The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

There's a reason for this and it isn't racism.

He’s not answering, so I will answer.

People face obstacles all the time, and they figure out a way to work around them. For example, in the late 40s, antisemitism was rampant in this country and it was hard for a smart, hard-working, new engineering grad to get hired in NY - if Jewish. (Hard to believe, but true.)

My dad learned that the federal government was willing to hire smart, hard-working Jewish boys. At 21, and never having traveled anywhere, he left his parents and brother and got a job in DC. (Rented a room in someone’s house.) It was a good starting job in his field, and he ended up doing well. SO…..antisemitism didn’t keep him down, but he did have to adapt and move to a new city.

That’s what I believe you mean.
And some people have far far more obstacles than white people

That is called racism
He’s not answering, so I will answer.

People face obstacles all the time, and they figure out a way to work around them. For example, in the late 40s, antisemitism was rampant in this country and it was hard for a smart, hard-working, new engineering grad to get hired in NY - if Jewish. (Hard to believe, but true.)

My dad learned that the federal government was willing to hire smart, hard-working Jewish boys. At 21, and never having traveled anywhere, he left his parents and brother and got a job in DC. (Rented a room in someone’s house.) It was a good starting job in his field, and he ended up doing well. SO…..antisemitism didn’t keep him down, but he did have to adapt and move to a new city.

Here's how you avoid anti-Semitism. Don't tell anyone you are Jewish.

Here's how to avoid racism.... Oh, that's right. You can't.
You excused it just like people in your KLAN excuse all their bad behaviors.


The formal and normal excuse for the Tiny minded "conservative."
Yet slavery was common all over the world during the 18th century

if you dont know that then your education is incomplete
The correct answer is: racism isn’t keeping black people from succeeding any more than antisemitism is keeping Jews from succeeding.

My advice would be that if a black person discovers he’s reporting to a racist, the best thing to do is find a better job. I once overheard my manager speaking very negatively about Jews, and I found a better job within three weeks.

Um, okay. So exactly how did someone with a negative attitude towards Jews hire you in the first place... could it be he had no idea you were Jewish because you didn't have a name like Cohen or Goldstein?

So how was the black person supposed to get hired by a racist to be offended by his racism to start with.

See, you keep trying to draw parallels between racism and non-existent anti-Semitism in this country, and it just doesn't fly.
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So they were only appalled only because Jews were affected? Them Jews don’t care about anyone but themselves? This sounds like another case of a black man objecting to racism while showing contempt for Jews.

Speaking for myself, and my family, and those in my circle, we were all appalled because 1) this is the type of crime that plays into the stereotype of sneaky, greedy Jews and would advance antisemitism, and, most importantly, 2) lots of people were hurt and in fact lost life savings.

There were plenty of non-Jews impacted. The most famous was Kevin Bacon.

You're quite obsessed racially aren't you?

I did not imply that "Jews only care about themselves"

I simply pointed out that quite a few of them were affected by that despicable criminal.

Nothing more nothing less. Had it been someone Black, I would have been equally appalled as well.

I have no use for thieves of any kind, because I have had money stolen from me before as well.

You have a serious psychosis bordering on insanity.
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You're quite obsessed racially aren't you?

I did not imply that "Jews only care about themselves:

I simply pointed out that quite a few of them were affected by that despicable criminal. Nothing more nothing less. Had it been someone Black, I would have appalled as well. I have no use for thieves of any kind, because I have had money stolen from me before as well.

You have a serious attitude problem.
If I do, it’s after five years of hate coming from liberals.
And yet that would be two generations plus however many generations before of income production from property the blacks families couldn't have that we did.
If WE did all that, you must realize that you are also a part of the WE. That being the case I think it would be very big of you to share your wealth with some of the victims that YOU are personally responsible for. Let us know what sacrifices you are willing to offer for all the unfortunates YOU helped to create.
I despise the fuckers. Every leftist democrat deserves to be nothing more than road kill.
On another thread, when I mentioned how I’ve dropped most of my Democrat friends after years of being told that only racists and morons voted for Trump - with them KNOWING I voted for Trump - one of the leftists criticized me for separating myself from toxic friends like that. What do these people think? That we should voluntarily subject ourselves to their rage for years on end?

I had one person call me the day before the election call and ask if I’ve come to my senses yet and will vote for Biden, or do I still plan to vote for the racist. I mean, really… much verbal abuse from “friends” is one expected to take?

Another person came up to me after my father’s funeral - yes, you read that right - and asked how I could vote for a racist.

I could go on and on.
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On another thread, when I mentioned how I’ve dropped most of my Democrat friends after years of being told that only racists and morons voted for Trump - with them KNOWING I voted for Trump - one of the leftists criticized me for separating myself from toxic friends like that. What do these people think? That we should voluntarily subject ourselves to their rage for years on end?
I have dumped a few friends because they are democrat. Now I screen them more carefully.
I have dumped a few friends because they are democrat. Now I screen them more carefully.
I find it very easy to identify them. Virtually every interaction with them has them making a nasty dig against Trump voters, or saying we have to have compassion for the “undocumented workers,” or whatever. In fact, maybe they’re testing ME to see if I’m ”one of them,” but the more likely explanation is that they’re simply arrogant and assume I agree with them.
I see the usual white "experts" on blacks are here running their mouths.

On February 25th, 1913, the 16th Amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified. This amendment created the income tax. Today, every American must pay income tax unless their income is below a certain level. Since 1913 blacks have paid federal income taxes to help finance programs and policies that have excluded us. Most states began income taxes during Jim Crow Apartheid, and working blacks paid income taxes that helped states implement policies enforcing apartheid.

More than 50 billion dollars (based on 1930’s value) was spent on The New Deal and Servicemen's Readjustment Act. Both programs are credited with providing a significant boost to wealth accumulation in America. Both policies excluded vast numbers of blacks who worked and paid taxes. Federal housing policies kept blacks segregated in poorly built or maintained property using tax dollars working blacks paid. Education, paid for by tax dollars blacks pay into the system, continues underfunding schools in black neighborhoods. Blacks pay taxes to fund law enforcement who kill blacks at three times our population, even as whites are more than double the arrests. Tax money working blacks pay into the system allocated for social services or community development are not equally invested in organizations, services, or policies that would increase positive outcomes in black communities. I have seen this personally.

So all you white "experts" need to shut the fuck up. Your asses are where you are on OUR dime, your white asses haven't subsidized jack diddly for blacks.

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