The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I can’t see what the antisemite is saying, but I can gauge it by your responses. The dehumanization began a good 10 years before they were able to convince Germans to murder them en masse, and it was well known here. American newspapers were reporting it (that was back in the day that reporters were honest) for years.

Wow... so many things wrong with that statement.

The Nazis were only in power for 12 years. Anti-Jewish sentiment can be traced back a lot further than that... they were blamed for instigating the revolutions that lost the war for Germany. Was it fair, not really.

While FDR had Jewish cabinet members, he had antisemitic attitudes as well. He was on the Board at Harvard and was the one who instituted quotas against Jews.

He also got us into the war in Europe to save the Jews... when Most Americans wanted to stay out of it.
The only camp in operation before the war was Dachau, and that was for political enemies...

The "Final Solution" wasn't decided on until the Wannsee Conference in 1942.

Hitler originally wanted to deport all Germany's Jews to Palestine.
The fact remains, 250 Jews from the St. Louis were murdered.
The fact remains, 250 Jews from the St. Louis were murdered.

So where 70 million other people in World War II, what's your point?

Now, I'm sure you learned the Disney Version of history where Hitler was "appeased".

The reality was, most of the west was fine with Hitler (and Mussolini), because they were more terrified of Stalin! It wasn't until Hitler and Stalin threw in together that the West said, "Maybe we need to do something about that boy!"
Black poverty actually does stem from racism - the racism of the left, of the Democrats.

Of course. You keep repeating over and over again you can't make it without our help, a lot of people will believe you. You keep telling them over and over they have no chance in this free country, you will condition them to be helpless.
So where 70 million other people in World War II, what's your point?

Now, I'm sure you learned the Disney Version of history where Hitler was "appeased".

The reality was, most of the west was fine with Hitler (and Mussolini), because they were more terrified of Stalin! It wasn't until Hitler and Stalin threw in together that the West said, "Maybe we need to do something about that boy!"
You said it yourself...."Not our problem". The South American future democrat voters can go right back.
Wow, the point went over your head.

No, we really should follow our own laws. We have new laws because we did such a bad job dealing with refugees during WWII. We need to follow them.
Yes, I agree. These pawns at our border aren't refugees.
Forget race. People who have babies outside of marriage virtually guarantee economic failure for their offspring. People who make horrible life choices end up poor. People who shun our free public education fail. People who engage in petty criminality go nowhere in life. People who abuse alcohol and other controlled substances cause their own failure.

While racism has not been, and will never be, eradicated the instances where any Black people in the U.S. are significantly harmed by racism are extremely rare. Most bigots are powerless buffoons, and for every opportunity that is extinguished because of a racist act, there are three or four other opportunities right around the corner, for those who choose to seek them out.

Furthermore, Affirmative Action and Diversity-Equity-Inclusion initiatives more than compensate for the negative impacts of the racism that remains.

In sum, few American Blacks have anything to complain about, which is why Black "leaders" and empty-headed Leftists must aggressively sow the seeds of envy and resentment to keep that flame alive.
Forget race. People who have babies outside of marriage virtually guarantee economic failure for their offspring. People who make horrible life choices end up poor. People who shun our free public education fail. People who engage in petty criminality go nowhere in life. People who abuse alcohol and other controlled substances cause their own failure.

While racism has not been, and will never be, eradicated the instances where any Black people in the U.S. are significantly harmed by racism are extremely rare. Most bigots are powerless buffoons, and for every opportunity that is extinguished because of a racist act, there are three or four other opportunities right around the corner, for those who choose to seek them out.

Furthermore, Affirmative Action and Diversity-Equity-Inclusion initiatives more than compensate for the negative impacts of the racism that remains.

In sum, few American Blacks have anything to complain about, which is why Black "leaders" and empty-headed Leftists must aggressively sow the seeds of envy and resentment to keep that flame alive.
Thank you! That’s exactly what I said in my OP and have reiterated throughout the thread.

Unfortunately, you see that leftists become enraged when anyone suggests that blacks have it with themselves to move beyond poverty via the right choices - and they insist that anyone who doesn’t blame racism for those still mired in poverty instead is a racist.
Forget race. People who have babies outside of marriage virtually guarantee economic failure for their offspring. People who make horrible life choices end up poor. People who shun our free public education fail. People who engage in petty criminality go nowhere in life. People who abuse alcohol and other controlled substances cause their own failure.

