The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Answer the question racist. Are you saying all whites are racists?
Nope. YOU hating all whites is not a causation of whites being racist.

It is just the narrow prism through which you see life.
I don't know about the eugenics part, but increasing enforcement against racism, I'm all for it.
I'm woke but I am a proponent of IQ. It wouldn't be compulsive, though, just a think tank for and by black people. People are scared of IQ because these white folks have coopted it under their own white desires agenda-obviously not with the benefit with black folk in mind. But I think a good faith conversation about it would be a good thing, so long as it is by blacks for blacks, controlled by blacks.
Everything I say is that absolute truth. You blame this generation because you don't want to have to look in the miror.
Wrong again. I blame this generation because people like you, ray, lisa and others like you exist.
Wrong again. I blame this generation because people like you, ray, lisa and others like you exist.
So, you just proved Me right.

You hate whites because you hate whites. I treat everyone equally.
Nope. YOU hating all whites is not a causation of whites being racist.

It is just the narrow prism through which you see life.
Wrong again. You conflate racism with whiteness and think that me not liking your racist ass means I don't like anyone white.
She didn’t say blacks were unqualified. She said some blacks are unqualified, which is rather obvious. Some whites and some Asians are also unqualified. The point is, take race and gender completely out of the equation and let GPA’s, test scores, curriculum, etc. be the only critiria. The thing is, YOU don‘t want that because YOU know that may lead to an outcome which YOU don’t like.

Tell me why you think I am a racist?

You are from the South.
You support Trump
You engage in victim blaming for minorities.


To the point of Karen558, GPA and Test scores are just more examples of self-perpetuating privilege. Yeah, you get a white kid a tutor and move to a suburb where they aren't working with 2 kids to an out of date textbook, they are going to get better test scores and GPA's.

Affirmative Action merely compensates for white privilege. Full stop. Get rid of white privilege, you wouldn't need Affirmative Action... this isn't complicated.
Wrong again. You conflate racism with whiteness and think that me not liking your racist ass means I don't like anyone white.
Let Me ask you something, though I know you won't answer truthfully.

Do you jack off to Whites beating blacks or do you jack off to Blacks beating Whites?
So, you just proved Me right.

You hate whites because you hate whites. I treat everyone equally.
Wrong. It is this simple, I don't like whites who are racists.
I can't vote for Republicans because of racism.
Except you just said a racist thing yourself. If a Republican said that he doesn’t trust blacks and other non-Caucasians, you‘d correctly point out that he’s a racist.

You libs are such hypocrites.
Wow, you mean poor people are more likely to waste money on lottery tickets when the state aggressively markets to them? AMAZING!

We've been over this, Welfare Ray... White kids get probation, Black kids get convictions. White kids get abortions and contraception, black kids get stuck with unwanted babies.

Are you arguing that just having a law was good enough? You never seem to think that does any good with gun control.

Uh, yeah, because they were white and Americans don't care that much about religion. Duh...

Actually, most people who resent Jews are the ones who've had the misfortune of working for one.

Yup. Another liberal antisemite ^^^ calling other people racist.
I'm woke but I am a proponent of IQ. It wouldn't be compulsive, though, just a think tank for and by black people. People are scared of IQ because these white folks have coopted it under their own white desires agenda-obviously not with the benefit with black folk in mind. But I think a good faith conversation about it would be a good thing, so long as it is by blacks for blacks, controlled by blacks.
I think using an IQ test model based on tests created by Madison Grant, a white supremacist, should be scrapped and new tests developed that measures all forms of intelligence. So I see your point.
I think blacks should stop bitching (you in particular) and do their part to contribute to the nation’s economy and society.
I think whites like you should do more public policy research before you run your mouth trying to tell me what blacks need to do.

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