The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I'm good bro lol. The older I get, the more racially conservative I have become. I trust white and other non black people very little at this point. I used to subscribe to this Post Racial Theory nonsense white people have propagated, but You realize the elders were right all along.
Then, why do you torture yourself by remaining in a country built and filled with people you hate? It makes no sense. Why make yourself miserable, when it's so easy and so cheap to move to the heavenly African shithole of your choice?

I'm sure you'll call me "racist" for even touching that idea. But it's a serious question.

I've lived in a couple of neighborhoods that I hated for various reasons. But I didn't expect anyone to change to my liking. I saved a few bucks and found a place I liked better.

I agree that racism exists, and I really doubt it will EVER go away. But I also think every person should be free to live among people he feels most comfortable with. Most people seem to naturally gather in groups of people most like themselves.

The best, and possibly the simplest, solution to our racial animosities or disagreements may be total segregation. No one seems happy with our present situation. It's a waste of time and money to continue with the rioting, whining, thievery, high crime, and other never-ending bullshit.
He refuses to cite actual data lol. Ok, man, but down blame woke people for not buying that argument.

Nothing substantial other than the civil rights act, which, we forced white people to do. Everything else is pretty superficial. . 3/4 of whites hated King at the time of his death, they just had to kill em. If we're going to make substantial progress, we have to embrace woke doctrine and push policies that will, again, be considered cavalier to white people. I want to put trillions into more racism audits, and giving perpetrators millions in fines that go directly to the affected, and also impose jail sentences; make racism illegal and even punishable by the death penalty; give ADOS reparations; have black people establish some sort of Eugenics program to deal with problems of IQ that lie on the periphery as the cause of some black social ills. Then you can say we've made substantial progress.
Lord... that's fucking hilarious.

You've just given me the best laugh I've had in months. Gad!!! You're thick as a fucking rock.

Thanks again !!!

IQ can still be used in a white supremacist fashion, even if Jews and Asians score higher. If IQ showed that Blacks did better than whites when it was first created, I have no doubt that the data would have been discarded.
Yeah, it's all one big right wing racist conspiracy, huh. Funny.
I agree with the religion part. However, The people descended from Moses and his followers are ethnic Jews, and religious Jews. Hacidic would be closet. This is straight from the mouth of a Jewish acquaintance

Yeah, here's the problem I have with that... Those people vanished a long time ago.

People like Lisa are Europeans who adopted a version of their religion, but they are still racially Europeans...

Lisa trying to claim that blacks in this country shouldn't complain because bad things happened to Jews in other countries is just a bit silly. Coming out on the losing end of a 2000 year argument about who an invisible sky fairy loves best is kind of your own problem.

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