The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Exactly. Our people have fought our own people and foreign wars throughout our history. Freedom isn't free, it needs to be maintained even after you gain it.

We worked night and day, seven days a week to make this the greatest country in the world in just a few hundred years. Then we get these invaders that sneak into the country, look around and say "I like what you people did here, I think I'll stay and take advantage of your money, sweat and blood!"

If you worked hard to have a beautiful and safe home, you don't leave your doors unlocked so homeless people can just stroll on in, make a meal in your kitchen, and sleep in your extra bedroom. We keep our doors closed and locked to keep people like that out.

Welfare Ray - the master of the tortured analogy!

If we were to take your analogy to it's logical conclusion, then the person we should punish is the member of your household who keeps inviting the homeless person in.

The undocumented don't come here to get "Free stuff", they come here because rich white people offer them jobs.

Whether it be picking lettuce, or raising their yuppie larva, or doing that home improvement project that wasn't as easy as Chip and Joanna made it look, we all benefit from undocumented labor.

You see, before you guys got all crazy about the border and your morbid fear a Mexican might date your daughter, migrant workers would come up for a season, make a lot of money and then go home and live very well. Then you idiots decided that making it more of a pain to get here was a great idea, so they would just come once and not deal with the hassle of travelling back and forth.

The easy solution would be to crack down on the people hiring them, while allowing for a guest worker program
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You motherfuckers tried wiping out the people who were here when your asses showed up. You are descendants of illegal immigrants. You didn't do shit, my ancestors worked hard. What ye sows, ye shall also reap. God does not grant white privilege and since your asses illegally immigrated here the descendants of the people who came north to inhabit this land before the white man got here are returning for what is rightfully theirs.

What do you mean illegally immigrated here? Show us the law written when we founded this great country that we weren't allowed to come here. In fact there was no such thing as illegal immigrants after we formed this country for many years, there was only immigrants. When things started to get out of control, we had to secure our country so people didn't come here and change it to the places they left like they are today.

Yes, we did create this great place called the United States. Blacks and slaves were a small minority back then even more so than now. You don't work simply to work, work has to be orchestrated and funded just like today. You have to have the education, money and experience to build infrastructure.

You claim you are black. Who is hurt the most by these illegals? That's right, black people, because black people often take manual labor jobs that are being stolen from them by the Democrat party. They come here and undercut your wages just like they do to whites. And if it's not bad enough blacks lag behind in education, these illegals are putting their children in your schools where the kids don't know a word of English. They are holding all our children up.

You better wake up and smell the roses. The Democrats have been throwing your people under the bus and still are today.
No it boils down to white losers who failed in life thinking everybody is like them. Such as you, a man living on disability in the hood. What was the poor choice that you made that ended up with you becoming disabled? Did you decide to do a swan dive from the second floor? After all that's the only reason people are in poverty isn't it Ray? They do it to themselves. And why do you get to sit on your ass sucking off the government tit Ray? Is that why you vote republican? Because they promise to keep your checks rolling?

My health is none of your business, but I will tell you it was a government doctor that told me I could no longer work when I took my annual government physical. In fact when I applied for disability two years ago, they didn't even call me in for an interview; none of their doctors wanted to see me. They just looked at my medical records which I gladly submitted to them and determined I was unable to work any longer. It wasn't a decision I made. Nobody decides they will be disabled. It's not something you can fake.

I'm not in poverty. Instead of having kids that would financially hold me back, I made real estate investments. I learned a career. I planned my life many, many years ago so I didn't have to live in poverty. That's how intelligent people stay out of poverty.
Wrong. You might need to go read about U.S. housing policy.

Really? US housing policy erected closed down boarded up stores with graffiti on the walls? They built areas with garbage already in the streets? They taught people how to be criminals?

