The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

You are still claiming that black failure is due to "Racism," LOL? First off, there are no more privileged people in the country, and secondly, how do you explain the fact that black failure is even more prevalent in areas of the country where blacks are the majority
…..or. how would they explain that 75% of black families are NOT living in poverty? Does racism only exist for a minority of blacks? where I live, they own nice homes, shop at Prada, and have dinner out at Morton’s. That a subclass of blacks didn’t take advantage of the opportunities given them is not whitey’s fault.
This is not quite true Joe.

He passed a counterfeit bill.
He took a controlled substance
He resisted arrest

NONE of this excuse what Chauvin did, but Floyd wasn't a saint.


1) First, contrary to what the bigot upthread said, when Jews are criticized for whatever, NONE say “but Hitler…..” Get real!

You spent half of this thread whining about how your distant relatives were killed in the Holocaust. You can't talk about the Zionist/Palestinian conflict without old Dolfie being brought up.

3) Enough with all these photos of slavery and lynching. We KNOW
it was horrific. This is now the 21st century, and blacks have been getting favored treatment for four decades. If 25% of them are still in poverty, that’s their own doing. After all, 75% are not!

Except it's not being favored, is it?

4) To the leftist bigot who said I would “block” a black kid from getting into a college in order to admit the white with higher scores and grades, that’s not “blocking.” OMG! Do you racists even hear yourselves? That’s admitting the better student. What IS blocking is what the racist libs are doing: blocking the white kid with better grades and scores to let in a black kid with worse. It is YOU leftists doing the blocking - but as long as the racism hurts only whites, you’re fine with it.

But who is the "Better student".

The black kid who does EVERYTHING you demanded of him... He got good grades, despite going to an underfunded school with outdated textbooks and disinterested teachers, she didn't get pregnant and she completed the course.

Or the White kid who had a superior private school education, access to a tutor, good health care to avoid pregnancies,

It strikes me that you should consider MORE than just a score on a test.
He passed a counterfeit bill.
He took a controlled substance
He resisted arrest

NONE of this excuse what Chauvin did, but he wasn't a saint.

You spent half of this thread whining about how your distant relatives were killed in the Holocaust. You can't talk about the Zionist/Palestinian conflict without old Dolfie being brought up.

Except it's not being favored, is it?

But who is the "Better student".

The black kid who does EVERYTHING you demanded of him... He got good grades, despite going to an underfunded school with outdated textbooks and disinterested teachers, she didn't get pregnant and she completed the course.

Or the White kid who had a superior private school education, access to a tutor, good health care to avoid pregnancies,

It strikes me that you should consider MORE than just a score on a test.
Or the White kid who had a superior private school education, access to a tutor, good health care to avoid pregnancies,

After 50 years, why aren't Black kids growing up the same way?
In fact, there are many that do and don't have to shoot anyone at a family get together.
You are stuck in the past.
…..or. how would they explain that 75% of black families are NOT living in poverty? Does racism only exist for a minority of blacks? where I live, they own nice homes, shop at Prada, and have dinner out at Morton’s. That a subclass of blacks didn’t take advantage of the opportunities given them is not whitey’s fault.

Let's flip the script...

How many of those 75% still get pulled over by the cops for pretextual stops. How many of them STILL feel the need to have "the talk" with their kids on how not to get shot by the police? How many of them will still be rudely treated by white store owners?
People want to talk about facing consequences. Blacks here are talking about at least 246 years of continuing racism since America decided it's Independence and 403 years from the beginning of colonization. None of you seem willing to face the consequences of such actions.

So we should face the consequences because of people we never known or met?
Dude, I was trying to be patient with you, but the stream of crazy is a bit to deal with.


Ms. Damond had no criminal record.



That's what we got told.

But whites media often tends stall on releasing white people in crminal cases name and pic so they can scrub their social media.

He was just trying to get home to his family.

She was actually doing the good citizen thing trying to alert a police officer to a problem.



We need to take a look at Justine Damonds history. We need to know what prescriptions she took. Acting all erratic while the officer’s have their lives threatened everyday. She should have known to stay in her house until the officers gave her permission to move.

Because that officer never should have been made a peace officer, he panicked and shot her.



He clearly feared for his life and she had no business moving towards a police car. These thugs still don’t get it. Moving your hand towards your wallet is enough to be threatening to an officer, why on Earth would this criminal move her whole body towards police in an aggressive manner? She must of been on Meth. Now her family is playing the victim like they always do. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Officer Noor had been fast tracked through the system, and a police psychologist had raised questions about his fitness two months before the shooting.



