The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

True, white liberals lied to you about the reason for your poverty. We always like people who tell us that our problems are not our fault, that they guy who is having a better time in life is the one who is at fault.

White liberals didn't tell me shit.

In 1959 poverty for blacks was 55.1 percent. For whites, it was 18.1. Black poverty was 3.04 times that of whites. This was five years before the Civil Rights Act and during legalized segregation. In 1966, poverty for Blacks was 41.8 percent. For whites, it was 11.3 percent. Black poverty was 3.69 times that of whites. This was two years after the Civil Rights Act, and the country was trying to figure out how to get to equality. In 1974, poverty for Blacks was 30.3 percent. For Whites, 8.6 percent. Black poverty was 3.52 times that of whites ten years after the Civil Rights Act was passed. In 1984, poverty for Blacks was 33.8 percent. For Whites, 11.5 percent. Black poverty was still 2.94 times that of whites 20 years after the Civil Rights Act. One would think that if a real concerted effort had been made relative to hiring and equal pay, this would not be the case.

In 2004, the poverty rate for Blacks was 24.7 percent. For Whites, 10.8 percent. Black poverty was 2.28 times that of whites 40 years after the Civil Rights Act. In 40 years, black poverty was still twice that of whites. The difference between blacks and whites had decreased by less than 1 point. Either programs and policies designed to lower poverty in the black community did not work, or the necessary emphasis was not placed on trying to do what it takes to reduce poverty in the black community so that it was at least comparable to that of whites.

In 2014, the Black poverty rate was 26.2 percent. For Whites, 12.7 percent. Fifty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed and members of the American right determined that racism was a thing of the past, black poverty was still two times that of whites., In 2020 we heard all the bragging from President number 45 and his followers about all the great things he did for black people. When he left office, poverty for Blacks was 19.3 percent. For Whites, it was 8.2 percent. Despite the claims of President number 45, Black poverty was two times that of whites. Since 1959 no matter how low or high poverty has been, blacks have continued living at double the white and overall American poverty rate. Increased high school and college graduation rates have not changed this discrepancy.

At no time from 1959 through 2020 have whites and blacks come close to having equal income. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going members of American society. We have had two terms of a black president, and still, the median income for blacks has been less than whites. Most certainly, if a black man can manage a nation, he can run a corporation. If a black woman can run the second-largest Department of Justice in America and serve as Vice President, she can manage your local Wal-Mart. Sixty-eight years ago, Brown v. Topeka ended segregation in schools. Fifty-eight years ago, Civil Rights for everyone became law. This situation is not about the failure of “black culture” or so-called liberal handout policies. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is continuing white racism.

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 1960 to 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC). Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2020, 404: Page Not Found

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 1968 to 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC)., Table H-5. Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder--Households by Median and Mean Income: 1967 to 2020, Historical Income Tables: Households

This is what tells me. Stop lying to yourself then try telling me that the lie you tell yourself is how things are. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I'm black. I've faced that racism. I know what it does. You have done none of these things. So shut the hell up and listen.
Oh I'm an asshole while you motherfuckers say this kind of shit to us every day.
Let's see. Prog assholes like you call us "racist," "sexist," "traitors," "Nazis", "stupid," "bigots," "white losers who failed in life ," "white supremacists," yada, yada, yada.

Stick it where the sun don't shine, asshole.

Live by the sword. Die by the sword.
There is nothing racist about saying that blacks could solve their own problems with poverty (of the 25% in poverty) by waiting for babies and finishing school. What’s racist would be to say we have to give blacks money because they are incapable of getting out of poverty on their own.

This pattern of libs screeching “raaaaacist” at people pointing out the obvious - study after study shows delaying childbearing and completing school is the key to moving out of poverty - is promoting a sense of victimhood among poor blacks instead of empowerment. Plus, it’s just the nasty libs way of cutting off a debate.
White ethnic groups discriminated against each other for a short time then recognized they all were white and played the race card against people of color.

I wouldn't say it was for a short time. My father was told he couldn't join the bricklayers union because of his Polish heritage. The only reason they let him in was because he was a Korean war vet. If not for that, he never would have had the career he had.
Except that the Asian may not be ahead because they work harder. Blacks have been the best they can be and still get passed over. Asians don't work harder than us, racists reward them because they are assumed to be quiet and take the racism they face while blacks get punished for fighting the racism we face.

