their grades were still good enough to get in, and those whites went to college somewhere else.

Despite their advantages, black enrollment has remained relatively flat.


It‘s time for leftists to drop racist policies and judge people on their merit instead of race. Like you, for example: I have no clue as to whether you’re black or white, but I know that you are a nasty person who denies reality and lashes out at decent people who speak the truth rather than make excuses.

Well, we know youare a nasty old bat who spews racism all day and wets herself when she sees a black person on a poster.

And I answered you as to why I am focusing on blacks, but you ignore what I’ve said: People like you are blaming the failure of the black underclass on RACISM; they blame the failure of “white trash” (the term libs use) on their stupidity, laziness, whatever. I am saying that the reason people remain in poverty, in 95% of the cases, is the same regardless of race: they have babies they can’t afford and they don’t finish school.

You can say that, but it's just not true.

Check this out... White poverty rates are lower than any other race- even Asians, who you keep promoting as the "Model Minority".

And the “laws” that applied to blacks have been off the books for generations. They’ve had two generations of AA - I mean, damn! Both my parents went from impoverished tenements where half their families were murdered for being Jewish to earning college degrees (during the antisemitic Jew quota years) to owning a middle class house in the suburbs before they were 30! - so if there remains a small underclass of blacks who can’t manage to get paid-for job training or get into college after 40 years of favoritism - then it’s THEIR fault. Not whitet’s.

Half their families? Really?

Again, no one knows you're Jewish until you open your mouth. Blacks don't have that advantage.
Except you're not being honest because that's not what's happening.
Of course it’s happening, and it‘s been happening for 40 years. If you want to stick to the claim that whites with higher grades and scores aren‘t being rejected to make room for lower-scoring blacks, then you’re the one not be honest.

Being jealous and resentful of successful minorities, like Jews and Asians, despite the bigotry against them, you and your ilk - if you really wanted to help impoverished black people - would say the obvious: Just emulate the behavior of successful minorities that have also experienced horrific bigotry, and your family will be middle class by the next generation.

This is all about brainwashing whites, the majority and thus the voting majority, when they are still schoolchildren, to think that blacks are pulling up the rear due to racism, and eventually vote for reparations.

As far as I’m concerned, two generations of affirmative action is reparations enough.
and neither one of them is "of African descent" aka "BLACK" or "NEGRO" or the more nasty words you all use and then deny that any of you are racist.
Denial is a River in Egypt. Why are you so intent on keeping black people poor and dependent on government handouts rather than hold them responsible for their own choices, and encourage those good choices that would help them?
Couldn’t manage to read through your diatribe of denial. If you don’t think that blacks have been favored in college admissions for 40 years, where blacks with SUBSTANTIALLY lower grades and scores get admitted while whites much higher grades and scores are rejected, you’re a liar or an ignoramus.

It‘s time for leftists to drop racist policies and judge people on their merit instead of race. Like you, for example: I have no clue as to whether you’re black or white, but I know that you are a nasty person who denies reality and lashes out at decent people who speak the truth rather than make excuses.

And I answered you as to why I am focusing on blacks, but you ignore what I’ve said: People like you are blaming the failure of the black underclass on RACISM; they blame the failure of “white trash” (the term libs use) on their stupidity, laziness, whatever. I am saying that the reason people remain in poverty, in 95% of the cases, is the same regardless of race: they have babies they can’t afford and they don’t finish school.
So you think that out of all of the people in this country who are working on this problem, your solution of finish school and not having babies they can't afford is ALL that it takes for people to rise out of poverty? And in your mind, this is a "black people's" problem right?

You're mistaken and it's been explained to you more than once and politely too I might add yet you respond with nothing but insults and derision.

...The lack of education is the main cause of generational poverty and the reason it continues throughout generations, Crow said.​
"If education is not important in the family, they don't pass that down. Education is always the key to success of getting out of poverty," Crow said.​
Without a high school diploma or GED, chances for employment are greatly reduced. However, many don't have the desire to pursue an education or better themselves, she said.​
People caught in the cycle of generational poverty often are in survival mode. They are focused on whatever challenges greet them each day, whether that's paying the rent, buying food or taking care of a health problem.
Why are the people of Appalachia living in generational poverty? Why aren't you lecturing them?
If the reasons for poverty are the same, according to you, then why are you singling out black people living in poverty? You've got a lot of nerve lecturing anyone.
I just told you - and this will be the third and final time: because RACISM is being blamed on blacks being poor, and it is not being blamed for whites being poor. I said in the OP, in the first sentence, that the cause of poverty for both blacks and whites is the same: bad choices.

The difference is, once again, and I will Speak Slowly doe you…..leftists are not saying that poor whites are poor due to racism. (To the contrary, they mock them and call them morons and white trash,) But then they excuse blacks doe being poor due to racism.

