The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Yes. That‘s what it takes, in the vast majority of cases.

Oh right…..insults and derision. You’re the one calling me a racist for pointing out the obvious cause of poverty, regardless of color.

As I said in the OP, the causes of white and black poverty are identical. But they’re not blaming racism on their situation, and the topic of the thread is that racism against blacks is not the cause of poverty.

Why are you so resistant to telling blacks how they can move from poverty? After all, the majority HAVE. How did they do that? By making the right choices.
NO, that's not how most people did it. People who manage to elevate their lives USUALLY have help. They have parents who allow them to live at home rent free while in school so that their schooling is the only thing they have to concentrate on. As opposed to kids who have to drop out of school in order to work so that they can contribute to the household so that they all were able to keep a roof over their head. Or their parents can afford to pay their expenses & tuition while they're i school or at least help with them, taking up the slack what the scholarship, grants and loans don't cover.

When I graduated high school I was SICK TO DEATH of school and had plans to work instead of going off to college. All it took was about a year of low paying jobs (because I wasn't qualified to do anything) for me to understand what my parents had always told me. Get good grades so that you can get accepted in a good college. Do well, again get good grades, graduate and come out with the qualifications needed to get a good job.

Of course the road was not as smooth as it was presented. As long as I was applying for secretarial work, which I did a lot of while working my way through college, I could always find work. Once I had my degree and was applying for jobs in information technology, the excuses were endless. There were plenty of people who didn't want me working in that field and took measures to make sure I was unable to have the stability needed to really shine. But I managed to make my way.

Black girls in the last 10 years or so are just starting to be welcomed into the STEM fields, especially as software developers because they now have mentors showing them the way to reach the top of their game and providing a support system for them, something I never had.

Lastly, I didn't call you a racist because of your bogus claim that the obvious cause of poverty is the same for both blacks and whites, yet for some reason you're obsessed with black people and your desire to lecture us on what we should be doing, while your own race has many more people living in poverty than we do but I've yet to see you pull out your soapbox to lecture any of them.

I called you a racist because you are a racist. People who aren't racist don't refer to black people as "Sambos".

I always thought you all were proud to be racist, the only place you have to fear being called one is as a defendant in court, or by the HR department, but U.S. Message Board is nether of those things.

So let your racist flag fly high, salute it and be proud. But don't be surprised if suddenly you find there are repercussions for your hubris and ignorance.

Or you could actually try to learn something.
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Tonight's lesson:

Racism is the reason for black poverty.

In 1959 the poverty rate for all American families was 20.8 percent. For white families, it was 16.5 percent. For black families, 54.9 percent. During the time people declare that black families were “intact,” black family poverty was 3.33 times that of white ones. In 1966, the American poverty rate was 13.1 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 9.7 percent, and for black families, 40.9 percent. In 1966, black family poverty was 4.2 times that of white families. In 1974 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.9 percent. Poverty for Black families was 29.3 percent. For Whites 7.3 percent. Black family poverty was four times that of whites ten years after Civil Rights was passed. In 1984, the poverty rate for all American families was 13.1 percent. For Black families, it was 33.3 percent, Whites 10.1 percent. Black family poverty was 3.29 times that of whites 20 years after Civil Rights was signed into law.

In 2004 the poverty rate for all American families was 11 percent. For white families, it was 9 percent. Black families, 23.8 percent. We are now 40 years past Johnson's signing of the Civil Rights Act. These numbers are well within our lifetimes. In 2004 black family poverty was 2.64 times that of a white family. In 2014, the American poverty rate was 12.7 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 10.7 percent, and for black families, 24.6 percent. 50 years had passed since the Civil Rights Act, and black families still had at least double the white family poverty rate. In 2014 black family poverty was 2.3 times that of white families. In 2020 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.5 percent. Poverty for black families was 17.4 percent, white families 8.2 percent. Despite increases in educational attainment and breakthroughs at every level of American society, in 2020, black family poverty remained two times that of white families. No matter how it is measured, poverty for whites is lower than the national average, and black poverty is consistently double the national average. Since 1959 no matter how low or high poverty has been, blacks have continued living at double the white and overall American poverty rate. Increased high school and college graduation rates have not changed this discrepancy.

