The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

LOL, you've been wrong about so much it's hard to keep up. To put it more directly the Jewish people for the most part are not black (of African descent) and neither are any of the other groups I mentioned which is what triggers the white racists to engage in their cruel and racially motivated discrimination and violence.

Well my parents were never "poor", nor were my grandparents but we may have been a little privileged but it's not because we're black, it's because of our family connections. My dad was a tradesman and my mom retired from the county as a systems analyst. My dad learned his trade from his father, as did his brothers and my mom worked her way up from a key punch operator to a position response for hiring/firing personnel. I already mention her dad but again he was a fighter pilot in WWII, he's mentioned in several books about the Red Tails/Tuskegee Airmen while my dad's father is mentioned in several publications as well.

It's almost comical to watch you and the other racists lecturing us on what black people need to do to rise out of poverty when we were never in poverty as a family going back generations although we do know the plantation from where we descended.

Last I heard, a reunion was being organized for the descendents of the slaves (that's us) along with the owners of the plantation. It should be very interesting.
Couldn’t read your diatribe because you ignore what I say: you wrote upthread that Jews are not of African descent, and I replied that I never said we were. And you go right back to “Jews were not of African descent.”

And what do you mean that we were never in poverty as a family? I just said that my family - my grandparents - arrived here penniless, (fleeing antisemitism in Europe), uneducated, and not even speaking the language, and yet a generation later every one of their kids were college grads!

And before you race in with the excuse that Jews never experienced antisemitism, I’d say that focusing on your studies while your mother is crying in the next room because Hitler had just killed her own mother, and sister, and nieces, and nephews, IS experiencing antidemitism. So is knowing, as a teen, that the DEMOCRAT president turned the St. Louis Jews back to Europe because he would rather see them murdered than allow any more Jews into America, IS experiencing antidemitism.

So if my father and mother and aunt and uncle were able to move out of poverty amidst all this Jew-hate, by 1) getting an education, and 2) waiting to start their families until after marriage, there’s no reason blacks can’t take the same route and do the same.

Take your excuses and shove them.
I encountered Ray shortly after I became a member here back in 2018 and actually had a conversation with him that I thought went pretty well. However there are two things about him that always struck me as not fitting his persona:
1. I never could figure out if it was fear or aggression that caused him to choose his avatar because it definitely comes across as passive aggressive (the whole "never point your weapon at anyone or anything you're not willing to kill or destroy")
2. It's interesting that a self-admitted white separatist lives among black people. He explained how that came about but it seems to defy his identity that he hasn't separated from those he deems should have their own segregated space as should he.

Oh and I recently found out that he believes that the T.V. show Cops is a valid representation of black people in America. As disturbing as I find this revelation, it explains more than it impresses (meaning #1 & #2).

Then allow me to clear everything up for you:

My avatar is a representation of my support for self-defense in this country. Leftists are always trying to find ways to disarm the law abiding citizen, while in support of their leaders who give criminals a slap on the hand when they use this valuable instrument we call a gun in a crime. I always held the belief in self-defense. When I was in my early 20's, my home was broken into, and that's when I took my first interest in guns. When I got a little older I worked out with weights, joined martial arts, and studied until I reached black belt. I'm not a violent person either, but if somebody was looking for trouble, they didn't choose the 6'3" guy with a build to start trouble with. And if they did, I was more than plenty prepared.

When I moved here over 35 years ago as a renter, I fell in love with this place. Large back yard for a suburban property, outdoor fireplace, a community where everybody got along. Safe, secure, great schools and stores. So when it came up for sale a few years later, I bought it as a side business. Blacks moved in and began to destroy the city years later. White flight happened but I remained here because why should I move? We didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world by people who ran from trouble. My parents were aging and still live in this area. I want to be close by in case they need me for anything. My mother never had a drivers license in her life.

When blacks finished off the city, I began to look around. In their destruction my property value is only as much as I bought the place for nearly 30 years ago. White areas are much more expensive to live in, and how long will it take before blacks move there and start destroying those areas as well? I gave up that option because for one, my tenants are more like my friends and family to me, and during this rental shortage, I want to make sure they have a affordable place to live as long as I can. Two, late last summer I was diagnosed with cancer, and they gave me six months to a year to live. Chemo is doing very well, but it can't cure the cancer. It may only give me extended time. So what would be the point of selling out and moving now?

The show COPS is not a reenactment. It's footage of actual police work and the suspects are not actors. It ties hand and hand with what our police go through here. I often listen to my police scanner, and with all the trouble blacks cause, I see it from time to time right on my street.
Why are the people of Appalachia living in generational poverty? Why aren't you lecturing them?

