The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

So racist bitch thinks blacks are 'unqualified". Gee, why is this a surprise. Of, course, you put white people in charge of the selection process, they will ALWAYS find that white people are qualified. Maybe toss an Asian or two in there because Asians are almost in that' White enough" category.

Do I really need to retell the story of the White Boss who couldn't make time to meet with two women of color leaving his company, but man, he made time for the pretty white intern. And that guy wasn't nearly as racist as Karen558. Or Welfare Ray. Or you

She didn’t say blacks were unqualified. She said some blacks are unqualified, which is rather obvious. Some whites and some Asians are also unqualified. The point is, take race and gender completely out of the equation and let GPA’s, test scores, curriculum, etc. be the only critiria. The thing is, YOU don‘t want that because YOU know that may lead to an outcome which YOU don’t like.

Tell me why you think I am a racist? What have I said that is racist? It seems that in your bizarre world, it is racist NOT to consider race with regards to hiring or college admissions.
There are no laws in employment written to favor blacks. I went to school in the 70's and had teachers who had started teaching during jim crow. That's where some of the racism was. I went to college and faced professors who started teaching during jim crow. That's where the racism is. I applied for work in places where owners or managers started working during jim crow. I went to school with people like you, racists who wonder where the racism is even as they look at it in the mirror. We don't make excuses in the black community, we point out the facts. Your ass is a racist, yet you ask where's the racism at? Cognitive dissonance .

Hey, and all that is fine if you're still living in the past before you were born. But you are born the day you take your first breath. If you and I are around the same age, then you know for a fact that we had laws against the practice of discrimination before we became adults and adventured out into this free country of ours. What might have happened to "some" of our parents or grandparents have nothing to do with our lives.
Hey, and all that is fine if you're still living in the past before you were born. But you are born the day you take your first breath. If you and I are around the same age, then you know for a fact that we had laws against the practice of discrimination before we became adults and adventured out into this free country of ours. What might have happened to "some" of our parents or grandparents have nothing to do with our lives.
It most certainly does if you grew up in a home with white generational wealth made during years blacks were discriminated against

Like donnie trump
She didn’t say blacks were unqualified. She said some blacks are unqualified, which is rather obvious. Some whites and some Asians are also unqualified. The point is, take race and gender completely out of the equation and let GPA’s, test scores, curriculum, etc. be the only critiria. The thing is, YOU don‘t want that because YOU know that may lead to an outcome which YOU don’t like.

Tell me why you think I am a racist? What have I said that is racist? It seems that in your bizarre world, it is racist NOT to consider race with regards to hiring or college admissions.
Not reading that bigot’s posts, but I can figure out what he said by your response.

I never said blacks are unqualified. I said that they are getting admitted with scores and grades LOWER than whites who are being rejected. And the discrepancy is huge. Blacks with a 3.2 get admitted to prestigious. while whites with a 3.8 get rejected.

It’s amazing, isn’t it? The leftists consider someone racist if they oppose racist policies, when every reasonable person knows that adjusting admissions standards to get in more people of one specific race (blacks) and keep out more people of other races (whites and Asians) is racist. It is time to abolish the blatant racism in college and grad school admissions, and I think it will be done by the SCOTUS this term.
It most certainly does if you grew up in a home with white generational wealth made during years blacks were discriminated against

Like donnie trump

As I told you troll, that's a very small percentage of whites. My parents (like most white parents) grew up poor. Nobody left them with anything and if we get anything from our parents after they're gone, it won't be that much.
Hey, and all that is fine if you're still living in the past before you were born. But you are born the day you take your first breath. If you and I are around the same age, then you know for a fact that we had laws against the practice of discrimination before we became adults and adventured out into this free country of ours. What might have happened to "some" of our parents or grandparents have nothing to do with our lives.
But liberals are trying to keep alive the false notion that racism still exists. I got a mailing from my leftist congressman before the election, claiming that in the prior year he was instrumental in removing some racist laws in our state. I wrote him asking “what racist laws did we have?”, and he never answered.

The truth is, there are no racist laws in our state. It’s all a lie. Blacks who are poor today are so because of their OWN life choices, and not racism.
As I told you troll, that's a very small percentage of whites. My parents (like most white parents) grew up poor. Nobody left them with anything and if we get anything from our parents after they're gone, it won't be that much.
Great lets see your evidence

If you dont post any you admit concede the debate.