At no time from 1959 through 2020 have whites and blacks come close to having equal income. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going members of American society. We have had two terms of a black president, and still, the median income for blacks has been less than whites. Most certainly, if a black man can manage a nation, he can run a corporation. If a black woman can run the second-largest Department of Justice in America and serve as Vice President, she can manage your local Wal-Mart. Sixty-eight years ago, Brown v. Topeka ended segregation in schools. Fifty-eight years ago, Civil Rights for everyone became law. This situation is not about the failure of “black culture” or so-called liberal handout policies. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is continuing white racism.

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 1960 to 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC). Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2020, 404: Page Not Found
NO, that's not how most people did it. People who manage to elevate their lives USUALLY have help. They have parents who allow them to live at home rent free while in school so that their schooling is the only thing they have to concentrate on. As opposed to kids who have to drop out of school in order to work so that they can contribute to the household so that they all were able to keep a roof over their head. Or their parents can afford to pay their expenses & tuition while they're i school or at least help with them, taking up the slack what the scholarship, grants and loans don't cover.

When I graduated high school I was SICK TO DEATH of school and had plans to work instead of going off to college. All it took was about a year of low paying jobs (because I wasn't qualified to do anything) for me to understand what my parents had always told me. Get good grades so that you can get accepted in a good school. Do well, graduate and come out and get a good job.

If course the road was not as smooth as it was presented. As long as I was applying for secretarial jobs, which I did a lot of while working my way through college, I could always find work. Once I had my degree and was applying for jobs in information technology, the excuses were endless. There were plenty of people who didn't want me working in that field and took measures to make sure I was unable to have the stability needed to really shine. But I managed to make my way.

Black girls in the last 10 years or so are just starting to be welcomed into the STEM fields, especially as software developers because they now have mentors showing them the way to reach the top of their game and providing a support system for them, something I never had.

Lastly, I didn't call you a racist because of your bogus claim that the obvious cause of poverty is the same for both blacks and whites, yet for some reason you're obsessed with black people and your desire to lecture us on what we should be doing, while your own race has many more people living in poverty than we do but I've yet to see you pull out your soapbox to lecture any of them.

I called you a racist because you are a racist. People who aren't racist don't refer to black people as "Sambos".

I always thought you all were proud to be racist, the only place you have to fear being called one is as a defendant in court, or by the HR department, but U.S. Message Board is nether or those things.

So let your racist flag fly high, salute it and be proud. But don't be surprised if suddenly you find there are repercussions for your hubris and ignorance.

Or you could actually try to learn something.
Hey...I've stayed out of this thread because most of the replies from bleeding hearted, self-hating whites, and from all the black whiners we know so well, are predictable and stale. They're obsessed with all of the black victimhood bullshit. They'll never let it go.

They'll continue to live in the past - while, at the same time blaming whites for "holding them back." In truth, it's the fact that these dumbasses CHOOSE to wallow in self-pity that is holding them back. As long as they believe they're the world's biggest losers, they'll continue to be pathetic losers.

I also want to make clear that I'm the person who began calling my Iggie List, my Black Sambo List. To tell you the truth I don't remember a thing about the black Sambo story.

The reason I use that name is simple. I've tried to "talk" to our black posters, and things usually go alright for a short time. Then the flood of whining and accusations will begin to fill their posts. And, I just don't have the patience to listen to losers blame everyone in the world for their failures. Then there are the inevitable insults that follow. It's all so fucking predictable and disgusting. And, THAT is how my Sambo List was born.

You mentioned NewsVine, or whatever her name is, and said you don't know her race.

I think she said she's black - in one of her old posts.

She has learned to write long-assed posts. They're convoluted and wordy as Hell. Enough so that her black compadres probably assume that she's a smart person.

But, read more carefully and it's immediately clear that her posts are no different than those by IM2, for instance. I quickly found her to be boring. So off to my Sambo List she went.

