The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

lol Absolutely not. I ain't got the time nor energy my dude. You buggin' tbh.

SO basically he is saying that those names are not black but "poor black". This actually proves our point. Wtf is a poor black name vs a non poor black name. No, he is using that as a proxy for feelings about blacks in general. In other words, being black denotes inferiority and low class in his mind, not the name. So when he shows that study that shows people associate black names with inferiority, it proves the point even further. There is no "ghettoization" of black names. In those studies he cited, the "black" names are actually just white names, hence, employer thinks they're white, hence less discrimination. The names African Americans carried before the 80s were just white names. You're simply not going to convince me that there is a totally distinct set of African America names that denote high class compared to specifically African American names that denote low class. A perception of high class just means that black person has an ambiguous white name. Oh, and we still see these biases when the names are of Asian descent. That really does bunk this argument because Asians are unequivocally more successful than any other group in America.

They give comparisons to white names like Bubba. They also point out that they used higher ages for the black applications than they did white. Believe it or not, you will be much more likely to be called for an interview being younger than older. Trust me, I'm an older white guy and experienced this first hand. Healthcare insurance for a company can be over twice as high for an older employee than a younger one. One company I worked for years ago, the employer called middle-aged applicants over young girls for office jobs. Why? Because younger girls tend to be single and will eventually marry up and have children which again, runs up healthcare insurance. They will likely take much more time off of work for illness or school problems of their child. Middle-aged women had teen children or adult children those women didn't have to worry about.

Will you get a better employee from a middle-class community than a lower class? 9 times out of 10, yes you will. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

Employers do have a favorite color though, and that color is green. The employees that make the employer the most green are that employers favorite employees.
BS Filter
The first thing a Black person does when they can afford it is move out of their high crime Black neighborhood to a safer predominantly White neighborhood. Even the Obama's did it, after using Black thugs like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown for political reasons to stir racism.

It's not that rich blk people want to so badly live with white people

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

A rich black person could live around blks (and many do) the problem is they may find themselves limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town because whites supremacist have created a system which ensures that those areas are the most poorest and most crowded areas of town.

Where as white supremaciats have created a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the certain housing markets
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The White Liberal / Leftists constantly push the VICTIM HOOD mentality on blacks. This way, they are never responsible for their own actions and can perpetually blame white supremacy, racism , sexism etc,,,,,,this way, they depend upon the Democrat party and keep voting for them. The Left could care less if their strategies destroy the country because that is exactly what they are doing.

Many years ago an immediate family member of mine had fallen prey to alcoholism. When we went to seek professional help, the first question they asked is if this person is aware they have a problem? The theory being if the person doesn't think they have a problem, it's much harder to solve a problem that isn't there in their mind.

If you want a solution to a problem, you have to be honest about the problem first. So far from the black members on this topic, nothing is their fault. Their plight was created and maintained by white people. They did everything the right way and continue to do so. Like my family member, it's nearly impossible to solve a problem they don't think exists.

We can bring all the evidence we want to support our point, all the statistics, and it doesn't matter. They will call our evidence bogus, state that the statistics are wrong, so nothing will ever change until the black community comes to the understanding that they (at least mostly) are responsible for their own problems.
How do you account for other groups that outperform whites in IQ tests(jews, asians)? The test should be as unbiased an accurate as possible, but It would certainly still have biases by whatever group is creating them. I took one last week on Mensa, and it was just a bunk of shapes and patterns.
There has been a bunch of scandals in recent years showing cheating by Asians and you have the one in California where rich whites paid. So, I think the IQ thing has serious problems as it pertains to accuracy and far too many blacks have proven that meme of an IQ score isn't really true.
BS Filter
The first thing a Black person does when they can afford it is move out of their high crime Black neighborhood to a safer predominantly White neighborhood. Even the Obama's did it, after using Black thugs like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown for political reasons to stir racism.

It's not that rich blk people want to so badly live with white people

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

A rich black person could live around blks (and many do) the problem is they may find themselves limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town because whites supremacist have created a system which ensures that those areas are the most poorest and most crowded areas of town.

Where as white supremaciats have created a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the certain housing markets

Zoning laws are created to keep low income people out of an area regardless of race. Red lining was used to insure the security of the loan. Banks don't want to lend money in an area that has sinking property value. Bank standards are written for all applicants. It doesn't matter what race you are, you need X amount of good credit, X amount of money in a banking account, X job that provides you with X income. Racial discrimination in banking (or just about anything in this country) is against the law, and participants in it can get sued out of business.

