The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

So if her parents were slaves, even if they were barely born in 1865 and had her at fifteen, she would have been born in 1880. That would make her over a hundred years old when you met her. The numbers don’t match up.
Slavery was abolished by the passage of the 13th amendment when it was ratified in December 1865.

My cousin was born July 13th 1888 and died July 30th 1987 at age 99. Her mother was born in 1855 10 years before the end of slavery and was 33 when her daughter was born.

I met her in 1984 when she visited my parent's home in the months shortly after they had all gathered in Charleston for a family reunion, just 3 years before she passed.

I know it sounds unbelievable and such a long time ago but having met her in person bridges that gap. She wrote this at the beginning of the book:

"The Middletons were unusual, because many of them came out of slavery with education"​
and on the last page, this regarding the family union in August 1984...

"Eighty people finally came, some from Pennsylvania, where one of the uncles had moved his family years ago, and others from California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Texas. Like many American families, ours had dispersed itself clear across the continent; only the new activism toward reconnection with the past could make the family discover itself and its home. Those who came home ranged from 4 years to past sixty. They spent delightful hours over delicious meals discovering one another attainments. 'Those children chose the theme "Excellence through Education'" Grandmother will tell you and and it really does fit. We were a group of many professions; we had at least four Ph.D.'s; one of our women cousins has a radio program; and we had two lay ministers to lead prayers Friday night. Now, what do you say about that?"​
None of those are earning money, and in the case of the loans they have to be paid back almost always with interest.
Earning money wasn't part of the question, it was about acquiring money in ways other than earning it.

The point is, if the family you're born into isn't poor than you have a higher likelihood of not ending up being poor yourself, because you will learn (hopefully) what is needed in order to escape a descent into poverty.

Starting out with money is always preferable to starting without money and trying to obtain it. And it's easier.
All you have is insults, you have a sad life. Go ahead and wallow in your victimhood, it’s no skin off my nose. I live a fulfilling and happy life.

You post the garbage you do and don't think it's insulting? Your life ain't shit. You're in here spewing racist bullshit every day. That and crying about Affirmative Action. You wallow in white victimhood because you don't think you're getting everything you believe you're entitled to. Son, my life is great and I have made this place and people like you an example of the problem with this country. I don't know what a victim is besides a made up word used by racist whites to gaslight. And gaslighting is all you have because you don't have the manhood necessary to face the truth.
Whites don’t get treated like saints. White criminals go to jail. When white criminals resist arrest they get beaten and shot, but no one makes a big deal about it because we blame them, not the cops. I’ve been stopped and questioned and ticketed many times. I make it my business to reduce tensions. I do exactly what I’m told and make damned sure I don’t raise anyone’s stress levels.
There have been whites who have beaten cops and lived. There have been blacks who have complied with cops and died. So spare me your opinion because all you want to do is deny the existence of racism and hear somebody black say its our fault we are in this position. Well it is not our fault, the record shows that and if you're expecting to see or hear anything like that, go find Booker T. Washington because I'm not the one to tell you what you want to hear. I'm going to tell you what you need to know.
…..or. how would they explain that 75% of black families are NOT living in poverty? Does racism only exist for a minority of blacks? where I live, they own nice homes, shop at Prada, and have dinner out at Morton’s. That a subclass of blacks didn’t take advantage of the opportunities given them is not whitey’s fault.
Blacks have lived at more than double the white poverty rate for the last 60 years. If racism doesn't exist whites and blacks should have the same rates of poverty. Now shut the fuck up.
No matter how positive the content of a conversation, a lot of black losers have to search for something to whine about.

As you said some choose to live in the past - and, because of that they'll never change, they'll always be losers.

Sadly, they're not even bright enough to be embarrassed about being losers. No use giving them a second thought.
Here is an example of how prevalent psychosis is among members of the white right wing. This anus has consistently posted racist crap like this and he's talking about blacks living in the past.
"Yep, because there are about five times as many of us as you. The appropriate question is, do whites commit five times more crimes than blacks do?"