Maybe I should create a "Wild-Eyed Honky List" for the white crazies. And to sort of balance things out. Lol...

As for your topic, I'd say blacks in America are in the best position of any blacks in the world. They can lift themselves out of poverty. They can dream huge dreams - and make them come true. BUT no one can do it for them. It's time to throw away the excuses, roll up their sleeves, and do the work required. Just as everyone else must do to succeed.
This comes from being well read. I'm still learning APA writing though.

It figures that my FACT filled posts annoy and bore you and the other racists on this site. What's that saying?

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;​
Small minds discuss people​
- Eleanor Roosevelt​
A gutsy lady. She took a flight with a Tuskegee Airman back when everyone was still saying that black men were incapable of flying such a complex machine. After they took the First Lady of the United States on a flight, the rest of the country had to at least try to get right.

So think back about all the crap that you and Lisa and the others have posted. How many historical facts, or events that shaped policy in America, including policy on race relations have you all posted with corroborating documentation or links?

It must absolutely suck to have nothing going for oneself other than having had the good fortune of being born into the white race.
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Forget race. People who have babies outside of marriage virtually guarantee economic failure for their offspring. People who make horrible life choices end up poor. People who shun our free public education fail. People who engage in petty criminality go nowhere in life. People who abuse alcohol and other controlled substances cause their own failure.

While racism has not been, and will never be, eradicated the instances where any Black people in the U.S. are significantly harmed by racism are extremely rare. Most bigots are powerless buffoons, and for every opportunity that is extinguished because of a racist act, there are three or four other opportunities right around the corner, for those who choose to seek them out.

Furthermore, Affirmative Action and Diversity-Equity-Inclusion initiatives more than compensate for the negative impacts of the racism that remains.

In sum, few American Blacks have anything to complain about, which is why Black "leaders" and empty-headed Leftists must aggressively sow the seeds of envy and resentment to keep that flame alive.

White women benefit most from AA. You really don't know wtf you're talking about.
This comes from being well read. I'm still learning APA writing though.

It figures that my FACT filled posts annoy and bore you and the other racists on this site. What's that saying?

Great minds discuss ideas;​
Average minds discuss events;​
Small minds discuss people​
- Eleanor Roosevelt​
A gutsy lady. She took a flight with a Tuskegee Airman back when everyone was still saying that black men were incapable of flying such a complex machine. After they took the First Lady of the United States on a flight, the rest of the country had to at least try to get right.

So think back about all the crap that you and Lisa and the others have posted. How many historical facts, or events that shaped policy in America, including policy on race relations have you all posted with corroborating documentation or links?

It must absolutely suck to have nothing going for oneself other than having had the good fortune of being born into the white race.

Tonight's lesson:

Racism is the reason for black poverty.

In 1959 the poverty rate for all American families was 20.8 percent. For white families, it was 16.5 percent. For black families, 54.9 percent. During the time people declare that black families were “intact,” black family poverty was 3.33 times that of white ones. In 1966, the American poverty rate was 13.1 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 9.7 percent, and for black families, 40.9 percent. In 1966, black family poverty was 4.2 times that of white families. In 1974 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.9 percent. Poverty for Black families was 29.3 percent. For Whites 7.3 percent. Black family poverty was four times that of whites ten years after Civil Rights was passed. In 1984, the poverty rate for all American families was 13.1 percent. For Black families, it was 33.3 percent, Whites 10.1 percent. Black family poverty was 3.29 times that of whites 20 years after Civil Rights was signed into law.

In 2004 the poverty rate for all American families was 11 percent. For white families, it was 9 percent. Black families, 23.8 percent. We are now 40 years past Johnson's signing of the Civil Rights Act. These numbers are well within our lifetimes. In 2004 black family poverty was 2.64 times that of a white family. In 2014, the American poverty rate was 12.7 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 10.7 percent, and for black families, 24.6 percent. 50 years had passed since the Civil Rights Act, and black families still had at least double the white family poverty rate. In 2014 black family poverty was 2.3 times that of white families. In 2020 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.5 percent. Poverty for black families was 17.4 percent, white families 8.2 percent. Despite increases in educational attainment and breakthroughs at every level of American society, in 2020, black family poverty remained two times that of white families. No matter how it is measured, poverty for whites is lower than the national average, and black poverty is consistently double the national average. Since 1959 no matter how low or high poverty has been, blacks have continued living at double the white and overall American poverty rate. Increased high school and college graduation rates have not changed this discrepancy.