Depends on what you mean by working harder. They may not be able to dig a ditch any faster than blacks but they bust their asses to learn as much as they can in school so they can advance themselves.

One time I had an Asian/ American student. Teaching him was the easiest person I ever had to teach. After his lesson he'd be back the next week playing his lesson like a professional guitarist. I couldn't give him enough work to do, and I've been teaching for quite a long time.
I'm going to be honest here.

I'm for stopping all immigration.

Because the immigants who come here (Black or white or Asian) most of them are hostile and show the same level contempt that whites show towards black americans. A lot of them have the same white supremacist mindset as many whites.

This is a 50 year plan and whites are gonna make many places in the USA full of hostile anti black immigrants who will integrate in the USA because what it means to integrate into the US is that you are willing to hate on black people

This is to be the final solution. That white supremacists are going to drown out the black population with hostile non black people and even hostile African immigrants who are willing to hate on black people

That post tells us a lot right there: Everybody is racist or going to be racist. Racism is all around you 24/7.

So tell me, if that's the way you feel, do you support the Democrat party who is ushering them into this country, or the Republicans who want to keep them out?
Depends on what you mean by working harder. They may not be able to dig a ditch any faster than blacks but they bust their asses to learn as much as they can in school so they can advance themselves.

One time I had an Asian/ American student. Teaching him was the easiest person I ever had to teach. After his lesson he'd be back the next week playing his lesson like a professional guitarist. I couldn't give him enough work to do, and I've been teaching for quite a long time.
My best experience as a tutor was with an Asian/American student as well. He was an engineering major, and bright, but his English was poor, given that he had only been in the country a short while.

First, he was very appreciative of the fact that I was doing this as a volunteer, and thanked me after each session.

Second, he was motivated, disciplined, and determined to master the content. I remember one time I couldn’t meet with him on Tuesday, our weekly time, and suggested we just meet the following week. He asked if there was any way I could find sometime during the current week so he wouldn‘t miss a session.

Third, he did every part of every home work assignment I gave him.

Fourth, he was ALWAYS on time.

I probably had a dozen students over the few years I volunteered, and he was far and way the best of the bunch. Come to think of it, he exhibited the ”traits of whiteness” the Smithsonian listed with derision.
Now, as repulsive as I find the racism of Lisa and Ray, this kind of shit isn't any better than what they are doing.

How does immigration help foundational black Americans ? We don't need immigrants coming here with their anti black American hatred. They just allocated billions and trillions to Afghan and Ukrainean refugees and they ain't even citizens




Yet when it comes to black people demanding repariations, the blk ppl who built this country, created the wealth of the country, fought in every was for this country. This is what we get


They sit these immigrants in black areas and they get housing, EBT card, WIC. So we get hit on ALL AROUND. And we can't go to their countries unless we have a bag of money.

And I'm gonna say something else.

It's these immigrants (to a large extent) that flood black communities with drugs. Haitian immigrants, italian immigrants and that crime gets dumped on black Americans and seen as a "black thing"

Now when it's something positive like a Haitian or Nigerian Doctor getting a PHD from Harvard or Yale ? It'll b "this Nigerian Doctor" etc "this haitian lawyer" "Nigerian kids are so smart and kicking ass in school"

O they MAKE SURE to differentiate themselves from black americans when they do something to put them in a good light.

If they were black immigrants with the same mentality as Nelson Mandela, Julius Malema or Robert Mugabe then I'd be the first to have them here but these Stepin Fetchit types, Steven From Django types they have to go

If there are whites who have an opinion that blacks are lazy, then your best defense is to be the best worker that you can

But the problem with this statement is that your making the value of black people conditional.

Are black people lazy ? But then I thought that black people are getting all these undeserved jobs via AA ? We can't be both.

Racism tries to break you in two ways

1. Physically
2. Psychologically.

Foundational Black Americans are broken physically meaning we get dumped on in terms of jobs, money, housing, investment but we (for the most part) are not broken psychologically

It takes courage to step to the the most powerful country on earth against a group that have shown they will use that to kill you.

But black American have done that and we do that knowing we are out gunned, out financed and out numbered.

That's because black American are not psychologically broken. That's why the arrows of racism is aimed at us so much. We don't look up to their opinion like you do.

A lot of non white immigrants are psychologically broken.

