The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Maybe, but that doesn't mean he has no control over his life or that it will necessarily turn out worse for him.

Now back to my question, in the circumstance the black man wasn't promoted because of his race, did the black man have no other options?
If a white person loses a job to affirmative action does he have no other options?
If a white person loses a job to affirmative action does he have no other options?
It's exactly the same. If anyone doesn't get a promotion they deserve, they have options. So in all cases whatever the bias was didn't control what they did afterwards and can't be used as an excuse for their failures.

Ergo racism is not the reason black people do not succeed.
It's exactly the same. If anyone doesn't get a promotion they deserve, the have options. So in all cases whatever the bias was didn't control what they did afterwards and can't be used as an excuse for their failures.

Ergo racism is not the reason black people do not succeed.
If he goes to EVERY company that has his job and they all discriminate would that hurt his chances of success?

Ergo.......I freaking love this
Our own government's statistics show that some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer. But for the rich that get richer and the poor that get poorer there is a very simple explanation.... they keep doing the same things.
Saying racism kept black people down when they were denied entry to every college in this country is just a crutch
Ok, so if it is partly the reason some black people can't succeed does that mean those black people have no control in succeeding?
He’s not answering, so I will answer.

People face obstacles all the time, and they figure out a way to work around them. For example, in the late 40s, antisemitism was rampant in this country and it was hard for a smart, hard-working, new engineering grad to get hired in NY - if Jewish. (Hard to believe, but true.)

My dad learned that the federal government was willing to hire smart, hard-working Jewish boys. At 21, and never having traveled anywhere, he left his parents and brother and got a job in DC. (Rented a room in someone’s house.) It was a good starting job in his field, and he ended up doing well. SO…..antisemitism didn’t keep him down, but he did have to adapt and move to a new city.

That’s what I believe you mean.

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