At no time from 1959 through 2020 have whites and blacks come close to having equal income. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going members of American society. We have had two terms of a black president, and still, the median income for blacks has been less than whites. Most certainly, if a black man can manage a nation, he can run a corporation. If a black woman can run the second-largest Department of Justice in America and serve as Vice President, she can manage your local Wal-Mart. Sixty-eight years ago, Brown v. Topeka ended segregation in schools. Fifty-eight years ago, Civil Rights for everyone became law. This situation is not about the failure of “black culture” or so-called liberal handout policies. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is continuing white racism.

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 1960 to 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC). Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2020, 404: Page Not Found

So where does this racism exist?

Growing up in the 70's, black kids went to the same school I did.
Blacks had the ability to graduate like I did.
Blacks had the ability, and even laws written in their favor for employment.
Blacks had the ability to attend college.
Blacks had the ability to learn a trade.

So where is this racism at?

Next time you're in a library, stop in and ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. She'll probably look at you oddly and tell you there are no books like that. Why? Because all excuse makers are failures. That's the real problem with the black community.
You know, unless you have personally slept with her, which certainly wouldn't have helped her alleged social climbing, then you don't KNOW anything about her, you only have rumors and your impulse to denigrate a female who has exceeded your life accomplishments, in spades, no pun intended.

If you wouldn't want your mom called a whore (unless she actually is one) then why would you think it's okay to call someone else, who hasn't done a thing to cause you harm, those kind of demeaning and derogatory names?

Don't you have any women in your life who you feel don't deserve to be talked to or about in that manner? If you do, then why do you think they are more special than Kamala? And if you don't, well I guess that would explain a lot.

When you decide to get into politics, especially on the federal level, you must expect to be called names. If you didn't, you're in the wrong business.

Unless she has a membership here, it's not an insult to her because she has no idea I even exist yet alone what I say about her. But I don't recall you lashing out when people attacked Trump or Bush's wife multiple times.'s all part of politics in this country.
Actually, what you say is not the reason.

Of course it is. Living in a black community myself, I can't stand when there is a black person in the lottery line in front of me. Blacks play hundreds of dollars in numbers, then go out to their 10 year old or older car. I remember what my father told me when I was a teen. He said "Son, making money is easy. An idiot can make money, but money is hard to keep!"

You can get a decent paying job, but if you insist on having the newest iPhone, the newest car you can afford, three video game systems and expensive games when you could have used that money for investments or better things, you're still a loser with your decent paying job. That goes for people of any race. Let me give you an example from the Center of Disease Control:

In 2019, the birth rates for Hispanic teens (25.3) and non-Hispanic Black teens (25.8) were more than two times higher than the rate for non-Hispanic White teens (11.4). The birth rate of American Indian/Alaska Native teens (29.2) was highest among all race/ethnicities.1

The CDC also estimates that to raise a middle-class child today, the cost per child is $233,000. That means if you have the standard two-child family, you better be ready to make and spend a half-million dollars within the next 20 years or so. That being said, the white population here and in Europe are shrinking. The replacement rate for children is 2.5 per family. Whites are using their money for financial security more than on families. The younger you have children, the more likely you are to live in poverty, especially if you are unmarried.

But what about jobs? Well, there is a disparity between races too. Better paying jobs often discriminate; not by race, but by criminal records. Many ex-cons find themselves in lower paying jobs the rest of their lives. That being said, here is what I found:

The researchers found that the percentage of black men with a felony conviction increased from 13% in 1980 to 33% in 2010 (compared to 5% and 13% for all adult men during these periods, respectively). They also estimate that the percentage of black men who had experienced imprisonment increased from 6% in 1980 to 15% in 2010 (compared to 2% and 6% for all adult men during these periods, respectively). These estimates are “the first attempt to provide state-level demographic information about people with felony convictions in the United States, a population defined by incomplete citizenship and the temporary or permanent suspension of many rights and privileges.”