According to our legal system moving in any manner that results in an officer killing you out of fear for their own safety… is a justified homicide. Clearly that is the case here and playing the victim will get you people nowhere in life.

And her family got $20MM. Floyd's family got $29MM.

Justine Damond got the money because whites don't have to riot because black killers of whites tend to be arrested, charged, convicted and if they are in a state which allows it, have a better chance of getting the death penalty.

In the George Floyd case for example, they wasn’t even initially arrested.

Were it not for social media and some very vocal folks we wouldn’t even know about it. Black americans had to practically have a civil war and spread that message globally just get you to act like normal himan being

George Floyd had an EXTENSIVE criminal record. He was in the process of committed several crimes when he was being arrested.

George Floyd wasn't killed because he had a criminal record. He was killed because he was black and what you doing is part of the white supremacist that is always trying to justify why the blk person deserved to die..

But in America a Black Person has to be a ‘perfect victim. The reason the NAACP used Rosa Parks was her character could not be sh*t on by whites.

Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris slaughtred 23 ppl for no reason and the White Media made all sorts excuses for their behavior and many whites blamed Marilyn Manson, KFDM but not their upper-class two parent families who did not pay attention to these psychopaths or the fact that the Police had reported these guys were bullying their classmates months before the act occured.

Or the Boston bomber of 2013. White man got a front cover of rolling stone.


This white guy killed 3 and injured 250 civillians in the Boston bombing marathon in 2013. Many lost arms and legs and were blinded and wheel chair bound for life but Rolling Stone magazine presented Tsarnaev in a way to how rock stars are shown on magazine covers saying how popular and promising of student he was.

What Chauvin did was completely out of line and he got more time than Noor did and the settlement was bigger.

Well let's see who actually serves out the longer sentence and even in prison the system is still protecting Derek Chauvin.


I'm not sure what your complaint is here. That the white person who never did anything wrong didn't have to fight as hard to get justice than the black guy who instigated the incident he was killed in? Both officers were in the wrong. Both were punished, both families got compensation.

The difference is black people had to do this to get justice


And big tough talking President Trump, instead of speaking to the nation to bring calm, hid in a bunker when the protests reached the White House fence.

We have to do this and get the whole world behind us to get justice even as far as Paris.

African and Arab descent people have their own police brutality issues in France.

I've called Ray and others about the disparity on how the war on drugs treats whites vs. blacks... BUT YOU WOULDN'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM IF YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE DRUGS FROM THE GET!

This is the same argument that white supremacists said 70 years ago

“You shouldn’t have drunk outta that water fountain if you didn’t want a beating, it doesn’t matter if white people can do whatever they want”


“You should have known better than to look at a white woman, even though white men can rape black women with impunity”.

Or it’s like the “separate but equal” schools, “you should have been smarter even though your textbooks are two decades old and your schools are falling apart”.

The current criminal justice system is absolutely like Jim Crow. Some things are a crime for black people and are not a crime for white people. It’s as simple as that. So for u saying “just don’t do the drugs”,

That's kinda like me giving you some painkillers to solve your toothache, Until you deal with the cause of your toothache, not amount of painkillers will truly sort your toothache

See what you are basicaly saying is this

Black men don’t deserve an equal shot at justice.

And do you really think if every single black person never took a drug white supremacist would "Dam you black people, you've figured us out "

Blackness it'sef has been criminalized. So more laws would be created and situations to criminalize blk ppl.

We could also talk about all the "gangsta rap" songs that glorify drug dealing. That's a good market, given how many rap stars are murdered or overdose, it's a perpetual help wanted sign.

Most rappers today don't even rap about thug life and gangsta life. I don't know what hip-hop your listening to. Whites run hip hop anyway and most rap is bought by whites.

If whites wanted folks to buying CDs and downloading music by rap artists who rapped about community uplift then that’s the music that would be churned out in larger numbers.

It's white buyers who make the kind of rap you're complaining about profitable but instead of asking for any responsibility from them, you blame the artists for doing what they’re supposed to do in a capitalist system, which is respond to market demand, no matter the social consequences.

But it's odd how how the Sopranos never get blamed when white folks kill someone ? Or the Saw movie trilogy ? And the endless list of horror-slasher movies.

You're not a child, you're a grown-ass man.

And a grown ass man doesn't accept mistreatment and injustice and that's what blk ppl have done and we have done that despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti thrown at us

Black people are the only group who challenge white supremacy on consistent basis and have done so for centuries. We don't fully bow down it.