While racism has not been, and will never be, eradicated the instances where any Black people in the U.S. are significantly harmed by racism are extremely rare. Most bigots are powerless buffoons, and for every opportunity that is extinguished because of a racist act, there are three or four other opportunities right around the corner, for those who choose to seek them out.

Furthermore, Affirmative Action and Diversity-Equity-Inclusion initiatives more than compensate for the negative impacts of the racism that remains.

In sum, few American Blacks have anything to complain about, which is why Black "leaders" and empty-headed Leftists must aggressively sow the seeds of envy and resentment to keep that flame alive.
Excellent. Right on.
Wrong, but obviously it makes you feel better to think otherwise. It soothes your indoctrinated inner soul.

Yeah, that is all we have down here. Zillow much?

Do you think he SHOULD make as much as a mid-level engineer in middle America? I mean that is the real problem. In reality, we shouldn’t pay a burger flipper or a garbage man the same or close to as much as an engineer. The idea that we should is the problem with the Democratic Party platform and with Democrats in general.
Unpleasant or dangerous jobs deserve high pay and get it.
Again, being white in this society is still an E-Ticket.

So here's the issue. If we had enough college desks for everyone to at least start college, and a bachelor's degree was considered equally valid, this wouldn't be a problem.

Except what we have is a hierarchy of colleges, where some colleges perpetuate the privileges of the elite.

Asians are only 3% of the population and are overrepresented in colleges. "Wah, I had to go to State" isn't that big of an imposition.
Being white doesn’t get you anything. Now being rich, whatever your color gets you the keys to the kingdom. The simple answer is that the rich rule, always have and always will.
Yes, I agree. These pawns at our border aren't refugees.

Um, some of them are, some of them aren't. That's why we need to have HEARINGS to figure that out.

The real problem is, we don't appoint enough courts and investigators to sort it out. We just hope they'll get tired and go away.

Thank you! That’s exactly what I said in my OP and have reiterated throughout the thread.

Unfortunately, you see that leftists become enraged when anyone suggests that blacks have it with themselves to move beyond poverty via the right choices - and they insist that anyone who doesn’t blame racism for those still mired in poverty instead is a racist.

Except, again- if they stay in school and don't make babies, you want to keep them out of colleges for having slightly lower test scores than the white kids... Which is kind of a dickish move...
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Forget race. People who have babies outside of marriage virtually guarantee economic failure for their offspring. People who make horrible life choices end up poor. People who shun our free public education fail. People who engage in petty criminality go nowhere in life. People who abuse alcohol and other controlled substances cause their own failure.

While racism has not been, and will never be, eradicated the instances where any Black people in the U.S. are significantly harmed by racism are extremely rare. Most bigots are powerless buffoons, and for every opportunity that is extinguished because of a racist act, there are three or four other opportunities right around the corner, for those who choose to seek them out.

But you see, it's not the outright racists who are the problem. (YOu know, people like Lisa, who think that black models on posters are a conspiracy to eradicate white people).

It's the subtle racism most people aren't aware of.

Human nature is to be sympathetic to people who remind us of ourselves. Which is why there are so few interracial couples. So if you have white people making all the hiring decisions and the admissions decisions, they are going to show preference to people like themselves. Every job I've gotten, even the job where I worked for a Japanese Company, the decision to hire me was made by a white person. Usually a dude.

To recap this story- I worked for a company in 2012, where we had three women leave our small purchasing department over the summer for other opportunities, and being the social group we were, we had a going away lunch for each of them.

They were -
A Chinese-American woman who had been with the company for 9 years. Established many of our relationships with Asian vendors.
An African American woman who had been with the company for 2 years. Handled important accounts.
A white intern who had been with us three months.

Now, guess which one of these three the General Manager re-arranged his schedule for to go to lunch with us?

If you guessed the white intern, you would be correct. Of course, there was a bit more going on here. The guy had serious mid-life crisis issues, for instance.

But even in a ultimately inconsequential matter like that, a white person got preference for no other reason than she was white.

Multiply that a thousand times, a million times, and you can see the problem.
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Why not? When I see a dog, I call it a dog. Oh, that's right, you're a leftist. When you see a guy in a dress, you call him a woman.
You know, unless you have personally slept with her, which certainly wouldn't have helped her alleged social climbing, then you don't KNOW anything about her, you only have rumors and your impulse to denigrate a female who has exceeded your life accomplishments, in spades, no pun intended.

If you wouldn't want your mom called a whore (unless she actually is one) then why would you think it's okay to call someone else, who hasn't done a thing to cause you harm, those kind of demeaning and derogatory names?