So let's add this up: teen pregnancy among black girls is over twice as high as white girls. 33% of black men have a felony conviction on their record. This has nothing to do with race, this has to do with irresponsibility and bad decision making.
So where does this racism exist?

Growing up in the 70's, black kids went to the same school I did.
Blacks had the ability to graduate like I did.
Blacks had the ability, and even laws written in their favor for employment.
Blacks had the ability to attend college.
Blacks had the ability to learn a trade.

So where is this racism at?

Next time you're in a library, stop in and ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. She'll probably look at you oddly and tell you there are no books like that. Why? Because all excuse makers are failures. That's the real problem with the black community.
There are no laws in employment written to favor blacks. I went to school in the 70's and had teachers who had started teaching during jim crow. That's where some of the racism was. I went to college and faced professors who started teaching during jim crow. That's where the racism is. I applied for work in places where owners or managers started working during jim crow. I went to school with people like you, racists who wonder where the racism is even as they look at it in the mirror. We don't make excuses in the black community, we point out the facts. Your ass is a racist, yet you ask where's the racism at? Cognitive dissonance .
Of course it is. Living in a black community myself, I can't stand when there is a black person in the lottery line in front of me. Blacks play hundreds of dollars in numbers, then go out to their 10 year old or older car. I remember what my father told me when I was a teen. He said "Son, making money is easy. An idiot can make money, but money is hard to keep!"

You can get a decent paying job, but if you insist on having the newest iPhone, the newest car you can afford, three video game systems and expensive games when you could have used that money for investments or better things, you're still a loser with your decent paying job. That goes for people of any race. Let me give you an example from the Center of Disease Control:

In 2019, the birth rates for Hispanic teens (25.3) and non-Hispanic Black teens (25.8) were more than two times higher than the rate for non-Hispanic White teens (11.4). The birth rate of American Indian/Alaska Native teens (29.2) was highest among all race/ethnicities.1

The CDC also estimates that to raise a middle-class child today, the cost per child is $233,000. That means if you have the standard two-child family, you better be ready to make and spend a half-million dollars within the next 20 years or so. That being said, the white population here and in Europe are shrinking. The replacement rate for children is 2.5 per family. Whites are using their money for financial security more than on families. The younger you have children, the more likely you are to live in poverty, especially if you are unmarried.

But what about jobs? Well, there is a disparity between races too. Better paying jobs often discriminate; not by race, but by criminal records. Many ex-cons find themselves in lower paying jobs the rest of their lives. That being said, here is what I found:

The researchers found that the percentage of black men with a felony conviction increased from 13% in 1980 to 33% in 2010 (compared to 5% and 13% for all adult men during these periods, respectively). They also estimate that the percentage of black men who had experienced imprisonment increased from 6% in 1980 to 15% in 2010 (compared to 2% and 6% for all adult men during these periods, respectively). These estimates are “the first attempt to provide state-level demographic information about people with felony convictions in the United States, a population defined by incomplete citizenship and the temporary or permanent suspension of many rights and privileges.”

So let's add this up: teen pregnancy among black girls is over twice as high as white girls. 33% of black men have a felony conviction on their record. This has nothing to do with race, this has to do with irresponsibility and bad decision making.

Who the hell do you think you're talking to? I'm black and I am telling you what you say isn't so. I say it isn't so because it IS NOT SO. You're lying about lottery tickets and new phones.

White Convicts As Likely to Be Hired As Blacks Without Criminal Records​

Anyone claiming that racism is no longer alive and well in the United States, in addition to considering the race-driven circumstances surrounding the Jena 6, or statistics demonstrating that prosecutors are far more likely to seek the death penalty when the victim is white than when the victim is black (particularly if the defendant is black), or studies demonstrating that blacks receive harsher sentences than whites for equivalent drug crimes, or the fact that even though more whites per capita smoke marihuana than blacks, blacks are arrested and prosecuted at a far higher rate, should read a recent study by Princeton University examining employment discrimination titled “Discrimination in Low Wage Labor Markets.”