There are no jobs around for one. Two, they are not crying out for help or blaming anybody but themselves. Three, they are really not in poverty. They make less but have a lower cost of living, so they are not really poor unless you are comparing them to others around the country in commie states where you need to make a lot more just to have a standard home.
Calling black people Sambos is very racist and you know it although that is one of your milder comments.

As far as your last statement, you're completely deranged, I don't engage in activities of control, I deal with consequences.
I’m not calling black people Sambos (that name was suggested to me by another poster) anymore than liberals are calling white people Karen’s,) That name is for whites like you who make excuses for blacks’ poor choices that lead to poverty.

Also, why pick on ME, rather than the poster who suggested I use that name? Could it be because your resentment toward Jews, who have proven people can rise above bigotry and become successful, has made you zero in on me as a target?

And you say you deal with consequences? How about dealing with the actions that CAUSE them? Should we just pretend that blacks are poor - well, the subset we are talking about - because….racism…..rather than the actions of having babies in their teens and dropping out of school? Would you prefer we just encourage that behavior, or at least not discourage it, because then you all can claim “they‘re poor! Because racism! We deserve reparations!”
As far as your last statement, you're completely deranged, I don't engage in activities of control, I deal with consequences.

I'm glad you feel that way.

In an article written by Matt Levin for CALmatters, a disturbing statistic was revealed. Three out of four black boys (75%) failed to meet the reading and writing requirements, and more than half of them scored in the lowest category on the English portion of the test.

Black boys are already more likely to be suspended and to drop out of school than other demographics in California and elsewhere, so the reading data adds on to an already troubling set of statistics plaguing black boys in school.

The data shows that by fourth grade, nearly 80 percent of black boys failed to meet state reading standards, and of all the data collected by the state, black boys trailed black girls by the widest margin.

Certainly scores aren’t the only educational area in which black boys trail their peers. African-American boys are more likely to be suspended and drop out of school than other demographic groups, in California and elsewhere.

But the reading data is sobering. As early as fourth grade, for example, nearly 80 percent of black boys failed to meet state reading standards. Of all ethnic groups for which the state collects data, black boys trailed black girls by the widest margin.

In California, whites are a minority in that state, but they attend the very same schools as blacks and Hispanics among others. What this clearly demonstrates is the lack of educational interest by black parents.
I'm glad you feel that way.

In an article written by Matt Levin for CALmatters, a disturbing statistic was revealed. Three out of four black boys (75%) failed to meet the reading and writing requirements, and more than half of them scored in the lowest category on the English portion of the test.

Black boys are already more likely to be suspended and to drop out of school than other demographics in California and elsewhere, so the reading data adds on to an already troubling set of statistics plaguing black boys in school.

The data shows that by fourth grade, nearly 80 percent of black boys failed to meet state reading standards, and of all the data collected by the state, black boys trailed black girls by the widest margin.

Certainly scores aren’t the only educational area in which black boys trail their peers. African-American boys are more likely to be suspended and drop out of school than other demographic groups, in California and elsewhere.

But the reading data is sobering. As early as fourth grade, for example, nearly 80 percent of black boys failed to meet state reading standards. Of all ethnic groups for which the state collects data, black boys trailed black girls by the widest margin.

In California, whites are a minority in that state, but they attend the very same schools as blacks and Hispanics among others. What this clearly demonstrates is the lack of educational interest by black parents.
Yet our government schools continue to pass failing students. It can be argued these schools are failing many, not just young blacks. Thus they are destined to a life of poverty and many resort to crime. It’s a perpetual cycle that the establishment seems fine with.
Yet our government schools continue to pass failing students. It can be argued these schools are failing many, not just young blacks. Thus they are destined to a life of poverty and many resort to crime. It’s a perpetual cycle that the establishment seems fine with.
Definitely! In Baltimore, for example, where the student body in public schools are overwhelmingly black, virtually nobody is proficient in math or English. In one high school, only ONE student squeaked by with a passing score.

Wouldn‘t it be to these kids‘ benefit to focus not only on the basic academics, but include vocational classes as well so they will have a marketable skill upon graduation? Instead, we have the left insistent on teaching them how oppressed they are by racists, and then graduating them with 8th grade mastery of basic English and math, NO job skills, and the brainwashing that it’s the whites’ fault they can’t get a job better than McDonalds.
Definitely! In Baltimore, for example, where the student body in public schools are overwhelmingly black, virtually nobody is proficient in math or English. In one high school, only ONE student squeaked by with a passing score.

Wouldn‘t it be to these kids‘ benefit to focus not only on the basic academics, but include vocational classes as well so they will have a marketable skill upon graduation? Instead, we have the left insistent on teaching them how oppressed they are by racists, and then graduating them with 8th grade mastery of basic English and math, NO job skills, and the brainwashing that it’s the whites’ fault they can’t get a job better than McDonalds.