We know whites are not gonna stop practicing white supremacy just because blk ppl mow their lawns, stay in school, have no out of wedlock kids.

Obama was smart, educated, successful and worked hard and a good family man but he got more racial contempt than any blk man alive.

not complain that some Asian actually jumped ahead of you by working a bit harder.

Who is complaining about Asians ? You said that not me.

And let's be clear on this "hard working" Asians thing. I'll tell you one place the Asian do work hard that's to put filth in our community.




They do this and ppl like you sit bk and say "Well erm, ya know you blks just need to work harder"

And it was black Americans who work hard for Asians to come over here in the first place. They didn't allow black or non white immigrants to come here in large numbers before we fought for the 1965 immigration act.

Also Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


Black Americans In the 1960's are the one who called BULLSHIT on the war in Nam. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war


We are the economic base for Asians and that's NEVER been returned because Asians have a policy of not spending dime with blk ppl. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there.

So asians were allowed to be at the front of the queue as a buffer class between black and white people. That's you've never had a China Town that was blown up like the black wall street.

Let the white supremacist sabotage Canal Street in New York. See how they get on after that ?


So Asians work in tandem with the white supremacists to keep the system rigged because the people it's rigged against for the most part is black people.

You remove black people's issues then you are automatically back to white supremacy because black people are the only ones fighting it.

Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy. Where as everybody else is caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.


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Yes, exactly. My relatives arrived legally, at Ellis Island, and went through the legitimate process - meeting all requirements. Also had to have a medical screening, and a sponsor who would see that you didn’t become a burden on existing Americans. Then they went to work in dark, dank sweatshops 12 hours a day to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. (A generation later, all were college graduates.) Enough with t black racists claiming whiteys snuck in and lazed about.

People who claim that we are all descended from illegal immigrants are wrong - and obviously a leftist trying to play down what the illegals are doing at the southern border,

Your ancestors had a choice on whether to come here.

Blacks did not.

Coming here was actually an IMPROVEMENT over living in Europe for most Jews.
Getting brought here in chains was NOT an improvement for most blacks.

There were not 400 years of anti-Jewish laws to keep you down.
There were 400 years of anti-black laws to keep them down.

White Americans fought a war to keep blacks as slaves.
White Americans fought a war to keep Hitler from turning more Jews into lampshades.

It's really not comparable at all.
Paul, I can appreciate that you've probably suffered some serious racism in your life, and I can see why you are a bitter guy. You need to direct that energy in a more positive area.

How does immigration help foundational black Americans ? We don't need immigrants coming here with their anti black American hatred. They just allocated billions and trillions to Afghan and Ukrainean refugees and they ain't even citizens

And how much has the US spent on various welfare programs in the last 50 years?

Immigration helps ALL Americans, because right now, we are in a demographic death spiral. Too many people getting old, not enough new babies to replace them. They only way we get to equilibrium is bringing more people in.

And I will say the same thing to you that I say to any white bigot like Ray or Flash whining about immigrants. If you have failed so hard that someone with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English language is beating you

It's these immigrants (to a large extent) that flood black communities with drugs. Haitian immigrants, italian immigrants and that crime gets dumped on black Americans and seen as a "black thing"

At the end of the day, drugs are only a problem because people take them. Now, I think we need to refocus the war on drugs away from punishment and towards treatment. But you can't really blame anyone for created a supply when you are the ones created the demand.

But the problem with this statement is that your making the value of black people conditional.

Are black people lazy ? But then I thought that black people are getting all these undeserved jobs via AA ? We can't be both.

Racism tries to break you in two ways

1. Physically
2. Psychologically.

I hate to break this to you, but EVERYONE'S value is conditional. I get paid because either my customers or my employers value my quality of work.

Now, frankly, most of the black folks I've worked with are damned hard workers. But it's always that one guy who comes into work with an attitude that make everyone else look bad.

And it was black Americans who work hard for Asians to come over here in the first place. They didn't allow black or non white immigrants to come here in large numbers before we fought for the 1965 immigration act.

Also Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people

Uh, no, he gave up his sport because he didn't want to serve a country that had given him so much. Avoiding military service doesn't get you a lot of points with me, but maybe because I am a third generation veteran. (Although to be fair, my Grandfather fought for the Kaiser, but the point is, he still served his country.)

