The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Of course it’s happening, and it‘s been happening for 40 years. If you want to stick to the claim that whites with higher grades and scores aren‘t being rejected to make room for lower-scoring blacks, then you’re the one not be honest.

Whites with lower scores are also having room made for them if they are legacies, athletes, or their families make big donations to the institutions, or bribe someone who shuffles papers. All scores prove is you are good at taking tests.

Being jealous and resentful of successful minorities, like Jews and Asians, despite the bigotry against them, you and your ilk - if you really wanted to help impoverished black people - would say the obvious: Just emulate the behavior of successful minorities that have also experienced horrific bigotry, and your family will be middle class by the next generation.

NO, we really don't want anyone emulating the Jews... One group of people who think they are God's fucking gift to humanity is enough.

As far as I’m concerned, two generations of affirmative action is reparations enough.
Yes, you live in horror those black people don't know their place. But 40 years of half ass measurses vs. 360 years of institutionalized racism? Not even close.

As far as "reparations", just not seeing that as a big deal. If we paid them a token amount with a formal apology, what's the harm?
Not that I expect Karen558 for answers, but she whines about how black kids need to stay in school and not have babies.

And yet when she gets a kid who stayed in school and didn't make any babies, but got a slightly lower score than a White Kid, well, shit, we need to totally reject him from college!
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And before you race in with the excuse that Jews never experienced antisemitism, I’d say that focusing on your studies while your mother is crying in the next room because Hitler had just killed her own mother, and sister, and nieces, and nephews, IS experiencing antidemitism. So is knowing, as a teen, that the DEMOCRAT president turned the St. Louis Jews back to Europe because he would rather see them murdered than allow any more Jews into America, IS experiencing antidemitism.

Wait... Wait, aren't you guys the ones who want to send people back to Central America because they entered the country illegally, just like the passengers on the St. Louis were trying to do?
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You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book
So you actually believe the Interstate Hwys only affected Black people? You're joking. Right?
Wait... Wait, aren't you guys the ones who want to send people back to Central America because they entered the country illegally, just like the passengers on the St. Louis were trying to do?
The passengers on the St. Louis were war refugees.
You have no understanding of US History or policy if you think it is not racism.

Just a 10 minute read of the Tulsa town bombings and Emmitt Till’a murder teaches you all you need to know.

Another 10 minutes of reading about the interstate highway act by Eisenhower would seal the deal.

Read a book

Black poverty actually does stem from racism - the racism of the left, of the Democrats.
The passengers on the St. Louis were war refugees.


The St. Louis set sail on May 13th. 1939.
It arrived in Havana on May 27
They were refused admittance to the US and sailed back on June 6th, 1939.
When it got to Europe, France, Belgium and the UK took them in.

The war didn't start until September 1939

They were not war refugees. They were illegal immigrants who had not been cleared for admittance to the United States. None of them were forced to return to Germany. True, some of them got killed during the war when Belgium and France got their asses handed to them by the Wehrmacht, but how is that FDR's fault, exactly?

Americans didn't want any more immigrants (Immigration laws were changed after the Great Depression started) and they wanted nothing to do with European Wars.

The St. Louis set sail on May 13th. 1939.
It arrived in Havana on May 27
They were refused admittance to the US and sailed back on June 6th, 1939.
When it got to Europe, France, Belgium and the UK took them in.

The war didn't start until September 1939

They were not war refugees. They were illegal immigrants who had not been cleared for admittance to the United States. None of them were forced to return to Germany. True, some of them got killed during the war when Belgium and France got their asses handed to them by the Wehrmacht, but how is that FDR's fault, exactly?

Americans didn't want any more immigrants (Immigration laws were changed after the Great Depression started) and they wanted nothing to do with European Wars.
A third of the Jews on the St. Louis were murdered in Nazi concentration camps. Why do you think Jews were trying to get out of Germany?
A third of the Jews on the St. Louis were murdered in Nazi concentration camps. Why do you think Jews were trying to get out of Germany?