If a black applicant doesn't meet loan or underwriters standards, they won't get a loan. If a white person doesn't meet banking or underwriters standards, they don't get the loan either. The problem is not loaning discrimination, the problem is many blacks don't meet the loan standards they use for all people.
"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."
Booker T. Washington
And Booker T was wrong. He learned it the hard way by watching his neighborhood get burned down by whites.
Ray From Cleveland
Many years ago an immediate family member of mine had fallen prey to alcoholism. When we went to seek professional help, the first question they asked is if this person is aware they have a problem? The theory being if the person doesn't think they have a problem, it's much harder to solve a problem that isn't there in their mind.


Ray From Cleveland
If you want a solution to a problem, you have to be honest about the problem first.


Ray From Cleveland
So far from the black members on this topic, nothing is their fault.

You said that. Not me. Nor has any black USMB member said that.

If I pushed you into a river and assuming you could not swim, you drown and died. Would it be right for me to say ?: “He died because you never took any swimming classes.”

Well yes I'd be right technically. But that's a secondary circumstances. Knowing how to swim might have been a solution to your dilemma, once you was in the water, but NOT knowing how to swim was not the CAUSE of your dilemma. The cause was me who pushed you

Think about it.

Ray From Cleveland
Their plight was created and maintained by white people. They did everything the right way and continue to do so.

Not white people. The white supremacists. You are focused on trying to get whites off the hook
Ray From Cleveland
Many years ago an immediate family member of mine had fallen prey to alcoholism. When we went to seek professional help, the first question they asked is if this person is aware they have a problem? The theory being if the person doesn't think they have a problem, it's much harder to solve a problem that isn't there in their mind.


Ray From Cleveland
If you want a solution to a problem, you have to be honest about the problem first.


Ray From Cleveland
So far from the black members on this topic, nothing is their fault.

You said that. Not me. Nor has any black USMB member said that.

If I pushed you into a river and assuming you could not swim, you drown and died. Would it be right for me to say ?: “He died because you never took any swimming classes.”

Well yes I'd be right technically. But that's a secondary circumstances. Knowing how to swim might have been a solution to your dilemma, once you was in the water, but NOT knowing how to swim was not the CAUSE of your dilemma. The cause was me who pushed you

Think about it.

Ray From Cleveland
Their plight was created and maintained by white people. They did everything the right way and continue to do so.

Not white people. The white supremacists. You are focused on trying to get whites off the hook

So give me a quote from you or any other black participant here saying "yes, that is our fault."
Not the white nationalist candidate trump.

Did you dream up this white nationalism shit? Trump never said that. He said he's a nationalist. It's the Communists that lied about the white nationalist shit.


[ nash-uh-nl-iz-uhm, nash-nuh-liz- ]
See synonyms for nationalism on

spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
the desire for national advancement or political independence.
the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.
an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.

So give me a quote from you or any other black participant here saying "yes, that is our fault."

Who is the one with that creates these all white labour unions ?
Who is the one with pouring drugs into black communties ?
Who is the one funnellin black people into the prison system ?
Who is the one cancelling blk ppl from getting the loans ?
Who is the one with sabotaging black businesses ?
Who is the one running freeways down in black communities like they did in Florida - Miami when they had prosperous black areas ?
Who is the one pouring guns into the black communities ?
Who is the one gentrifiying black areas ?
Who is the one writing books and trying to prove how stupid black ppl are ?
Who is the one allowing the proud boys and Aryan nation types in the police ?
Who is the one with trying to economical cripple black countries that have done nothing to you ?

Who are these phantoms that run amok and then run around like "Hey stop blaming whitey. I dunno what to do"

Ray From Cleveland
Banks don't want to lend money in an area that has sinking property value.

Yes they do if they want to gentrify it and move white people in there. All of sudden the banks money flows real quick.

Detroit is being bought out (Flipping houses) and New Orleans will probably no longer have black residents all together.

It’s happening all over the states and blk ppl keep getting pushed back further AND further away from our homes.

It’s happening in New York, New Jersey and now Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, but I predicted this would happen. As soon as the area (Thanks to shotty politicians/police) is out of funding/resources….it is now the “Ghetto”.

And instead of trying to help stimulate the economics, they would rather it become a wasteland, so bad that most of the black residents are either dead in ground, locked up or bounced completely.

I don’t have a problem with whites moving into a predominant blk area, it’s just the fact that once they move in, they try to kick everyone else out and somehow the area is no longer “mixed” by tactics. Money being one of them.

Ray From Cleveland
Bank standards are written for all applicants. It doesn't matter what race you are, you need X amount of good credit, X amount of money in a banking account, X job that provides you with X income. Racial discrimination in banking (or just about anything in this country) is against the law, and participants in it can get sued out of business.