I don't know about vocational. We had a vocational school when I was a kid. The problem was by the time you got through it, advancements were developed that made the education almost worthless.

What we can do however is teach teens in high school finances and investments. A lot of kids, especially from lower income families believe the only chances at financial success is being born in the right family, having the ability to make a rap song, or exceptionally talented in sports. Other than that, the only way to riches is a life of crime.

I would be willing to bet that if you ask any high school graduate what they know about finances, they wouldn't be able to tell you. Get out of high school, go to college for whatever, and spend the next 20 years repaying your six figure loan. They know nothing about the stock market, nothing about an IRA, how to open up a business, real estate investments, compound interest, credit cards, the commodities market. These courses should be taught as part of a mandatory curriculum.

It reminds me of something that happened years ago. A customer of ours was bought out by a much larger company. I went there for a pickup during lunch. I like to BS with the guys and had nothing to do anyway until they got off of lunch. It was segregated. The white workers sat in one group and the blacks in another. The discussion at hand in the white group was the stock benefits their new company gave them. They were talking about growth rate, history of the company, the ability to purchase additional stock at a discounted price, that sort of thing. Before they got off I went to the shipper to inform him I was there for the pickup when they were done. He was a black guy and kind of the supervisor of shipping and packing. So I asked him what he thought of the new stocks they got. His reply was telling. He said "I don't know nothing about no stocks. All I know is I make my money here (pointing to the floor) and it go into here" pointing to his right pocket.

If you are fortunate enough to have parents that learned about investments, that's great. But if you don't, it should be taught in our public schools.
Definitely! In Baltimore, for example, where the student body in public schools are overwhelmingly black, virtually nobody is proficient in math or English. In one high school, only ONE student squeaked by with a passing score.

Wouldn‘t it be to these kids‘ benefit to focus not only on the basic academics, but include vocational classes as well so they will have a marketable skill upon graduation? Instead, we have the left insistent on teaching them how oppressed they are by racists, and then graduating them with 8th grade mastery of basic English and math, NO job skills, and the brainwashing that it’s the whites’ fault they can’t get a job better than McDonalds.
Why have the elite/establishment allowed generations of poor Americans the inability to access a quality education? I believe this is the main reason many Americans including blacks, have been relegated to a life of poverty. If you can’t effectively read, write, or handle basic math you’re unlikely to rise from poverty or make the right choices in life.

In many ways this is a failure of government and the elites who control it. It makes one consider the elites want it this way.
Yet our government schools continue to pass failing students. It can be argued these schools are failing many, not just young blacks. Thus they are destined to a life of poverty and many resort to crime. It’s a perpetual cycle that the establishment seems fine with.

I don't know if it's an establishment thing or a union thing. Failing students reflect badly on a teacher even though in most cases it's not a teachers fault. Parents who don't involve themselves in their childrens education end up with a failing child and the teacher simply gives up. Pass these kids to the next grade and your problem is solved. Don't be worried about getting fired. The union will make sure that never happens.

We have to get the best talent from other countries. Our new adults simply don't have the necessary primary education to take any difficult college courses. How is it the US spends the most per capita on education and countries that spend much less have better outcomes? When the discussion comes up, the leftists claim that we don't spend enough money and that's the problem.
I don't know if it's an establishment thing or a union thing. Failing students reflect badly on a teacher even though in most cases it's not a teachers fault. Parents who don't involve themselves in their childrens education end up with a failing child and the teacher simply gives up. Pass these kids to the next grade and your problem is solved. Don't be worried about getting fired. The union will make sure that never happens.

We have to get the best talent from other countries. Our new adults simply don't have the necessary primary education to take any difficult college courses. How is it the US spends the most per capita on education and countries that spend much less have better outcomes? When the discussion comes up, the leftists claim that we don't spend enough money and that's the problem.
The public school system has certainly failed millions of Americans for several decades now. Yet little is done to rectify this problem. Instead of working diligently to improve education for all Americans which greatly benefits our nation, little is done by the establishment.

This among other reasons is why we as a nation are failing.

We spend the most on many things, yet still fail.
The public school system has certainly failed millions of Americans for several decades now. Yet little is done to rectify this problem. Instead of working diligently to improve education for all Americans which greatly benefits our nation, little is done by the establishment.

This among other reasons is why we as a nation are failing.

We spend the most on many things, yet still fail.

My experience is that parents are not involved with their childrens' education. Teachers can't do it alone like police can't fight crime alone. These are small group of people expected to make life great for thousands.