So Asians work in tandem with the white supremacists to keep the system rigged because the people it's rigged against for the most part is black people.

You remove black people's issues then you are automatically back to white supremacy because black people are the only ones fighting it.

Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy. Where as everybody else is caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.

I agree, there needs to be more opportunities.. I've been arguing with Lisa558 for months about her whining about college admissions.

But sometimes you have to go with the hand you are dealt. I didn't get into the college I wanted to get into. I also had to deal with both of my parents suffering terminal illnesses while I was in college. I worked two minimum wage jobs and joined the National Guard to pay for college.

Of course, when I was in the guard, I saw a lot of guys who joined the guard for that same scholarship money. Some of them couldn't master basic problems like math or simple grammar. Or knew basic facts of history like when WWI was fought. So they often failed in their first year and then stopped showing up for drills.
Your ancestors had a choice on whether to come here.

Blacks did not.

Coming here was actually an IMPROVEMENT over living in Europe for most Jews.
Getting brought here in chains was NOT an improvement for most blacks.

There were not 400 years of anti-Jewish laws to keep you down.
There were 400 years of anti-black laws to keep them down.

White Americans fought a war to keep blacks as slaves.
White Americans fought a war to keep Hitler from turning more Jews into lampshades.

It's really not comparable at all.
Jews living in this country had their mothers, and fathers, sisters, and brothers, and nieces, and nephews MURDERED - in their own lifetimes - and still moved from poverty to the upper middle class in one single generation.

And that is where your antisemitism comes from. How DARE a people that has been persecuted for 2,000 years be so successful? It makes it hard for blacks and libs to blame racism - rather than their own choices - for their failures.

And now, I’m putting you back on ignore. I just couldn’t resist seeing how you lie and skew the Jews’ experience.
There is nothing racist about saying that blacks could solve their own problems with poverty (of the 25% in poverty) by waiting for babies and finishing school. What’s racist would be to say we have to give blacks money because they are incapable of getting out of poverty on their own.

This pattern of libs screeching “raaaaacist” at people pointing out the obvious - study after study shows delaying childbearing and completing school is the key to moving out of poverty - is promoting a sense of victimhood among poor blacks instead of empowerment. Plus, it’s just the nasty libs way of cutting off a debate.

One more time... All those black kid who got 3.2 GPA's and 1400 on the SAT that you tried to block out of your elite school did everything you said, and there was still someone like you standing in the doorway like this guy.

Jews living in this country had their mothers, and fathers, sisters, and brothers, and nieces, and nephews MURDERED - in their own lifetimes - and still move from poverty to the upper middle class in one single generation.

If they had enough money to get here, then they weren't living in poverty.

My grandparents came here from Germany (after France occupied the Rhineland) in 1925... but like most European immigrants, they were considered "White enough" to get access to the mainstream.

Nobody passed laws keeping Jews from using the same water fountains as Christians... or keeping them from marrying the goyim...
White liberals didn't tell me shit.

In 1959 poverty for blacks was 55.1 percent. For whites, it was 18.1. Black poverty was 3.04 times that of whites. This was five years before the Civil Rights Act and during legalized segregation. In 1966, poverty for Blacks was 41.8 percent. For whites, it was 11.3 percent. Black poverty was 3.69 times that of whites. This was two years after the Civil Rights Act, and the country was trying to figure out how to get to equality. In 1974, poverty for Blacks was 30.3 percent. For Whites, 8.6 percent. Black poverty was 3.52 times that of whites ten years after the Civil Rights Act was passed. In 1984, poverty for Blacks was 33.8 percent. For Whites, 11.5 percent. Black poverty was still 2.94 times that of whites 20 years after the Civil Rights Act. One would think that if a real concerted effort had been made relative to hiring and equal pay, this would not be the case.

In 2004, the poverty rate for Blacks was 24.7 percent. For Whites, 10.8 percent. Black poverty was 2.28 times that of whites 40 years after the Civil Rights Act. In 40 years, black poverty was still twice that of whites. The difference between blacks and whites had decreased by less than 1 point. Either programs and policies designed to lower poverty in the black community did not work, or the necessary emphasis was not placed on trying to do what it takes to reduce poverty in the black community so that it was at least comparable to that of whites.

