The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I find it very easy to identify them. Virtually every interaction with them has them making a nasty dig against Trump voters, or saying we have to have compassion for the “undocumented workers,” or whatever. In fact, maybe they’re testing ME to see if I’m ”one of them,” but the more likely explanation is that they’re simply arrogant and assume I agree with them.
Undocumented workers! Criminal invaders. They should be shot on sight. I have no compassion at all. The invaders should be butchered for zoo food.
I see the usual white "experts" on blacks are here running their mouths.

On February 25th, 1913, the 16th Amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified. This amendment created the income tax. Today, every American must pay income tax unless their income is below a certain level. Since 1913 blacks have paid federal income taxes to help finance programs and policies that have excluded us. Most states began income taxes during Jim Crow Apartheid, and working blacks paid income taxes that helped states implement policies enforcing apartheid.

More than 50 billion dollars (based on 1930’s value) was spent on The New Deal and Servicemen's Readjustment Act. Both programs are credited with providing a significant boost to wealth accumulation in America. Both policies excluded vast numbers of blacks who worked and paid taxes. Federal housing policies kept blacks segregated in poorly built or maintained property using tax dollars working blacks paid. Education, paid for by tax dollars blacks pay into the system, continues underfunding schools in black neighborhoods. Blacks pay taxes to fund law enforcement who kill blacks at three times our population, even as whites are more than double the arrests. Tax money working blacks pay into the system allocated for social services or community development are not equally invested in organizations, services, or policies that would increase positive outcomes in black communities. I have seen this personally.

So all you white "experts" need to shut the fuck up. Your asses are where you are on OUR dime, your white asses haven't subsidized jack diddly for blacks.
You should run around shutting people up. See how far you get. No one cares about you, your fellow black asses and no, black lives don't matter.
Where has it been established that Poc have fewer opportunities to succeed? If anything, the have more opportunities. There are all kinds of scholarship designated specifically for PoC. There are also AA quotas at many universities, government jobs and private corporations.

So advising them not to get pregnant before they get married is a racist plot?

Common sense eludes the pla tation blacks
No. It’s perfectly acceptable - to non-liberals who don’t see racism everywhere - to start a thread outlining why blacks are poor due to their own bad choices and NOT racism, which is what people like you keep lying about.

Asking why poor people are poor and avoiding any discussion of race, avoids the issue that racism - for blacks - is being wrongly blamed, while of course people like you call white people white trash.

I specifically said in the OP that blacks and whites are poor for the same reasons.

Lisa is a racist, and a racist who thinks her racism is a normal belief, so she is denying racism as a factor. Whites and blacks are not poor for the same reason. Not all whites are white trash. Only whites like Lisa.
You should run around shutting people up. See how far you get. No one cares about you, your fellow black asses and no, black lives don't matter.
I didn't ask for your opinion. I told you that blacks have paid taxes to help scrubs like you while we were excluded. That is what happened.
Undocumented workers! Criminal invaders. They should be shot on sight. I have no compassion at all. The invaders should be butchered for zoo food.
On another thread, when I mentioned how I’ve dropped most of my Democrat friends after years of being told that only racists and morons voted for Trump - with them KNOWING I voted for Trump - one of the leftists criticized me for separating myself from toxic friends like that. What do these people think? That we should voluntarily subject ourselves to their rage for years on end?

I had one person call me the day before the election call and ask if I’ve come to my senses yet and will vote for Biden, or do I still plan to vote for the racist. I mean, really… much verbal abuse from “friends” is one expected to take?

Another person came up to me after my father’s funeral - yes, you read that right - and asked how I could vote for a racist.

I could go on and on.

You should have engaged them. Ask them what Trump ever said that was racist. Then remind them of what Biden said, like I don't want my kids going into a racial jungle. The problem in the black community is the parents are just as illiterate as their children. They want to put ya'all back in chains. He "Obama" is articulate and clean. Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.

Then ask them why they voted for the most racist candidate in our lifetime for President.
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You excused it just like people in your KLAN excuse all their bad behaviors.


The formal and normal excuse for the Tiny minded "conservative."

Nobody is excusing anything. The way things are going in this country, people in 100 years from now might consider us barbarians because we keep pets in our home instead of allowing them to be in the wild. It's normal in our environment because a lot of people have pets in their home.

Do you have any pets in your home? Well then people in the future might consider you inhumane for doing so.
Totally agree with you.

Immigrants were needed when our country was new and expanding. And SKILLED immigrants are still needed.

But much of the immigration we see today seems to be comprised of people who are running away from the problems in their home countries. It's easier to run away than to fight for their own country. Then, once here for a while they join other whiners crying about how bad they have it.