A personal example is about ten years ago my neighbor bought a free standing basketball hoop. Before you knew it the entire neighborhood was here and kids from streets away. On school days they'd play right into the night. At 10:00 I had to tell them to knock it off or call the police. One of the kids was seven years old.

What chance does a teacher have trying to teach kids like this? Why were the parent(s) not there to drag the child home and make sure his homework was done; at the very least, make sure they had ample sleep to be alert for school the next day?

When my niece was in school her grades were failing. She was skipping classes as well. She was in a private Catholic school that my sister and her ex were paying 13K a year for. When my sister was alerted of the problem, she immediately grounded her daughter and drastically cut her television and video game time. She spent every night with her not only doing her current homework, but catching up on all the homework she didn't do before.

When you're paying for your kids education with checks, you make sure you're getting your monies worth. Maybe the solution is to stop taxing people who don't have kids in school and lay the burden on the parents that do?
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
No, it's racism. Whites like you need to shut up about things you know nothing about.
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Ben Shapiro has prominently published the formula for "success" in America:
  • Stay in School (at least a HS diploma),
  • Get a job - they are ubiquitous, and
  • Don't have kids outside marriage.
Parenthetically on the third point, one should take the middle-class approach and, in addition to being married, make sure you have the means to support, nurture, and educate a child before popping one out.

None of the three points has anything to do with "race" (which, I'm told, does not exist unless you want it to). But as for "white privilege" one might note that the BLS has calculated that a "white" child in a single parent household is FOUR TIMES MORE LIKELY to be living in poverty than a Black child in a two-parent home. The numbers are approximately, 20% and 5%.
You are incorrect.
In 2017, Demos published a study titled, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.” On page 10 this statement is written: "The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."

Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap, pg. 10 Value of Whiteness_0.pdf
My experience is that parents are not involved with their childrens' education. Teachers can't do it alone like police can't fight crime alone. These are small group of people expected to make life great for thousands.

A personal example is about ten years ago my neighbor bought a free standing basketball hoop. Before you knew it the entire neighborhood was here and kids from streets away. On school days they'd play right into the night. At 10:00 I had to tell them to knock it off or call the police. One of the kids was seven years old.

What chance does a teacher have trying to teach kids like this? Why were the parent(s) not there to drag the child home and make sure his homework was done; at the very least, make sure they had ample sleep to be alert for school the next day?

When my niece was in school her grades were failing. She was skipping classes as well. She was in a private Catholic school that my sister and her ex were paying 13K a year for. When my sister was alerted of the problem, she immediately grounded her daughter and drastically cut her television and video game time. She spent every night with her not only doing her current homework, but catching up on all the homework she didn't do before.

When you're paying for your kids education with checks, you make sure you're getting your monies worth. Maybe the solution is to stop taxing people who don't have kids in school and lay the burden on the parents that do?
We’ve always had bad parents and always will. We can’t fix that. We can fix bad schools, but the establishment has chosen not to.

Schools used to be able to discipline students and sometimes that discipline was harsh. This kept kids in line. Today there is no discipline. I suspect this is the problem.

Personal Experience:
When I was in grade school the principal could spank a child with a paddle. He hung that paddle on the wall in the hallway outside his office, for all the students to see. I never received it my rear end, but I knew kids who did. They didn’t act up again.

I had a teacher in second grade who lined up several unruly boys in front of class and had them put out their hands palms up. She then proceeded to whack them with a thick wooden ruler. It makes a big impression on a child.
We’ve always had bad parents and always will. We can’t fix that. We can fix bad schools, but the establishment has chosen not to.

Schools used to be able to discipline students and sometimes that discipline was harsh. This kept kids in line. Today there is no discipline. I suspect this is the problem.

Personal Experience:
When I was in grade school the principal could spank a child with a paddle. He hung that paddle on the wall in the hallway outside his office, for all the students to see. I never received it my rear end, but I knew kids who did. They didn’t act up again.

I had a teacher in second grade who lined up several unruly boys in front of class and had them put out their hands palms up. She then proceeded to whack them with a thick wooden ruler. It makes a big impression on a child.

It has nothing to do with establishment, it has to do with parents and lawyers. If a teacher hits a kid today they could find themselves in a lawsuit. A friend (and former tenant) of mine is a teacher. He told me when a fight breaks out, all they are allowed to do is break it up. If the kid hits him, all he can legally do is take him to the office. He can't strike him back, not even a whack on the ass with his hand. In doing so he'd immediately be fired and probably never work as a teacher again.

The prisoners are running the prisons.
In 2017, Demos published a study titled, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.” On page 10 this statement is written: "The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."

Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap, pg. 10 Value of Whiteness_0.pdf

Okay, and what's your point?

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