The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

It means working harder. We bust our asses in school. I have degrees. You don't. So don't lecture me about some fucking Asian busting their ass to learn. The ONLY reason you racists try throwing Asians in our face is because you think Asians are soft and they take your shit without fighting back, while we'll take your racist asses to the hoop every time.

Or how about Asians (unlike blacks) learn from their mistakes? If something goes wrong, they don't blame what the government did to their ancestors, they blame themselves.

In martial arts you learn more than just self-defense, you learn about the culture of people who brought us this kind of fighting technique. Yeah, you have degrees, it shows by your posts and intelligence. Ya gotta love the internet. It's always the rich leftists who preach about needing higher taxes, and all you blacks who are so successful concerned about the failures of others in your race. But you???? You're doing fantastic. :auiqs.jpg:
6 million Jews were massacre during the Holocaust, asshole.

That's irrelevant to American blacks. As far as they're concerned, the worst thing to happen in this world was black slavery and discrimination. Forget German camp guards burying Jews and Poles in mass graves while many of them were still alive and only shot once, surgical experimentation of people while they were still alive, the rape and torture of children and anybody who became ill was put to death because they couldn't work any longer. Forget all that. The worst thing was people coming from this country to buy slaves in Africa.

These are the same people who conducted nationwide riots because some drug addict died in the custody of a police officer.
That's irrelevant to American blacks. As far as they're concerned, the worst thing to happen in this world was black slavery and discrimination. Forget German camp guards burying Jews and Poles in mass graves while many of them were still alive and only shot once, surgical experimentation of people while they were still alive, the rape and torture of children and anybody who became ill was put to death because they couldn't work any longer. Forget all that. The worst thing was people coming from this country to buy slaves in Africa.

These are the same people who conducted nationwide riots because some drug addict died in the custody of a police officer.
The sad thing is that the Holocaust, which took the lives of 6 million Jews for no other reason than they were Jewish, should NOT be irrelevant to American blacks. It should stand as an example as to how a people so brutalized by bigotry could rise above it in ONE generation and become successful.

And again, before the excuse-makers rush in and say it didn’t happen to American Jews, tell it to my father (well, you can’t tell him anything anymore.…RIP) who studied his heart out as a 15-year-old to get top marks so he could get a tuition-free education (his parents were dirt poor) under the weight of knowing Jews were being slaughtered by the millions..….and the letter from his grandmother, and the last letter from his aunt to his mother, and the last letter from his cousins, was six months ago, and they could only assume the worst. (It turned out it was the worst.)

If Jews could rise from that in a single generation, then blacks with Affirmative Action can do it in two.
Yet slavery was common all over the world during the 18th century

if you dont know that then your education is incomplete
I know it.
You're saying it was OK because others were doing it too.
You do know this is the same argument the GOP uses each and every tine they get caught.
"They did it too"
"They did it first."

Your defense is not just without merit, it is without morals.
Nobody is excusing anything. The way things are going in this country, people in 100 years from now might consider us barbarians because we keep pets in our home instead of allowing them to be in the wild. It's normal in our environment because a lot of people have pets in their home.

Do you have any pets in your home? Well then people in the future might consider you inhumane for doing so.
Yes, I do.
I feed them.
Ensure their safety.
Ensure their health.
and in return they give me affection.

I don't rape them.
I don't boil them alive as a show for the other pets
I don't use a gun and shoot them if they wander off my property.

The future may indeed deem keeping pets immoral but not for the reason you think
With people starving around the world we choose to feed these animals who, really, serve no objective purpose.

But you excuse the former because the latter may be considered in different terms in the future.

When actual factual slavery came to the US it was because the owners of indentured servants saw their investments disappear after a period.
Of course, GREED overcame morality but they couldn't hold White people forever so...
They decided they could do it to the Black people.
AND, of course
The religious leaders fell right in line ensure the Bible could be interpreted as justifying the crimes.

That you fail to criticize this shows your lack of morality
That you defend it shows how little any moral outlook means to you.
I know it.
You're saying it was OK because others were doing it too.
You do know this is the same argument the GOP uses each and every tine they get caught.
"They did it too"
"They did it first."