In the largest and most comprehensive project of its kind to date, 13 young male applicants, presenting the same qualifications and experience, split into teams and went on nearly 3,500 entry-level job interviews with private companies in supposedly left-leaning, "progressive", multicultural New York City, jobs ranging from restaurants to manufacturing to financial services. After recording which applicants were invited back for interviews or were offered jobs, two sociology professors looked at the hiring practices of 1,500 prospective private employers, focusing specifically on discrimination against young male minorities and ex-offenders.

Some of the study's findings are depressingly familiar. For instance, young white high school graduates were twice as likely to receive positive responses from New York employers as equally qualified black job seekers. It also reaffirmed not only that former prisoners are at a distinct disadvantage in the job market, but also that, again, black ex-prisoners are in a much worse position: positive responses from employers towards white applicants with a criminal record dipped 35 percent, while for black applicants similarly situated it plummeted 57 percent.

However, the study revealed that our society's racism extends even deeper: black applicants with no criminal record were no more likely to get a job than white applicants with criminal records just released from prison! In other words, while whites with criminal records received low rates of positive responses, such response rates were equally low for blacks without a criminal background. Further exposing the overt racism at play was the study's finding that minority employers were more accepting of minority applicants and job applicants with prison records.

So, even when a white employer knows that the white applicant she is interviewing is a convict and the black applicant has never been in trouble with the law, she is as likely to hire the white applicant as the black applicant.

So you are right, these things result from irresponsibility and bad decision making.. The irresponsibility and bad decision making of whites to be racist.
Yup. Ever read The Millionaire Next Door? Most were raised very modestly, and 93% received no inheritance from their parents.

And so true what you say about the lottery. The line is almost always poor blacks who can least afford it, and it takes forever. I wish they had a separate “lottery ticket” line.
Do you always expose yourself as the racist you are in public?
So where does this racism exist?

Growing up in the 70's, black kids went to the same school I did.
Blacks had the ability to graduate like I did.
Blacks had the ability, and even laws written in their favor for employment.
Blacks had the ability to attend college.
Blacks had the ability to learn a trade.

So where is this racism at?

Actually, right in front of you.

Let's look at the schools. Nope, black kids did not have the ability to do to the same schools white people did. When the schools were desegregated, white people did one of two things. 1) They moved out to lily-white suburbs or 2) They put their kids in Parochial or Private Schools.

As stated, laws for affirmative action don't make up for the fact most hiring managers are white and favor their own, which is why the real winners with AA have been white women.

As for the Trades, do you know how hard it actually is to get into the unions? My brother is a sheet metal worker, like my dad was, and even though my dad had been in a union, he had to wait until his mid-20s to get an apprenticeship.

Next time you're in a library, stop in and ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. She'll probably look at you oddly and tell you there are no books like that. Why? Because all excuse makers are failures. That's the real problem with the black community.

Yet Ray always has an excuse about why he's on disability and living in a slum.

Of course it is. Living in a black community myself, I can't stand when there is a black person in the lottery line in front of me. Blacks play hundreds of dollars in numbers, then go out to their 10 year old or older car. I remember what my father told me when I was a teen. He said "Son, making money is easy. An idiot can make money, but money is hard to keep!"

Again - Ray lives in a slum, collects disability, and spends all his money on surveillance equipment.

You can get a decent paying job, but if you insist on having the newest iPhone, the newest car you can afford, three video game systems and expensive games when you could have used that money for investments or better things, you're still a loser with your decent paying job. That goes for people of any race. Let me give you an example from the Center of Disease Control:

Again, Ray lives in a slum... collects disability... and wastes his money on electronic equipment to spy on his neighbors.
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You know, unless you have personally slept with her, which certainly wouldn't have helped her alleged social climbing, then you don't KNOW anything about her, you only have rumors and your impulse to denigrate a female who has exceeded your life accomplishments, in spades, no pun intended.

