The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Plenty of white people make bad decisions. Plenty of white people have had just has tough of challenges in life as black people.
True, white people just like everyone else have their challenges. But the challenges they face are not due to their race. Black people have the same challenges as white people PLUS the additional challenges caused by institutional racism. Therefore whites in poverty versus blacks in poverty are not equally due to the same set of circumstances as Lisa so naively insists on believing and stating

Look at this, you don't think that this poses a problem for Black people trying to improve their living situation and rise out of poverty?:

I said
NewsVine_Mariyam said:

Why are the people of Appalachia living in generational poverty? Why aren't you lecturing them

to which you replied "[they] are starting out a a lower economic point". ALL black people in the U.S. started out at a lower social-economic point that white people because it was MANDATED by U.S. law.

That brings up a good point. Those folks make bad decisions, but admittedly are starting out a a lower economic point than many and in fact, may have it harder than many black people in a similar economic situations because they do not qualify for AA. Instead of race and gender based, maybe AA should be economic based. That make more sense than the current system. If you believe poverty is the underlying cause of the problems. I am not a fan of AA in general, but I could be more on board if it was not blatantly racist and sexist.
A violation of the affirmative action laws is essentially a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all of it's addendums. The agency that oversees and investigates these violations is the EEOC. The second 'E' in the acronym stands for 'employment' so it has nothing to do with awarding anything and it is neither sexist or racist because the thing you all keep overlooking is that the 'O' stands for 'opportunity'. Affirmative action doesn't give anyone anything especially not black people, other than an 'Equal Employment Opportunity...' so the people of Appalachia are NOT excluded. They have the same rights to Equal Employment Opportunities as all the rest of us.

White people in general are not being discriminated against, they're just no longer being favored 100% and some 50 odd years later, AFTER this law went into effect society is finally, FINALLY starting to change.


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Yes, the goal of the left is to destroy everything. They can't build their utopia until this country as we know it is destroyed. Obama was the first Democrat to admit it.
Absolutely. That is what Obama meant by “transforming America.” All one has to do is read the writings of American-hating leftist radicals like Alinsky in which they say that the country has to be destroyed in order to build it back as a socialist country.

There is no other valid explanation as to why a U.S. President would reverse the previous one’s stay-in-Mexico policy for the illegals - DURING COVID YET, and without requiring tests or vaccinations! - and import millions of poor, unskilled, semi-literate, uneducated, and often criminal foreigners who will be a burden to taxpayers and then within a year or less, give birth to anchor babies to put even more of strain on the system.

The Left, using a demented old man as their puppet, are working to bring down America.
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Many years ago an immediate family member of mine had fallen prey to alcoholism. When we went to seek professional help, the first question they asked is if this person is aware they have a problem? The theory being if the person doesn't think they have a problem, it's much harder to solve a problem that isn't there in their mind.

If you want a solution to a problem, you have to be honest about the problem first. So far from the black members on this topic, nothing is their fault. Their plight was created and maintained by white people. They did everything the right way and continue to do so. Like my family member, it's nearly impossible to solve a problem they don't think exists.

We can bring all the evidence we want to support our point, all the statistics, and it doesn't matter. They will call our evidence bogus, state that the statistics are wrong, so nothing will ever change until the black community comes to the understanding that they (at least mostly) are responsible for their own problems.
So true. And when you have a black supremacist like Paul, who blames white supremacists for the core reasons blacks are poor (of those that still are) - 1) having babies as teens when they can’t afford them, ans 2) dropping out of school - he and those like him will never get better.
True, white people just like everyone else have their challenges. But the challenges they face are not due to their race. Black people have the same challenges as white people PLUS the additional challenges caused by institutional racism. Therefore whites in poverty versus blacks in poverty are not equally due to the same set of circumstances as Lisa so naively insists on believing and stating

Look at this, you don't think that this poses a problem for Black people trying to improve their living situation and rise out of poverty?:
View attachment 633960

I said

to which you replied "[they] are starting out a a lower economic point". ALL black people in the U.S. started out at a lower social-economic point that white people because it was MANDATED by U.S. law.

A violation of the affirmative action laws is essentially a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all of it's addendums. The agency that oversees and investigates these violations is the EEOC. The second 'E' in the acronym stands for 'employment' so it has nothing to do with awarding anything and it is neither sexist or racist because the thing you all keep overlooking is that the 'O' stands for 'opportunity'. Affirmative action doesn't give anyone anything especially not black people, other than an 'Equal Employment Opportunity...' so the people of Appalachia are NOT excluded. They have the same rights to Equal Employment Opportunities as all the rest of us.

