The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I’d put it at less than 10% as most Blacks want to live a peaceful and meaningful life just like everyone else.
You are way off. Because what you consider peaceful and meaningful is the maintenance of this and 90 percent or more of us who are black, not some white dude with an opinion, do not want this to continue.
He refuses to cite actual data lol. Ok, man, but down blame woke people for not buying that argument.

Nothing substantial other than the civil rights act, which, we forced white people to do. Everything else is pretty superficial. . 3/4 of whites hated King at the time of his death, they just had to kill em. If we're going to make substantial progress, we have to embrace woke doctrine and push policies that will, again, be considered cavalier to white people. I want to put trillions into more racism audits, and giving perpetrators millions in fines that go directly to the affected, and also impose jail sentences; make racism illegal and even punishable by the death penalty; give ADOS reparations; have black people establish some sort of Eugenics program to deal with problems of IQ that lie on the periphery as the cause of some black social ills. Then you can say we've made substantial progress.
I don't know about the eugenics part, but increasing enforcement against racism, I'm all for it.
Yeah. You make people dependent, they're gonna vote for their masters. Many Blacks are waking up. That 90% ain't gonna last forever.
The people who have been made dependent are whites. That's why you support the current white nationalist party in America-THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.
You are the fucking racist moron. YOU HATE WHITEY with a passion and never let a day go bay that you don't say it.
Wrong again. I don't like whites who are racists. Are you telling me that all whites are racist?
What they fail to realize is that the generations that they blame, did not start out better off than the previous generation.

It's a lie and a talking point.

EACH generation has to start out at the start, with nothing, and make the world a better place for themselves and others.

Today, it is far easier to survive and be alive and live, than it has ever been at any time since we began walking upright.
We blame this generation because whites continue practicing racism. Everything you say here is untrue.
Do you always enjoy calling people racists when they point out the truth? The fact is that lower income people spend more on lottery tickets than the middle class, and the average income of blacks is lower than whites.

Wow, you mean poor people are more likely to waste money on lottery tickets when the state aggressively markets to them? AMAZING!

Like the lottery tickets, I see it all the time here. Kids with kids. Bottom line is when 25% of your girls are getting impregnated and 33% of your guys have felonies, it's not a wonder why they are being held back in society, but whites are not responsible for that, blacks do this to themselves. Now you post another phony story about employment discrimination. We've had laws against that the last couple of generations. Again, that study isn't an apples to apples comparison.

We've been over this, Welfare Ray... White kids get probation, Black kids get convictions. White kids get abortions and contraception, black kids get stuck with unwanted babies.

Are you arguing that just having a law was good enough? You never seem to think that does any good with gun control.

The most common excuse I’ve heard is that Jews didn’t experience the horrors of antisemitism in THIS country, as if listening to the radio about Hitler killing your grandparents, and aunts, and uncles, and cousins, is not experiencing it. My parents’ circle of friends were primarily Jews whose own parents had escaped Jewish persecution in Europe, arrived here penniless and uneducated, and the entire next generation were all colelge graduates!
Uh, yeah, because they were white and Americans don't care that much about religion. Duh...

That is also why the leftists resent the Jews, and come up with all sorts of ridiculous justification for how a persecuted, expelled, mass murdered little minority of people end up being among the top - including a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes.

Actually, most people who resent Jews are the ones who've had the misfortune of working for one.
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