The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

We have an influx in immigrants because of our welfare system that gives them money for nothing----at the cost of taxpayers.

We don't have enough jobs-----the immigrants especially illegals suppress wages as it is and it is expected that most low level jobs that immigrants take will be replaced with machines----followed by higher level jobs being replaced by machines creating a massive shortage of workers. The US is filled up--we have to many people now as it is---more pollution, more disease, more crowding, more crime, less green space and less clean water are the result of this.
Totally agree with you.

Immigrants were needed when our country was new and expanding. And SKILLED immigrants are still needed.

But much of the immigration we see today seems to be comprised of people who are running away from the problems in their home countries. It's easier to run away than to fight for their own country. Then, once here for a while they join other whiners crying about how bad they have it.

Imo, all immigration should be shut down for at least 25 years.

Oh yeah, and in your last paragraph you probably meant to say we will have a massive "SURPLUS" of workers. Right??
Why don't you direct your complaints of ‘Jewish oppression’ to you fellow white brethren ? It was the REAL DEAL white supremacists who killed Jewish people. Yet your up supporting the very system that killed your people.

Your grandparents came with billon dollars worth of whiteness.

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed Jewish people.

Allow me to introduce you to this white Jewish man. His name is Bernie Madoff


He got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars.

65 billion dollars is more money even if you added up the money robbed by every single black robber for the past 200 years in the USA

De Niro made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies" a few years bk

When white people do crime it's glorified. They're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.

Madoff is just one in a long history of swindlers.

Vegasgiants : Little Johnny... I want you to know that you can never be anything or do anything in this world because racism exists. So you run on down to the store and fetch me another 40.

ding: Yeah... that's a winning hand alright. :rolleyes:
Never be anything? Man you just lie all day on here
Uh, yeah

the entire world was doing all those bad things in the 18th Century and in some places still is
You excused it just like people in your KLAN excuse all their bad behaviors.


The formal and normal excuse for the Tiny minded "conservative."
Excellent point!

The difference is that when Bernie Madoff did that horrible thing, Jews were appalled. They didn’t make excuses or say “antisemitism made him do it.”
Of course they were "appalled", because many of his victims were elderly Jewish people and Jewish organizations.

I personally knew a Jewish couple that were swindled by him, and they lost their home and life savings.

Me neither. But you sure love affirmative action.
There's no discrimination if the candidates have equal merit. So yes, I do love some affirmative action in those instances.

But under no circumstance do I believe that racism is the reason black people as whole have not succeeded. The root cause of that problem goes back 90 years and is ironically something that was intended to help black people... welfare. It decimated the black nuclear family and that is the root cause of your people's problems.
There's no discrimination if the candidates have equal merit. So yes, I do love some affirmative action in those instances.

But under no circumstance do I believe that racism is the reason black people as whole have not succeeded. The root cause of that problem goes back 90 years and is ironically something that was intended to help black people... welfare. It decimated the black nuclear family and that is the root cause of your people's problems.
Good to hear your support of affirmative action
Of course they were "appalled", because many of his victims were elderly Jewish people and Jewish organizations.

I personally knew a Jewish couple that were swindled by him, and they lost their home and life savings.

So they were only appalled only because Jews were affected? Them Jews don’t care about anyone but themselves? This sounds like another case of a black man objecting to racism while showing contempt for Jews.

Speaking for myself, and my family, and those in my circle, we were all appalled because 1) this is the type of crime that plays into the stereotype of sneaky, greedy Jews and would advance antisemitism, and, most importantly, 2) lots of people were hurt and in fact lost life savings.

There were plenty of non-Jews impacted. The most famous was Kevin Bacon.

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