If you wouldn't want your mom called a whore (unless she actually is one) then why would you think it's okay to call someone else, who hasn't done a thing to cause you harm, those kind of demeaning and derogatory names?

Don't you have any women in your life who you feel don't deserve to be talked to or about in that manner? If you do, then why do you think they are more special than Kamala? And if you don't, well I guess that would explain a lot.
If you object to a woman being called a whore, then you should object to a woman being called a racist who merely pointed out that the blacks who remain mired in poverty (a minority….most are middle class) are so for the same reasons as are poor whites - having babies thet can’t afford while unmarried and dropping out of school - and not due to racism.

IOW, if you call people nasty names, then so can Ray,

You libs are such hypocrites.
Do you always expose yourself as the racist you are in public?
Do you always enjoy calling people racists when they point out the truth? The fact is that lower income people spend more on lottery tickets than the middle class, and the average income of blacks is lower than whites.

Hey...I've stayed out of this thread because most of the replies from bleeding hearted, self-hating whites, and from all the black whiners we know so well, are predictable and stale. They're obsessed with all of the black victimhood bullshit. They'll never let it go.

They'll continue to live in the past - while, at the same time blaming whites for "holding them back." In truth, it's the fact that these dumbasses CHOOSE to wallow in self-pity that is holding them back. As long as they believe they're the world's biggest losers, they'll continue to be pathetic losers.

I also want to make clear that I'm the person who began calling my Iggie List, my Black Sambo List. To tell you the truth I don't remember a thing about the black Sambo story.

The reason I use that name is simple. I've tried to "talk" to our black posters, and things usually go alright for a short time. Then the flood of whining and accusations will begin to fill their posts. And, I just don't have the patience to listen to losers blame everyone in the world for their failures. Then there are the inevitable insults that follow. It's all so fucking predictable and disgusting. And, THAT is how my Sambo List was born.

You mentioned NewsVine, or whatever her name is, and said you don't know her race.

I think she said she's black - in one of her old posts.

She has learned to write long-assed posts. They're convoluted and wordy as Hell. Enough so that her black compadres probably assume that she's a smart person.

But, read more carefully and it's immediately clear that her posts are no different than those by IM2, for instance. I quickly found her to be boring. So off to my Sambo List she went.

Maybe I should create a "Wild-Eyed Honky List" for the white crazies. And to sort of balance things out. Lol...

As for your topic, I'd say blacks in America are in the best position of any blacks in the world. They can lift themselves out of poverty. They can dream huge dreams - and make them come true. BUT no one can do it for them. It's time to throw away the excuses, roll up their sleeves, and do the work required. Just as everyone else must do to succeed.
Thank you.

For some reason, blacks like Vine and their white enablers simply refuse to acknowledge the obvious truth - that 95% of blacks in poverty can lift themselves out of poverty by the two simple, common-sense steps outlined in my OP: don’t have OOW babies when you’re still a teen and stay in school. And that it is the failure to do so that has the black underclass in that position, and NOT racism. I’ve pointed out that whites who do the same are also poor.

That brings out the FURY of leftists, screeching RAAAAACIST!!, because they simply refuse to acknowledge just how much of life’s outcomes are due to personal choice, now that racist laws have been abolished for two generations.

That is also why the leftists resent the Jews, and come up with all sorts of ridiculous justification for how a persecuted, expelled, mass murdered little minority of people end up being among the top - including a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes.

The most common excuse I’ve heard is that Jews didn’t experience the horrors of antisemitism in THIS country, as if listening to the radio about Hitler killing your grandparents, and aunts, and uncles, and cousins, is not experiencing it. My parents’ circle of friends were primarily Jews whose own parents had escaped Jewish persecution in Europe, arrived here penniless and uneducated, and the entire next generation were all colelge graduates!

Jews also, in my lifetime, were blocked from country clubs, had their property vandalized with the word ”Jew” scratched or spray painted, called K word, and told by housing developers as late as the 70s they they were discouraging Jews from moving into the neighborhood. I experienced all of these directly. And just listening to some of the antisemitic venom spewed by posters, mostly liberals, on this forum alone! Jews, in fact, are more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than blacks!