Watch this folks
But liberals are trying to keep alive the false notion that racism still exists. I got a mailing from my leftist congressman before the election, claiming that in the prior year he was instrumental in removing some racist laws in our state. I wrote him asking “what racist laws did we have?”, and he never answered.

The truth is, there are no racist laws in our state. It’s all a lie. Blacks who are poor today are so because of their OWN life choices, and not racism.
Yet racism exists

As I told you troll, that's a very small percentage of whites. My parents (like most white parents) grew up poor. Nobody left them with anything and if we get anything from our parents after they're gone, it won't be that much.
Yup. That’s another lie that leftists keep perpetrating: this idea of generational wealth. My parents grew up dirt poor too, and yet managed to graduate from college, as did my aunt and uncle.

The vast majority of millionaires in this country are first-generation, self-made. Only 7% inherited anything of note.
Yup. That’s another lie that leftists keep perpetrating: this idea of generational wealth. My parents grew up dirt poor too, and yet managed to graduate from college, as did my aunt and uncle.

The vast majority of millionaires in this country are first-generation, self-made. Only 7% inherited anything of note.
Lots of evidence

Great lets see your evidence

If you dont post any you admit concede the debate.

Watch this folks

Yeah, watch:

While it’s popular and comforting to believe most millionaires simply inherited their millions, the numbers uniformly show that this notion is untrue.

For instance, the Cato Institute has consistently proven the vast majority of millionaires earned their wealth rather than inherited it. The notion that “most millionaires inherit their wealth” is a myth, Cato says.

“A survey by US Trust found that 70% of wealthy Americans grew up in middle‐class or lower‐income households. Even among those with assets in excess of $5 million, only a third grew up wealthy,” wrote Cato.

The article also points out that the role of inheritance has diminished over the last generation.

Fewer wealthy people than ever on the Forbes 400 list grew up in rich households, nor did most inherit their wealth from their families. Data suggests that wages, rather than inheritance, is the predominant factor in building wealth for the majority of wealthy Americans.

White people have not had all of the same challenges in life that black people have, so if many of them are not doing better, why not?

Plenty of white people make bad decisions. Plenty of white people have had just has tough of challenges in life as black people.

Tell me please that you aren't really not aware of all of the laws that were passed to prevent black people from having the same rights as white people, after slavery was abolished and replaced with Jim Crow and the black codes?

These old laws in no way affect the current generation of African Americans.

The white racists on this board are the losers, in every way.

I agree, as are the black racists on this board.

Awesome, let's pass a living wage and create workfare where every American is ENTITLED to a job. if private industry won't hire them, the government can find work for them to do.

You have the reasoning ability of a child.

Why are the people of Appalachia living in generational poverty? Why aren't you lecturing them

That brings up a good point. Those folks make bad decisions, but admittedly are starting out a a lower economic point than many and in fact, may have it harder than many black people in a similar economic situations because they do not qualify for AA. Instead of race and gender based, maybe AA should be economic based. That make more sense than the current system. If you believe poverty is the underlying cause of the problems. I am not a fan of AA in general, but I could be more on board if it was not blatantly racist and sexist.

No, it's racism. Whites like you need to shut up about things you know nothing about.

Then don’t ever use the word “white privilege” again. If you aren’t white, you don’t have a clue.
Yeah, watch:

While it’s popular and comforting to believe most millionaires simply inherited their millions, the numbers uniformly show that this notion is untrue.

For instance, the Cato Institute has consistently proven the vast majority of millionaires earned their wealth rather than inherited it. The notion that “most millionaires inherit their wealth” is a myth, Cato says.

“A survey by US Trust found that 70% of wealthy Americans grew up in middle‐class or lower‐income households. Even among those with assets in excess of $5 million, only a third grew up wealthy,” wrote Cato.

The article also points out that the role of inheritance has diminished over the last generation.

Fewer wealthy people than ever on the Forbes 400 list grew up in rich households, nor did most inherit their wealth from their families. Data suggests that wages, rather than inheritance, is the predominant factor in building wealth for the majority of wealthy Americans.

So ignore all middle class wealth because they are not millionaires?????

Are you kidding????

Did you grow up in the projects on welfare?
But liberals are trying to keep alive the false notion that racism still exists. I got a mailing from my leftist congressman before the election, claiming that in the prior year he was instrumental in removing some racist laws in our state. I wrote him asking “what racist laws did we have?”, and he never answered.