You forget where I'm from, or don't know history. Cleveland was built as an immigrant city. Yes, the houses were not very big, not a lot of property, but we moved from Cleveland in 1967. It was a great place to live. Today it's a ghetto. You can look it up yourself. The area is called Slavic Village. When I was a child my grandparents (who lived downstairs from us) used to sleep every summer night with the door wide open and only the screen door with a fan in front of it to bring in cooler fresh air. They didn't believe in AC back then. Thriving businesses everywhere, churches packed on Sunday, and you could walk down the street in safety day or night.

They didn't build ghettos, they built affordable housing. It's like I've always said, it's the neighbors that make the neighborhood.
What do you mean illegally immigrated here? Show us the law written when we founded this great country that we weren't allowed to come here. In fact there was no such thing as illegal immigrants after we formed this country for many years, there was only immigrants. When things started to get out of control, we had to secure our country so people didn't come here and change it to the places they left like they are today.

Obviously, you are ignorant of immigration history. We've tried to restrict foreigners all through our history. 150 years ago it was the Irish, 100 years ago it was the Germans and Italians, and 50 years ago it was the Poles.

Yes, we did create this great place called the United States. Blacks and slaves were a small minority back then even more so than now. You don't work simply to work, work has to be orchestrated and funded just like today. You have to have the education, money and experience to build infrastructure.

So, um, why do you live in a slum on welfare? If you were part of the so-called Master Race that did all the wonderful things?

You claim you are black. Who is hurt the most by these illegals? That's right, black people, because black people often take manual labor jobs that are being stolen from them by the Democrat party. They come here and undercut your wages just like they do to whites. And if it's not bad enough blacks lag behind in education, these illegals are putting their children in your schools where the kids don't know a word of English. They are holding all our children up.

Or we could make the 1% pay their fair share and fund education adequately... to create the future workforce that we need in a technical world... but that's just crazy talk.

You better wake up and smell the roses. The Democrats have been throwing your people under the bus and still are today.

Yes, IM needs a racist white man to tell him what's what.

My health is none of your business, but I will tell you it was a government doctor that told me I could no longer work when I took my annual government physical. In fact when I applied for disability two years ago, they didn't even call me in for an interview; none of their doctors wanted to see me. They just looked at my medical records which I gladly submitted to them and determined I was unable to work any longer. It wasn't a decision I made. Nobody decides they will be disabled. It's not something you can fake.

Because the ONLY JOB you could possibly ever do is driving a truck. You fingers would burn if you had to do customer service.

I'm not in poverty. Instead of having kids that would financially hold me back, I made real estate investments. I learned a career. I planned my life many, many years ago so I didn't have to live in poverty. That's how intelligent people stay out of poverty.

And yet you still live in a slum. Require a government check to make ends meet.

You forget where I'm from, or don't know history. Cleveland was built as an immigrant city. Yes, the houses were not very big, not a lot of property, but we moved from Cleveland in 1967. It was a great place to live. Today it's a ghetto. You can look it up yourself. The area is called Slavic Village. When I was a child my grandparents (who lived downstairs from us) used to sleep every summer night with the door wide open and only the screen door with a fan in front of it to bring in cooler fresh air. They didn't believe in AC back then. Thriving businesses everywhere, churches packed on Sunday, and you could walk down the street in safety day or night.

You leave out the reason why Cleveland became a Zombie Movie set... because when the Auto Industry was a thing, and they were fine with polluting the region to the point where the Cuyahoga caught on fire and Lake Eerie was such a metaphor for water pollution that even Dr. Seuss was dissing you. So when industries decided they wanted to build new, efficient factories, they weren't building it in your toxic waste dump.
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Really? US housing policy erected closed down boarded up stores with graffiti on the walls? They built areas with garbage already in the streets? They taught people how to be criminals?

