The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Exactly. My parents grew up dirt-poor, in tenements, to uneducated immigrants parents. They had no generational wealth, either.

What they did get from their parents was an emphasis on good values: discipline, motivation, the willingness to delay gratification for later success, the desire for a good education, and the pride that comes from supporting oneself with hard work.

This generational wealth myth is just that. It’s every bit a lie as “hands up….don’t shoot” was.
Well that's a exhaustive study. Lol
Exactly. My parents grew up dirt-poor, in tenements, to uneducated immigrants parents. They had no generational wealth, either.

What they did get from their parents was an emphasis on good values: discipline, motivation, the willingness to delay gratification for later success, the desire for a good education, and the pride that comes from supporting oneself with hard work.

This generational wealth myth is just that. It’s every bit a lie as “hands up….don’t shoot” was.

He's a sock. He writes just like that asshole I have on ignore Danny Palos or something like that.
I read it too. It was from a liberal source that talked about the FHA, instituted more than 50 years ago.

If leftists want to blame black poverty on racism, and ignore personal responsibility and wise choices, then they need to get with the 21st century, where blacks are actually favored over whites - now more than ever, and stop talking about how it was two generations ago.

Banks decide whom to lend to based on risk:reward, and a black family and a white family with an identical application - demonstrating the same character, collateral, and credit - with the same income, and both applying for a home in the same area, will be given the same consideration.

Leave to a Jew to defend the Banksters.

Let's get real. White people make as many dumb choices as black people. The difference is, white people have a whole network of support systems to make up for it when they do fuck up.

Exactly! All these leftists do is talk about how racism used to exist generations ago. There’s very little of it now, and in fact, in today’s upside-down climate, there’s more racism against whites. When did you ever hear a president announce an opening for a SCOTUS nominee, or the VP, and proudly brag that he was going to exclude all whites from consideration?

Uh, okay.

There have been 116 Justices of the Supreme Court. 112 of them have been white people, and of those, 108 have been white men.
There have been 49 Vice Presidents of the United States. 48 of them have been white men.

And as far as redlining, you’re correct of course. It was a business decisions. Banks were reluctant to lend for houses in inner-city black neighborhoods because property values did not hold up as well, if not fall dramatically, and the loan was no longer fully collateralized. Thus, the lender was not protected in the event of a default.

Again, leave it to the Jews to defend the Banksters, most of whom need to be in prison.

The ironic thing was that the anti-Redlining laws kept the banks from making risky loans in the inner city, but the busted out the economy selling McMansions to stupid white people looking to flip houses.
Redlining is still going on... I guess the banks don't like Money that much.

Fifty years after the federal Fair Housing Act banned racial discrimination in lending, African Americans and Latinos continue to be routinely denied conventional mortgage loans at rates far higher than their white counterparts.

This modern-day redlining persisted in 61 metro areas even when controlling for applicants' income, loan amount and neighborhood, according to millions of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act records analyzed by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting.

The yearlong analysis, based on 31 million records, relied on techniques used by leading academics, the Federal Reserve and Department of Justice to identify lending disparities.

It found a pattern of troubling denials for people of color across the country, including in major metropolitan areas such as Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, Rockford, Ill., St. Louis and San Antonio. African Americans faced the most resistance in Southern cities - Mobile, Alabama; Greenville, North Carolina; and Gainesville, Florida - and Latinos in Iowa City, Iowa.

No matter their location, loan applicants told similar stories, describing an uphill battle with loan officers who they said seemed to be fishing for a reason to say no.

"I had a fair amount of savings and still had so much trouble just left and right," said Rachelle Faroul, a 33-year-old black woman who was rejected twice by lenders when she tried to buy a brick row house close to Malcolm X Park in Philadelphia, where African Americans were 2.7 times as likely as whites to be denied a conventional mortgage.
Wait, there's more. Welfare Ray will probably claim they didn't wear a nice enough suit.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which ensures consumers are financially protected, released a report on Tuesday that found evidence of lenders violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which banned housing discrimination. Specifically, examiners in the bureau found lenders engaged in practices that discouraged prospective applicants in minority communities from applying for credit and targeted marketing in majority-white neighborhoods.

The agency's press release detailed that lenders located their offices in "almost exclusively" majority-white neighborhoods, only used pictures of white people in marketing campaigns, and published loan officer headshots of "almost exclusively" white people.

Wait. What? Didn't Karen558 tell us for WEEKS about how only black people were being used in advertising these days and this was a virtual holocaust of white people?
And wait, even more, from that Commie Rag, Bloomberg.

Some recent cases, however, show that not only is redlining alive today, but that it’s also evolved in many cases into racist practices that aren’t as detectable as they were during Jim Crow.

Cities have been trying to head off the nefarious housing practices and effects, too, with a number filing suits against banks and companies suspected of a variety of steering practices. One common form of this is predatory lending, where banks reserve high-interest loans almost exclusively for people of color, what’s sometimes called “reverse redlining.” Another comes in the form of a company’s refusal to deliver services, like utilities, to neighborhoods with large black and Latino populations.
And wait, even more, from that Commie Rag, Bloomberg.

Some recent cases, however, show that not only is redlining alive today, but that it’s also evolved in many cases into racist practices that aren’t as detectable as they were during Jim Crow.

Cities have been trying to head off the nefarious housing practices and effects, too, with a number filing suits against banks and companies suspected of a variety of steering practices. One common form of this is predatory lending, where banks reserve high-interest loans almost exclusively for people of color, what’s sometimes called “reverse redlining.” Another comes in the form of a company’s refusal to deliver services, like utilities, to neighborhoods with large black and Latino populations.
These guys are terrified of debate
Oh wait…….I see you just joined TODAY, and all already coming out accusing conservatives of racism and making snide remarks.