Imo, all immigration should be shut down for at least 25 years.

Oh yeah, and in your last paragraph you probably meant to say we will have a massive "SURPLUS" of workers. Right??

Exactly. Our people have fought our own people and foreign wars throughout our history. Freedom isn't free, it needs to be maintained even after you gain it.

We worked night and day, seven days a week to make this the greatest country in the world in just a few hundred years. Then we get these invaders that sneak into the country, look around and say "I like what you people did here, I think I'll stay and take advantage of your money, sweat and blood!"

If you worked hard to have a beautiful and safe home, you don't leave your doors unlocked so homeless people can just stroll on in, make a meal in your kitchen, and sleep in your extra bedroom. We keep our doors closed and locked to keep people like that out.
I came up with a very good topic for debate…..65 pages and still going. (Where’s my cookie???)

Just think how much better society would be, not just for blacks but for everyone, if leftists stopped pushing the blame game and a false narrative:

We wouldn’t have had a Summer of Thugs wreaking havoc over the entire country over the big lie about police targeting and killing blacks. We wouldn’t have had the Defund the Police movement that demonized cops and kicked off the crime spike as police were told to stand down. We wouldn’t have black students in inner-city liberal cities, who are failing to reach proficiency in basic academics, become resentful and hostile to whites as the curriculum focuses on “social justice” - rather than develop a basic educational foundation.

Instead, if we focused on the real reason 25% of blacks remain in poverty, more emphasis would be made on the immorality and poor outcomes of teens having out-of-wedlock babies, the minimal step of graduating from high school, and the need for vocational training (at least). We would teach middle school poor black students to look to other impoverished minorities - including those with horrific prejudice against them - that moved out of poverty, and how do-able its is with the right determination and discipline.

What it boils down to is brainwashing which the MSM along with Democrats are responsible for. Keep the people separated and fighting that way we can choose sides.
No contractor takes a job to build a ghetto. They build beautiful homes and businesses and people eventually move there and turn them into ghettos.
Wrong. You might need to go read about U.S. housing policy.
What it boils down to is brainwashing which the MSM along with Democrats are responsible for. Keep the people separated and fighting that way we can choose sides.
No it boils down to white losers who failed in life thinking everybody is like them. Such as you, a man living on disability in the hood. What was the poor choice that you made that ended up with you becoming disabled? Did you decide to do a swan dive from the second floor? After all that's the only reason people are in poverty isn't it Ray? They do it to themselves. And why do you get to sit on your ass sucking off the government tit Ray? Is that why you vote republican? Because they promise to keep your checks rolling?
No one is doing the black community any service by telling them they are victims and it's not your fault that you live in this ghetto.

Public policy created by racists tells us we are victims because those policies create the victimization.
Exactly. Our people have fought our own people and foreign wars throughout our history. Freedom isn't free, it needs to be maintained even after you gain it.

We worked night and day, seven days a week to make this the greatest country in the world in just a few hundred years. Then we get these invaders that sneak into the country, look around and say "I like what you people did here, I think I'll stay and take advantage of your money, sweat and blood!"

If you worked hard to have a beautiful and safe home, you don't leave your doors unlocked so homeless people can just stroll on in, make a meal in your kitchen, and sleep in your extra bedroom. We keep our doors closed and locked to keep people like that out.
You motherfuckers tried wiping out the people who were here when your asses showed up. You are descendants of illegal immigrants. You didn't do shit, my ancestors worked hard. What ye sows, ye shall also reap. God does not grant white privilege and since your asses illegally immigrated here the descendants of the people who came north to inhabit this land before the white man got here are returning for what is rightfully theirs.
No one is doing the black community any service by telling them they are victims and it's not your fault that you live in this ghetto.

Public policy created by racists tells us we are victims because those policies create the victimization.
Actually it's an external locus of control.
No it boils down to white losers who failed in life thinking everybody is like them. Such as you, a man living on disability in the hood. What was the poor choice that you made that ended up with you becoming disabled? Did you decide to do a swan dive from the second floor? After all that's the only reason people are in poverty isn't it Ray? They do it to themselves. And why do you get to sit on your ass sucking off the government tit Ray? Is that why you vote republican? Because they promise to keep your checks rolling?

Now, IM, Ray is totally deserving those disability checks.

True, he knew for years his medical issues were going to at some point make it impossible for him to work as a truck driver, but it wasn't like he was keen to get other skills.
And don't you dare ask him to take a customer service job sitting behind a desk at a computer when that might cut into his sitting behind a desk at a computer whining about black people all day.
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