You people don’t want blacks to advance. You want to keep them poor and dependent. YOU are the racist.
White people in this country have been so accustomed to being given preference that when it begins to wane, you all think you're being discriminated against. You're not, you were never entitled to the whole pie in the first place.
Wow. Not only in denial, but a racist to boot!

Applying equal admissions standards to applicants regardless of race isn’t giving whites “preference.” It simply is NOT giving blacks preference.

And I never thought I was entitled to the whole pie. I never thought I was entitled to anything. My parents taught me that by going to college to prepare for a career OR a vocational program to prepare for a trade, working hard, being disciplined, etc. is the way to earn a decent living. That’s what leftists should be telling poor blacks insteas of “well before you were born there was bad racism.”

They never told me to stay in high school or not get pregnant when I was still a kid because that was obvious,
The white racists on this board are the losers, in every way.

If you're not sure you're one, ask somebody. Lisa has a very low bar
I’ve said nothing racist. You and your ilk however are spewing venom about whites.

Again, your insistence on blaming blacks who remain in poverty on whitey - rather than on their own bad choices and actions - will ensure they stay poor, and, as LBJ said when he devised welfare, “keep them voting Democrat for 200 years.”

It is shameful that you are willing to keep blacks down in order to maintain political control. SHAMEFUL.
I’ve said nothing racist. You and your ilk however are spewing venom about whites.

Again, your insistence on blaming blacks who remain in poverty on whitey - rather than on their own bad choices and actions - will ensure they stay poor, and, as LBJ said when he devised welfare, “keep them voting Democrat for 200 years.”

It is shameful that you are willing to keep blacks down in order to maintain political control. SHAMEFUL.
What party do most black people vote for?
I never said they were of African descent. I’ve said they are a slim minority that has experienced persecution and oppression and expulsion and murder, and yet they rose above all that to be among the most successful groups in the world. They have just about the highest educational attainment, have received a disproportionate number of Nobel prices, and have the top (or near - Asians might weigh them out) of income and net worth in this country.

And the “laws” that applied to blacks have been off the books for generations. They’ve had two generations of AA - I mean, damn! Both my parents went from impoverished tenements where half their families were murdered for being Jewish to earning college degrees (during the antisemitic Jew quota years) to owning a middle class house in the suburbs before they were 30! - so if there remains a small underclass of blacks who can’t manage to get paid-for job training or get into college after 40 years of favoritism - then it’s THEIR fault. Not whitet’s.
LOL, you've been wrong about so much it's hard to keep up. To put it more directly the Jewish people for the most part are not black (of African descent) and neither are any of the other groups I mentioned which is what triggers the white racists to engage in their cruel and racially motivated discrimination and violence.

Well my parents were never "poor", nor were my grandparents but we may have been a little privileged but it's not because we're black, it's because of our family connections. My dad was a tradesman and my mom retired from the county as a systems analyst. My dad learned his trade from his father, as did his brothers and my mom worked her way up from a key punch operator to a position response for hiring/firing personnel. I already mention her dad but again he was a fighter pilot in WWII, he's mentioned in several books about the Red Tails/Tuskegee Airmen while my dad's father is mentioned in several publications as well.

It's almost comical to watch you and the other racists lecturing us on what black people need to do to rise out of poverty when we were never in poverty as a family going back generations although we do know the plantation from where we descended.

Last I heard, a reunion was being organized for the descendents of the slaves (that's us) along with the owners of the plantation. It should be very interesting.
I’ve said nothing racist. You and your ilk however are spewing venom about whites.

Again, your insistence on blaming blacks who remain in poverty on whitey - rather than on their own bad choices and actions - will ensure they stay poor, and, as LBJ said when he devised welfare, “keep them voting Democrat for 200 years.”

It is shameful that you are willing to keep blacks down in order to maintain political control. SHAMEFUL.
Calling black people Sambos is very racist and you know it although that is one of your milder comments.

As far as your last statement, you're completely deranged, I don't engage in activities of control, I deal with consequences.
So you think that out of all of the people in this country who are working on this problem, your solution of finish school and not having babies they can't afford is ALL that it takes for people to rise out of poverty? And in your mind, this is a "black people's" problem right?

Yes. That‘s what it takes, in the vast majority of cases.

You're mistaken and it's been explained to you more than once and politely too I might add yet you respond with nothing but insults and derision.
Oh right…..insults and derision. You’re the one calling me a racist for pointing out the obvious cause of poverty, regardless of color.
Why are the people of Appalachia living in generational poverty? Why aren't you lecturing them?
As I said in the OP, the causes of white and black poverty are identical. But they’re not blaming racism on their situation, and the topic of the thread is that racism against blacks is not the cause of poverty.

Why are you so resistant to telling blacks how they can move from poverty? After all, the majority HAVE. How did they do that? By making the right choices.

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