You forget where I'm from, or don't know history. Cleveland was built as an immigrant city. Yes, the houses were not very big, not a lot of property, but we moved from Cleveland in 1967. It was a great place to live. Today it's a ghetto. You can look it up yourself. The area is called Slavic Village. When I was a child my grandparents (who lived downstairs from us) used to sleep every summer night with the door wide open and only the screen door with a fan in front of it to bring in cooler fresh air. They didn't believe in AC back then. Thriving businesses everywhere, churches packed on Sunday, and you could walk down the street in safety day or night.

They didn't build ghettos, they built affordable housing. It's like I've always said, it's the neighbors that make the neighborhood.

I have family members from Cleveland Ray.

Ray, you really need to shut up. U.S. housing policy created slums. White landlords outside of these community who own most of those boarded up buildings are writing off depreciation on their taxes and getting money back from the government as those buildings sit boarded up.
Obviously, you are ignorant of immigration history. We've tried to restrict foreigners all through our history. 150 years ago it was the Irish, 100 years ago it was the Germans and Italians, and 50 years ago it was the Poles.

So, um, why do you live in a slum on welfare? If you were part of the so-called Master Race that did all the wonderful things?

Or we could make the 1% pay their fair share and fund education adequately... to create the future workforce that we need in a technical world... but that's just crazy talk.

Yes, IM needs a racist white man to tell him what's what.

Because the ONLY JOB you could possibly ever do is driving a truck. You fingers would burn if you had to do customer service.

And yet you still live in a slum. Require a government check to make ends meet.

You leave out the reason why Cleveland became a Zombie Movie set... because when the Auto Industry was a thing, and they were fine with polluting the region to the point where the Cuyahoga caught on fire and Lake Eerie was such a metaphor for water pollution that even Dr. Seuss was dissing you. So when industries decided they wanted to build new, efficient factories, they weren't building it in your toxic waste dump.
I have relatives there. Ray is full of excuses.
What do you mean illegally immigrated here? Show us the law written when we founded this great country that we weren't allowed to come here. In fact there was no such thing as illegal immigrants after we formed this country for many years, there was only immigrants. When things started to get out of control, we had to secure our country so people didn't come here and change it to the places they left like they are today.
I mean you descend from illegal immigrants. That's what happened. Don't come with that malarkey about finding laws. You descend from people who came over here without permission. There were 500 nations in this country when whites floated over here.

Yes, we did create this great place called the United States. Blacks and slaves were a small minority back then even more so than now. You don't work simply to work, work has to be orchestrated and funded just like today. You have to have the education, money and experience to build infrastructure.

Sorry, but the fact is that whites owned slaves because they were too lazy to work. You did not create shit. Go buy the book 1491 and you will learn that what you believe is in error. At the end of slavery, 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. So slavery built this country. He to burst your little white supremacist fairy tale. Not! Well actually, I love busting your lie in your white racist face.

You claim you are black. Who is hurt the most by these illegals? That's right, black people, because black people often take manual labor jobs that are being stolen from them by the Democrat party. They come here and undercut your wages just like they do to whites. And if it's not bad enough blacks lag behind in education, these illegals are putting their children in your schools where the kids don't know a word of English. They are holding all our children up.

Ain't too many blacks picking cabbage or processing chicken or beef Ray. So your little racist claim is wrong as usual.

You better wake up and smell the roses. The Democrats have been throwing your people under the bus and still are today.

The republican party is full of racists like you. So I will keep voting democrat.

My health is none of your business, but I will tell you it was a government doctor that told me I could no longer work when I took my annual government physical. In fact when I applied for disability two years ago, they didn't even call me in for an interview; none of their doctors wanted to see me. They just looked at my medical records which I gladly submitted to them and determined I was unable to work any longer. It wasn't a decision I made. Nobody decides they will be disabled. It's not something you can fake.
When you talk the shit you do, it is. And I don't give a damn if a government doctor gave the assessment. You run your mouth about poverty being self inflicted. You live in poverty, so apparently your disability was self inflicted.