This is a ridiculous opinion and one we see far too many times argued. So if blacks and whites each kill 1,000 people blacks have a bigger problem because whites have to kill 5,000 people for it to be considered the same.

So you have two kids.

One is a black kid who went to an impoverished inner-city school, who worked hard, got good grades and scored a 1400 on his SAT.

You got a white kid, who went to a fancy private school, had the benefit of tutors, and got a 1500 on his SAT.

Which one do you think actually worked harder?
Your racism is showing.

How did you become so racist?
That's what we got told.

But whites media often tends stall on releasing white people in crminal cases name and pic so they can scrub their social media.

He was just trying to get home to his family.

Do you have any evidence that Ms. Damond was anything other than a model citizen? Again, I don't remember 9 minutes of silence for her.

We need to take a look at Justine Damonds history. We need to know what prescriptions she took. Acting all erratic while the officer’s have their lives threatened everyday. She should have known to stay in her house until the officers gave her permission to move.
No, she had a reasonable expectation that the cops should listen to her concerns.

He clearly feared for his life and she had no business moving towards a police car. These thugs still don’t get it. Moving your hand towards your wallet is enough to be threatening to an officer, why on Earth would this criminal move her whole body towards police in an aggressive manner? She must of been on Meth. Now her family is playing the victim like they always do. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Except she wasn't moving her hand towards her wallet. She just knocked on their window, and while the white cop who was with Noor was startled, he had the good sense NOT to shoot blindly.

According to our legal system moving in any manner that results in an officer killing you out of fear for their own safety… is a justified homicide. Clearly that is the case here and playing the victim will get you people nowhere in life.

Not really. Chauvin went to Jail. Van Dyke went to jail. Noor went to jail. Other cops who were cleared STILL lost their jobs.

Justine Damond got the money because whites don't have to riot because black killers of whites tend to be arrested, charged, convicted and if they are in a state which allows it, have a better chance of getting the death penalty.

In the George Floyd case for example, they wasn’t even initially arrested.

Were it not for social media and some very vocal folks we wouldn’t even know about it. Black americans had to practically have a civil war and spread that message globally just get you to act like normal himan being

Actually, the reason why it became a 'big deal" was that the 9 minutes of video made it something other than the abstract "1000 Americans who are killed by police every year".

Combine that with a population who had been locked in their homes for months due to Covid, millions of people losing their jobs or in the process of losing their jobs, and the media playing that tape ad nauseum, and yes, you got riots.

I would argue the riots have backfired. Whites started out having sympathy, but now you are seeing the backlash.

George Floyd wasn't killed because he had a criminal record. He was killed because he was black and what you doing is part of the white supremacist that is always trying to justify why the blk person deserved to die..

But in America a Black Person has to be a ‘perfect victim. The reason the NAACP used Rosa Parks was her character could not be sh*t on by whites.

No, George Floyd was killed because he resisted arrest, and was high as a kite on fentanyl. He absolutely SHOULD have been arrested. It would have been negligent to let him drive off in his SUV while he was freaking out on Fentanyl. The problem came when excessive force was used to restrain him.

Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris slaughtred 23 ppl for no reason and the White Media made all sorts excuses for their behavior and many whites blamed Marilyn Manson, KFDM but not their upper-class two parent families who did not pay attention to these psychopaths or the fact that the Police had reported these guys were bullying their classmates months before the act occured.

Here's the thing. We are surprised when this happens because white kids usually DON'T go on shooting sprees. As opposed to when a gangbanger does a drive by and they have an extensive criminal record and were treated leniently by the Criminal Justice system not because they were reformed, but because we don't have enough room in the jails.

Nobody has been tougher on the topic of gun control than I've been... but the gun fetishists can rightly point out that while 50% of murders are committed by black men, only a handful happen at the hands of white mass shooters.

Or the Boston bomber of 2013. White man got a front cover of rolling stone.

So you think that was a flattering article?