In 2014, the Black poverty rate was 26.2 percent. For Whites, 12.7 percent. Fifty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed and members of the American right determined that racism was a thing of the past, black poverty was still two times that of whites., In 2020 we heard all the bragging from President number 45 and his followers about all the great things he did for black people. When he left office, poverty for Blacks was 19.3 percent. For Whites, it was 8.2 percent. Despite the claims of President number 45, Black poverty was two times that of whites. Since 1959 no matter how low or high poverty has been, blacks have continued living at double the white and overall American poverty rate. Increased high school and college graduation rates have not changed this discrepancy.

At no time from 1959 through 2020 have whites and blacks come close to having equal income. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going members of American society. We have had two terms of a black president, and still, the median income for blacks has been less than whites. Most certainly, if a black man can manage a nation, he can run a corporation. If a black woman can run the second-largest Department of Justice in America and serve as Vice President, she can manage your local Wal-Mart. Sixty-eight years ago, Brown v. Topeka ended segregation in schools. Fifty-eight years ago, Civil Rights for everyone became law. This situation is not about the failure of “black culture” or so-called liberal handout policies. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is continuing white racism.

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 1960 to 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC). Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2020, 404: Page Not Found

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 1968 to 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC)., Table H-5. Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder--Households by Median and Mean Income: 1967 to 2020, Historical Income Tables: Households

This is what tells me. Stop lying to yourself then try telling me that the lie you tell yourself is how things are. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I'm black. I've faced that racism. I know what it does. You have done none of these things. So shut the hell up and listen.
Due to his economic policies, the black poverty rate under Trump was at an historical record low for blacks.
I wouldn't say it was for a short time. My father was told he couldn't join the bricklayers union because of his Polish heritage. The only reason they let him in was because he was a Korean war vet. If not for that, he never would have had the career he had.
It was shorter than both groups have discriminated against us.
Due to his economic policies, the black poverty rate under Trump was at an historical record low for blacks.
No, it was due to Obamas policies but black poverty was still double that of whites.
Jews living in this country had their mothers, and fathers, sisters, and brothers, and nieces, and nephews MURDERED - in their own lifetimes - and still moved from poverty to the upper middle class in one single generation.

And that is where your antisemitism comes from. How DARE a people that has been persecuted for 2,000 years be so successful? It makes it hard for blacks and libs to blame racism - rather than their own choices - for their failures.

And now, I’m putting you back on ignore. I just couldn’t resist seeing how you lie and skew the Jews’ experience.
Jews are a religion. Blacks were murdered and white jews like you practiced racism against blacks.
Paul, I can appreciate that you've probably suffered some serious racism in your life, and I can see why you are a bitter guy. You need to direct that energy in a more positive area.

And how much has the US spent on various welfare programs in the last 50 years?

Immigration helps ALL Americans, because right now, we are in a demographic death spiral. Too many people getting old, not enough new babies to replace them. They only way we get to equilibrium is bringing more people in.

And I will say the same thing to you that I say to any white bigot like Ray or Flash whining about immigrants. If you have failed so hard that someone with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English language is beating you

At the end of the day, drugs are only a problem because people take them. Now, I think we need to refocus the war on drugs away from punishment and towards treatment. But you can't really blame anyone for created a supply when you are the ones created the demand.

I hate to break this to you, but EVERYONE'S value is conditional. I get paid because either my customers or my employers value my quality of work.

Now, frankly, most of the black folks I've worked with are damned hard workers. But it's always that one guy who comes into work with an attitude that make everyone else look bad.

Uh, no, he gave up his sport because he didn't want to serve a country that had given him so much. Avoiding military service doesn't get you a lot of points with me, but maybe because I am a third generation veteran. (Although to be fair, my Grandfather fought for the Kaiser, but the point is, he still served his country.)

I agree, there needs to be more opportunities.. I've been arguing with Lisa558 for months about her whining about college admissions.

But sometimes you have to go with the hand you are dealt. I didn't get into the college I wanted to get into. I also had to deal with both of my parents suffering terminal illnesses while I was in college. I worked two minimum wage jobs and joined the National Guard to pay for college.

Of course, when I was in the guard, I saw a lot of guys who joined the guard for that same scholarship money. Some of them couldn't master basic problems like math or simple grammar. Or knew basic facts of history like when WWI was fought. So they often failed in their first year and then stopped showing up for drills.
Joe, the country gave Ali segregation and racism. That's why he refused to fight.

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