The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I find that leftists so enamored of their own moral superiority, as they see it of course, is that they become fixated on people who won’t submit to their harmful, leftist attitudes. Beyond that, of course, is that they don’t recognize their own hypocrisy, but that is a sign of a narcissist - can’t recognize that anything they do or say could be wrong, so they lash out others who bring it to the forefront. It’s called “narcissistic rage,” and I’ve been on the receiving end of it myself by some of these holier-than-though leftists.

In fact, ever notice how they pick names for themselves that just screech “better than others”? The Forward Party, progressives, etc?

I've always said that liberals have the mentality of a child. For instance your son thinks he's Spider Man. You show him there is no such thing as a Spider Man, but he insists he is in spite of the evidence you show him. It's how children think. You can't have an intelligent debate with somebody like that.

So they believe when a man thinks he's a woman, it's God that screwed up, not the guy who thinks he's a woman. Instead of realizing the problem is in the mind, they think the mind is fine. It's the body that's the problem so change that instead.
Well I fear that is what they plan to do. The Dems have already said that it’s better for poor people to have them live among the affluent. Of course, it’s worse for the affluent - especially what happens to the schools - but Dems don’t care about that. In fact, they WANT to bring the affluent down because…..equity.

Well, you pee yourself when you see a mere PICTURE of a black person at a mall. I imagine we'd need a hazmat crew to come in if you met one in person.
I've always said that liberals have the mentality of a child. For instance your son thinks he's Spider Man. You show him there is no such thing as a Spider Man, but he insists he is in spite of the evidence you show him. It's how children think. You can't have an intelligent debate with somebody like that.

So they believe when a man thinks he's a woman, it's God that screwed up, not the guy who thinks he's a woman. Instead of realizing the problem is in the mind, they think the mind is fine. It's the body that's the problem so change that instead.

How come you can't tell me why Transsexualities are bad without comparing it to something like dogs or Spiderman?

If a person thinks they are a different gender, how does that effect your life?
Oh, bullshit. Being white means you are more likely to get a job, more likely to be treated civilly by police, and the list goes on.

Wrong, but obviously it makes you feel better to think otherwise. It soothes your indoctrinated inner soul.

Sigh. I'd rather live in a Northern city than a southern trailer park,

Yeah, that is all we have down here. Zillow much?

When I pointed out to him that the ONLY reason why he makes good money with no college and limited skills, is because a Democrat thought he should be well-compensated for doing a truly unpleasant job. He wasn't happy to hear that.. Then I pointed out what garbagemen are paid out here in the Republican Suburbs where I lived at the time. Yup. they make $15.00 an hour working for a private company.

Do you think he SHOULD make as much as a mid-level engineer in middle America? I mean that is the real problem. In reality, we shouldn’t pay a burger flipper or a garbage man the same or close to as much as an engineer. The idea that we should is the problem with the Democratic Party platform and with Democrats in general.
Well I fear that is what they plan to do. The Dems have already said that it’s better for poor people to have them live among the affluent. Of course, it’s worse for the affluent - especially what happens to the schools - but Dems don’t care about that. In fact, they WANT to bring the affluent down because…..equity.

The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. The evidence is clear that when you move lowlifes into nice areas, they simply destroy them. I've seen that first hand here, where I was born, and where I grew up. All great areas at one time.
If a person thinks they are a different gender, how does that effect your life?

In my case, I don’t care what they think, but don’t expect me to make special accommodations for their delusions nor should my government make special accommodations. They can think whatever they would like, but when it comes to checking male or female in a box or competing in male or female sports, their delusions should not be taken into consideration.
Yeah, I put up with it for a while but now it's getting old. Who wants to read the same shit over and over and over again for two and a half years. I can't imagine being so Fd up in the head that I'd be obsessed about somebody else's life on the internet for that long. I'll give a person advice but if they won't take it, I have my own problems to deal with yet alone theirs.

You could try to not be such a misanthrope, but I doubt you can...

I just find it hilarious that you are giving ANYONE advice when your own life is such a fucking mess.
Um, yeah... check this out. Young black man goes to college, and gets a commission in the US Army, and he gets treated like THIS.

And of course the ONLY reason this happened was because he was black, right? It couldn’t have been that he resisted arrest, or that he ran, or that the cop just made a bad decision. I mean, if this guys was white and did the exact same thing, there is no way this cop would have reacted the same, right?
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.
That's in the running for dumbest post of the day by a right winger. But the day is young and there's lots of competition.
Wrong, but obviously it makes you feel better to think otherwise. It soothes your indoctrinated inner soul.

Again, I was more right wing than you are until 2008. Then I got my first real taste of what discrimination was like, when my young punk boss decided that he was going to fuck over my career because I had medical issues and was "too old" (He actually said that.)

Now, I've always been fair minded on matters of race, and tried to put my concerns about the subtle racism of a Bush to the side. (As opposed to the blatant racism of Trump). But actually getting to experience discrimination was kind of an eye-opener for me.

Yeah, that is all we have down here. Zillow much?

Nope, just visited Jesusland on business and military assignments... you are still a third world country.

Do you think he SHOULD make as much as a mid-level engineer in middle America? I mean that is the real problem. In reality, we shouldn’t pay a burger flipper or a garbage man the same or close to as much as an engineer. The idea that we should is the problem with the Democratic Party platform and with Democrats in general.