The difference is black people had to do this to get justice

Yeah, good going. IN the process, you almost gave us a second term of Trump. If Trump had to merely deal with his ineptitude on Covid and the economy, he'd have lost 40 states. But instead, BLM and Antifa scared the hell out of people and they voted for Trump again. 250,000 votes. That's all that needed to switch in five swing states for Trump to have won.

And big tough talking President Trump, instead of speaking to the nation to bring calm, hid in a bunker when the protests reached the White House fence.

We have to do this and get the whole world behind us to get justice even as far as Paris.

Americans don't care what the rest of the world thinks. The reason Trump came as close as he did to winning a second term is because people were terrified BLM and Antifa would stop by and burn their house down.

The current criminal justice system is absolutely like Jim Crow. Some things are a crime for black people and are not a crime for white people. It’s as simple as that. So for u saying “just don’t do the drugs”,

That's kinda like me giving you some painkillers to solve your toothache, Until you deal with the cause of your toothache, not amount of painkillers will truly sort your toothache

Um. No. Drugs are not like drinking out of the water fountain. I do think that the war on drugs has been a disaster, and sentences are uneven... but you aren't going to get a lot of sympathy from me that "I smoked crack and now I'm in jail."

Racism grows and feeds off a culture of silence. The point of calling out racism is to break down that silence. It does not matter if you persuade anyone, it does not matter if you “win the argument”. It is very unlikely you will. What matters is that you were heard and planted that seed in people’s minds of, “Hey, maybe this is not right.”

We have always had to force whites act right.

Yeah, but if you are screaming racism at every petty offense and imagined slight, you kind of lose credibility. Kind of like the Boy Who Cried Wolf. There's notion of picking your battles wisely.

Here's the thing. I'm a white, straight male. I try to do the right thing and stand for fairness, but frankly, if you are going to scream at me because I don't think that we should demonize cops or whatever, I'm kind of out. It isn't a good thing when you try to help people and they STILL resent you for whatever anger issues they have.
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Never said he was a saint but none of that warranted his death, therefore the mention of those things are irrelevant to the discussion of his situation. No one is a saint and alcohol and nicotine are controlled substances that are legal. He may not have known that 20 was counterfeit. Still today nobody knows if that 20 was counterfeit.

Whites have been on controlled substances, committing crimes, fight with police, take their vehicles and live. This is what Paul was pointing out;, the demonization of black victims of police violence while whites get treated like saints.

Well, then Paul was kind of an idiot for saying that.

I agree, the amount of force used against Floyd WAS excessive. Taking him into custody was not. He passed a fake $20. He was stoned out of his mind on fentanyl and driving an SUV. And i'd have the exact same position if he were a white guy who was drunk and trying to drive off in an SUV.

White victims don't get treated like saints. In fact, MOST white people who are killed by police are usually treated like they had it coming. The Damond case was an exception, because that cop was so completely out of line. He literally shot an unarmed woman who was asking for help. It didn't help that Noor was fast-tracked through his training and police psychiatrists had serious concerns about his mental stability before the incident.

Nobody made a big deal about Tony Timpa, a white schizophrenic man who suffocated while police were restraining him.

Nobody made a big deal about Daniel Shaver, an unarmed white man who was shot by police while he was on his knees in a hotel hallway.

And I'm going to go one further. The police make 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops a year. Of those, only 1000 end up in lethal force being used. A terrible number, but again, we live in a gun happy society. Of those, most are justified. The person in question pulled a gun or a knife.

So out of 50 million police encounters, every year, you have maybe a handful where the police officer was out of line? Well, you all got the response you wanted, the cops stopped responding at all, and crime rates have shot up. Happy now? I'm not.
Is that the only time that happened to you?
Yes, that’s the only time a manager felt so bad about it that she admitted it to me, but not the only time a less qualified black woman was promoted ahead of me. OTOW, a white woman was NEVER promoted into a role I applied for. If your implication is that I didn’t get the job(s) for other reasons, and not because my competitor was black, you’re in denial. I even overheard two black people talking at my mother’s ALF, and one was telling the other that she is a shoe-in because she’s a black female,
Why do you think they added women to the list of protected classes?