And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body. We are out here on the streets right now.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell no.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage. No one.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If white were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

You have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man. You don't do that to children


Sure, you've gotten a raw deal. Sure, you are not going to get the breaks I've gotten. Life isn't fair, and you can't go about whining about it.

White supremacists like to use this soft language. "It's not fair" and "whining" We deal with genodical white supremacists who run a system of white supremacy

Complaining doesn't create solutions. Nobody is going to send the racists off to Tolerance Camp.

Racism grows and feeds off a culture of silence. The point of calling out racism is to break down that silence. It does not matter if you persuade anyone, it does not matter if you “win the argument”. It is very unlikely you will. What matters is that you were heard and planted that seed in people’s minds of, “Hey, maybe this is not right.”

We have always had to force whites act right.

And that's probably a good strategy. Maybe your racist boss gets a talking to from HR, but you get a rep as a troublemaker. At the end of the day, they value him more than you. Is it fair? Absolutely not.

So black people should just accept mistreatment and injustice ?
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Maybe ONE average Black person can't rent or buy a building and start their own club, but a hundred, or five hundred can pool their resources and do so. How do you think most immigrant businesses got started? Families or groups pooled their money. Ever hear of a Co-Op? I'm not talking about homeowner's boards. They get started because either the local store is robbing its customers blind, or because there is no local store. So average people pool their money and start their own store, or agricultural organization. If you don't like how banks are treating black people, get a thousand black people to pool whatever spare money they have and open your own bank that caters only to black people. What is the old saying from the sixties? "If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem". You claim to be a successful black man with organizational experience, take charge and use it to better your neighbors, don't spend all your time here scolding us about what some of our ancestors did to some of your ancestors, and what horrible people we are as a result.
Shut the fuck up until you turn black and face what we live with....
You are still claiming that black failure is due to "Racism," LOL? First off, there are no more privileged people in the country, and secondly, how do you explain the fact that black failure is even more prevalent in areas of the country where blacks are the majority
I'm saying what the facts have proven. Everything you have said here is a lie.
White women benefited the most from racial preference? Even for those of you with the lowest of intelligence, how does that make sense? White women are white, right?

Do you think these AA programs were designed to benefit whites? Staggering stupidity regardless of your minuscule IQ.
Why do you think they added women to the list of protected classes?

That aside though, affirmative action has nothing in the text of the executive order that gives racial preference to ANY group, let alone black people. There is also nothing in the text that legalizes discrimination against white people. That would be unlawful.

The Executive Order prohibits federal contractors and federally‐assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin
Executive Order 11246 – Equal Employment Opportunity | U.S. Department of Labor
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Yeah, that’s also a big lie the left is pushing to keep blacks getting favorable treatment. I know of two cases - both in the federal government, where liberalism and favoritism toward blacks are rampant - where a less qualified black got a promotion that the better qualified white woman was going for. in both cases, the white woman who were discriminated against for not being black sued, and both won. The libs try to get away with this all the time in the government, and you have to fight back!

In my own case, I went up against a black woman for a promotion and she got it - despite a much worse education and half the experience. The hiring manager told me she was sorry, but she was under a lot of pressure to hire and promote blacks, and offered me a “compensation” prize of another (higher) position. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but I took it - and then found another job where they judgEd on competence and not skin color.
Is that the only time that happened to you?
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Shut the fuck up until you turn black and face what we live with....
So I give you a positive suggestion and that’s your answer. Look man I don’t like you and I really don’t respect you, but if you are who and what you claim, you could make a real difference. If you’d rather badmouth me, that’s fine but it’s never going to change anything. What I suggested is what successful Black Americans did for a hundred years. It worked, and it would work today. All you have to do is work together for all black Americans to succeed.
How about the topic we are in which is black poverty? My links point to a very disturbing ratio of black girls getting pregnant in their teen years and black males becoming felons, both of which play a huge party in poverty these days. I also posted a link that showed 75% of black male children cannot read at state levels in California, and I'm sure it's similar in other states, unless it's something in their drinking water.

On a personal note I told you about my neighbor next door with the basketball hoop, the complaints I hear on my police scanner, and the fact our schools were once one of the best in the county until blacks moved in, and we've been on academic watch since.

You and your cohorts ignore all of that and refer to phantom white racism and discrimination. I won't say it doesn't happen, but certainly not nearly to the level of affecting an entire race of people. They are anomalies at best. Instead, you people post all kinds of things of the past about people you never even met that have nothing to do with your life in 2022, and final results instead of empirical evidence as to what led to those results.

Per capita blacks lead the country in almost every crime category. Over 50% of US murders are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males.