White people in general are not being discriminated against, they're just no longer being favored 100% and some 50 odd years later, AFTER this law went into effect society is finally, FINALLY starting to change.
There is discrimination nowadays----called affirmative actions and hiring quotas for blacks. Whites and asians are the ones discriminated against---
Make up your mind, are you proud to be a racist or not? If you're not proud to be a racist or don't think you are, why have you referred to black people as "Sambos" here in this thread, among other derogatory comments regarding black people.

Being called something you are, a racist, is not being called a nasty name. A man calling a woman a whore is calling someone a nasty name.

I can't do anything to prevent either one of you from engaging in your classless behaviors but I can speak out about it instead of just letting it pass.
How many times have I had to explain the same thing? I’ve used that name as a parallel to the leftists who use a WHITE woman’s name to describe bad attitudes and behavior. The name was suggested to me by another poster (who has come on the thread to explain why) because I never would have thought of it myself.

And no, I am not a racist, but that’s what you leftists call people to slam shut a debate you can’t win. I am no more a racist than Harris is a whore (actually, she’s closer to a whore than I am a racist), and if you object to the idiotic Affirmative Action VP being called a whore, you need to stop calling me a racist.

To bring this back to the topic of discussion - since the leftists try to derail it with racist!, racist! - is:

THE REASON A SUBGROUP OF BLACKS REMAIN IN POVERTY IS NOT DUE TO RACISM, BUT TO TWO BEHAVIORS: 1) Babies out of wedlock, and 2) dropping out of school. They could solve 95% of their problems in that sub-community be reversing those two things.
Absolutely. That is what Obama meant by “transforming America.” And one has to do is read the writings of American-hating leftist radicals like Alinsky in which they say that the country has to be destroyed in order to build it back as a socialist country.

There is no other valid explanation as to why a U.S. President would reverse the previous one’s stay-in-Mexico policy for the illegals - DURING COVID YET, and without requiring tests or vaccinations! - and import millions of poor, unskilled, semi-literate, uneducated, and often criminal foreigners who will be a burden to taxpayers and then within a year or less, give birth to anchor babies to put even more of strain on the system.

I am betting some WASP in the last century said the same thing about all the Jews coming over from Europe.

you know, Criminal Foreigners like Meier Lansky and Bugsy Seigel

The reality is, we have an influx of immigrants because we have a labor shortage in crappy jobs Americans (even blacks) don't want to do.

So true. And when you have a black supremacist like Paul, who blames white supremacists for the core reasons blacks are poor (of those that still are) - 1) having babies as teens when they can’t afford them, ans 2) dropping out of school - he and those like him will never get better.

The problem is, when a black kid avoids dropping out of school and avoids making a baby, you STILL want to deny them admittance to elite colleges because they got a slightly lower test score than a privileged white kid.
How many times have I had to explain the same thing? I’ve used that name as a parallel to the leftists who use a WHITE woman’s name to describe bad attitudes and behavior. The name was suggested to me by another poster (who has come on the thread to explain why) because I never would have thought of it myself.

And no, I am not a racist, but that’s what you leftists call people to slam shut a debate you can’t win. I am no more a racist than Harris is a whore (actually, she’s closer to a whore than I am a racist), and if you object to the idiotic Affirmative Action VP being called a whore, you need to stop calling me a racist.

We'll stop calling you a racist when you stop acting like a racist.

THE REASON A SUBGROUP OF BLACKS REMAIN IN POVERTY IS NOT DUE TO RACISM, BUT TO TWO BEHAVIORS: 1) Babies out of wedlock, and 2) dropping out of school. They could solve 95% of their problems in that sub-community be reversing those two things.

Except teen births are only a third of what they were 50 years ago, so, no.
True, white people just like everyone else have their challenges. But the challenges they face are not due to their race. Black people have the same challenges as white people PLUS the additional challenges caused by institutional racism. Therefore whites in poverty versus blacks in poverty are not equally due to the same set of circumstances as Lisa so naively insists on believing and stating

Look at this, you don't think that this poses a problem for Black people trying to improve their living situation and rise out of poverty?:
View attachment 633960

I said

to which you replied "[they] are starting out a a lower economic point". ALL black people in the U.S. started out at a lower social-economic point that white people because it was MANDATED by U.S. law.