Your defense is not just without merit, it is without morals.
NO. It shows that your indignation is selective and that you're a gigantic hypocrite.

Your post is just another variation of accusing right wingers of "whataboutism." It's your way of admitting that you're proud to be a hypocrite.
Yes, I do.
I feed them.
Ensure their safety.
Ensure their health.
and in return they give me affection.

I don't rape them.
I don't boil them alive as a show for the other pets
I don't use a gun and shoot them if they wander off my property.

The future may indeed deem keeping pets immoral but not for the reason you think
With people starving around the world we choose to feed these animals who, really, serve no objective purpose.

But you excuse the former because the latter may be considered in different terms in the future.

When actual factual slavery came to the US it was because the owners of indentured servants saw their investments disappear after a period.
Of course, GREED overcame morality but they couldn't hold White people forever so...
They decided they could do it to the Black people.
AND, of course
The religious leaders fell right in line ensure the Bible could be interpreted as justifying the crimes.

That you fail to criticize this shows your lack of morality
That you defend it shows how little any moral outlook means to you.
Plantation owners fed their slaves.
I know it.
You're saying it was OK because others were doing it too.
You do know this is the same argument the GOP uses each and every tine they get caught.
"They did it too"
"They did it first."

Your defense is not just without merit, it is without morals.
It was not ok by our standards today

but it was at that time
Yes, I do.
I feed them.
Ensure their safety.
Ensure their health.
and in return they give me affection.

I don't rape them.
I don't boil them alive as a show for the other pets
I don't use a gun and shoot them if they wander off my property.

The future may indeed deem keeping pets immoral but not for the reason you think
With people starving around the world we choose to feed these animals who, really, serve no objective purpose.

But you excuse the former because the latter may be considered in different terms in the future.

When actual factual slavery came to the US it was because the owners of indentured servants saw their investments disappear after a period.
Of course, GREED overcame morality but they couldn't hold White people forever so...
They decided they could do it to the Black people.
AND, of course
The religious leaders fell right in line ensure the Bible could be interpreted as justifying the crimes.

That you fail to criticize this shows your lack of morality
That you defend it shows how little any moral outlook means to you.

I'm not defending anything. All I'm pointing out is the truth, and that is slavery was pretty normal not only here, but around the world back then. That's why people didn't think much of it.

God did sanction slavery back in the day. People didn't have Jewish lawyers and money to sue. If you brought harm or shame to a family, you offered yourself as a slave for repayment, or it was ruled by their courts. God found repaying your debt to somebody favorable.

As for how slaves were treated, yes, some were treated terribly, just like some people treat their animals terribly today. When slavery ended they high tailed out of there. But many were treated like family. That's why former slaves often stayed with their former slave owners as paid help after slavery was abolished. Did you ever hear of the term House N? It's a term used by blacks in a derogatory way to insult other blacks who don't see things their way.
I don’t know what the black racist said, since he’s on ignore, but they diminish the horrors of the Holocaust and what befell the Jewish people. It’s their only way to explain how a people who have suffered such horrific antisemitism -and start with nothing - can go on to have their children be so successful. Otherwise, their insistence that poverty is due to racism falls apart.

Except Jews aren't a race, they are a religion.

The other thing they say is that the impoverished Jews in the early 20th century didn’t experience antisemitism directly. To that, I’d say that having your European family - parents, siblings - wiped out, with you never to see or hear from them again, and knowing they were slaughtered for being Jewish Is a horrific loss - and is directly experiencing antisemitism.

I have a bunch of relatives in Germany who died in WWII. Doesn't bother me in the least.
The sad thing is that the Holocaust, which took the lives of 6 million Jews for no other reason than they were Jewish, should NOT be irrelevant to American blacks. It should stand as an example as to how a people so brutalized by bigotry could rise above it in ONE generation and become successful.

Actually, the Holocaust took the lives of 12 million people, including Poles, Slavs, gays, political dissidents, Roma (Gypsies)... meanwhile their Japanese allies were murdering millions of Koreans and Chinese.

The only reason we keep hearing about the Jews is because they run Hollywood and just won't stop crowing about their film about the Holocaust.