I'm not in poverty. Instead of having kids that would financially hold me back, I made real estate investments. I learned a career. I planned my life many, many years ago so I didn't have to live in poverty. That's how intelligent people stay out of poverty.
Ray, your racism allows you to ignore facts. Blacks do everything you have done. Intelligent people don't lie to themselves about the impact of racism.
I'm going to be honest here.

I'm for stopping all immigration.

Because the immigants who come here (Black or white or Asian) most of them are hostile and show the same level contempt that whites show towards black americans. A lot of them have the same white supremacist mindset as many whites.

This is a 50 year plan and whites are gonna make many places in the USA full of hostile anti black immigrants who will integrate in the USA because what it means to integrate into the US is that you are willing to hate on black people

This is to be the final solution. That white supremacists are going to drown out the black population with hostile non black people and even hostile African immigrants who are willing to hate on black people
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I'm going to be honest here.

I'm for stopping all immigration.

Because the immigants who come here (Black or white or Asian) most of them are hostile and show the same level contempt that whites show towards black americans. A lot of them have the same white supremacist mindset as many whites.

This is a 50 year plan and whites are gonna make many places in the USA full of hostile anti black immigrants who will integrate in the USA because what it means to integrate into the US is that you are willing to hate on black people

This is to be the final solution. That white supremacists are going to drown out the black population with hostile non black people and even hostile African immigrants who are willing to hate on black people
There are some Africans who are like that. That's true and these racists use them to the max.
I'm going to be honest here.

I'm for stopping all immigration.

Because the immigants who come here (Black or white or Asian) most of them are hostile and show the same level contempt that whites show towards black americans. A lot of them have the same white supremacist mindset as many whites.

This is a 50 year plan and whites are gonna make many places in the USA full of hostile anti black immigrants who will integrate in the USA because what it means to integrate into the US is that you are willing to hate on black people

This is to be the final solution. That white supremacists are going to drown out the black population with hostile non black people and even hostile African immigrants who are willing to hate on black people

Now, as repulsive as I find the racism of Lisa and Ray, this kind of shit isn't any better than what they are doing.

I will agree, blacks should have some resentment when any immigrant jumps the line in front of them... but sometimes you have to make the effort to move the line forward.

If there are whites who have an opinion that blacks are lazy, then your best defense is to be the best worker that you can, not complain that some Asian actually jumped ahead of you by working a bit harder.
Obviously, you are ignorant of immigration history. We've tried to restrict foreigners all through our history. 150 years ago it was the Irish, 100 years ago it was the Germans and Italians, and 50 years ago it was the Poles.

So, um, why do you live in a slum on welfare? If you were part of the so-called Master Race that did all the wonderful things?

Or we could make the 1% pay their fair share and fund education adequately... to create the future workforce that we need in a technical world... but that's just crazy talk.

Yes, IM needs a racist white man to tell him what's what.

Because the ONLY JOB you could possibly ever do is driving a truck. You fingers would burn if you had to do customer service.

And yet you still live in a slum. Require a government check to make ends meet.

You leave out the reason why Cleveland became a Zombie Movie set... because when the Auto Industry was a thing, and they were fine with polluting the region to the point where the Cuyahoga caught on fire and Lake Eerie was such a metaphor for water pollution that even Dr. Seuss was dissing you. So when industries decided they wanted to build new, efficient factories, they weren't building it in your toxic waste dump.
You don't know your history. All those people were welcomed into the country. The only restrictions they faces were to be in good health, not have criminal records and be able to support themselves and not be a burden on society. Before Ellis Island was set up, even those restrictions weren't enforced. If they could pay for a boat ticket they were welcome. Once they got here they faced discrimination; often from the group that had immediately preceded them in immigration. When the US needed people to fill the country and all those industrial age jobs everyone was welcome and everyone was exploited by the rich. No we don't need illiterate peasants, there are few jobs for people without at least a basic education. So our immigration policy has changed.
You don't know your history. All those people were welcomed into the country. The only restrictions they faces were to be in good health, not have criminal records and be able to support themselves and not be a burden on society. Before Ellis Island was set up, even those restrictions weren't enforced. If they could pay for a boat ticket they were welcome. Once they got here they faced discrimination; often from the group that had immediately preceded them in immigration. When the US needed people to fill the country and all those industrial age jobs everyone was welcome and everyone was exploited by the rich. No we don't need illiterate peasants, there are few jobs for people without at least a basic education. So our immigration policy has changed.