So how do you explain Wells Fargo have been falsifying blk people's credit histories for years to make black applicants look like risks and they have deliberately trying to ropes black borrowers (to whom they referred as “mud people”) into high-cost loans.
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The White Liberal / Leftists constantly push the VICTIM HOOD mentality on blacks. This way, they are never responsible for their own actions and can perpetually blame white supremacy, racism , sexism etc,,,,,,this way, they depend upon the Democrat party and keep voting for them. The Left could care less if their strategies destroy the country because that is exactly what they are doing.
You must be mentally retarded.
They give comparisons to white names like Bubba. They also point out that they used higher ages for the black applications than they did white. Believe it or not, you will be much more likely to be called for an interview being younger than older. Trust me, I'm an older white guy and experienced this first hand. Healthcare insurance for a company can be over twice as high for an older employee than a younger one. One company I worked for years ago, the employer called middle-aged applicants over young girls for office jobs. Why? Because younger girls tend to be single and will eventually marry up and have children which again, runs up healthcare insurance. They will likely take much more time off of work for illness or school problems of their child. Middle-aged women had teen children or adult children those women didn't have to worry about.

Will you get a better employee from a middle-class community than a lower class? 9 times out of 10, yes you will. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

Employers do have a favorite color though, and that color is green. The employees that make the employer the most green are that employers favorite employees.
Bullshit. Your boy Flash says differently.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
Did you dream up this white nationalism shit? Trump never said that. He said he's a nationalist. It's the Communists that lied about the white nationalist shit.


[ nash-uh-nl-iz-uhm, nash-nuh-liz- ]
See synonyms for nationalism on

spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
the desire for national advancement or political independence.
the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.
an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.

Ray, you post pure old style jim crow racism in every post yet you think somebody is making something up. How much more delusional can you get?
Bullshit. Your boy Flash says differently.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

Having read Flash's posts, do you really think someone as deranged as he is could be a manager?
When you decide to get into politics, especially on the federal level, you must expect to be called names. If you didn't, you're in the wrong business.

Unless she has a membership here, it's not an insult to her because she has no idea I even exist yet alone what I say about her. But I don't recall you lashing out when people attacked Trump or Bush's wife multiple times.'s all part of politics in this country.
What were you just saying about going into the library and asking for the books written by excuse makers?
If you object to a woman being called a whore, then you should object to a woman being called a racist who merely pointed out that the blacks who remain mired in poverty (a minority….most are middle class) are so for the same reasons as are poor whites - having babies thet can’t afford while unmarried and dropping out of school - and not due to racism.

IOW, if you call people nasty names, then so can Ray,

You libs are such hypocrites.
Make up your mind, are you proud to be a racist or not? If you're not proud to be a racist or don't think you are, why have you referred to black people as "Sambos" here in this thread, among other derogatory comments regarding black people.

Being called something you are, a racist, is not being called a nasty name. A man calling a woman a whore is calling someone a nasty name.

I can't do anything to prevent either one of you from engaging in your classless behaviors but I can speak out about it instead of just letting it pass.
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They give comparisons to white names like Bubba. They also point out that they used higher ages for the black applications than they did white. Believe it or not, you will be much more likely to be called for an interview being younger than older. Trust me, I'm an older white guy and experienced this first hand. Healthcare insurance for a company can be over twice as high for an older employee than a younger one. One company I worked for years ago, the employer called middle-aged applicants over young girls for office jobs. Why? Because younger girls tend to be single and will eventually marry up and have children which again, runs up healthcare insurance. They will likely take much more time off of work for illness or school problems of their child. Middle-aged women had teen children or adult children those women didn't have to worry about.

Will you get a better employee from a middle-class community than a lower class? 9 times out of 10, yes you will. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

Employers do have a favorite color though, and that color is green. The employees that make the employer the most green are that employers favorite employees.

Okay, let's find all the deranged lies by Welfare Ray above.

No one names their kid "Bubba".

Most of the studies used identical experiences and educations for the comparisons, the ONLY difference was white names like Greg and Emily vs. black names like Jamal and Lakeisha.

Just because you are a lazy slug who never tried to get away from your bottom feeding employer, doesn't mean the rest of us aren't. If anything, I've found it easier to get interviewed as I have gotten older because I have a wider array of experience. Now, About 15 years ago, I did start dying my hair, and I advise almost all my resume clients not to go back further than 15 years on their resume. So age is largely irrelevant.

The problem is, you use your last employer as an example. An employer that was small, couldn't afford to give their employees insurance that met even the low standards of ACA, and according to you, eventually closed their doors before TRUMP PLAGUE hit.

Employers can still be racist AND make money. They can be non-racist and make money. Frankly, if you aren't in sales, most employees don't really effect the bottom line that much.
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