And yet, Jews rose from poverty to the middle class IN A SINGLE GENERATION. They did it by making the right choices, and particularly by valuing and pursuing a college education.

There is absolutely nothing holding back the blacks in poverty from moving to the modest working class, at a minimum, by 1) no babies before they can afford them, and 2) getting a high school degree, at a minimum. if they are more ambitious than that and want a middle class lifestyle, they can get an A.A. or a vocational certificate to learn a trade, which will be paid for by American taxpayers. More than that, they can take out loans and get a college degree, if they choose.
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Who the hell do you think you're talking to? I'm black and I am telling you what you say isn't so. I say it isn't so because it IS NOT SO. You're lying about lottery tickets and new phones.

Not at all. It happens all the time. In any case my point (that obviously flew over your head) is that in many cases, it's actions of black people that keep them back, not discrimination or racism. You posted some phony story about discrepancies between the success of whites and blacks as a whole. I posted facts with links as to why. Your article just came to some unproven conclusion where as mine are about statistics.

Like the lottery tickets, I see it all the time here. Kids with kids. Bottom line is when 25% of your girls are getting impregnated and 33% of your guys have felonies, it's not a wonder why they are being held back in society, but whites are not responsible for that, blacks do this to themselves. Now you post another phony story about employment discrimination. We've had laws against that the last couple of generations. Again, that study isn't an apples to apples comparison.

Any proven accusation of racism by employers carries a very heavy penalty. Besides the legality of it, no company wants to be accused yet alone convicted of racial discrimination. It's just not worth the risk. But just to humor you, let's say that this claim is true. Would you think that employers don't hire people of color because of their skin tone, or how they are known to do the job? It's like that story I told about last summer. In case you missed it, I'll tell you about it if you really want to read it.
NO, that's not how most people did it. People who manage to elevate their lives USUALLY have help. They have parents who allow them to live at home rent free while in school so that their schooling is the only thing they have to concentrate on. As opposed to kids who have to drop out of school in order to work so that they can contribute to the household so that they all were able to keep a roof over their head. Or their parents can afford to pay their expenses & tuition while they're i school or at least help with them, taking up the slack what the scholarship, grants and loans don't cover.

When I graduated high school I was SICK TO DEATH of school and had plans to work instead of going off to college. All it took was about a year of low paying jobs (because I wasn't qualified to do anything) for me to understand what my parents had always told me. Get good grades so that you can get accepted in a good college. Do well, again get good grades, graduate and come out with the qualifications needed to get a good job.

Of course the road was not as smooth as it was presented. As long as I was applying for secretarial work, which I did a lot of while working my way through college, I could always find work. Once I had my degree and was applying for jobs in information technology, the excuses were endless. There were plenty of people who didn't want me working in that field and took measures to make sure I was unable to have the stability needed to really shine. But I managed to make my way.

Black girls in the last 10 years or so are just starting to be welcomed into the STEM fields, especially as software developers because they now have mentors showing them the way to reach the top of their game and providing a support system for them, something I never had.

Lastly, I didn't call you a racist because of your bogus claim that the obvious cause of poverty is the same for both blacks and whites, yet for some reason you're obsessed with black people and your desire to lecture us on what we should be doing, while your own race has many more people living in poverty than we do but I've yet to see you pull out your soapbox to lecture any of them.

I called you a racist because you are a racist. People who aren't racist don't refer to black people as "Sambos".

I always thought you all were proud to be racist, the only place you have to fear being called one is as a defendant in court, or by the HR department, but U.S. Message Board is nether of those things.

So let your racist flag fly high, salute it and be proud. But don't be surprised if suddenly you find there are repercussions for your hubris and ignorance.

Or you could actually try to learn something.
i didn’t read beyond your first paragraph because it just shows more denial. No, people who move beyond poverty did so by not having OOW babies and graduating from high school. One doesn’t need “help” for that.

You are hurting your own people by denying the poor ones among them the encouragement and direction to move out of poverty by doing the two things above, and instead choosing to blame imaginary, non-existent racists.

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