That aside though, affirmative action has nothing in the text of the executive order that gives racial preference to ANY group, let alone black people. There is also nothing in the text that legalizes discrimination against white people. That would be unlawful.
OK, here’s how it happened:

True, the executive order only specifies “minorities,” but the liberals at colleges and grad programs looked around and took it upon themselves to favor the group most behind - the blacks. They sure didn’t decide to favor the Asians and Jews, who were already exemplary students and winning admittance on merit.

So it turned into special favor toward blacks, and, while not specifically being named in the EO, they are the beneficiaries of it. It has become so extreme in recent years that whites with 3.7 are rejected while blacks with 3.2 are accepted (and test scores equally disparate).

Now what has happened is that top white students were being rejected and far less qualified black students accepted to such an extreme, that whites being discriminated against were starting to rebel.. So the liberals at these institutions designed admissions tests that blacks could score about the same on to close the gap.

When even that failed, they started to come up with questions to which the ”correct” answer was subjective, such as the personality test that Harvard used to justify rejecting brilliant Asian students and accepting merely above-average black students - claiming Asians had unlikeable personalities. This is major racist bias designed to advantage blacks, and is in violation of the equal protection clause. This will be resolved by the SCOTUS.
Then t

Then take race out of it entirely. Make Affirmative Action for anyone making less than the poverty level. Make it economic, not racial.
That’s what I’ve been saying. It actually should be a combination of merit and SES - so that poor white kids who are also top students in their school get a chance over a middle-class black students with lesser grades.

That would STILL advantage blacks moreso than whites - at twice the rate - because blacks have twice the poverty rate. But blacks and their enabling self-loathing whites object on the grounds that they don’t want a program that favors whites, even poor ones, and they only want a program that favors blacks exclusively.

Tell me again….WHO are the racists?!
Whites don’t get treated like saints. White criminals go to jail. When white criminals resist arrest they get beaten and shot, but no one makes a big deal about it because we blame them, not the cops. I’ve been stopped and questioned and ticketed many times. I make it my business to reduce tensions. I do exactly what I’m told and make damned sure I don’t raise anyone’s stress levels.
Me too. The only time I was pulled over was because I made an illegal U turn. I didn’t give the cop attitude, claim he has no right to see my driver’s license when he asked, and otherwise treated the cop as though he was the bad guy. I just remained polite and respectful.
Earning money wasn't part of the question, it was about acquiring money in ways other than earning it.

The point is, if the family you're born into isn't poor than you have a higher likelihood of not ending up being poor yourself, because you will learn (hopefully) what is needed in order to escape a descent into poverty.

Starting out with money is always preferable to starting without money and trying to obtain it. And it's easier.
Well, duh. Yes, starting out with money is easier. But that doesn’t mean racism is why a minority of blacks still live below poverty level. They are because they’re not making the right choices, which in this day and age are easier than ever with reliable birth control. The main cause of poverty is not racism - but out of wedlock births by kids who can’t afford babies.

And I digress, but in an ideal world, high school students wouldn’t be having sex at all. They’d be focused on their studies, and some casual fun with friends. Then there would be no worries about an unplanned pregnancy that could derail one’s life. There is time enough for sex later - starting in college, or late teens. Of course, we are not in an ideal world, so all you have to do is use reliable birth control, and double up.
You did not give me a positive suggestion and I have never liked your racist ass either. So like I said, shut the fuck up until you turn black and live what we go through.
All assholes have gone through what you go through. That's because you're assholes.

Now, as to why you're assholes may be interesting, it's for another thread.
A white kid and a black kid start out at the same place on the starting line but the black kid has to carry a 50 lb weight

It's called racism
He never said slavery is OK now.

(When the Progs start lying about what their opponent says, you know they have no way to respond and they’re flailing. I see it done all the time here, and it’s getting more and more blatant.)
But it was OK then because "EVEYONE WAS DOING IT."

That was sick then and excusing it today is just as sick.
But thanks for giving us the house racist point of view.

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