The truth is, there are no racist laws in our state. It’s all a lie. Blacks who are poor today are so because of their OWN life choices, and not racism.

Before I retired I noticed a trend with our customers. Some of them replaced their nearly all white staff with all black. The reason? Blacks will work for less money. In essence, blacks were undercutting whites in wage competition. Blacks can afford to make less because the cost of living where they reside is lower. They get cheaper rent, have lower cost housing, they can afford to make less than whites.
Before I retired I noticed a trend with our customers. Some of them replaced their nearly all white staff with all black. The reason? Blacks will work for less money. In essence, blacks were undercutting whites in wage competition. Blacks can afford to make less because the cost of living where they reside is lower. They get cheaper rent, have lower cost housing, they can afford to make less than whites.
And they are used to abuse due to years of discrimination so they put up with more garbage. Lol
So ignore all middle class wealth because they are not millionaires?????

Are you kidding????

Did you grow up in the projects on welfare?

My father and his five siblings did. They didn't even have electricity or indoor plumbing. When they had to use the bathroom, it was outside in the backyard. And up north in the winter, if you had to use the toilet, you really had to go. Their outhouse didn't even have a roof on it, so when you had to go, you hoped it was not during a snow storm.
My father and his five siblings did. They didn't even have electricity or indoor plumbing. When they had to use the bathroom, it was outside in the backyard. And up north in the winter, if you had to use the toilet, you really had to go. Their outhouse didn't even have a roof on it, so when you had to go, you hoped it was not during a snow storm.
Thank for that in depth peer reviewed scientific study involving thousands of subjects on the level of racial wealth disparity in this country. Lol
Plenty of white people make bad decisions. Plenty of white people have had just has tough of challenges in life as black people.

Absolutely. Plenty of poor whites whose parents struggle to put food on the table and make rent. But they do not have the advantages of affirmative action provided to blacks, so they have to get admitted to educational programs based on merit.

These old laws in no way affect the current generation of African Americans.
Yup. They keep going back to “well, two generations ago, there were Jim Crow laws.” Old news. Now blacks have favoritism in many arenas.
That brings up a good point. Those folks make bad decisions, but admittedly are starting out a a lower economic point than many and in fact, may have it harder than many black people in a similar economic situations because they do not qualify for AA. Instead of race and gender based, maybe AA should be economic based. That make more sense than the current system. If you believe poverty is the underlying cause of the problems. I am not a fan of AA in general, but I could be more on board if it was not blatantly racist and sexist.
Yes, I’ve made the same point: AA should be SES-based, and a combination of both economic need AND superior academic achievement. I’d be in favor of an AA program that admits the top 5% of each high school class to the State U, automatically, and with full tuition, whose family also falls into the lower-middle class or below.

But the racists on the left scream “NO” to such a proposal, even though it would still help blacks. They insist on an AA policy that helps ONLY blacks, and at the expense of whites. Anyone who continues to object to the current race-based policy is, ironically, attempted to be silenced by screeching “raaaaaaaxist”!
Then don’t ever use the word “white privilege” again. If you aren’t white, you don’t have a clue.
Yup. Dont you just love it when blacks tell whites to shut up about blacks since they no nothing, and then proceed to (wrongly) complain about the privilege whites have?
Do you always enjoy calling people racists when they point out the truth? The fact is that lower income people spend more on lottery tickets than the middle class, and the average income of blacks is lower than whites.

Why are there poor people at all would be a non racist question. You have yet to explain why anyone lives in poverty all you have done is degrade and dehumanize. Congrats. I have never needed affirmative action to exist and survive the complex maze of life, but those that people hate and don't have opportunities is because of people like you that do the hiring.
Why are there poor people at all would be a non racist question. You have yet to explain why anyone lives in poverty all you have done is degrade and dehumanize. Congrats. I have never needed affirmative action to exist and survive the complex maze of life, but those that people hate and don't have opportunities is because of people like you that do the hiring.
No. It’s perfectly acceptable - to non-liberals who don’t see racism everywhere - to start a thread outlining that blacks are poor due to their own bad choices and NOT racism, which is what people like you keep lying about.

Asking why poor people are poor and avoiding any discussion of race, avoids the issue that racism - for blacks - is being wrongly blamed, while of course people like you call white people white trash.

I specifically said in the OP that blacks and whites are poor for the same reasons.

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