Don't you have any women in your life who you feel don't deserve to be talked to or about in that manner? If you do, then why do you think they are more special than Kamala? And if you don't, well I guess that would explain a lot.
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I’m not calling black people Sambos (that name was suggested to me by another poster) anymore than liberals are calling white people Karen’s,) That name is for whites like you who make excuses for blacks’ poor choices that lead to poverty.

Also, why pick on ME, rather than the poster who suggested I use that name? Could it be because your resentment toward Jews, who have proven people can rise above bigotry and become successful, has made you zero in on me as a target?

And you say you deal with consequences? How about dealing with the actions that CAUSE them? Should we just pretend that blacks are poor - well, the subset we are talking about - because….racism…..rather than the actions of having babies in their teens and dropping out of school? Would you prefer we just encourage that behavior, or at least not discourage it, because then you all can claim “they‘re poor! Because racism! We deserve reparations!”
Hey...I've stayed out of this thread because most of the replies from bleeding hearted, self-hating whites, and from all the black whiners we know so well, are predictable and stale. They're obsessed with all of the black victimhood bullshit. They'll never let it go.

They'll continue to live in the past - while, at the same time blaming whites for "holding them back." In truth, it's the fact that these dumbasses CHOOSE to wallow in self-pity that is holding them back. As long as they believe they're the world's biggest losers, they'll continue to be pathetic losers.

I also want to make clear that I'm the person who began calling my Iggie List, my Black Sambo List. To tell you the truth I don't remember a thing about the black Sambo story.

The reason I use that name is simple. I've tried to "talk" to our black posters, and things usually go alright for a short time. Then the flood of whining and accusations will begin to fill their posts. And, I just don't have the patience to listen to losers blame everyone in the world for their failures. Then there are the inevitable insults that follow. It's all so fucking predictable and disgusting. And, THAT is how my Sambo List was born.

You mentioned NewsVine, or whatever her name is, and said you don't know her race.

I think she said she's black - in one of her old posts.

She has learned to write long-assed posts. They're convoluted and wordy as Hell. Enough so that her black compadres probably assume that she's a smart person.

But, read more carefully and it's immediately clear that her posts are no different than those by IM2, for instance. I quickly found her to be boring. So off to my Sambo List she went.

Maybe I should create a "Wild-Eyed Honky List" for the white crazies. And to sort of balance things out. Lol...

As for your topic, I'd say blacks in America are in the best position of any blacks in the world. They can lift themselves out of poverty. They can dream huge dreams - and make them come true. BUT no one can do it for them. It's time to throw away the excuses, roll up their sleeves, and do the work required. Just as everyone else must do to succeed.
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Hey...I've stayed out of this thread because most of the replies from bleeding hearted, self-hating whites, and from all the black whiners we know so well, are predictable and stale. They're obsessed with all of the black victimhood bullshit. They'll never let it go.

They'll continue to live in the past - while, at the same time blaming whites for "holding them back." In truth, it's the fact that these dumbasses CHOOSE to wallow in self-pity that is holding them back. As long as they believe they're the world's biggest losers, they'll continue to be pathetic losers.

I also want to make clear that I'm the person who began calling my Iggie List, my Black Sambo List. To tell you the truth I don't remember a thing about the black Sambo story.

The reason I use that name is simple. I've tried to "talk" to our black posters, and things usually go alright for a short time. Then the flood of whining and accusations will begin to fill their posts. And, I just don't have the patience to listen to losers blame everyone in the world for their failures. Then there are the inevitable insults that follow. It's all so fucking predictable and disgusting. And, THAT is how my Sambo List was born.

You mentioned NewsVine, or whatever her name is, and said you don't know her race.

I think she said she's black - in one of her old posts.

She has learned to write long-assed posts. They're convoluted and wordy as Hell. Enough so that her black compadres probably assume that she's a smart person.

But, read more carefully and it's immediately clear that her posts are no different than those by IM2, for instance. I quickly found her to be boring. So off to my Sambo List she went.

Maybe I should create a "Wild-Eyed Honky List" for the white crazies. And to sort of balance things out. Lol...

As for your topic, I'd say blacks in America are in the best position of any blacks in the world. They can lift themselves out of poverty. They can dream huge dreams - and make them come true. BUT no one can do it for them. It's time to throw away the excuses, roll up their sleeves, and do the work required. Just as everyone else must do to succeed.
More racist bullshit.

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