Why not? Anyone who does a drudge job SHOULD get paid a living wage, period. Frankly, being an engineer, or for that matter, a procurement professional, is a pretty sweet job. Very little physical labor, you get to work in pleasant surroundings.
And of course the ONLY reason this happened was because he was black, right? It couldn’t have been that he resisted arrest, or that he ran, or that the cop just made a bad decision. I mean, if this guys was white and did the exact same thing, there is no way this cop would have reacted the same, right?

Actually, um, no... there was no real excuse for the cops doing this, but apparently he thought this was the appropriate way to treat a person of color, even though he was calm throughout the encounter and the cops were screaming like maniacs.
Actually, um, no... there was no real excuse for the cops doing this, but apparently he thought this was the appropriate way to treat a person of color, even though he was calm throughout the encounter and the cops were screaming like maniacs.

There is absolutely ZERO evidence that I am aware of that this cop’s reaction had anything to do with the guys skin color. That is you and your kind projecting.
In my case, I don’t care what they think, but don’t expect me to make special accommodations for their delusions nor should my government make special accommodations. They can think whatever they would like, but when it comes to checking male or female in a box or competing in male or female sports, their delusions should not be taken into consideration.

Why not?

Frankly, we make accommodations all the time. Frankly, I don't tell every God-botherer I encounter on the street that their beliefs are stupid. It's called common courtesy. (This board is another matter). I actually respect your right to have a delusion there's a magic fairy in the sky that loves you.

It's really no skin off your nose if someone checks "Female" on a box if they think they are female.
There is absolutely ZERO evidence that I am aware of that this cop’s reaction had anything to do with the guys skin color. That is you and your kind projecting.

You mean other than they screamed maniacally at him and assaulted him with pepper spray for a simple traffic infraction, even though they could clearly see he was a member of the armed forces?
That's in the running for dumbest post of the day by a right winger. But the day is young and there's lots of competition.
Unbelievable. You left wingers are so desperate to keep the black underclass poor and dependent (and voting for Dems) that you deny the obvious reason how they can move beyond it (worse….call anyone who points it out dumb).Simply:

1. Staying in school
2. Not having babies when you’re a kid yourself and can’t afford them

How do you think a big mass of uneducated, impoverished Jews arrived on these shores a century ago, and within a single generation, their kids were all middle class? By doing the above, at a minimum.
You could try to not be such a misanthrope, but I doubt you can...

I just find it hilarious that you are giving ANYONE advice when your own life is such a fucking mess.
And you could try not to be such an antisemite, but I doubt you can…

(The hypocrisy among these leftists is surreal.)
This is a classic case of "Blaming the Victim."

We're not going to discuss how a Black person of equal qualifications is less likely to be hired for good opportunities...
Nor will we discuss how people with "Black sounding names" don't even get interviews despite their qualifications...
We're going to blame them for having babies.

Educate yourself and your bigotry will evaporate and you'll just be a hateful racist.

Amazon product ASIN 0394722264
So should we discuss how blacks of LESSER qualifications are more likely to get into the Ivy League, or med school, or law school, than whites with BETTER qualifications?

Cry me a River. Blacks have been getting favored in admissions and hiring for decades now. I personally knew of two whites (they have died of old age since then, so it tells you how long it was going on) who sued because a much less qualified black got the promotion they went for, and guess what? They both won their cases.

Most whites don‘t sue when the racist liberals go agaisnt them, though. Too much time and effort that could be spent simply finding a job in a company NOT run by liberals. Then whites have a fair chance.
This is a classic case of "Blaming the Victim."

We're not going to discuss how a Black person of equal qualifications is less likely to be hired for good opportunities...
Nor will we discuss how people with "Black sounding names" don't even get interviews despite their qualifications...
We're going to blame them for having babies.

Educate yourself and your bigotry will evaporate and you'll just be a hateful racist.

Amazon product ASIN 0394722264
Oh stop with the fucking stupid excuse making.

Corporations because of lawsuits over blacks not being hired trip over themselves to hire any blacks even mildly qualified for a job to boost their race quotas. Far less is expected and required of blacks because of this.

The issues with blacks is that most expect the government to take care of them, so why work when they are used to the government subsidizing them. Many have absolutely no clue or moral compunction to EARN what you get which drives workers to be great workers. Which btw, also leads to no work ethic--no desire to work at work, to desire to show up on time, unreliable for even showing up for work, no desire to put in the extra effort that is required to get promoted that others most do in order to be promoted.

Then you have the ones who think everyone owes them---so they they carry this attitude to work and make all co-workers miserable, ignore their bosses, and piss off customers.

Then you have higher incidents of crimes which employers frown upon. Who wants a criminal and how are you supposed to pass a background check with a criminal history that creates a liability for the company.

Higher levels of single households which make it harder to raise kids by the women who have kids which causes work to suffer while the males often don't even stick around to raise their kids carry this ethic over to the work place -----and take no responsibility. Married males (and women) are seen as more realiable and thusly better workers than unmarried especially where kids are involved. A guy who doesn't even support and take care of his kids---is usually a shit employee as well.

Then you have iq/education. If you can't or barely can speak english (ebonics doesn't count) due to being stupid, uneducated, or having a drug tongue---do you really think someone should hire you?

However, if you are black with a work ethic and any skills--most companies will hire, will give raises, and quickly promote in order to retain and to boost their own race quotas. But the key is having a work ethic, no criminal record, and some basic skills----

Hint---blacks from the military are sought after by corporations because of this--so if you are a poor black--stay out trouble with the law, join the military (which promotes based on miniority status as well), work at all in the military, get promoted, get out and seek corporate management---you will be high demand even if you are a complete idiot and undeserving.

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