You have a lot of things going against your race that whites are in no way responsible for. Unless you address those issues, your grandchildren will be talking about the same thing in 50 years from today.
You were addressing me at the time. None of that applies to me or my life.
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He passed a counterfeit bill.
He took a controlled substance
He resisted arrest

NONE of this excuse what Chauvin did, but Floyd wasn't a saint.

View attachment 635806

You spent half of this thread whining about how your distant relatives were killed in the Holocaust. You can't talk about the Zionist/Palestinian conflict without old Dolfie being brought up.

Except it's not being favored, is it?

But who is the "Better student".

The black kid who does EVERYTHING you demanded of him... He got good grades, despite going to an underfunded school with outdated textbooks and disinterested teachers, she didn't get pregnant and she completed the course.

Or the White kid who had a superior private school education, access to a tutor, good health care to avoid pregnancies,

It strikes me that you should consider MORE than just a score on a test.
Never said he was a saint but none of that warranted his death, therefore the mention of those things are irrelevant to the discussion of his situation. No one is a saint and alcohol and nicotine are controlled substances that are legal. He may not have known that 20 was counterfeit. Still today nobody knows if that 20 was counterfeit.

Whites have been on controlled substances, committing crimes, fight with police, take their vehicles and live. This is what Paul was pointing out;, the demonization of black victims of police violence while whites get treated like saints.
Then t
He passed a counterfeit bill.
He took a controlled substance
He resisted arrest

NONE of this excuse what Chauvin did, but Floyd wasn't a saint.

View attachment 635806

You spent half of this thread whining about how your distant relatives were killed in the Holocaust. You can't talk about the Zionist/Palestinian conflict without old Dolfie being brought up.

Except it's not being favored, is it?

But who is the "Better student".

The black kid who does EVERYTHING you demanded of him... He got good grades, despite going to an underfunded school with outdated textbooks and disinterested teachers, she didn't get pregnant and she completed the course.

Or the White kid who had a superior private school education, access to a tutor, good health care to avoid pregnancies,

It strikes me that you should consider MORE than just a score on a test.
Then take race out of it entirely. Make Affirmative Action for anyone making less than the poverty level. Make it economic, not racial.
So I give you a positive suggestion and that’s your answer. Look man I don’t like you and I really don’t respect you, but if you are who and what you claim, you could make a real difference. If you’d rather badmouth me, that’s fine but it’s never going to change anything. What I suggested is what successful Black Americans did for a hundred years. It worked, and it would work today. All you have to do is work together for all black Americans to succeed.
You did not give me a positive suggestion and I have never liked your racist ass either. So like I said, shut the fuck up until you turn black and live what we go through.
Then t

Then take race out of it entirely. Make Affirmative Action for anyone making less than the poverty level. Make it economic, not racial.
Whites have been given racial preference since day one. And whites benefit from affirmative action more than anyone else. Just how long are whites like you going to live in denial. What the fuck do you think Jim Crow was? And Jim Crow did not end in 1964, whites are still denying opportunity because of race.
Never said he was a saint but none of that warranted his death, therefore the mention of those things are irrelevant to the discussion of his situation. No one is a saint and alcohol and nicotine are controlled substances that are legal. He may not have known that 20 was counterfeit. Still today nobody knows if that 20 was counterfeit.

Whites have been on controlled substances, committing crimes, fight with police, take their vehicles and live. This is what Paul was pointing out;, the demonization of black victims of police violence while whites get treated like saints.
Whites don’t get treated like saints. White criminals go to jail. When white criminals resist arrest they get beaten and shot, but no one makes a big deal about it because we blame them, not the cops. I’ve been stopped and questioned and ticketed many times. I make it my business to reduce tensions. I do exactly what I’m told and make damned sure I don’t raise anyone’s stress levels.
You did not give me a positive suggestion and I have never liked your racist ass either. So like I said, shut the fuck up until you turn black and live what we go through.
All you have is insults, you have a sad life. Go ahead and wallow in your victimhood, it’s no skin off my nose. I live a fulfilling and happy life.
Or the White kid who had a superior private school education, access to a tutor, good health care to avoid pregnancies,

After 50 years, why aren't Black kids growing up the same way?
In fact, there are many that do and don't have to shoot anyone at a family get together.
You are stuck in the past.
No matter how positive the content of a conversation, a lot of black losers have to search for something to whine about.

As you said some choose to live in the past - and, because of that they'll never change, they'll always be losers.

Sadly, they're not even bright enough to be embarrassed about being losers. No use giving them a second thought.

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