You are apparently such a POS leftist that you were banned, and have now resurfaced under a new name.

End of discussion.
You'll never be able to reason with this loser. He's apparently highly skilled, after much practice, at making never-ending excuses for Blacks who still CHOOSE to fail.

It's easier to bitch and moan about being "oppressed," and to riot, loot, and accuse whitey of being a great big meanie - than it is to get off your lazy ass and earn your keep, like a man.

These born whiners are dragging the entire nation down. Perpetual whiners, like those BLM losers and their supporters will NEVER be an asset to this country.

This clown belongs on your Sambo list. He's obviously determined to remain a waste of space.
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You'll never be able to reason with this loser. He's apparently highly skilled, after much practice, at making never-ending excuses for Blacks who still CHOOSE to fail.

It's easier to bitch and moan about being "oppressed," and rioting, looting, and accusing whitey of being a great big meanie - than it is to get off your lazy ads and learn your keep.

These born whiners are dragging the entire nation down. Perpetual whiners, like those BLM losers and their supporters will NEVER be an asset to this country.

This clown belongs on your Sambo list. He's obviously determined to remain a waste of space.
Yeah, I’m sending him to the same place that antisemite Joe is. That’s where I put all the Sambos!

I honestly do think the reason that so many Democrats are so resentful of Jews - it shows up with all the Jew-hating venom they spew - is because we are living proof that bigotry doesn’t keep people back. (Same with the Asians).

I mean, how can they keep blaming racism for the black underclass failing to move out of poverty when Jews, persecuted for millennia, arrived here penniless and uneducated, and a generation later, their kids all have college and grad degrees?

The end objective with all the excuses about racism, and the teaching of CRT to convince our kids that blacks are all oppressed victims is….reparations. No way, Jose. Blacks can earn their way out of poverty the same way the Jews did.

Im with you. I am SO sick of of the excuses. Just stay in school and don’t f without birth control. That’s it.
Yeah, I’m sending him to the same place that antisemite Joe is. That’s where I put all the Sambos!

I honestly do think the reason that so many Democrats are so resentful of Jews - it shows up with all the Jew-hating venom they spew - is because we are living proof that bigotry doesn’t keep people back. (Same with the Asians).

Sambos? Yeah, you're not racist.

It's nice to be able to switch off a minority status like you can do. You are white when you want to be white, and Jewish when you want to be Jewish and play the victim card.

I mean, how can they keep blaming racism for the black underclass failing to move out of poverty when Jews, persecuted for millennia, arrived here penniless and uneducated, and a generation later, their kids all have college and grad degrees?

Because you can switch it on and off whenever you want... that's the thing.

The end objective with all the excuses about racism, and the teaching of CRT to convince our kids that blacks are all oppressed victims is….reparations. No way, Jose. Blacks can earn their way out of poverty the same way the Jews did.

Actually, we don't teach kids nearly enough how bad our racism is. As stated, I watched a video on debt peonage in the South between reconstruction and the 1940's. How blacks would be convicted of absolutely petty crimes, and then forced to work for free for white people.

I have a degree in history. I was never taught about this. Never heard about it. Heard about Jim Crow, yeah, but not this sort of thing.
I was trying to figure out which POS leftist he was. You’re right…he sounds like that obnoxious Danny.

Lol I wasn't sure if you knew him or not with you only being here less than a year. I thought he might have left from people getting sick of hearing the same shit over and over again like OCD Joe. I'm sure a lot of people just ignore him now and he created a sock to start all over again.
Sure thing and Trump is a really good guy and the republicans all walked out of the SCOTUS confirmation to go to the bathroom and QAnon lady is smart person, - egad, you people are sad.

'Faces of poverty: What racial, social groups are more likely to experience it?'

For those who think read Caste for a bit of reality.

'It's More Than Racism: Isabel Wilkerson Explains America's 'Caste' System'

Old post:

What are your thoughts on Democrats saying that minorities are too stupid to get IDs or use a computer? Have you seen the videos where they ask democrats on college campuses if getting an ID is racist? A man named Van has a review channel called LFR family, and it blows his mind what democrats really think about minorities.
Speaking as a black Democrat, I like it when Democrats make excuses for us and I appreciate they put us into a racial class, because segregation distinctions and excuses are bitchn', and it's nice to know we receive a crutch, because less is expected of us.
The shocking not so soft racism by the democrat party is sickening. I just posted a reply about the videos where they ask democrats on college campuses questions about minorities getting IDs. It is gross. One of my favorite review sites, LFR family, has a guy named Van who is watching all kinds of videos from Thomas Sowell to Ben Shapiro to get other perspectives. He is a black man from DC. He is shocked by some of the behavior of the people on 'his' side. He is getting threats and losing some viewers for just watching these videos.
Most black problems are due to bad decisions
. They make decisions with zero long term thinking
Most black problems are due to bad decisions
. They make decisions with zero long term thinking
I think it is important to note that poor decisions is not a 'black' thing. It is a poverty thing. Plenty of white people have kids with no fathers and drop out of school. It is just that white people can't blame their poverty on their skin color.
Lol I wasn't sure if you knew him or not with you only being here less than a year. I thought he might have left from people getting sick of hearing the same shit over and over again like OCD Joe. I'm sure a lot of people just ignore him now and he created a sock to start all over again.
Yeah, he’s on ignore - and now that Otto is too. It‘s frightening to see how many hypocritical haters we now have in this country who get joy at spewing venom at other Americans. It’s actually pretty unreal how quickly they turned into…..well…..whatever it is they are now.

My sister thinks that they have been brainwashed by the media like MSNBC and need mental help.

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