I think I've seen one film about the Rape of Nanking, and it was mostly about how it ruined the day of compassionate white people.
NO. It shows that your indignation is selective and that you're a gigantic hypocrite.

Your post is just another variation of accusing right wingers of "whataboutism." It's your way of admitting that you're proud to be a hypocrite.
My indignation IS SELECTIVE.

I am not indignant because someone is LGBTQ+. But you are.
I'm not indignant because someone is a PoC with a good job and career. But you are.
I'm not indignant when some bad cop is indicted and convicted for a racist murder. But you are.

But, harm the innocent? I am indignant. But You're not
Lie and steal to get power? I am indignant. But you're not.
Try to overthrow the government because you lost and election? I am indignant. but you're not.

You see what happens when you make it personal my little cheeto sucking moron?
I stand for right.
You stand for whatever butthurt of the day about which you're told needs whining.

And, in the end,
I fell good aboiut me. How does your racism, misogeny, and dishonesty make you feel about you?
Plantation owners fed their slaves.

when they ran away did the call their name or call the Patrol?
Did they look for them at the pound and post flyers or did they get the torches, tracking dogs and shotguns?

Your attempt ad equivocation only makes your argument worse.
My indignation IS SELECTIVE.

I am not indignant because someone is LGBTQ+. But you are.
I'm not indignant because someone is a PoC with a good job and career. But you are.
I'm not indignant when some bad cop is indicted and convicted for a racist murder. But you are.

But, harm the innocent? I am indignant. But You're not
Lie and steal to get power? I am indignant. But you're not.
Try to overthrow the government because you lost and election? I am indignant. but you're not.

You see what happens when you make it personal my little cheeto sucking moron?
I stand for right.
You stand for whatever butthurt of the day about which you're told needs whining.

And, in the end,
I fell good aboiut me. How does your racism, misogeny, and dishonesty make you feel about you?
If you stand for right, you would not berate a Jew for calling Farrakhan out on his antisemitism, as you just did, and insisting she hates him because he’s black, and not because he is a disgusting antisemite who calls Jews termites.

(My G-d, where do these arrogant progs even come from?)
It was not ok by our standards today

but it was at that time
If it was OK at the time...
Why was there a war to end it?
Why did 650k Americans die in this war if it was OK.

Just because the majority says it's legal doesn't make it moral or OK.
To justify it in those terms is immoral.
If it was OK at the time...
Why was there a war to end it?
Why did 650k Americans die in this war if it was OK.

Just because the majority says it's legal doesn't make it moral or OK.
To justify it in those terms is immoral.
Wherever. It has nothing to do with the 25% poverty rate among blacks. And you people trying to get them to feel like oppressed victims of whitey are doing them more harm! All they need to do to get out of poverty is to not have babies OOW, and finish school.

Why in the world do you insist on making them feel like victims? if Jews and Asians could move from poverty to the middle class in one generation, despite all the prejudice, then blacks can do it in two, and WITH the benefit of Affirmative Action.
I'm not defending anything. All I'm pointing out is the truth, and that is slavery was pretty normal not only here, but around the world back then. That's why people didn't think much of it.

God did sanction slavery back in the day. People didn't have Jewish lawyers and money to sue. If you brought harm or shame to a family, you offered yourself as a slave for repayment, or it was ruled by their courts. God found repaying your debt to somebody favorable.

As for how slaves were treated, yes, some were treated terribly, just like some people treat their animals terribly today. When slavery ended they high tailed out of there. But many were treated like family. That's why former slaves often stayed with their former slave owners as paid help after slavery was abolished. Did you ever hear of the term House N? It's a term used by blacks in a derogatory way to insult other blacks who don't see things their way.
The truth is that you pointing to it and saying "see? It was ok then so it's OK now."
That attitude is sick.
The truth is that you pointing to it and saying "see? It was ok then so it's OK now."
That attitude is sick.
He never said slavery is OK now.

(When the Progs start lying about what their opponent says, you know they have no way to respond and they’re flailing. I see it done all the time here, and it’s getting more and more blatant.)

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