Why was that our problem? I mean, I hate to say this, but you guys are INSISTING Trump Done Good by refusing admittance to people from Central America who face being murdered and raped by drug gangs, but FDR was supposed to KNOW that a war was going to break out, and that the countries that DID take these people would get taken over.
A third of the Jews on the St. Louis were murdered in Nazi concentration camps. Why do you think Jews were trying to get out of Germany?
A.S. Joe is a big antisemite (who ironically cries about the wrong of bigotry against blacks). I have him on ignore, but I imagine he drew a parallel between Jews fleeing Hitler who was trying to exterminate them and illegal aliens from Central America giving bogus asylum claims but really just looking for free stuff from American taxpayers.

European Jews feeling Hitler had legitimate asylum claims and should have been admitted, but the Democrat in charge preferred to send them to their deaths. The illegal aliens have no such claim in 90% of the cases.
A.S. Joe is a big antisemite (who ironically cries about the wrong of bigotry against blacks). I have him on ignore, but I imagine he drew a parallel between Jews fleeing Hitler who was trying to exterminate them and illegal aliens from Central America giving bogus asylum claims but really just looking for free stuff from American taxpayers.

European Jews feeling Hitler had legitimate asylum claims and should have been admitted, but the Democrat in charge preferred to send them to their deaths. The illegal aliens have no such claim in 90% of the cases.

Legally, people in Central America have legitimate claims under our current refugee laws.

The people on the St. Louis didn't. This was 1939. No concentration camps, yet. German Jews were free to leave, which is why 75% of German and Austrian Jews survived the war because they had the good sense to immigrate out LEGALLY before the war started.

Polish Jews, however, got the brunt of it... comprising half the Jews killed in the Holocaust.
Why was that our problem? I mean, I hate to say this, but you guys are INSISTING Trump Done Good by refusing admittance to people from Central America who face being murdered and raped by drug gangs, but FDR was supposed to KNOW that a war was going to break out, and that the countries that DID take these people would get taken over.
Unbelievable. Everyone knew what was coming. That's why the Jews were getting out. The Jews were being rounded up before war broke out. Also, if the Jews were not our problem, then why aren't the South American people not our problem? You just defeated your own argument.
Legally, people in Central America have legitimate claims under our current refugee laws.

The people on the St. Louis didn't. This was 1939. No concentration camps, yet. German Jews were free to leave, which is why 75% of German and Austrian Jews survived the war because they had the good sense to immigrate out LEGALLY before the war started.

Polish Jews, however, got the brunt of it... comprising half the Jews killed in the Holocaust.
Go take a nap. You're done here.
Unbelievable. Everyone knew what was coming. That's why the Jews were getting out. The Jews were being rounded up before war broke out. Also, if the Jews were not our problem, then why aren't the South American people not our problem? You just defeated your own argument.

Everyone knew? Really?

Because if they did, then everyone was woefully unprepared for the war.

I don't believe we should take everyone from Central America (not South America)... but we should follow our OWN LAWS about giving them hearings...
Unbelievable. Everyone knew what was coming. That's why the Jews were getting out. The Jews were being rounded up before war broke out. Also, if the Jews were not our problem, then why aren't the South American people not our problem? You just defeated your own argument.
He’s a big hypocrite. Typical of leftists. And of course resentful of Jews because they’ve shown that prejudice against a minority doesn’t cause their poverty. Jews pull back the curtain on the leftists’ myth.
Go take a nap. You're done here.

The only camp in operation before the war was Dachau, and that was for political enemies...

The "Final Solution" wasn't decided on until the Wannsee Conference in 1942.

Hitler originally wanted to deport all Germany's Jews to Palestine.
He’s a big hypocrite. Typical of leftists. And of course resentful of Jews because they’ve shown that prejudice against a minority doesn’t cause their poverty. Jews pull back the curtain on the leftists’ myth.

Naw, Sweetie, I resent the way you get American boys sent over to the MIddle East to die for your fucked up religious fantasies. Whatever moral high ground you had from the War, you lost when you started doing the same to the Palestinians.
Go take a nap. You're done here.
I can’t see what the antisemite is saying, but I can gauge it by your responses. The dehumanization began a good 10 years before they were able to convince Germans to murder them en masse, and it was well known here. American newspapers were reporting it (that was back in the day that reporters were honest) for years.

While FDR had Jewish cabinet members, he had antisemitic attitudes as well. He was on the Board at Harvard and was the one who instituted quotas against Jews.

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