Actually, what changed was "White people stopped showing up because Europe is nicer than America these days."

The fact is, there are plenty of shit jobs Americans don't want to do. There always will be. The promise of immigration is you take the shit job so your kid can have the better job.

The thing is, the One Percent have spent the last 50 years doing backsies on the gains made by white working people, but you nitwits blame the immigrants.
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Now, as repulsive as I find the racism of Lisa and Ray, this kind of shit isn't any better than what they are doing.

I will agree, blacks should have some resentment when any immigrant jumps the line in front of them... but sometimes you have to make the effort to move the line forward.

If there are whites who have an opinion that blacks are lazy, then your best defense is to be the best worker that you can, not complain that some Asian actually jumped ahead of you by working a bit harder.
Except that the Asian may not be ahead because they work harder. Blacks have been the best they can be and still get passed over. Asians don't work harder than us, racists reward them because they are assumed to be quiet and take the racism they face while blacks get punished for fighting the racism we face.
You don't know your history. All those people were welcomed into the country. The only restrictions they faces were to be in good health, not have criminal records and be able to support themselves and not be a burden on society. Before Ellis Island was set up, even those restrictions weren't enforced. If they could pay for a boat ticket they were welcome. Once they got here they faced discrimination; often from the group that had immediately preceded them in immigration. When the US needed people to fill the country and all those industrial age jobs everyone was welcome and everyone was exploited by the rich. No we don't need illiterate peasants, there are few jobs for people without at least a basic education. So our immigration policy has changed.

White ethnic groups discriminated against each other for a short time then recognized they all were white and played the race card against people of color.
You don't know your history. All those people were welcomed into the country. The only restrictions they faces were to be in good health, not have criminal records and be able to support themselves and not be a burden on society. Before Ellis Island was set up, even those restrictions weren't enforced. If they could pay for a boat ticket they were welcome. Once they got here they faced discrimination; often from the group that had immediately preceded them in immigration. When the US needed people to fill the country and all those industrial age jobs everyone was welcome and everyone was exploited by the rich. No we don't need illiterate peasants, there are few jobs for people without at least a basic education. So our immigration policy has changed.
Yes, exactly. My relatives arrived legally, at Ellis Island, and went through the legitimate process - meeting all requirements. Also had to have a medical screening, and a sponsor who would see that you didn’t become a burden on existing Americans. Then they went to work in dark, dank sweatshops 12 hours a day to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. (A generation later, all were college graduates.) Enough with t black racists claiming whiteys snuck in and lazed about.

People who claim that we are all descended from illegal immigrants are wrong - and obviously a leftist trying to play down what the illegals are doing at the southern border,
No it boils down to white losers who failed in life thinking everybody is like them. Such as you, a man living on disability in the hood. What was the poor choice that you made that ended up with you becoming disabled? Did you decide to do a swan dive from the second floor? After all that's the only reason people are in poverty isn't it Ray? They do it to themselves. And why do you get to sit on your ass sucking off the government tit Ray? Is that why you vote republican? Because they promise to keep your checks rolling?
What a gigantic asshole
No one is doing the black community any service by telling them they are victims and it's not your fault that you live in this ghetto.

Public policy created by racists tells us we are victims because those policies create the victimization.
True, white liberals lied to you about the reason for your poverty. We always like people who tell us that our problems are not our fault, that they guy who is having a better time in life is the one who is at fault.

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