A violation of the affirmative action laws is essentially a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all of it's addendums. The agency that oversees and investigates these violations is the EEOC. The second 'E' in the acronym stands for 'employment' so it has nothing to do with awarding anything and it is neither sexist or racist because the thing you all keep overlooking is that the 'O' stands for 'opportunity'. Affirmative action doesn't give anyone anything especially not black people, other than an 'Equal Employment Opportunity...' so the people of Appalachia are NOT excluded. They have the same rights to Equal Employment Opportunities as all the rest of us.

White people in general are not being discriminated against, they're just no longer being favored 100% and some 50 odd years later, AFTER this law went into effect society is finally, FINALLY starting to change.
You’re still doing it! We all know there was horrible racism long ago. That’s been over for generations.

And man, are you the poster child for denial, or what? You’re claiming Affirmative Action doesn’t give anything to black people? Work in the higher education admissions field during peak time, and see the extent to which whites with high grades and scores are rejected to make room with blacks with substantially lower grades and scores. (I’m sure you’d be delighted.)

And you’re going to claim we are finally af a point where blacks aren’t being excluded? NO. We are at a point where half the brainwashed voters think there is nothing wrong with a president announcing, prior to his selection for the most prestigious jobs in the country, that WHITES WILL BE EXCLUDED.

The difference between conservatives like me and leftists like you is:

1) Me: We should be race-blind when it comes to policies and decisions, be it picking a SCOTUS nominee or selecting which students to admit to Harvard

2) You: We should use race as the determining factor in whom to include, as long as we are excluding only whites
BS Filter
The first thing a Black person does when they can afford it is move out of their high crime Black neighborhood to a safer predominantly White neighborhood. Even the Obama's did it, after using Black thugs like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown for political reasons to stir racism.

It's not that rich blk people want to so badly live with white people

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

A rich black person could live around blks (and many do) the problem is they may find themselves limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town because whites supremacist have created a system which ensures that those areas are the most poorest and most crowded areas of town.

Where as white supremaciats have created a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the certain housing markets
Bullshit. Everyone, Black, White, Asian, etc, can live anywhere they can afford to live.
There is discrimination nowadays----called affirmative actions and hiring quotas for blacks. Whites and asians are the ones discriminated against---
Asians have it the worst because they are the ones who are getting the best grades and scores, and thus they have a target on their back as leftists figure out a way to exclude them from being admitted to prestigious programs. That’s what the SCOTUS case is all about: whether it is fair for Harvard to have designed a “personality test” with questions they could score blacks higher on and Asians lower, and then rejected Asians on the grounds they were unlikeable.
I am betting some WASP in the last century said the same thing about all the Jews coming over from Europe.

you know, Criminal Foreigners like Meier Lansky and Bugsy Seigel

The reality is, we have an influx of immigrants because we have a labor shortage in crappy jobs Americans (even blacks) don't want to do.

The problem is, when a black kid avoids dropping out of school and avoids making a baby, you STILL want to deny them admittance to elite colleges because they got a slightly lower test score than a privileged white kid.
Oh really? That's the only legal way to get money?
What other way is there?

And don’t say white people inherit it. The vast, VAST majority of whites inherit nothing, or next to nothing, and for the slim majority of whites who did inherit, they did so when they were in their 60s - after working for 40 years, living within their means, and saving for retirement.
So true. And when you have a black supremacist like Paul, who blames white supremacists for the core reasons blacks are poor (of those that still are) - 1) having babies as teens when they can’t afford them, ans 2) dropping out of school - he and those like him will never get better.

I could care less what they believe as long as they stop their crying and demanding change from everybody else, and as long as they quit invading white areas. There are just some people that refuse to acknowledge their own faults. I hear it all the time on my scanner. When there's a shooting or a physical attack, the police tell dispatch nobody will cooperate with them. Hey, if that's the environment you want to live in, fine by me, as long as you don't bring it to where I live which they have.

That being said, blacks will continue to have the problems they have today in 50 years from now because they are not solving their own problems. They blame whitie instead who isn't the problem.
Oh really? That's the only legal way to get money?

Not at all. There are investments as well. But you have to study investing and quit going to sports sites to learn about it. It's risky and may require a lot of sacrifices like not having children or the latest smart phone, but outside of hitting a lottery game, the best chance at earning wealth.

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