The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Catholics (real ones) don't like this advice.

Worst part of birth control is that some methods actually cause a woman to get pregnant but then expel the child before he or she can implant in the uterus..

which of course is not prevention of life but destruction of it

So you‘re saying all the black girls having babies they can’t afford object to birth control, and THAT is why they are getting pregnant? ha.
I did read it. That's how I know what was in it and you don't.
I read it too. It was from a liberal source that talked about the FHA, instituted more than 50 years ago.

If leftists want to blame black poverty on racism, and ignore personal responsibility and wise choices, then they need to get with the 21st century, where blacks are actually favored over whites - now more than ever, and stop talking about how it was two generations ago.

Banks decide whom to lend to based on risk:reward, and a black family and a white family with an identical application - demonstrating the same character, collateral, and credit - with the same income, and both applying for a home in the same area, will be given the same consideration.
Bubonic plague
Churches protecting child molesters

BUT, in any case...

People have been on this planet for 200k years.
I wouldn't brag about a 1% success rate.
In a modern culture of “what have you done lately” europeans, including Americans, have been dominating the world for the last 500 of those 200k years

and thats the reality that drives libs nuts
I read it too. It was from a liberal source that talked about the FHA, instituted more than 50 years ago.

If leftists want to blame black poverty on racism, and ignore personal responsibility and wise choices, then they need to get with the 21st century, where blacks are actually favored over whites - now more than ever, and stop talking about how it was two generations ago.

Banks decide whom to lend to based on risk:reward, and a black family and a white family with an identical application - demonstrating the same character, collateral, and credit - with the same income, and both applying for a home in the same area, will be given the same consideration.
Racism exists
I'm not going to read any of your links if they don't address what was being discussed. It's a waste of my time. First of all it discusses the former practice of red lining. Red lining is what banks did to assure they were not making bad loans in areas where property values declined and continued to decline. It was not race based, but security based. Nobody wants to lend money to people who have no ability to repay the loan or housing that will be worth less than the money that was borrowed. If the loan goes bad, there is no way for a bank to recover their losses.

This is an opinion piece and not fact. What I asked for was evidence that black people were discriminated against because of skin color and no other financial reason.
Exactly! All these leftists do is talk about how racism used to exist generations ago. There’s very little of it now, and in fact, in today’s upside-down climate, there’s more racism against whites. When did you ever hear a president announce an opening for a SCOTUS nominee, or the VP, and proudly brag that he was going to exclude all whites from consideration?

And as far as redlining, you’re correct of course. It was a business decisions. Banks were reluctant to lend for houses in inner-city black neighborhoods because property values did not hold up as well, if not fall dramatically, and the loan was no longer fully collateralized. Thus, the lender was not protected in the event of a default.
Exactly! All these leftists do is talk about how racism used to exist generations ago. There’s very little of it now, and in fact, in today’s upside-down climate, there’s more racism against whites. When did you ever hear a president announce an opening for a SCOTUS nominee, or the VP, and proudly brag that he was going to exclude all whites from consideration?

And as far as redlining, you’re correct of course. It was a business decisions. Banks were reluctant to lend for houses in inner-city black neighborhoods because property values did not hold up as well, if not fall dramatically, and the loan was no longer fully collateralized. Thus, the lender was not protected in the event of a default.
Again, old news. If there is a segment of the black population that remains mired in poverty, despite the favoritism given to them via two generations of affirmative action, then the fault lies with them and their bad life choices - not racism.
I read it too. It was from a liberal source that talked about the FHA, instituted more than 50 years ago.

If leftists want to blame black poverty on racism, and ignore personal responsibility and wise choices, then they need to get with the 21st century, where blacks are actually favored over whites - now more than ever, and stop talking about how it was two generations ago.

Banks decide whom to lend to based on risk:reward, and a black family and a white family with an identical application - demonstrating the same character, collateral, and credit - with the same income, and both applying for a home in the same area, will be given the same consideration.

The banks only care about one thing like any other business, and that is profit. Why would any bank or bank President not want to make profit from people of color? It defies all business sense and practices.
Well you said you didnt read it. But it's the evidence you asked for

So where in your article does it say blacks were discriminated against because of skin color? Nowhere. Again, they talk about making safe investments which many black areas are not. It's no different than if a white person went for a loan where housing and property values are falling. They're not going to get a loan.

Now when I went to get a loan for my properties (and this was nearly 30 years ago) the banks gave me a hard time. I'm white, had excellent credit, a job I was at over a year, a thriving career, and yet they didn't want to make the loans. Why? Because rental property was considered a higher risk than just a plain home loan. Statistically, landlords allow rental property to go to hell. All they cared about was making money on them.

When Clinton ordered lower standards so more blacks could get loans, it led to the housing crash of 2008. They were giving loans to just about anybody and those people didn't understand what they were getting into. The government not only allowed them to sell those loans on the market, but falsely gave those loans a triple A rating so they could be sold off.
So where in your article does it say blacks were discriminated against because of skin color? Nowhere. Again, they talk about making safe investments which many black areas are not. It's no different than if a white person went for a loan where housing and property values are falling. They're not going to get a loan.

Now when I went to get a loan for my properties (and this was nearly 30 years ago) the banks gave me a hard time. I'm white, had excellent credit, a job I was at over a year, a thriving career, and yet they didn't want to make the loans. Why? Because rental property was considered a higher risk than just a plain home loan. Statistically, landlords allow rental property to go to hell. All they cared about was making money on them.

When Clinton ordered lower standards so more blacks could get loans, it led to the housing crash of 2008. They were giving loans to just about anybody and those people didn't understand what they were getting into. The government not only allowed them to sell those loans on the market, but falsely gave those loans a triple A rating so they could be sold off.
Well all of that is made up nonsense
So where in your article does it say blacks were discriminated against because of skin color? Nowhere. Again, they talk about making safe investments which many black areas are not. It's no different than if a white person went for a loan where housing and property values are falling. They're not going to get a loan.

Now when I went to get a loan for my properties (and this was nearly 30 years ago) the banks gave me a hard time. I'm white, had excellent credit, a job I was at over a year, a thriving career, and yet they didn't want to make the loans. Why? Because rental property was considered a higher risk than just a plain home loan. Statistically, landlords allow rental property to go to hell. All they cared about was making money on them.

When Clinton ordered lower standards so more blacks could get loans, it led to the housing crash of 2008. They were giving loans to just about anybody and those people didn't understand what they were getting into. The government not only allowed them to sell those loans on the market, but falsely gave those loans a triple A rating so they could be sold off.
Exactly. The Democrats were all about “equity” even then, and they just wanted blacks to be able to buy a house, whether they could afford it or not. Their insistence that unqualified blacks get approved for loans no matter what brought on the subprime disaster and the Great Recession.

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